The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 48 I endure, wait until you become an adult to see how I deal with you.

Chapter 48 I endure, wait until you become an adult to see how I deal with you.

Lin Miaomiao simply stopped talking now, the more she said, the more she was wrong, the less she said, the less she was wrong, and it was good not to say anything.Um!I'm such a genius.

But she thought too well, how could Ye Xingchen let her go.

"Miaomiao, to be fair, did I bully you?" Ye Xingchen turned to ask Lin Miaomiao who was eating buns.

"Ah?, you didn't bully me." Lin Miaomiao thought she could avoid this topic for a while, but she didn't expect to be called again.

"Look, let me tell you, I didn't bully her, and besides, I don't want to bully her." Ye Xingchen was obviously satisfied with Lin Miaomiao's answer.

Lin Miaomiao thought to herself: It's only strange if I believe you.But don't dare to say this, otherwise the ghost knows what Ye Xingchen will do.

Deng Xiaoqi got angry seeing the two of them, especially Lin Miaomiao, I spoke for you, but you actually spoke for Ye Xingchen, you are so stupid, you don't have the vigor of a tiger before, but now you are as good as a dog Like a cat, hum, ignore you.

"The two of you are too much, it's fine to throw dog food, and you bully me together, and you, Lin Miaomiao, are we still good girlfriends?"

"Oh Xiaoqi, of course we are good girlfriends, the best kind, you see my heart is yours." Lin Miaomiao hurriedly hugged Deng Xiaoqi and snuggled into her arms, rubbing back and forth.

"Miaomiao, you just finished eating the steamed stuffed bun, and your mouth is covered with oil, which even got on my clothes." Xiaoqi pushed her away in disgust.

"Hey, I'm sorry."

Seeing Lin Miaomiao and Xiao Qi like this, Ye Xingchen was a little envious, and he really wanted to replace Xiao Qi with himself.Alas~ There is a long way to go.

"Okay, Miao Miao, eat quickly, or it will be cold for a while, and Brother Chen's thought will be wasted." After finishing speaking, he did not forget to glance at Ye Xingchen.

"Hurry up and eat. I'll tidy up after eating and take it home at noon. Also, I'll give you the meal card. There's still some money in it. I won't need it for my commuting anyway. You and Xiaoqi spend it." Ye Xingchen said.

Deng Xiaoqi laughed directly from the side: "Miaomiao is about to be taken away, you will be raised in the future, and I can still enjoy the glory."

Lin Miaomiao became angry and started fighting with Xiaoqi: "Xiaoqi, you actually laughed at me, let's see how I deal with you."

"Oh, I was wrong, let me go, Miaomiao...Brother Chen, don't take care of your family Miaomiao." Deng Xiaoqi hurriedly begged for mercy.

Ye Xingchen looked at them and found it interesting, so he ignored them: "I can't control it, Miaomiao will control me in the future, I dare not speak."

"Oh, I'm so envious. I also want my family to treat me like this." Deng Xiaoqi is in YY again.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help making a suggestion at this time: "Actually, I think Haozi is pretty good, and he treats you very well. Why do you insist on choosing that annoying guy?"

Ye Xingchen also echoed: "That's right, Haozi is so good, and he took the initiative. Although Qian Sanyi is good, you should be able to feel it. It's not easy anyway."

Deng Xiaoqi also knew what they said was true, she was actually quite confused now, did she really like Qian Sanyi, or just liked his excellence.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to, go to class quickly. Eat quickly, or you won't have anything to eat in a while." Deng Xiaoqi reminded.

After hearing this, the two of them ate separately, because today is Friday, so they can go home in the afternoon.

Lin Miaomiao returned the phone to Ye Xingchen and told him that his cousin sent a message last night.Ye Xingchen quickly took the phone to see what the two of them were talking about, and deleted his study materials.Done, now I'm a gentleman.

But what he didn't know was that Lin Miaomiao had already discovered it and even watched it.When this topic is mentioned in the future, it is inevitable that there will be a large-scale social death scene.

Everyone finally made it to the afternoon when school was over. Lin Miaomiao packed her schoolbags and ran outside, like a bird released from a cage, eager to get in touch with the outside world.Ye Xingchen followed closely behind and watched this guy, what if he fell down.

Lin Miaomiao looked back to see if they were all following, and found that Ye Xingchen was the only one, so she couldn't help asking: "Why is Ye Xingchen alone, did Xiaoqi not follow?"

Ye Xingchen said angrily: "You run so fast, no one can keep up with you. Fortunately, I ran faster, otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep up."

"Ahahaha, I'm too anxious to go home, um... let's wait here for Xiaoqi." Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen were still a little nervous when they were alone, but compared to yesterday Come much better.

"Well, wait for her."

After school, the students were so crowded that they were busy going home to relax. The two of them stood stupidly in the crowd, completely opposite to the behavior of the people around them. Over time, they formed a beautiful landscape.

After waiting for a few minutes, Lin Miaomiao suddenly asked, "Well... Ye Xingchen, what are you going to do at home this week?"

Ye Xingchen took a look at Lin Miaomiao and replied, "Don't worry, I won't pretend to be someone else's boyfriend this week, and I will report to you in advance if this happens again in the future."

"I, I, I don't need your report, and it has nothing to do with me." Although Lin Miaomiao was shy when she heard this, she was still very happy.

"Really, classmate Lin Miaomiao, but if I don't report it, what will happen next time that person secretly cries by himself?" Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao with a smile on his face.

Lin Miaomiao became angry from embarrassment and raised her foot to step on Ye Xingchen
, but how could Ye Xingchen do what she wished, he dodged by turning sideways.Lin Miaomiao refused to give up and continued to step on it, and Ye Xingchen continued to hide until Lin Miaomiao found out that she couldn't step on it anyway, she looked at Ye Xingchen angrily and said, "You are not allowed to hide."

"Why, I wouldn't be so stupid as to stand and wait for you to step on me."

"If you hide again, I'll cry for you." Lin Miaomiao's eyes glistened with tears, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

Ye Xingchen saw that this was going to be a big game, he couldn't bear to make Lin Miaomiao cry, so he said quickly: "It's okay if I don't hide this time, you step on it."

Lin Miaomiao stepped on her foot hard, then walked away contentedly.

Ye Xingchen didn't expect that Lin Miaomiao's kick would be so ruthless, and this kick made her heart feel so cold.

"Ah, it hurts so much, Lin Miaomiao, why are you using so much force?" Ye Xingchen said angrily.

"Hmph, let you laugh at me, this time you know how good I am. Let's see if you dare next time." Seeing Ye Xingchen's distress, Lin Miaomiao happily jumped up and down beside him .

At this time, Lin Miaomiao didn't have the pitiful look just now, only a smug smile was left on her face. Ye Xingchen thought that Lin Miaomiao could not be Mai Mai's incarnation, and her acting skills were definitely good.

He could only swallow this breath first, thinking to himself: Wait for me, wait until you grow up to see how I deal with you, and don't care about you for now.

At this time, Deng Xiaoqi also walked over slowly: "Miaomiao, brother Chen, you are running so fast, I can't even catch up. Hey? Brother Chen, what's wrong with you, did you fall down because you ran too fast?"

Before Ye Xingchen could answer, Lin Miaomiao answered directly: "Yes, that's right, he fell down, alas, he ran too fast just now and tripped."

Ye Xingchen was speechless, wondering what you were talking about.

Deng Xiaoqi said with concern: "Brother Chen, you are too careless, what if you break it?"

"Hahaha, it's just fine. Don't worry about me, I have rough skin and thick flesh." Ye Xingchen followed Lin Miaomiao's words.

Lin Miaomiao quickly echoed, "I prove that this group of thick-skinned people, I believe the rest of the body must be the same."

Ye Xingchen endured it, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, Lin Miaomiao waited for me.

"Okay, don't be poor and let's go home, Miaomiao, are you still going to pick you up?" Deng Xiaoqi hurriedly interrupted, otherwise they would be bored again and again.

"Well, it should be, my mother is not free, and my father usually picks me up at this time." Lin Miaomiao replied.

Deng Xiaoqi turned her head and asked Ye Xingchen again: "Brother Chen, should you ride the bike by yourself?"

"Yes, my house is not far away. Well, let's leave the school quickly, there are not many people left." Ye Xingchen urged.

The three of them separated after leaving the school. Ye Xingchen was going to say hello to his uncle, but Lin Miaomiao drove her away on the grounds that she was delaying her time to go home. (After taking notes, we will settle accounts together)

About 10 minutes later, Ye Xingchen returned home.The first thing to do was to call my cousin and ask her what she wanted from me, and the call was connected soon.

Yun Qianyue: "Hello, is it Chenchen?"

Ye Xingchen: "It's me."

Yun Qianyue said in surprise: "Hey, why don't you put your phone with your little girlfriend this time."

Ye Xingchen was a little speechless: "Sister, can you talk about business instead of chatting?"

Yun Qianyue's tone was a little angry: "Okay, brat, if you have a girlfriend, you don't tell your sister that your wings are hard, right? Believe it or not, I'll tell my aunt that you fell in love early."

Ye Xingchen hurriedly begged for mercy: "Sister, I was wrong, you must not tell my mother, or she will start asking endless questions again."

Yun Qianyue said proudly: "Don't be afraid, don't hurry up and tell me where your little girlfriend is, send a photo to see."

Ye Xingchen had no choice but to tell the truth: "Sister, we are not boyfriend and girlfriend yet. I said that I don't fall in love in high school. I want to talk about it after the college entrance examination. Besides, there are no photos now. When I go out to play next time, I will Give it to you."

Yun Qianyue heard that it should not be a lie, so she had to give up: "Okay, right, I forgot to tell you, didn't you tell you the news about Ge Ze's day, this time we have new research results."

Ye Xingchen became interested when he heard this: "Really? Did you find anything new?"

Yun Qianyue continued: "Every time Geze Yaori appears, it may be accompanied by space distortion, which is the space crack that we all know, but this guess cannot be confirmed yet, and everyone is still studying it."

After Ye Xingchen heard it, he fully understood that his time travel was related to Geze Day, so if Geze Day came again, would he return to the original time and space, but what about Miao Miao?

When Yun Qianyue heard that there was no sound over there, she hurriedly asked, "Hey, are you still there, little Xingchen?"

Ye Xingchen regained his composure and hurriedly said: "Yes, I have something to do with that sister, I'm going to hang up now, bye."

Yun Qianyue was dazed, and she suddenly realized that she seemed to be a tool person: "Dead child, smelly Xingchen, don't let me catch you, you dare to hang up on me, you are tired of work."

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(End of this chapter)

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