"Please, it's not a secret that you can find your birthday with just one search." Ye Xingchen said, looking at Zhao Jinmai as if looking at ZZ.

"Um, that's right." Mai Mai nodded in a daze, and just as he was about to pick up his phone to take a picture, he suddenly thought of something, "In that case, will I have three birthdays in the future?"

Ye Xingchen, who was driving, was taken aback for a while, stopped the car and leaned the car aside, then turned to look at Zhao Jinmai and asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

Mai Mai tilted his head and said as a matter of course: "Because these are all my birthdays. You see, September 9 is Zhao Jinmai's birthday, October 29 is Lin Xiangzhi's birthday, and November 10 is Lin Miaomiao's birthday. Exactly one a month, yeah, I can have three birthdays in a row."

There are three birthdays in a year, and there is no reason to give three more birthday gifts, which cannot be repeated.

No, Ye Xingchen must tell Zhao Jinmai about his birthday now, otherwise his life will be difficult for the next three months.

"Mai Mai, your understanding is wrong. How can one person celebrate three people's birthdays? It's unscientific."

"It's very scientific. I used to be Lin Miaomiao and Lin Xiangzhi, but since they are both me, their birthdays are also mine. There's nothing wrong with that."

Ye Xingchen didn't know how to refute this statement, because there was nothing wrong with what he said. If he couldn't directly say Miaomiao and Lin Xiangzhi's birthdays now, I guess Miaohua's Mai Mai might not play with him.

What to do, what to do, Ye Xingchen feels that he is one head and two big.

Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen's face with a hint of reluctance, and immediately pouted her small mouth: "It seems that you don't want to celebrate my birthday."

"No, no, I was just thinking, how can this birthday be perfect." Ye Xingchen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said.

Hearing this answer, Zhao Jinmai smiled again: "It's more or less the same."

Ye Xingchen restarted the car, but now he looks a little absent-minded. After all, this matter still needs to be resolved properly, otherwise God knows how many birthdays will be celebrated in the future. According to this logic, as long as he has traveled through 12 worlds, then Isn't it that birthdays are celebrated in December every year, and this is still the kind that doesn't overlap in a month.

Think about it now.

Soon Ye Xingchen's car arrived at the camp.

At this time, I happened to see a motorboat project on the water. Ye Xingchen's dullness just disappeared in an instant, and now he just wants to play this game to relax.

"Sister Mi, we want to play that." Ye Xingchen said bluntly after seeing Yang Mi get off the car.

Yang Mi covered the sun and looked over there: "Motorboat, how much does this cost?"

"I don't know, there should be no money." Ye Xingchen walked to the lake and asked the staff, "This is free, right?"

Staff: "Yes, it's a free experience."

"That's good, sister, this is free." Ye Xingchen shouted towards Yang Mi.

"It's free, who wants to play, raise your hand to sign up, and I won't play, I'm too tired." Yang Mi called everyone over and said.

Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin naturally raised their hands.

"I play."

"I want to play too."

Ye Xingchen asked Mai Mai: "Are you playing?"

"I want to play, but I can't."

It can be seen that Zhao Jinmai's eyes are full of longing and anticipation at this time, but he is still a little scared in his heart.

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly: "It's okay, there is a life jacket, and this thing is very simple, just like that car, and it seems to be simpler than that car."

"Really? Then I want to play too."

With the addition of Mai Mai, there are already four people who want to play, and Yang Mi can't help but lament that the young people are full of energy: "That's okay, then Ye Xingchen, tell them, just say that the four of you want to play, and by the way, the sisters have to play." Is it?"

"Stop playing, I'm too tired, take a rest." Liu Mintao waved his hand and said.

Zhang Kaili also shook her head and said that it would be good to let the children play.

"Then it's up to the four of you. You can communicate on your own. I don't care. I want to take a good rest."

Yang Mi just wants to lie flat now, the kind who doesn't move as long as he can.

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen took Mai Mai, Han Dongjun and the others to experience jet skiing.

Several people put on life jackets first, and then the staff prepared to teach them how to play with this thing.

Han Dongjun directly refused: "No need, no need, I can play professionally."

Ye Xingchen touched his head, and then said to the staff beside him, "I've played it too, so I'm considered a player."

Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, the staff stopped teaching him.

On the contrary, Maimai and Ding Chengxin still don't understand things, so they have to be taught by hand.

To be honest, if he was afraid of making too much publicity, Ye Xingchen wanted to teach Mai Mai later, after all, physical contact is indispensable, hehe.

Ye Xingchen manipulated the jet ski skillfully, speeding up and running wildly on the water.

Han Dongjun couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw it, and then, driven by the desire to win, he prepared to compete with Ye Xingchen.

After catching up with Ye Xingchen, Han Dongjun said beside him, "Let's compare again?"

Ye Xingchen slowed down slowly, then turned his head and asked, "Better than what?"

"Speed ​​and technology are fine." Han Dongjun said excitedly.

Ye Xingchen thought for a while and said: "Speed, it's too dangerous, and this place is not too difficult to use, so let's use skills, tilt your head, drift, whatever."

"Okay, then keep your head up, I've always wanted to challenge." Han Dongjun eagerly said.

Ye Xingchen immediately drove his motorcycle to give Han Dongjun enough space to play.

And he himself ran to Mai Mai, ready to tease her.

"Why do you have such a serious expression?" Ye Xingchen asked curiously after catching up with Mai Mai.

Seeing Ye Xingchen walking with him, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help feeling a little scared: "Ye Xingchen, don't make trouble, I'm not very good at driving yet, so don't get so close to me."

Ye Xingchen obediently accelerated and ran to the front of Mai Mai, and then looked back at Mai Mai's current appearance.


These four words came to Ye Xingchen's mind. The simple and neat ponytail and the big sunglasses on his face gave Ye Xingchen the feeling of a mysterious agent.

Hmm... a very special feeling.

"Mai Mai, you are... very beautiful now." Ye Xingchen still couldn't hold back his praise.

"Cut, I've always been pretty." Zhao Jinmai rolled her eyes at Ye Xingchen who had stopped, and then she accelerated and dropped Ye Xingchen far away.

Ye Xingchen looked at Mai Mai who ran away, and thought in his heart: I'm teasing her for a while.

When he turned his head to watch Han Dongjun's performance, he happened to see Han Dongjun fall into the water.

"I'll go, now I'm drowning."


Han Dongjun climbed on the motorcycle again in the water and continued to challenge the "stunt" of tilting his head.

Unfortunately, it fell into the water again.

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