Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 102 [101] All-Star Feast: China and South Korea compete for the final spot, Abramovich is th

Chapter 102 [101] All-Star Feast: China and South Korea compete for the final spot, Abramovich is thrown into limbo by everyone (6.8k)

The winter window transfer period has started on November 11.

The factory director changed the ID of Clearlove7 to Clearlove8 in the live broadcast.

He said that he will continue to compete in S8.

But the audience is generally not optimistic.

[The will to lose 7 is to return to the state of invincibility in civil wars and mediocrity in foreign wars? 】

[Question: Is there any hero who can make an "8" combo? 】

[The hunger strike jungler has been cut, let's be an anchor with peace of mind! 】

In several games of the World Championship Finals.

For Qi Zhou's rapid development, the factory director, elementary school brother, sister-in-law, and Xiao Zhao have more or less given up part of their money and experience.

Among them, the factory director who created the "scavenger-eating dream jungler" is undoubtedly the most thorough one.

This is all because Riot has designed a "team experience catch-up mechanism". When the hero's level falls behind the team's average level, you can get extra experience by getting kills and assists.

Fist's original intention was to let the support level catch up faster, but it didn't expect that this mechanism would be used to "raise father" to quickly make up for the lost energy.

Clearly not what they expected!

Therefore, the "team experience catch-up mechanism" was directly removed, but Riot was not satisfied.

He also changed the experience catch-up mechanism in the wild area. When the level falls behind, each wild monster provides 30 experience points, and each large wild monster and epic wild monster provides 50 experience points.

The vicious scheming to drive a wedge between the factory director and Da Niao is obvious!
Apart from the factory director, the public is more concerned about Qi Zhou's fate.

EDG official Weibo has announced on November 11:
"League of Legends S7 champion top laner @EDG sea, the contract with EDG Club expired and became a free agent."

"Since you joined the EDG family, you have been synonymous with kindness, humility, sunshine and self-confidence. Thank you for helping EDG win the championship trophy in the S7 global finals."

"In the canyon full of dangers, you are the desert god of death who has watched the soldiers for thousands of years, liquidating and judging the era; Hands, conform to the name of the team forever!"

"Finals, your travelogue has just begun... You will be invincible wherever the ruthless blade goes. Under the iron hooves of fear, all lives will be destroyed. You have the sharpest blade of the sword, and you also have a calm heart that is unmatched!"

"I hope you can still bring us a visual feast like fireworks in the S8 arena!"

It's now December 12th.

There are only 2 weeks left before the end of the winter window transfer period.

But which club Qi Zhou will sign with, the outside world is only guessing, and there is no real news.

This is not unrelated to the LPL transfer period as long as one month.

Now, the players with a little bit of strength have contracts starting at one million.

The club needs to wait and see, and also arrange a reasonable bidding strategy.

This is also the reason why many players' signing news is always reported in the last few days of the transfer period.

And now, Qi Zhou and four other contestants are on a plane heading to Los Angeles on the other side of the ocean.

The S7 All-Star Game will be held at the Los Angeles NA LCS Stadium in America from December 12th to 7th.

The lineup of players in the LPL division has already been announced, and the results of the group draw for the division have also been announced.

The LPL division is in the same group as Brazil, North America, and Southeast Asia.

The other group is LCK, LMS, Turkey, and Europe.

Netizens are surprisingly unanimous this time.

They all believe that the LPL division has already booked tickets for the finals.

The All-Star Game with entertainment interest has recently become a topic that LPL likes to talk about.

[No surprises, the finals are going to be played again! 】

[Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo So Gant!Uzi, the number one ADC in the world, can finally win the world championship! 】

[Bangzi's lineup is very strong, don't underestimate it! 】

[I hope Brother Zhou will be more ruthless, and beat another retired player! 】

[Joke, one mountain cannot accommodate two fathers!Neptune dare to compete with UZI for the economy? 】


There are no direct flights from Shanghai to Los Angeles.

Therefore, the contestants have to go to Gaoqi Airport to board the plane.

In Ludao in early December, the temperature can still be maintained at around 12°C.

This satisfied Qi Zhou and his younger sister who traveled here earlier.

The wind is slightly cool, but not harsh.

All you need is short sleeves and a sweater to keep your body warm.

The big banyan trees are mixed with Roman columns and Gothic spires, and the air is fresh and slightly salty.

The warm sun turned around and sprayed sparsely on Qi Zhou and Meikong.

"Tianye... A friend of mine who is a graduate student at Ludao University told me that the couples who came to Gulangyu together in their college basically broke up in the end."

The younger sister listened to the music coming from the earphone in her right ear, her gaze stayed on the wall in front of her.

[Once upon a time someone loved you for a long time...]

The sunny wall matches the attributes of this piano island.

"University students... normal."

The sister-in-law was still intoxicated by the music, and said vaguely.

But a few seconds later, he woke up suddenly, and turned to look at Qi Zhou in surprise.

"Brother Zhou, do you have a favorite team and contract?"

Qi Zhou nodded.

The winter window transfer period is halfway through.

Before when his teammates asked Qi Zhou if he would stay, he always prevaricated with "EDG is very good, but I am not suitable to stay in this team".

So much so that it gave his teammates an illusion that he wanted to sell for a price and might continue to stay in EDG.

"Which team is it?"

"I'm very satisfied with the conditions of the two teams at present, but I haven't decided which one to choose..." Qi Zhou stopped suddenly and looked at a little boy on the side of the road.

The boy was only thirteen or fourteen years old, when he realized that Qi Zhou had noticed him, he lowered his head and rushed over.

"Sea King, can you give me an autograph?"

Qi Zhou and his sister-in-law looked at each other and smiled, then said, "Do you have a pen?"

There was surprise in the little boy's eyes.

He didn't expect Qi Zhou's voice to be so friendly.

He shook his head blankly.

"Haha, let's take a group photo!"

"Have you brought your mobile phone?"

The little boy still shook his head in bewilderment, with a anxious expression on his face.

"My home is here, I'll get it now!"

After speaking, he turned around to prepare for the "[-]-meter sprint".

Qi Zhou quickly called him to stop, "I'll add your Q after filming, and then I'll send it to you!"

The little boy was overjoyed, he didn't expect to ask for an autograph, but even asked for the idol's contact information.

When I go back, I can go to the class to fill a cup and slap my face again!


The plane is about to land in 1 hour.

Due to the time difference, several star players in the LPL division just went to sleep after boarding the plane for a while.

The total flight time is 13 hours.

The two players of the pig team can sleep the most, but they also woke up half an hour ago.

There were still some passengers sleeping in the cabin.

Therefore, Xiye started a group chat, and several people chatted in it.

Xi Ye: "Brothers, please look out of the window, this is the legendary Los Angeles sun at four o'clock in the morning!"

Qi Zhou: "Is there a possibility that this is the sun at four o'clock in the morning in San Francisco?"

Mala Xiangguo: "Guys, this is the [all-star game default champion group] hey! Don't you guys talk a little bit about the game?"

Uzi: "The champion has already been decided, so we still need to talk about the game?"

Xiye: "Lao Zhou, do you have any bugs? I also want to compete for five kills!"

Sister-in-law: "Brother Zhou, I also want to kill QAQ five times."

Mala Xiangguo: "Then add another one to me?"

Uzi: "Why five kills and not five kills? It would be great if we can win the championship!"

Qi Zhou: "..."

Before we knew it, the plane landed.

After following the staff and checking in at the hotel, everyone began to adjust the time difference.

It is said that it is to adjust the time difference, but in fact, only Qi Zhou and the younger sister are adjusting.

Several others left the World Championship stage early.

The attributes of e-sports night owls have been turned on for a long time, and it is normal for them to reverse day and night.

Therefore, in Los Angeles on the back of the earth, several people are in good spirits.

The time here is the one that best fits their biological clock.

The head coach of the LPL division is Abramovich.

The reason is simple. RNG's coach Feng Ge announced his resignation not long ago.

EDG players occupy two of the five positions.

As for WE coach Hongmi, he voluntarily gave up the election because Abu still has the title of "Champion Coach" on his head.

A Bu is not like Qi Zhou and his younger sister, lying on the bed half dead but unable to sleep, wanting to play but have no strength to play.

He is repeatedly checking the information of other competition areas.

Although there are 8 competition regions participating, due to the grouping relationship, the enemy in Abramovich's eyes is only the LCK competition region.

The list of contestants for the sticks has already been announced:

Top order: khan (LZ team)
Jungle: peanut (SKT team)
Mid laner: faker (SKT team)
ADC: PraY (LZ team)
Support: CoreJJ (SSG team)
In the S7 World Finals, SKT led by faker stopped in the semi-finals and failed to participate in the championship competition.

But as the Triple Crown Champion and the "big devil" in the eyes of the sticks, he still qualified for the All-Star Game with an overwhelming advantage.

As for the top laner khan, this is indeed beyond the public's expectations.

You must know that SSG withered in the knockout round, absorbed the magical power of Akihabara, and defeated Khan in all three games.

But when you think about it a little bit, it makes sense.

The eyes of most sticks are smaller than their sticks.

The dominance of the LCK Division in the World Championship has lasted for 4 years.

Suddenly defeated by LPL.

Of course they have to put the blame on Samsung.

Wither, who was facing off against Qi Zhou, naturally became the first victim.

Want to enter?


Therefore, khan took the lead with three times the votes and got the chance to participate.

As for the SSG auxiliary cutting cones, they can participate in the competition.

Thanks to the rules, the same team can only have a maximum of 2 contestants.

Otherwise, the bottom lane duo in the LCK division will definitely be the two elders of Xuan Ming: Shu Wang and Daddy.


On December 12, North American LCS studios.

Dream teams from different divisions will compete fiercely here for their own pride, glory, and an epic victory.

The strongest players from different teams in the same division will take off their uniforms to celebrate this annual event together.

At the same time, represent the highest level of competition in their respective divisions.

The All-Star Game, although it is an entertainment game.

But the star teams in each competition area are eager to win the championship!

Every day, the game will start on time at 7:00 domestic time.

As the host, the teams from the North American division of the opening ceremony entered the arena first.

The series of birdsong made everyone in the LPL division very uncomfortable.

In the waiting area, they simply chatted with each other.

When the staff reminded them to enter, they reluctantly put away their mobile phones.

In China, simultaneous live broadcasts have also been launched.

Due to the time difference, the live broadcast will start at [-]:[-] in the morning.

This is a huge torture for many households who have trouble getting up and are concerned about the game.

After a few hours of sleep, they were woken up by the set alarm clock.

Subconsciously, he stumbled into the live broadcast room of the All-Star Game.

[MLGBZ's, I'm a junior this year, and I haven't passed CET-[-] yet, I'm so sick of hearing it! 】

[Upstairs, I thought you were talking about spicy hot pot at first glance...]

[Which group AB is arranged by Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young?This is not appropriate for us to advance to the LPL~]

[The first game is the LPL competition against North America. I wonder if our players will give them some face? 】

This time, the All-Stars will divide the eight contests into two groups, A and B, which will be conducted through a single-game Bo1 round-robin system.

The top two teams in the two groups will continue to start the semi-finals through Bo3 and compete for the chance to advance to the final Bo5.

After the opening ceremony, the first game started.

The LPL division is on the blue side.

The final lineup was selected as: top laner VN, jungler Blind, mid laner Malzaha, bottom laner Xiaopao + Time.

The lineup of the red team in the North American division is: top laner Dashu, jungler Prince, mid laner Tsar, bottom laner Verus + Thresh.

Originally, Qi Zhou wanted to show off the "old woman with steel and iron bones".

But as soon as the red side came up, Karma was sent to the ban position.

Obviously, this routine has spread all over the world from the kimchi suit that he showed for the first time.

Everyone knows that the top laner who won the championship for EDG with black technology has figured out a super disgusting style of play.

In desperation, Qi Zhou had no choice but to choose to steal the money and flow it to VN.

Seeing the selection of the Crispy Chicken lineup in the LPL division, everyone in North America cheered.

Thinking in my heart, LPL is indeed a country of etiquette.

Knowing that he is the host, he very "implicitly" sent the first victory to himself.

But when the game started, they stopped laughing.

The mid laner Xiye Malzaha competed with the Tsar in line clearing speed, but the big tree on the road was very uncomfortable.

Qi Zhou VN took advantage of the extra attack distance provided by the 'Stealing Sign' after rolling with his Q skill, and he couldn't get tired of lighting up the big tree.

What made the top laner Hauntzer from the TSM team even more collapsed was that Qi Zhou took out a bottle of "castration version of the big red medicine" in the first touch.

VN takes advantage of the 30 points of extra movement speed provided by the passive 'Night Hunter', and cooperates with the effect provided by the big red medicine.

It directly hit the flash of the big tree.

This surprised the fans watching the game.

You must know that half a month ago, Qizhou VN was beaten to 0/13 by IG top laner Theshy, which has spread all over LPL.

[Hasn't Sea always been fighting in the early stage and breaking out in the middle stage?Why did you suddenly change your style? 】

[Is this too European?Shouldn't North America be moldy...unreasonable and unscientific! 】

[The big red medicine at the beginning, all the equipment depends on stealing? 】

[Ignition will double the damage to the big tree, if it has ignition, it will be killed alone! 】

In the team voice, Uzi couldn't help but praise: "Old Zhou! You fight harder than me. Those who don't know think you are UZI!"

Qi Zhou laughed.

He has always liked to be humble.

For this All-Star game, he deliberately found and asked Theshy's contact information.

Repost the profound and profound Chinese through the universe language translator.

Theshy was also dazzled by Qi Zhou's hype-like praise.

"Your damage calculation is too accurate, and Uzi will be ashamed when he sees it."

"If IG can have a dream jungler like Claire Hot Dance, then you are definitely his hope!"

"If the retired AD player can spend a lot of money to hire an excellent AD for IG, you and him can guarantee that IG will win the championship in S8!"

"I think we can have more technical exchanges, such as custom exercises and the like..."

Half a month of in-depth exchanges.

Theshy is fascinated by all kinds of long-handed heroes playing top laners.

As for Qi Zhou, his laning ability has also been greatly improved.

"How dare you!"

Suddenly, the puppy barked wildly in the team channel.

North American AD player Sneaky was killed.

Xiaopao gets first blood.

It was Xiangguo who caught it in the second level, and then Xiangguo sacrificed himself to help the duo complete the tower jump, and Uzi won the double kill.

The LPL situation opened instantly.

In 17 minutes, the red side was broken through the high ground in the middle.

In 23 minutes, under the almost BT output of the VN who stole money to get rich and the small cannon supported by the whole team.

The red square crystal exploded, and the LPL division won its first victory!

[Stains, always drop God! 】

【VN economy is only 1.6k lower than Xiaopao! 】

[Fortunately, it was Xiangguo who went there. If it was the director of the factory, then there would be no stains in this round! 】

[It's so uncomfortable... It's over in 23 minutes after getting up so early. 】


The LPL Division won all the games and qualified as No.1 in Group B.

The host, North America Division, worked hard after the blow, and advanced to the semi-finals with two super-long battles.

The LMS Division of Group A performed exceptionally well, even killing the stick player, and advanced to the first place in the group 3-0.

The LCK Division ranked second with 2-1 and barely advanced.

On July 7, the semi-finals began.

The audience on the other side of the ocean was pulled out of sleep early by the alarm, and opened the live broadcast room.

The semi-finals will be played in a Bo3 format.

The beginning is the main dish, the LPL division faces the LCK division.

LPL goes first.

In this game, Qi Zhou used a big tree.


As the facade hero of the old EDG, facing Khan's Shen, it is worthwhile to fight.

And when Little Peanut disappeared, Qi Zhou was a steady yuppie.

Even the defensive towers are not released, which makes LCK's plan to destroy the weakest link of LPL empty.

On the road, Qi Zhou resists the pressure, and the spicy hot pot only needs to take care of the middle and lower.

After the rune was recast, the basic damage in the early stage of electrocution was extremely high, and the Spider Queen, who had been dusty in the spicy pot for nearly a season, also returned to the rivers and lakes.

It is still an unpretentious level 2 catch.

Even though the picker tried his best to cover the mouse king, Jin Zhongren was still killed by the explosion damage.

After that, Mala Xiangguo didn't even care about it, and stayed on the road.

Let the hunger strike and the jungler do heavy work for a short time, and raise Uzi to be ruddy and fat, with explosive combat effectiveness.

In the end, in the big dragon group, Uzi scored 4 kills and ended the game.

【Wuz, still forever God! 】

[Spicy hot pot won the legacy of the factory manager ~]

[The moment Sea took out the big tree, I knew it was safe! 】

After a short break, the LCK All-Star team changed their tactics in the second game.


"Why arrest me?"

"Xiba is a group of rats! If you have the ability to single out!"

"How dare you? Xiangguo quickly..."

Uzi was furious. Faker's mid laner Ice Girl and Peanut's spider were like flies smelling rotten eggs.

Keep staring at him.

In the end, he was beaten 2/7, and Qi Zhou and Xi Ye chose the functional top laner again.

The game ended at 29 minutes.

The LCK All-Star team, tied 1-1.

The game has also entered the final game!



Wuzi, Xiye, Qi Zhou, Mala Xiangguo, and Meikong formed a group.

Abu on the side feels isolated.

Several people whispered, and Abu approached several times, but was pushed away by the buttocks dragged by everyone.

"Let's discuss how to play the next game?"

"Banpick's tactics are very important. In the last game, he was robbed by the opponent..."

"Only 2 minutes left, let me stress the caveats."

"Wait, you must listen to my opinion when selecting candidates!"

However, Abu's mouth was about to wear off, and the five people ignored him.

Uzi RNG.

Mala Xiangguo RNG.

Xiye WE's.

Qi Zhou... a free man?

Sister control!

Abu suddenly had a flash of inspiration and found a breakthrough point.

However, the staff began to urge the players to play.

Abu, who has always been elegant and easy-going, couldn't help but uttered MLGBZ, stomped his feet and followed the team, walking towards the player's seat.

"Did they quarrel?"

"Why is Arron's complexion worse than Uzi's in the last game?"

Shu Wang was keenly observant, and caught a glimpse of Abu's abnormal state before entering the soundproof room.

"Probably yes, they chose poorly in the last game, and there is no other output point except Uzi." Cutting Taper responded.

"Hey, I feel that if we play them together in the banpick of this game, they will be defeated without a fight." Little Peanut smiled playfully, but the words he said were not sunny.

"It is the scariest thing for Chinese people to unite, but as the top players of each team, they are doomed to be impossible to unite."

"UZI is too ambitious. Sea, as the most dazzling champion top laner in the finals, will definitely not be willing to be a green leaf."

"Hit hard and take them away!"


The tiebreaker Banpick begins!
The LCK All-Star team is on the blue side, and the red side is the LPL player.

The first round of bans from both sides has been completed.

Blue orientation: Apocalypse, tree, time

The red squares are: skateboard shoes, gems, spiders

"Karma and Kalista are almost incomprehensible existences online, but Zilean and Taric are both afraid of Hecarim's Zilan system and Yi Tarik's system!"

Two commentators in the North American studio are analyzing the Banpick of both sides.

"Before the system against Karma and Yi Tariq is not developed, it is doomed that the first round of bans will be wasted a lot!"

"So, the team can choose to grab their own strong hero!"

The level of commentary of the two Toms is much higher than that of LPL.

They analyzed very accurately.

The LCK division, as the blue side, has the right to choose first.

Khan grabbed the captain with the second highest winning rate in the current version.

If you are lucky, the captain can even make the three-phase force 10 minutes before the sign of theft is frequently triggered!

It is true that there are many heroes who restrain the captain.

However, LCK has studied Qi Zhou very thoroughly.

They found that Qi Zhou was not familiar with fierce and flexible fighter heroes such as Jess and Daomei.

If Qi Zhou chooses heroes like Dashu, Stoneman, and Shen to resist the pressure, then it will give khan a chance to develop.

When the captain grew up, even Qi Zhou couldn't handle it.

What's more, the LCK full-name star team has clearly realized that even though the LPL all-star team is pieced together, Uzi still needs to be fed with a lot of money, and is a proper gold-swallowing behemoth in the team.

In this case, the LPL top laner must choose an output hero, otherwise Uzi's second will mean the end of the game.


"Little murloc!"

"Oh-my-god! Has the LPL changed its style of play?"

"Nakano's style has completely changed!"

The two Tom commentators acquiesced that Pan Sen was on the road and the murloc was on the middle.

Everyone in the LCK division was also very surprised.

But they soon cheered up.

Abramovich is very conservative, this is tantamount to random two-handed selection, definitely not from his handwriting.

"Pan Sen only needs QQQ online, which really fits with sea's simple style of play~"

Faker said to himself, "Clockwork is a good choice."

The clockwork monster passively gives it bonus magic damage on basic attacks, and the damage will increase when it repeatedly attacks the same target.

When laning, it can consume the blood volume of the little murloc very well, making it unable to play online.

Moreover, Clockwork's E skill can provide a shield, and if the Summoner skill has a barrier, it will be difficult to kill Clockwork even if the murloc's burst is high.

What's more, this is Faker's signature hero!
"Then I will choose Li Qing!"

Little Peanut understood Faker's idea, and the flexible and high-damage blind man can lead the rhythm very well.

The cursor jumps to the red square.

"master Yi!"

"Could it be that Pan Sen wants to play wild?"

The hero selection on the third floor of LPL made the commentators suddenly confused.

However, with only 3 heroes, they couldn't be sure that everyone would split.

However, since Qi Zhou was in the World Championships, Juggernaut had two "penta kills", they are more willing to believe that Juggernaut will step up and Pan Sen will play wild.

On the LCK side, Monk Zhanger was also puzzled.

But it doesn't affect their ban.

Both sides made bans against each other's bot lane duo.

LCK has banned the policewoman and Xiaopao successively.

LPL banned Luo and Fengnv.


The red side locks first.

Not to be outdone, the LCK chose Bron as the starting hand, not wanting the red-side LPL to get a traditionally strong combination.

After thinking about it, they chose the female gun.

Shu Wang believes that Clockwork, Captain, and Braum's ultimate moves are all powerful skills that allow the female gun [Barrage Time] to produce high output.

Now only EDG has the final choice.

In the soundproof booth, Abu paced back and forth anxiously, roaring loudly from time to time.

But with the encouragement of his teammates, the next season will still be EDG's assisted sister control, dragging the mouse tremblingly, and clicking "Confirm".

"Undead God of War—Sion!!"

(End of this chapter)

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