Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 111 [110] The factory director who can't hide, the stopwatch alliance, the mermaid king

Chapter 111 [110] The factory director who can't hide, the stopwatch alliance, the mermaid king


"Is this damage too exaggerated?"

Colonel Guan's short-sighted rank has reached

Even the director gave a slow motion playback.

He also didn't notice the damage caused by electrocution (the second half of the last chapter has been revised, Nami needs to use the 'generator' so that teammates can use it to trigger her 'comet').

Abu, who was in the background, shook his head frantically with a pained expression.

Just red lightning.

It seemed that it was not hitting Ezreal, but hitting his heart.

The incense burner was abolished, and the support on the field was also reshuffled.

On the field, VG played against BLG.

Gaveman took out Nami.

The rune he carries is Aery.

Stable damage, very short cooldown, and providing shields are the most suitable runes for Nami.

In other words, players with a little understanding of the game will choose Aery as the cornerstone rune when using Nami.

But what Liu Qingsong took was electrocution.

And unexpectedly got the first blood of iBoy.

It's definitely Qi Zhou's evil idea!
Besides him, who would be idle and try to electrocute Nami?

But soon, his expression changed from sadness to joy.

His eyes were full of secret joy.

He thought of a better hero who could be paired with Nami!
Xiao Zhou, you are still too young.

There is an old saying, "Use the same way as others, and treat them twice as well."

The next sentence will let you know what it means to learn now... No, learn and use it!

Ray Fan's blood volume is ahead of Morgana.

But his expression was not relaxed.

When level 1 goes online, he doesn't covet the small soldiers in the back row, and directly adopts the peerless style of crossing the line of soldiers.

But Morgana's waste oil, combined with three general attacks, quickly cleared the troops.

Although the loss of blood, but also let Ray have to give up the "grand prize".

"Ray, consume."

The prince caught the mantis one step ahead of him.

So Claire Hot Dance staggered and ran on the road again.

He locked his target on Qi Zhou again.

Level 3 praying mantis already possesses the ability to explode and catch people.

"Kimchi thread, Kuo Yi!"

Ray is actually an old man in EDG.

He joined EDG.F in 2014 and left the team five months later.

Then he went to the North American Division and played for C9.

During the transfer period that ended not long ago, he returned to EDG.

So he smelled very strongly of kimchi.

Putonghua is also far inferior to elementary school students.

"Sports car line..."

Claire Hot Dance barely understood what Ray meant:
With the existence of cannon carts, Morgana can't clear the line quickly, and Fan Mom can finally go on a hunger strike.

Quickly cutting the river crab, the mantis leaned against the river terrain wall and sneaked into the blue square wild area.

A dropped the explosive fruit, and the flying mantis fell into the grass.

"Response so fast?"

Claire Lawu was surprised, "It's not like Lao Zhou!"

In the picture, Morgana turned around and walked down her tower.

After shallow observation, Claire Lawu understood the reason.

Because the red side gun car G.

The strong smell of pickles explained: "He used it to urinate on Qu Ziqi."

Qi Zhou Morgana did not choose witchcraft as the main department.

He chose the 'Unsealed Cheats' of the Enlightenment Department as the keystone rune.

The sub-category is witchcraft.

For the 'Future Rune' of the Enlightenment Department, Qi Zhou chose the 'Little Soldier Remover'.

155 seconds after the start of the game, 6 minion skimmers activate.

After use, it can instantly kill any minions on the line.

——"Justice Punishment!"

Suddenly, a German flag fell from the sky and landed in the grass.

Claire Hot Dance reacted very quickly, press the E skill.

But takeoff failed.

Because the moment before, the black magic ball passed through the wall and imprisoned the praying mantis!
"The fruit of the explosion is gone, Xiaotian concluded that the mantis is in the grass!"

"Morgana's Q has a range of 1175 yards!"

Qi Zhou only learned level 1 Q, which can imprison a praying mantis for 2 seconds, and the prince [Dragon Impact] lifted it into the air.

A heavy basic attack, hit thunder.

But Morgana is separated from her by a thick wall and cannot make up for the damage.

After the confinement ended, the remaining blood mantis flashed and escaped in a thrilling manner.

"The burst damage of electrocution is too high!" Su Xiaoyan raised her eyebrows, "If Morgana can make up for the damage, Mantis will definitely die!"

"This wave of red square beetles must be thrown away."

EDG didn't start well.

Except for the elementary school boy in the middle lane who dominates the left hand, the other lanes are all disadvantaged.

"It's annoying, Liu Qingsong Nami has something!"

"This hand has been hidden for a long time!"

Nami can't consume iBoy Izreal, but it's still easy to grind Bron's blood.

Xiao Zhao died at the beginning.

Lin Weixiang's female gun E skill quickly pushed the line. In order to reduce the AD loss, the younger sister helped Xiao Zhaota push a wave of soldiers.

This also caused his blood volume to barely reach 6% after drinking the red medicine.

"Nami E played so fast!"

Bron wanted to use [Trophy] to passively eat the cannon carriage, but Liu Qingsong aimed at Bron and threw a basic attack.

At the same time, he set an E skill on himself.

"It's really smooth."

Colonel Guan was impressed by the mermaid's graceful movements, "There is no pause at all!"

Nami's AE is not an unorthodox skill, everyone knows it.

But what Liu Qingsong showed was extremely silky, which made the audience very comfortable to watch.

In fact, this is a trick achieved by changing keys.

Normally, self-casting is 'Alt+skill key'.

And Liu Qingsong set the column of 'Shortcut + Self-casting' and 'Skill 3' as the 'Tab' key.

In this way, he can move freely when using AE.

Also, pressing 1 key is definitely faster than pressing 2 keys.

After Nami played the basic attack, Liu Qingsong pressed the 'Tab' key to accelerate himself, and at the same time, the basic attack with E skill damage slowed down Bron.

Bron, on the other hand, just replaced the cannon carriage.

The moment he turned his head and walked back, he was hit and lifted by Nami's [Blue Wave Prison Q] behind him.

At the same time, Lin Weixiang released [Guns and Bullets E].

Magic damage rattles Braum's health.

"Ezreal handed over the treatment, Bloom's blood flashed to escape!"

"Nami's Ignite has been used in Shangbo."

"Otherwise EDG will collapse completely in the bottom lane!"

The younger sister returns to the city, leaving Xiao Zhao alone online.

The little yellow hair has changed from a bully to a bullied.

Just now he was able to sneak a bit of the female gun's good luck, and use the 'stealth omen' to get a prize.

But now, Ezreal's [Secret Shot Q] can only be used to replenish soldiers.

In this case, 'Omen of Stealing' changed from Ezreal's powerful rune to a waste product.

It can't help him quickly, and it can't provide other buffs well.

Chicken ribs!

"Ray, you should make up more soldiers..."

Claire Lawu came out of the mountain again, surprised that his big bird was not stolen.

While eating the big bird, he panned the camera to the top road.

Morgana's condition is indeed not as good as that of Fanzi's mother.

But Ray's replenishment was 11 dollars less than Qi Zhou's.

Facing Morgana, who was promoted by the "Little Soldier Dematter", the factory director didn't think that Ray could get rich through multiple lucky draws.

Kimchi Wei Shangdan looked at his poor gold coin and gave a slight "hmm".

During the Banpick, the Phoenix team and EDG had a tacit understanding and distributed fan moms.

The Phoenix team on the blue side didn't make the first choice, but grabbed the factory director's prince.

EDG has no way of knowing whether this was done on purpose by the Phoenix team.

So they did not choose the fan mother.

In the second round, the red side has the first choice.

After discussion, Abu and Ray decided to grab Fan Mama first.

After all, in yesterday's game, Duke used a fan to stun Diorne, which can be said to be the hero for IG to win a game.

You know, in the previous training match and the German Cup.

Rangdi's Aoun is unrivaled in the limelight, making most of the LPL's top laners miserable!

However, the hunger strike old woman's style of play can defeat Yangli Daxian.

It shows how disgusting it is.

When he was in EDG, Qi Zhou told everyone to control evil with evil.

The hunger striker picked up Lu E Qinnv, who was able to compete with the old woman.

But Qin was too easy to be caught.

And her frankness is completely inferior to that of Fanzi's mother.

Therefore, EDG chose Fan Mom, hoping to adapt to all changes with the same.

After all, before this game, the old woman on hunger strike was a must-have for Ban.

But no one expected that such a vicious style of play would be cracked by the "Little Soldier Remover" and the speed push hero.

The game continues.

Ray's economy is backward, but it has stabilized its development.

The EDG bot lane duo, perhaps because they are used to resisting pressure, even fought back a little bit.

Of course, this is mainly due to the good luck of the little yellow hair's [Secret Shooting] precise attack.

At 7:23 of the game time, the factory director found an opportunity in the middle, and cooperated with Scout to play a flash with his left hand.

Take advantage of the trend and take down the first dragon.

Xiaotian quietly ate the factory's big bird and walked up the road.

White Crescent and Li Chun are in the background.

They are quite satisfied with the Phoenix team's performance so far.

After all, during the German Cup, in addition to Jin Gong's top laner who was as stable as an old dog, the captain also single-handedly killed Ray once.

The remaining lanes, especially the duo team, are particularly disadvantaged.

At that time, before Lin Weixiang finished eating the melee soldiers, he was hit half blood by iBoy and Meiko.

"Qi Zhou is a very team player..." Li Chun sighed.

In the S7 World Championship, Qi Zhou's performance in every game was very impressive.

On the stage of the finals, relying on the support of his teammates, he unbelievably won 50 heads.

However, when he came to the Phoenix team, he could hide his edge.

"He usually doesn't like to be in the limelight... Maybe it's because he is the only one who can save EDG in the World Championship."

Looking at the screen with white crescent eyes, he said thoughtfully: "He said that our bot lane is the most tacit understanding, but it is also the link that is most likely to be broken by the enemy."

"Gao Tianliang, Zhuo Ding are both YM's and have played many games."

"But they have played very few games in the LPL, and it is difficult for opponents to target them."

Li Chun nodded, and then said with a smile: "The teams in the Eastern Division are very strong. I hope the teams can quickly adapt in the Western Civil War."

"Find the style of play that suits you best, and then give the Eastern Division a string of sevens!"

White Crescent just wanted to continue, but suddenly realized: "A string of 1? Exaggerated!"

Li Chun proudly said, "With me and Qi Zhou together, we will definitely be able to research the most suitable style of play during this period of time!"

"Other teams are still figuring it out, but we have matured in training."

"If you can't get the top 3 points in the spring split, oh no, top 2, just disband."


The Phoenix team members didn't know the discussion between the two in the background.

"Ming Kai is on top."

Qi Zhou threw waste oil on the grass, and found that the CD of the W skill was reduced, and he knew that there were people in the grass.

"It's the fourth time this game is played, it's really boring."

Morgana's Q skill has a special effect on hitting the target in the grass.

The modified W skill can reduce CD when hitting an enemy.

It can be used only if there are enemies in the range of the big move.

Qi Zhou didn't understand why the factory director kept trying to squat him with the three grass-penetrating skills.

"Persistence, good spirit." Xiaotian was weak, and failed to gank the road several times, as if his energy had been drained.

"Maybe this is the gap between me and Shi Yiye..."

Qi Zhou rolled his eyes.

The language master has caught EDG bot lane 5 times.

However, except for the first time, the gank failed in the other 4 times because of the dense field of vision.

But it also greatly prevented the development of Ezreal.

Otherwise, iBoy's Q, which is almost a hundred touches, has been able to let him develop and achieve a lead.

W cools down.

After releasing it at a distance of 900 yards, Qi Zhou moved forward and used the pawn remover towards the gun cart.

But the next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Gray's big move is on!
There is someone in the grass!

On the other side, Kreer gave a wicked smile, and her E skill danced to Morgana.

【Dark Imprisonment】

The black energy group threw Q in the direction where the mantis jumped, but was blocked by the melee soldiers with residual blood.

"RQ broke her black shield!"

"Chain him again!"

The praying mantis landed.

Morgana activated her big move, Mantis and Fanma were connected by thick black and purple chains.

Claire Spicy Dance wants WQ to do damage.

But there was only a "ding!", and the dark fallen angel turned into a golden villain.

At the same time, Soaring Light appeared on the top lane, and Ryze made a pass with his left hand.

"Damn it!"

"Why did Lao Zhou's hand speed become faster?"

Claire Lawu understood that the gank failed, turned around and left.

But on Morgana's head, the expression of a bald robot scratching his head jumped out.

"Free stopwatch, there are a lot of enlightenment props!"

"Ryze uploaded, the factory manager is in danger!"

When Kreer's hot dance was caught at level 3, Xiaotian flashed it.

The fan mother's E skill accelerates to break free from Morgana's big move.

But the mantis was imprisoned in place.

The left hand reaches the battlefield.

No surprises, the system prompts out after 2 seconds.

[Wandering Mage (FPX knight) defeated Void Reaver (EDG clearlove8)]

"Get off the road! Get off the road!"

Colonel Guan suddenly yelled.

The big screen is also covered by the small screen that pops up in the lower left corner.

The moment Ryze teleported, Scout cut the screen and went on the road, knowing that the factory manager must die.

So he decisively teleported down the road.

Lin Weixiang reached level 6, iBoy only reached level 5.

The female gun Nami has a deep pressure line.

The gold coins in the pockets of the Phoenix duo were already full.

Therefore, when a new wave of troops arrived, Lin Weixiang chose to open up in front of the red square tower.

Quickly clear, go back to the city.

Turned around and walked back, but did not expect a red beam of light to appear on the river grass.

The little yellow chicken has been sent!

The sister control immediately released W towards the female gun, and used her skills to accelerate her passively.

Braum didn't flash, but the sister-in-law W jumped to Ezreal who was chasing forward with E skill.

【Winter's Bite】

Blue ice cubes flew out of the shield.

But Liu Qingsong pressed the 'Tab' key, and three blue water balls appeared, lingering around Nami. He used his passive to accelerate himself while retreating, avoiding Bron's Q skill.

Scout lands.

The sand soldier appeared out of thin air, and the Yellow Chicken Emperor ran forward and summoned another sand soldier at the same time.

Lin Weixiang's dark secret is not good, Scout wants the hearse to drift, push back with his ultimate move!
Sure enough, the next second the wheel mother her ancestors began to drift, and the soldiers sprinted forward.

"WEQ, the yellow chicken is coming to the female gun!"

"Lwx cross flash, junior follow flash!"

At the same time, Braum also rose to level 6.

Lin Weixiang seems to be in a desperate situation.

"Step Q!"

Liu Qingsong shouted.

And the animation of raising the hand of the yellow chicken's big move also started, and a wall composed of sand soldiers appeared out of thin air.

The warrior holding the shield strikes in the direction of the mouse.

But the female gun was not pushed back.


Scout was shocked, he didn't understand why he was pushed into the air.

Liu Qingsong turned back and prevented Bron from chasing.

Bearing the output of the yellow chicken, he entered the tower together with the female gun.

"The female gun is really Miss Lucky!" Colonel Guan exaggerated, "I didn't push her like this!"

Sister-in-law sighed helplessly as she watched the disappearing figure of the Phoenix duo.

"As long as the teammates step on the landing point of Nami Q, they can also increase the movement speed..."

The yellow chicken's big move failed because of this.

Hearing the words, the elementary school brother also solved the doubts in his heart.

At that time, Nami played Q backwards, and he thought it was to predict his own flash.

It turned out to be like this...

 Thanks to [Jie Mi Tang] and [Grass to solve it quickly] for their rewards

  (adj): overturned, extremely clumsy, without command, tormenting the audience
  (v): torture, plant, lead 1w
  (n): turned over, rice
(End of this chapter)

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