Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 119 [118] Another snake skin lineup, King Ning's perseverance

Chapter 119 [118] Another snake skin lineup, King Ning's perseverance
The lights are bright and the scene is jubilant.

The next duel may be the Year of the Rooster, the LPL's curtain call.

It may also be the rebirth battle of the Phoenix team.

The traffic in the official live broadcast room once exceeded the peak of IG and RNG's first show in the Spring Split.

"IG's trident is too powerful."

"The Phoenix team doesn't have that kind of player in the middle and bottom, and the real strength can surpass IG."

"If the Phoenix team can win, it must be that Lao Zhou has come up with a new black technology."

As a special guest, Claire Hot Dance judged both sides of the competition.

On the commentary stage, no one knew Qi Zhou better than him.

Therefore, he didn't insist that the Phoenix team was under the trident, and they couldn't nirvana and burst into flames like Senior Colonel Guan.

"What he is best at is to use various collocations to achieve super cost-effective effects."

"This will not only make up for his lack of technology, but also use the version to reduce the dimensionality of opponents!"

IG is on the blue side.

The bright blue lights and Yunfeng-colored team uniforms showed their sharp edge.

The five members of IG, like a ferocious white tiger in the dawn, have the energy to break through everything.

the other side.

Qi Zhou replaced Jin Gong, and the Phoenix team regained their confidence.

Qingli black is the base, and light eruption red is the phoenix wings, which seems a bit incongruous at first glance.

But with the team players, solemn expression.

And the team uniforms are pure, and there are no advertisements such as "Panda Live", "Internet Fish and Internet Cafes" on the Internet.

Passed to the audience, like the burst of fire.

The atmosphere was heightened to the extreme.

While the audience waved their support sticks, the temperature in the venue was also slowly rising.

This is the release of passion.


During the commentary exchange, the first round of banning has been completed.

The blue side IG banned Tam, Bron, and Xia.

The Red Fanghuang team banned Galio, Jhin, and Jess.

"IG coach Kim is constantly communicating with the players. I guess he is filling out Aquaman's hero pool."

Wang Duoduo spoke, "But it turned out that Neptune is Neptune, and the hero pool is actually a vast and boundless sea."

"Ban cannot restrict him."

Colonel Guan looked at Kreer La Wu, "As an old teammate, do you know how deep Aquaman's hero pool is?"

"That's it."

"Anyway, no one can guess which hero he will take."

Claire Hot Dance's answer was a bit random, but what she said was the truth.

Qi Zhou has no signature hero.

But any hero has the potential to be his signature.

In this game, the Phoenix team is on the red side.

IG can't even do Kante.

"The barrel?"

"IG is still very stable!"

"If you switch to another team, Theshy may come up with his signature hero at this time!"

Colonel Guan is referring to Sword Fairy here, not Riven.

In the first round of confrontation with the same group, Theshy's sword girl tore up all the hypocrisy in the Eastern Division.


Many times, he is the first choice sword girl, without any fear!

"IG just banned Bron, which is obviously the Sauron system of the Dread Phoenix team."

"Team Phoenix took out the Rock Sparrow."

"The pig girl in the jungle position? It's still relatively conservative."

The cursor jumps to the blue square.

IG seems to be sure that the upper unit of the Phoenix team will be displayed on the 5th floor.

So Kim didn't force Theshy to continue to cover up.

Gray hair.

An elegant female agent elite with a slender and sharp figure.

"Top order Qinggangying!"

"Theshy is as confident as ever!"

As soon as Qinggangying was released, it became a representative of strong laning heroes.

She satisfies almost all top laner players' fantasies about the perfect hero.

Easy to change blood, easy to start a team, strong mobility, high explosive...

Countless positive nouns have become her labels.

In a short period of time, this old woman with poisonous legs became a non-ban option.

This naturally caught the attention of the chicken shooter.

After several times of balancing, she gradually withdrew from the top stage and left the professional arena.

However, with the arrival of the S8 season.

The appearance rate of Qinggangying has also gradually picked up, and in recent games, it has sometimes shined brilliantly.

"Exchanging blood, single belt, and cooperating with teammates to catch people, Qing Gangying's abilities are very comprehensive."

"In the case of the first choice, IG's decision is very good!"

During the exchange, the blue side immediately chose Luo.

On the third floor of the red square, the bull head was chosen.

The second round of bans begins.

The Phoenix team miraculously did not dismantle IG's Xialuo combination, and gave both ban positions to the mid laner.

Syndra and the Tsar were banned.

Broiler's face was a bit ugly.

Because of the 5 ban positions of the Phoenix team, 3 of them were given to the mid unit.

There are not many heroes who are good at fighting rock sparrows.

But after thinking about it, I have attracted all the attention of FPX, helped Yu Wenbo choose candidates, and shared a lot of pressure.

Not surprisingly, I was able to get the Xialuo combination in this round.

In this case, why not sacrifice it?

After so many seasons, this year's teammates are the most comfortable for the broilers to play.

It should be repaying them.

——"Death is like the wind, always with me!"

Suddenly, familiar voices, familiar lines came from the venue speakers.

The man with the broom head appeared on the big screen at the scene.

In an instant, the audience burst into cheers.

"Bron has been banned!"

"The Phoenix team selected Yasuo again, is this time going down the road with Niutou?"

Colonel Guan said in a loud voice, "Tau Tau WQ's second company is stably knocked into the air, but if these two heroes go down in the early stage, they will be blown away by Phoenix Legend!"

Yu Wenbo's strength is beyond doubt.

In the view of the commentators, Ah Shui Baolan is > Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong.

If the strength of the Phoenix duo is higher than that of the IG duo.

Then Senior Colonel Guan will never doubt that Bull Head and Yasuo can create an effect similar to the combination of Sauron.

But the truth...

Ah Shui and Baolan left a deeper impression on the audience than Lin and Liu in the spring competition.

without the intervention of others.

If the IG duo and the Phoenix duo choose the normal bot lane combination, most of the audience will think that IG wins.

Unless Yu Wenbo gets hotheaded, pick up Q and give away someone's head.

"As expected, IG took out Xia."

"The mid laner chose the plane."

"Now the Phoenix team is short of a unit!"

The whole place went quiet.

Everyone quietly watched the countdown beating on the big screen.

The audience is no stranger to Qi Zhou's repertoire.

Sea always likes to reveal the champion he wants to use at the last second of the last pick.

Give the audience a big "surprise".

Time beats second by second, and soon came the last moment.

— "Let me eat them!"

Playful voice.

The amphibious Poppy is here.

The audience exclaimed!
Yasuo, Murloc, Qinggang Shadow...

It's unbelievable that these heroes appear on the professional stage at the same time.

The sense of anticipation in their hearts for this game has been raised to a higher level in an instant.


"Is the murloc top order?"

"It's been a long, long time since this happened!"

Wang Duoduo was full of excitement.

But Claire Lawu frowned tightly, "You can't make rash comments, you have to wait."

"It still depends on the final alignment."

Wang Duoduo also realized that he was too simple.

After all, it was Qi Zhou's game, and it was his first commentary.

This sea player, in the commentary circle, has the reputation of "the face-slapping master".

Senior Colonel Guan standing next to him was seared every game, his face was flushed red.

"The little murloc in the top lane, the wild boar girl, Yasuo in the mid lane, and the rock sparrow and bull head in the bottom lane!"

With 20 seconds left in the game loading countdown, Senior Colonel Guan read out the positions of the heroes of the Phoenix Team one by one.

"It's a little surprising!"

"It's not Yasuo and Niutou walking down the road!"

"However, when the rock sparrow steps down, it can indeed relieve a lot of pressure."

"Sea King's murlocs should be made into meat costumes if nothing else happens!"

Meat-packed murlocs are top orders and were popular in the S5 period.

At that time, the little murloc's W was passive, which could cause the enemy to lose a lot of health within three seconds.

And there is also a percentage beheading effect, the less blood the enemy receives, the more damage it will receive.

The damage value is even stronger than the bleeding effect of some heroes.

If it is activated actively, the little murloc's attack within 5 seconds will add magic damage, and also add a serious injury effect.

This is very beneficial for its laning in the top lane.

This also makes most murlocs take the AD route.

In addition, the crystal bottle and the blue medicine have not been removed, and the price of the red medicine has not increased.

The top lane murloc doesn't have too much pressure on any heroes in the early stage.

After leveling up and having enough explosions, you can achieve a set of instant kills.

Such an unhealthy trend, naturally, cannot escape the surveillance of the chicken shooter.

Soon the Murloc's W skill will be reworked.

The amphibious Bobby's chicken leg was chopped off, so he could only run back to the middle in a desperate manner.

"Compared to the top lane murloc, I pay more attention to the combination of rock sparrow and bull head."

Claire Spicy Dance suddenly made a sound, pulling the attention of the commentary platform from the top lane to the bottom lane.

"Bull-headed chaffinch?"

"Their control chain is not as strong as Sauron!"

After listening to Colonel Guan's speech, Claire shook her head.

"The bullhead chaffinch has a chain of control, but I think the two are stronger!"

"The accuracy of rock sparrow lifting has always been an important reference value to measure the proficiency of the hero of the player pile."

"The bull's head's WQ second company can provide stable control, and the damage is not low."

"In this case, Jack La Wu can't fight too hard."

Claire Lawu glanced at the big screen, and continued: "The rock sparrow is carrying ignition. If Jack Lawu is too reckless, if the bull finds an opportunity, he will suffer a lot!"


"Indestructible...he wants to."

"And me, to A, huh?"

When fighting the Phoenix team, go to the city first.

Therefore, Theshy is also very relaxed, grinning and communicating with his teammates through headphones.

King Ning is in a good mood.

He said boldly: "Just fight with him, I don't believe that the little murloc can do anything!"

Same idea as a certain jungler on the commentary stand.

King Ning also made up his mind and went on the road.

Although S7 has never played against Qi Zhou.

But Ning Wang paid a lot of attention to this veteran who suddenly burst into light.

I learned that today I will play against the Phoenix team.

He started to study Qi Zhou's "Family History" early on.

By repeatedly watching game videos.

He found that whenever Qi Zhou played.

The jungler on the opposite side is consciously catching the top lane.

But their determination is not enough!
In almost every game, the junglers always fail to catch the first time.

They will also catch a second time.

The result that most people get is still disappointment.

Of course, there are also success stories.

Through continuous research, King Ning finally discovered that there is no jungler who would choose to "stay on the road"!
The reason is also very simple.

Qi Zhou's operation is not very good, but his consciousness is very good.

Junglers have been watching to no avail in the top lane, so they can only look for opportunities in other lanes.

And this just gave Qi Zhou the opportunity to develop and show off his black technology!
"If I can't catch it once, I'll catch it twice!"

"Twice won't work, I'll come five times!"

"I don't believe that I can't beat him when I live on the road!"


Ten heroes appear on Summoner's Rift.

The director's camera scanned them one by one.

The sound of cheering on the scene also began to reach its peak.

After about 30 seconds, it gradually faded away.

Through the dragon pit rune, we can know that the first dragon to refresh is the Purgatory Wurm.

The two sides also had a short fight in the river.

No head burst.

IG relied on the Phoenix team to be in the grass in the river, and Niutou used the only scanning platoon.

Five people killed and turned their carbine.

In front of the duo and the jungler of the Phoenix team, he arrogantly left a trinket eye in the blue buff camp.

However, they did not choose to grab the blue and change the field.

After a short stay, they all left.

Seeing this, Qi Zhou ran to the entrance of the IG blue zone to intervene.

And rushed to leave before Theshy came back.

"Potion of Corruption..."

The lines of soldiers converged, and Qinggang Ying finally saw the figure of the amphibious Bobby.

Although you dare to catch Theshy, I dare to die for you.

But he is still careful in line.

He immediately opened Qi Zhou's equipment bar.

Then he pressed ctrl+w to learn [tactical sweep].

Qinggangying was able to appear in the professional arena again because of the version, not because this hero was blessed by the chicken shooter.

Compared to before, her skill values ​​are still very balanced.

If you don't pay attention to the details and simply recklessly exchange blood, you will inevitably lose money.

After all, the little murloc W skill combined with the Grip of the Undying can also deal high damage.

Qi Zhou was very cautious in his position, and Theshy was not in a hurry.

When the melee soldiers were about to die, Qing Gangying raised his legs high, and while cutting the two melee soldiers, he knocked out a little HP of the murlocs.

"Watch out for the barrels!"

IG knew that Xiaotian chose Lan Kai through the jewelry eyes arranged at the beginning.

Similarly, Qi Zhou inserted the eye of the ornament and found that Theshy was helping King Ning fight blue.

Although the two were very scheming, Theshy didn't hand in skills, and left after helping with the basic attack a few times.

But King Ning's whereabouts were still determined by Qi Zhou.

According to the time, the wine barrel should have finished beating the toad or the three wolves at this moment.

Since IG is sneaky, it deliberately conceals King Ning's whereabouts.

There must be hidden secrets in it.

Pig girl has the help of a duo, and his wild clearing speed is much faster than that of the wine barrel.

At this moment, Xiaotian has finished brushing the magic marsh frog and is on his way to F6.

Get reminded by Qi Zhou.

He also cautiously walked towards the entrance of the upper half of the wild area, on the side of the Great Dragon Pit, intending to set up the ornament eye.


The broiler is full of pressure, controlling the plane and constantly consuming Yasuo's blood.

His left hand gritted his teeth with hatred.

He occasionally Q tail soldiers, trying to accumulate wind and consume aircraft.

But it doesn't work well.

Can only operate Yasuo, wandering behind the ranged soldiers.

As a result, the broiler became more and more arrogant, and the plane even fired the [Gatling Gun], consuming Yasuo at the top of the line.

The left hand glanced at the line of soldiers.

Decided not to endure anymore, and walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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