Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 126 [125] I really envy him, conspiracy and conspiracy

Chapter 126 [125] I really envy him, conspiracy and conspiracy

Mana potion, commonly known as blue potion.

It costs 35 gold and restores 15 mana to heroes within 100 seconds.

But it was removed in the S6 season.

Pan Zi, who suppressed all kinds of ghosts and snake gods, can no longer rely on the crystal bottle + 3 blue medicine to QQQ unscrupulously on the road.

Similarly, mid lane cards, Phoenix, Xerath and other line bullies.

He was also beaten back to his original shape.

The word "control blue" has also been infinitely magnified.

It has become a compulsory course for every professional player and every player who wants to sprint.

"The Kotou E skill not only consumes more power, but also clears the line faster than the captain, and it doesn't give way too much!"

"Sword Immortal is in poor condition, he should go back to the city, right?"

The doll was a little surprised.

The director broadcasts a lot of shots on the road, but it has always been the double suppression of Qi Zhou's dog's head by Captain Jianxian's blood volume and replenishment.

The attention is gone for a moment.

The online form began to reverse.

"Is this the charm of the AP dog head?" Miller couldn't help but sigh.

In high-end rounds, it is not uncommon for Kotou early AP.

Many players like to use a few Dolan ring master E skills to get through the early stage.

This can not only clear the line, but also use the high AP bonus of the E skill, and the characteristics that the first stage cannot be avoided, constantly consume the opponent and lower its bloodline.

Cooperate with the jungler to complete the kill.

After getting through the early stage, the dog head players will basically return to the right path of stacking Q.

After all, out of AP, rely on E skills to deal damage.

After all, it is a crooked way.

Compared with the dog head, the mage who can use the skill poke and clear the line is more knowledgeable.

What's more, we tend to have lower efficiency and fewer skill mechanisms.

However, the chapter where Luden's first piece of equipment was selected was missing, which was unexpected by the audience and commentators on and off the field.

The lost chapters are synthesized from blue crystals + augmented classics.

The total price is 1100 gold coins.

The basic attribute it provides is like the equivalent Ring of Shaolan.

But the dog head made me ahead, but reversed the laning disadvantage in one fell swoop.

Obviously, it is also possible to achieve such an effect with three Shaolan Rings.

"Sea King exposed the lost chapter, what he wants is the effect of it upgrading and restoring 20% ​​of mana."

Miller thought for a while and expressed his conjecture.

Although the Ring of Shaolan can increase the recovery of mana, and provide a passive that kills enemy units and restores 4 points of Qi Zhou.

But the dog head E skill level is down.

After all, it cannot support Luden's frequent release of E to consume the captain.

"Sea King just replaced the shards with a cloudy spell, and now Qi Zhou is still full."

"No wonder Blue Crystal is out!"

"In that way, Kotou can basically use the E skill with restrictions during that time."

As Miller said.

Luden played his card.

Before the dog head E skill has 3 skill points, it can directly clear the front row of long-range soldiers.

If you wait for a while before releasing the pawn lines, combined with the spell bonus, you can quickly eat up a wave of lines.

So come up.

Sword Immortal has no way to rely on the Q skill to consume the blood volume of the dog's head.

Because there was a wave of soldiers, Sui Wan ran over to cast an E skill, and then slipped forward.

If it must be the cannon car line, use the E skill and use the "big soldier detoxifier" at the same time.

Yes, but it has no effect on its operation, and the line clearing speed can exceed the captain.

In that case, it is necessary to carry out offline suppression.

Eimy also has a way to help the sword fairy catch the dog's head.

"That way of playing is really dependable!"

Sword Immortal used strange words to express the feeling that the anger and indignation in my heart are equal.

The end of the missing chapter made from the dog head.

I seem to be in line with the air.

Even though I am extremely confident in the release of my captain's eight barrels.

But Luden gave me a chance at all!
Run out and put an E skill, and there will be a wave of soldiers.

At the same time, the captain is also very difficult to consume.

Immediately afterwards, the blue soldier was burned to death.

On the bottom road, only Jianxian was left alone to face the red Fang Dabing.

"Am I pretending like that because I'm afraid of becoming trash in the mid-term?"

Whether the captain is in good condition or not, Eimy will make a trip in vain.

"It's Yaoguang, I have no way to stack Q."

"If my Q skill can exceed 20 layers in [-] minutes, you can enter the army directly!"

Luden's mind was naturally penetrated by the LGD and others.

Is it just relying on the slow upgrade in the later stage, relying on the lost chapters and the talent "Manaflow Ribbon" to return to blue, with brain consumption and line pushing?
That way, even if the dog's head-to-head alignment is comfortable, at the same time, there is no need to worry about being caught to death.

But it also means that Luden can stack Q.

A dog head with or without Q skills will never be able to transform into a desert god of death.

I will always be the Living Buddha of Oasis!

"You think I'm going to go back to the city right away to show the glory, and then finish stacking Q."

"The dog's head is very fragile now, in fact, you can't go weaker."

Yuuki controlled Zoe and used super long-distance flying stars to clear out several melee soldiers in the middle.

At the same time, I also looked at myself in distress.

The right-handed plus Wai Ao's style of play is very different from Luden's.

They all adopt a slow line clearing strategy.

In that case, Yuuki was also forced to use skills to clear the line slowly.

As a result, my Qi Zhou was consumed extremely slowly.

"Get the blue for you."

"Before you go back to the city to update your equipment, let's catch the dog's head."

"The first one to release the missing chapter... your blood volume is even low!"

Although the dog's head is not small, it can increase dual resistance and life value.

But I, who don't have meat clothes, can't support the joint retreat of the eight middle and wild members of LGD.

What's more, Zac has been played passively.

LGD is even more worried that there will be surprises when jumping the tower.


off the road.

Sword Immortal controls the captain, and before the general attack is the blood volume of the melee soldiers.

Following the previous [Gun Fire Negotiation], the gunpowder barrel in the large army pile was detonated.

Seventeen yellow "+" and numbers appeared.

The depression in Jianxian's heart was also swept away.

However, the dog head appeared.

Luden raised his hand to release the W skill, and the captain sheep's tail emerged from the ground along with the golden rune circle in front of him.

The blue side's long-range soldiers died instantly, and at the same time, the blood volume of the melee soldiers was also rising and falling.

The captain ate the orange and cleared the deceleration effect under him.

However, the first damage of the dog's head E skill still hit me.

It's a sharp pain!
Sword Immortal immediately looked at Luden's equipment, and found that I had just exposed another Explosive Staff.

Is that an echo that wants to produce blue volume?
In an update to version 8.4.

The echosynthesis path for Blue Volume has been smoothed out.

From the original ether spirit to, the lost chapter + augmentation code + burst staff.

Sui Wan's total price increased by 100 gold coins, and the passive 10% movement speed bonus disappeared.

But it has added 500 mana points and a total of 20% heat reduction provided by basic attributes and passives.

However, many mid laners don't pay much attention to it.

We still use ghost books, small masks, and time as the preferred equipment.

Sword Immortal was also very surprised when he saw the equipment bar of the dog head.

I thought that when Luden went home that time, he would release a flare or a meat outfit to end his Q stacking skills.

Now it seems that Sui Wan wants to take the "AP dog head" in the true sense.

"Gawaiao, Pig Girl, Tam."

"The frankness and control of the Phoenix team's lineup is indeed very good."

"But the role of the AP dog head is extremely unlimited, right?"

"A wave of team battles requires at least two E skills."

“The price/performance ratio is really low.”

The commentators are from the perspective of team battles.

But offline, Luden's outfit like this is really delicious!
I can only push the line slowly, and I can't take the time to run to the "slow bug" camp left by the big sky to stack Q.

Although the main E added the magic equipment, it caused a waste of the big stone beetle to a small extent.

But the Q skill of the dog head has not improved.

In 10 minutes, Luden also broke through the 100th floor barrier.

"The rune build... really needs mana control."

There was envy in Yuuki's eyes.

Although Zach helped me hit the blue buff just now, the gain is only temporary.

Once the blue halo on the bottom of my feet disappears, I need to stop paying attention to controlling Qi Zhou.

It's Yuuki and it's not annoyance.

Because compared to Zoe's "ghost book + small mask" outfit in Kimchi suit next door, LPL is more inclined to "little angel + ghost book".

As long as the male god's tears pile up.

For Qi Zhou's troubles, it will add a lot.


I still envy the opponent, who frequently throws the dog's head with E skill in the bottom lane!
As a mid laner.

My line of thinking for each game is basically fixed:

Slow line clearing-walking-continue clearing line development-poke or second C position when playing in a group.

As Sui Wan wrote in "The Art of War of the Dog":

"The art of laning in the middle is to learn how to send the pawn line into the enemy tower at the slowest speed when you are losing blood."

Only in that way, the middle lane can use the time created by the "slow speed" to go to other lanes to do things.

As for the mage heroes, before the level and equipment improved slightly.

Line clearing relies on basic attacks, not skills.

To use skills, you need to consume mana.

The reason why the fist was removed from the blue bottle was because Sui Wan's reply of "extremely low cost performance" disturbed the balance of the game.

The blue bottle makes players need to worry about whether Qi Zhou is enough.

Then the meaning of the blue bar set by the chicken shooter becomes tasteless.

You know, in League of Legends, there are eight types of skill consumption:

Mana consumption, energy consumption, consumption, anger weakening, damage conversion, life consumption.

In addition to the consumable category, the reason for the existence of the other categories is to make the gameplay of "mana-consuming heroes" and "non-mana-consuming heroes" different.

"If you are also the first to produce Sui Wan, then you need to worry about Sui Wan, right?"

"The magic electric knife is passive, and it can also deal more explosive damage..."

For a split second, a new thought came to Yuuki's mind.

Of course, that game was because I hadn't shed tears yet.

Naturally, he is willing to remove the echo of blue volume again.

Even before the cherub degenerates into a seraphim, the passive energy provides spell power according to mana.

But the cost performance is not low.

"Kang Meng Beibi!"

See Zoe clearing out the middle lane.

Eimy immediately pinned a signal in the bottom lane.

Signal Yuuki to carry out our next plan.

"Pig girl is on the road!"

"IMP, be careful!"

"Pay attention to Gawaiao's movements."

Eimy wasn't worried about hitting the road.

After all, Jiawaiao used a small trick, and then beat the wild boar girl.

The duo will fall into an embarrassing situation of 2v4.

But I was a reminder before.

Bron's protection ability is wrong, and Ni Yu's small trick can also save his life.

Knowing that the Phoenix team has no idea about going up the road, and notifying his teammates.

Eimy believes that her own duo cannot resolve that crisis.

However, Zhumei had difficulty leaving the Xiaye area, making Goutou a lonely family.

Such opportunities are rare.

You must take good care of it!

You know, before the weak kill Goutou, LGD can't take another pioneer at all.

And the first dragon in that game was a water dragon.

Letting the water dragon change the vanguard is definitely a small profit!
"I seem to have run to beat the stone beetle."

Sword Immortal's HP is only half.

Thinking that I will cooperate with my teammates to retreat immediately, I used my W skill to restore some blood.

And consume the first layer of reusable potion.

From God's point of view.

The blood volume of the small stone beetle is 1/3 of the sanction of the dog's head E skill and general attack.

At the same time, Zach and Zoe also came to the Phoenix team wild area from the lower half of the middle road, passing in front of the red buff camp.

Captain Jianxian also felt the red square star anise bushes consciously.

A red signal point instantly appeared on the big map.

Remind Luden to be big.

But last second.

The captain stood up straight and raised his left hand forward.

A flare gun shot into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the pirate ship guns in the canyon covered the red ashlar beetle camp.

boom! boom! boom!
The bullets rained down, and the dog's head was slowed down.

And a lump of transparent bluish plasticine also appeared in the sky.

"I have a flash, it's time to run!"

Sword Immortal laughed, "Sea's dog head, the summoner's skill is always teleportation sprint!"

Because of the captain's first move.

Luden responded and moved forward.

Even though it was slowed down, it still avoided being directly hit by Zach's [Rubber Slingshot].

It was before Zach landed, the Q skill was pulled to the dog's head.

Then use a special attack to hit the newly united boulder beetle.

The dog's head was pulled back by the little sailor-like arms.

And Yuuki also found the right opportunity, across the terrain wall, and threw the E skill at the dog's head.

Perfect hit!

Yuuki immediately released the Q skill forward.

The Sword Immortal also controlled the captain and approached the battlefield.

Phantoms float on the dog's head and feet.

Apparently Luden pressed sprint.

It's the deceleration of the captain's trick, plus the lethargic effect of Zoe's E skill [Hypnotic Bubble], which will take effect immediately.

No matter how you look at it, there is no way to leave.

"Back and jump!"

"Yuuki's Q is so far away!"

Zoe started a trick and jumped from the front of the stone beetle camp to the inside of the camp.

At the same time, the flying star in front of him also quickly flew towards the sleeping dog's head.

that distance...

Combined with the E skill's first attack on a sleeping target, it can cause double damage without a cap.

There is no doubt that if there is a dog head dressed in meat, it will be directly maimed!
But the moment Zoe's Q skill passed through the wall and ran towards the dog's head, a clean light burst out!
The dog's head swept away its exhaustion, resumed its action, and dodged Zoe's Q at the limit.


The doll squealed.

But I quickly realized that the Luden cornerstone rune chose "Unsealed Cheats".

2 minutes to get a shard.

Obtain the seventh shard at 8 minutes.

For the first time, Luden exchanged the turbidity spell, which was used to return to blue in the lane.

Obviously, the seventh yuan was exchanged for purification!
The dog's head throws the E skill and activates a small move.

As for the grass in front of the stone beetle camp, not a single huge ice cube was thrown out.

The captain who had just arrived was shot.

The pig girl who had been ambushing here for a long time appeared in the sight of everyone on the blue side.

(End of this chapter)

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