Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 14 [14] Dog head, dog head! C9 wailing!Cheers!

Chapter 14 [14] Dog head, dog head! C9 howls!All cheers! (two in one)

Waowa pondered: "Sea's operation is not very eye-catching, and he has always been at a disadvantage in the beginning. How can he become a big bug and fall to the disadvantage?"

"The top laner fights are more about the details. Even if it's Star Mom, as long as the details are in place, even heroes like Kenan and Gnar can have the upper hand!" Miller obviously sees it more openly.

He added: "Sea's operation looks ordinary and gives people a very ordinary feeling, but his horror is in the control of the pawn line!"

"After the first wave of pawn lines, he restricted the meeting point in front of his own tower, so Contractz's male gun was also restricted. He could only return to the city after finishing the first half of the wild area!"

Top laner, the most comprehensive position in League of Legends.

A truly outstanding top laner needs to have an in-depth understanding of the heroes used and counterpointed, have a first-class awareness and overall view, and need to have the ability to adapt to changes.

All of the above aspects are indispensable.

The ability of the big bug to push the line and exchange blood is definitely better than that of the dog's head. The reason why Qi Zhou can inadvertently make up the knife to suppress the big bug depends on his understanding of the pawn line.

One move moves the whole body, and the pawn line is empty in front of the tower by the dog's head. If the big bug wants to replenish troops, he has to risk the blood loss of the dog's head AQ.

Otherwise, skills must be used to replenish troops.

This happened to hit the shortcoming of the big bug's lack of mana before the Eternal Catalyst Stone was released.

There is no big bug with blue, and the dual resistance is not high. It is no different from a cannon except for a little thicker blood and a strange shape.

On the contrary, the dog's head Q skill layer seems to be 60 layers, but this represents an additional 60 points of damage in the early stage!

Even if the big bug has more blood, how many 60 pinches can it hold?
Now, the Goutou is online with Yaoguang in his hand, turning into a demigod. Even a big bug in full condition should be afraid of it!

After a wave of success, Prince Kreer Spicy Dance also made a red wild knife and two long swords when he returned home, full of aggression.

Even if Galio in the middle lane was gank by the male gun at level 3 and handed over his flash, his last hit was only 3 behind Ryze. He went home to make a negative cloak and a red crystal, which was obviously the first thing he wanted to synthesize into an abyss mask.

In version 7.11, the Abyssal Scepter was replaced by the Abyssal Mask.

The mask of the abyss can provide 400 points of health and 60 points of magic resistance. With the passive [Destroy], it can not only absorb injuries, but also increase the damage to the rooted hero.

When it first appeared in the canyon, it became a popular equipment in the arena, and it also made the appearance rate of Fatan heroes such as Galio and Big Chongzi rise step by step.

In contrast, AP assassins are limited, and mages with continuous output of Poke streams have become more popular.

"The two sides have been peaceful for a few minutes, but from the factory manager wandering down the lane, Contractz's male gun often stops on the lane, it is obvious that both teams want to help their teammates relieve or increase the pressure on the line!"

"The female policeman's last knife is 74 dollars, and C9Sneaky's big mouth is only 52 dollars because of the first blood at the beginning."

"It can be seen that the factory manager marked one on the road in the grass of the lower river. Obviously, he couldn't bear it and wanted to make trouble!"

The thinking of both sides in a normal game has already come to life on paper.

The EDG female policeman cooperates with Lulu and wants to speed tweet, and the factory manager has been cruising the lower half of the area after helping Qi Zhou, wanting to launch a gank.

C9 also understood, so the male gun gave up the bottom lane and chose to invade the EDG wild area and help the middle and top.

But Galio is too fleshy, and the dog's head is too doggy. The only achievement of the male gun in the past eight and a half minutes is to snatch a big wolf from the prince Fang Tian's painting halberd.

In this situation, the EDG bot policewomen used clips to restrict the opponent's movement and Q skills to quickly push the line, grinding C9's bot tower down by more than half of their HP.

The prince was robbed because of two ganks and wild monsters. After playing red, he was able to reach six. The same trick was repeated, EQ entered the dragon pit, bypassed the field of vision and entered the red square and blue area.

Jensen: "Galio is gone! You should download it, Impact, pay attention to teleport!"

Jensen manipulated Ryze to go home to make up for the Catalyst Stone of Eternity, and gathered the two-piece set of Goddess Tears + Lunch Box in the early stage of begging and development.

He observed that Galio quickly pushed the line with his Q skill, and then disappeared, and immediately realized that EDG was going to target his own side.

At this moment, the April Fool's Day-limited "Kegger Dog" sticks out its half-face-sized tongue, spits out blue liquid continuously, stares cross-eyed, and feels full of beatings.

Hearing the warning from his teammates, no longer begrudge the mana, and use the E skill to cooperate with the big move to clear the line.

On the road, the male gun who was hitting the stone beetle also gave up a few little guys, and returned to the city from the second tower.

The combat readiness atmosphere is mentioned to the highest.

Lulu's Q skill combined with the policewoman's Q skill instantly wiped out the wave of soldiers that the red Fang had just walked into the tower, leaving only the artillery cart.

"Hehe, so arrogant?"

Sneaky was targeted at the beginning, and the pressure on his body was greater than that of EDG's top laner. Seeing that Meiko Lulu was moving so far, he activated his W skill without saying a word.

The moment A went down, [Corrosion Saliva] also spit on Lulu.

Lulu's dual resistance decreased, and because she was too close to the defense tower, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and retreat with the rapid fire and R skill living cannon of Big Mouth.

In just 2 seconds, Lulu, who was originally full of blood, only had more than 300 health points left.

But at this moment, a big red exclamation appeared on the back wall of the triangular grass and in front of Da Zui.

Scout's Galio appeared in the defile leading to the triangle grass at the entrance of the C9 lower jungle.

But he turned back immediately, and Kreer Lawu, who followed him, said slowly: "You should have eyes, go directly!"

The two went straight into the triangular grass.

At the same time, C9's top laner Impact did not hesitate to send the ward of the triangular grass.

Seeing this, Qi Zhou manipulated the dog's head to slam down the immobile big bug, and then used teleportation, choosing the cannon cart that the blue party had just entered the tower.

At this moment, Big Mouth and Feng Nu under the tower were surrounded by four people and retreated against the wall. Galio, who walked out of the grass, hugged his wings tightly and activated his W skill.

"W flash!" Doll yelled, "Fengnv's reaction is not slow! The big move blows Galio away, but she is also ridiculed."

"The prince of Claire Hot Dance also directly handed over the EQ flash, the wind girl was provoked, and the big mouth flashed to dodge, and the wind girl was instantly killed by the fire!" Miller spoke very fast, but still couldn't keep up with the rapidly changing scene Combat situation.

Feng Nu's protection ability is not weak, but she is powerless in the face of the powerful combination of the prince and Galio. She protects her mouth briefly and comprehensively, but is taken away by the policewoman's headshot attack.

At this time, besides the big bug that C9 is about to teleport to the scene, Ryze is still on his way at the blue buff, and the male gun has just passed the second tower.

Sneaky's big mouth is in very bad shape.

The prince canceled the pigsty made by the big move, and let Galio, who has been carrying the damage of the defensive tower, go out of the tower to avoid hatred.

Faced with this situation, Da Zui didn't panic.

It still has the E skill shield that Feng Nu tried to put on before she died, holding the barrier in her hand, and the support of the big bug will arrive soon.

At this moment, only the policewoman is outputting herself, and she will not be instantly killed.

At present, the most important thing to pay attention to is to control and keep a distance from Lulu, and to pull, so as not to be turned into a sheep.

There is a lot of room to maneuver!
"Galio's Q skill and the policewoman's QA just broke Dazui's shield! The big bug has already arrived on the battlefield, will EDG continue to fight?" Wow analyzed the situation on the battlefield and questioned.

"Ming Kai, the juniors withdraw, and continue to output in the bottom lane!"

Qi Zhou made a decisive judgment, and iBoy responded: "I have a barrier, and the sister control has treatment. It doesn't matter how many times you go down the tower."

Set the tone and keep going!

Claire Spicy Dance and Scout turned around. Since Big Mouth was hiding between the defensive tower and the terrain wall, Galio did not choose to use the E skill, and the prince turned on W to slow down Big Mouth's movement speed.

The big bug teleported to the ground and released the Q skill. Although it flew towards the prince of Kreer Lawu, but with the shield of the W skill, the attack from the defensive tower did not fall on him, so it was not a serious problem.

"Leave someone to fight back, here I come!"

"Push the tower! Push the tower! Here I come!"

Almost at the same time, the voices of C9's mid laners Sneaky and Qi Zhou were transmitted to their teammates through headphones.

——"Life and death, reincarnation is endless, we live, they die!"

The dog's head fell to the ground and opened wide, hung W, and Q'ed its big mouth.

Ryze also made a zigzag leap, got stuck in a terrain at the Demon Swamp Frog, and came to the battlefield together with the jungler gun.

Counting the defensive towers, the 5V5 battle has officially started!

"Land blasting hammer defense tower?"

"Fuck, this Q damage is so high!"

"Lulu gave the dog's head a big move and raised his mouth, but the dog's head didn't hit his mouth, and still Q the defense tower!"

"The prince and Lulu were severely beaten by Da Zui, the female policeman took a big attack and killed Da Zui!"

A, Q, eighty!
The flare was triggered again, and the defense tower collapsed under the soul-sucking blow of the dog's head.

The battlefield situation has become 3V5, but the prince and Lulu on EDG's side are in a very bad state, and the policewoman Galio is only half healthy.

The healthiest dog's head also lost one-third of its health because of Ryze's magic surge and Big Mouth's counterattack before he died.

"What is the dog head doing here?"

"Driving sprint and rushing directly into the crowd?!"

Player seat.

On the surface, Qi Zhou is still calm and elegant, but from the surrounding air, as well as the sound of the mouse and keyboard, one can feel the tyranny and fanaticism.

Like the waves brewing in the sea, it seems calm and slow, but in fact it is huge and turbulent.

"Sprint, Fengqi, Lulu's E, this dog's head is like a Yamaha, rushing to the male gun's face!"

"The big bug's W was dodged by a slight twist!"

"Damn it! This Q is ruining the world, combined with the E skill male gun, half of the blood is gone! Galio also chose the dog head [hero debut]!"

Contractz craned his neck, his eyes fixed on 201 on the screen.

The dog's head stacked 9 layers of Q in less than 201 minutes. Is this scientific?
Regardless of science or not, the desert god of death standing in front of the male gun still kept AQing and beating the male gun violently.

E skill, flash!

But the dog's head was covered with a sheep's tail, and the male gun was overtaken by Qi Zhou's dog's head before he could take a step.

Soul draining blow!


"Why is the dog's head Q skill so high in damage? The CD is so fast!" The doll's mouth is so big that it can stuff a goose egg into it.

"Floor 207!?"

After the dog head Q killed the male gun, he held up a hammer and then smashed the blue bald head.

With the soul-sucking blow and the policewoman's bullet, Ryze couldn't hold back even if he had a lunch box to increase his blood volume, so he decisively handed over the flash, but Galio fell from the sky and knocked him into the air, preventing him from escaping.

The dog's head, whose sprint speed was raised to the maximum, ran towards him holding a weapon that exuded a breathtaking black-purple light.


"Impact, you go!"

Before dying, Ryze used magic to attack the dog's head and let the big bug escape first.

He didn't understand, in less than 9 minutes, how could this dog head be as fierce as the 20-minute team battle Piledriver Desert Reaper.

Really unscientific!

— "Soon there will be nothing left here!"

Soul draining blow!


Double kill!

In an instant, only the big bug was left in C9 on the bottom lane.

However, compared with Lulu's ultimate move and the dog's head of his own skill [Descent of Death], Kogas is like a little mouse woman.

Without any hesitation, Impact handed over the flash, and the big bug went to the other side of the triangle grass.

Seeing this, Krill Hot Dance asked Lulu to treat her.

The movement speed and blood volume increased instantly, and then, he picked up the big bug with EQ across the wall, and added a flat A with a red buff.

Qi Zhou's dog's head also took advantage of the last remaining prestige of the sprint to rush forward.

The big bug had no hope of escaping.

Impact activates the E skill to attack and slow down the prince, releases the Q skill to knock the prince into the air, and then A takes the big move to devour the prince and get the head.

Afterwards, the head of the dog that was rushed exploded with a hammer.

When the big bug had the last trace of blood left, Qi Zhou Cun Zhi canceled the level A with the Q skill.

The head was given to the iBoy's policewoman.

1 for 5, the group is destroyed!
Taking advantage of the time when the EDG4 took advantage of the opportunity to take down the cloud dragon, the director also called up the replay of this team battle.

"Obviously, C9 has sensed that EDG will take action on the bottom lane, but they didn't expect them to come so soon!"

"Impact's teleportation is very timely, but it can't change the fate of Fengnv's being caught in a second."

"The moment the big bug landed and Ryze opened up, C9 actually thought that EDG would retreat. After all, Dazui passively cleared the line and left only a half-blood cannon."

"But I didn't expect that Sea's dog head teleportation landed, and he started to go crazy with Rita, abruptly promoting the progress of the team battle!"

"The dog's head in the picture is really like a god coming down to earth!"

EDG team wiped out C9, Wawa and Miller seized this opportunity to praise wildly.

This is an LPL team. Even if they lost three games in a row at the beginning, as long as they can win, they should get their praise.

"The female policeman got 3 kills and has already taken off. C9's plan to delay the explosion of a tower in the next lane went bankrupt. There is a high probability that the two sides will switch lanes later."

"As long as the support has a good vision, the dog head can stack Q with peace of mind. I am looking forward to whether sea can reach 20 layers in 500 minutes in this round!"

"And the mid-term is the strong period of EDG's lineup! I personally think that the economic difference between the two sides will reach 20 in 5000 minutes without any accidents!"

Miller nodded, expressing his agreement with the doll's words, and at the same time pointing out everyone's doubts about why Qi Zhou's dog head can be stacked to 8 layers in 200 minutes.

The secret has not yet been revealed, but the 8U members of the Desert Grim Reaper started a barrage discussion with pride in their tone!
"Sure enough, sea is the one who went out from our dog head bar!"

"Damn it, hearing what you said, I seem to think of a certain bar friend's record of 20 floors in 879 minutes!"

"Upstairs, the latest record is 20 floors in 12 minutes and 915 seconds!"

"Haha, my big dog head is the version answer! That set of rune talent is the strongest standard configuration of the dog head!"

 Readers, please follow up, recommend tickets, comments, monthly tickets, rewards, etc., etc.! ! !

  It is still a seedling, the recommendation has not come, and it is in urgent need of nourishment! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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