Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 147 [146] "Quit Internet Addiction", next game 1, RNG

Chapter 147 [146] "Quit Internet Addiction", next game, RNG
Once entering the rhythm is as deep as the sea, from then on victory is a passerby.

The death of the old thief Sima triggered a series of butterfly effects.

Qi Ya's head was maimed.

Forced to return to the city.

Xiaotian helped the duo and quickly sent the line of soldiers into the outer tower of the red square.

Looking at the soldiers who were knocked down by the defense tower one by one.

The old thief Sima felt a heart-wrenching pain!

But he didn't know that even more cruel things were yet to come.

Due to the vision captured by the Phoenix team at the beginning, the prince swiped from bottom to top.

After Xiaotian disappeared from the bottom road, he didn't go far.

Instead, the river channel enters the red Fangye area.

The resurrected old thief Sima hurriedly manipulated the policewoman and rushed down the road.

He has already lost a wave of soldiers!

Unexpectedly, after passing through the second tower of the lower road, the duo of the Phoenix team did not leave, but instead crossed the first tower and walked towards him.

"To suffer..."

With such an abnormal behavior, the old thief Sima naturally thought that the Phoenix team must have other schemes.

In the next second, the greasy Mediterranean with a stopped beer belly rolled over from the exit of the wild area in front of the Red Fangxia Luneta.

"Be yourself!"

"How can you play games like this?"

The old thief Sima still flashed.

Glancing at the small map, Niutou had just walked out of the highland defense tower, and was still far away from him.

If you do it right, you might be able to run!
The most critical of these is to avoid the [Meat Bullet Shock] from the wine barrel behind him.

The same reason, Xiaotian also understands.

Thus, the cool policewoman and the greasy man began to compete for scheming.

Liu Qingsong seized this opportunity and quickly approached the policewoman.

The E skill taunted, forcing the old thief Sima to flash.

Xiao Tian's wine barrel bumped into the policewoman.

Just before the arrival of the bull's head, the policewoman died from the white turbid magic bullet fired by Ezreal.

"It's over!"

"Yes, it's over."

Li Chun and Qi Zhou looked at each other and smiled.

Started with two consecutive deaths.

It's hard to save the card guide in this round.

As long as the Phoenix team doesn't give RW a lot of money, it will basically be stable.

After all, the red side went down the road, it collapsed too thoroughly!
The start directly lost 3 waves of pawns.

Who can bear this?

Game time is 22 minutes.

The red side's base exploded, and there was a big problem.

The Xia team was defeated by the Phoenix team 3:0, and completely missed the spring finals.

"Let's congratulate FPX for winning the first ticket to the finals of the Spring Split!"

The passion of the commentary and the roar of the audience.

Everyone in the Xia team suddenly felt a sense of decline welling up in their hearts.

Xia, defeated.

Lost in the first level leading to the final battlefield.

FPX, like RW, is a new team that debuted on the LPL stage for the first time this season.

The beginning of the season.

RW has the reputation of "Galaxy Battleship".

As for FPX, apart from the top laner of the champion and the CEO of the million people, there is nothing unique about it.

5 vs. 2.
I should have had the advantage.

But who would have thought that the Xia team would lose zero points in the semifinals.

Before the match, the outside world had predicted the outcome of the match between the two sides.

It is true that there are more people who support the Phoenix team to win.

But just a little bit more, 57:43.
The gap is not particularly large.

In addition, most people guess that FPX and RW will play five games.

After all, through the regular season of the spring split.

Everyone has a clear understanding of the strength of each team.

But 3:0, no one expected, or this is a score that no one dared to imagine!

The wind is small and the water is cold.

Early spring is over and the weather is warm now.

But when the five members of the Xia team shook hands with the Phoenix team and walked off the stage.

The spring breeze that passed by had a chilly feeling.

"Are we considered strong?"

The old thief Sima, who was not good at words, looked at the silent teammates and asked softly.

Surprise flashed in Ah Guang's eyes.

Then he looked at old thief Sima.

There was confusion in his eyes.

Reveals the confusion of despair.

Familiar, too familiar!
Ah Guang instantly thought of Chidi's expression when he turned to look at the Summoner's Cup in the center of the bird's nest.

It cannot be said that they are irrelevant, only that they are exactly the same!
"Kill Emperor Chi, Emperor Chi is dead."

"Kill Emperor Chi, Emperor Chi is dead."

"Kill Emperor Chi, Emperor Chi is dead again."


"Kill Emperor Chi, Emperor Chi has retired."

Countless echoes stirred repeatedly in Ah Guang's mind.

"Han Jin, you can't retire!"

Ah Guang suddenly yelled, shocking everyone around him.

The old thief Sima who was called by his real name was even more astonished.


"Why did you retire?"

Old thief Sima was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I'm sorry to retire without winning the championship!"


Ah Guang also realized that he was a little dazed.

"Then why do you suddenly ask, we are considered very strong?"

"Uh... against the Phoenix team, apart from Xiaotian's rhythm and Jin Gong's ability to stabilize the line, I don't think the other players on this team are very strong."

"Of course, except for Neptune, his ability is really weird."

The old thief Sima told the reason.

Losing to the Phoenix team several times always made him feel that he lost for no reason, and he had nowhere to use his energy.

Of course, it's not just him.

Even other teammates felt this way.

"Isn't it just playing tricks~"

"Let's go back now, study a few routines, and wait for revenge in the summer competition."

"I don't believe it, they are all born by parents, and they are all professional players. He, Neptune, can come up with these weird things, can't we?"

"It's 94. With our strength, it's enough to think of 3 routines. Just use it when fighting the Phoenix team!"


Poison Coin, Xiao Fu, and Qi Ya are chattering loudly.

Ah Guang stood aside, silent.

It wasn't until the surroundings quieted down that he seriously admitted: "Actually, since Brother Zhou played in the World Championships, in front of me... no, it's as if a mountain is pressing on me."

"At first, I also thought that his routines took a lot of time to research, and they would be gone when they were used up."

"But in the back..."

"I just found out that he has really memorized every game data fluently."

"Fighting routines, no one can beat him."

"The only thing we can do is to improve our own strength. Like IG, we can defeat other FPX players head-on, so that Brother Zhou can't turn the tide."

Ah Guang's evaluation of Qi Zhou was pertinent, correct, and to the point.

Qi Zhou was able to obtain the routines on the field, which must have been demonstrated and practiced repeatedly.

From the S7 World Championship to the S8 Spring Split semi-finals.

In the games he played, he only lost one game against Samsung and one game against IG.

This also proves from the side that even the top team can hardly beat Qi Zhou.

"Han Jin, just now I said to retire... because Chidi's retirement left a deep impression on me."

"In these two games, you must not have demons!"

"Brother Zhou's routine, that's it."

"In addition to purifying a certain ability of the hero, it is to repeatedly kill a certain player of the opposing team through the must-kill routine...that is, to destroy a C position."

"While using head money to develop rapidly, we will continue to weaken the role of the opponent's position."

"Brother Zhou called it "Quit Internet Addiction"."

"Quit Internet Addiction", a game strategy proposed by Qi Zhou.

In fact, it is similar to military training of a player.

The term "military training" was first proposed by PDD as a special guest in the S7 Intercontinental Competition when explaining the match between WE and SKT.

At that time, SKT's top laner, Huni, chose Jax.

As we all know, when the hero Jax develops and performs a single belt, it will cause great trouble to the opponent.

It's a difficult point to deal with.

Therefore, to curb the development of Jax, and even through repeated ganks, Jax cannot get the line of soldiers, and the level economy stops growing.

It has become the main task of the jungler.

Therefore, the objects of "military training" are often heroes who are not very strong in the early stage and difficult to deal with in the middle and late stages.


The "Quiet Internet Addiction" proposed by Qi Zhou has a fixed target, which is the enemy's ADC.

The reasons can be roughly divided into two points.

The first is that ADC is the biggest guarantee for a team to have continuous output ability in mid-to-late team battles.

Everyone always says that, except for the deformed S7, League of Legends has always been the upper middle field version.

However, compared to the demand for strong upper and middle field players, each team is more inclined to have an ADCarry who can carry.

Because in the late stage, the role of ADC cannot be replaced.

This is also the reason why in the middle of the game, the average team will give up the most stable midline and many wild resources to the ADC.

From this point of view.

"Quit Internet Addiction" is equivalent to military training ADC.

Because the characteristics of most AD heroes are similar to heroes like "Jax".

The second point is that ADC is easy to kill.

Two-person road, low level, low blood volume.

The demand for equipment is high and the molding is slow.

"Endless, Lanqie, sucking blue knife, drinking blood, broken, armor-piercing bow."


"This is Yasuo's equipment on the opposite side."

"His nickname is AD Killer."

As the chicken shooter said, the enhancement of any piece of AD equipment is weakening the ADC.

It is enough to see that the living environment of AD is harsh, and a lot of energy needs to be spent on preventing gank in the early stage.

However, the armor-piercing men and horses, the Sauron combination, and the real bull that Qi Zhou took out...

He doesn't need any operations to play the ADC.
Four-way gank is worse than one-way gank!
It requires a huge amount of economic development and is the most critical position for the late team.

ADC was beaten into a waste in the early stage.

Then this team basically has no hope of winning.

"So vicious?"

"No wonder Chidi was beaten and retired."

After listening to A Guang's story, the old thief Sima felt Qi Zhou's deep malice towards ADC players.

"I hope others are okay." (Draw a circle and curse you)

[RNG's momentum is like a rainbow, and the little IG is brutally suppressed! ! ! 】

[UZI five kills Kai'Sa, Uzi YYDS]

[Spring Finals, Phoenix Team and Huang Team are about to play against each other! 】

[The trident breaks and sinks into the sand, the glory of the royal family remains! 】

[The world's number one AD, Uzi! 】

night of the second day.

The news of RNG's advance to the finals of the Spring Split swept the e-sports circle.

In the regular season of the Spring Split, IG, which had won 18 consecutive victories, was defeated by RNG outside the final gate.

This is what IG fans are most afraid of.


FPX Club.

Qi Zhou was slightly shocked by IG's defeat, but not surprised.

Because the current version of S8 is a wired version.

As long as there is a line that can stabilize the opponent and threaten the first blood tower, the opponent can go wild and be tied to this line.

And the other side's jungler can gallop across the canyon and fight against the jungle everywhere.

At this time, RNG's lineup consists of Letme in the top lane, MLXG in the jungle, sales in the middle lane, and the duo of Uzi + Xiao Ming.

Let Diorne, all living beings are equal, it is also difficult for a shy man.

Tiger Emperor of Spring, not many BBs.

The upper and middle lines are destined to not lead to a one-sided IG situation.

Therefore, the focus of IG and RNG is on the bottom lane.

IG here.

Although Jack Hot Dance has just debuted, he has already become one of the top AD players.

But compared to Uzi who has returned from injury, his strength is obviously still slightly inferior.

After all, the opponent is the world's number one ADC~
As for support, IG Baolan has been somewhat confused recently.

The combination of Xiao Ming and Uzi directly made RNG's bottom lane duo the strongest duo in the Spring Split.

The match between the two sides just confirmed this.

Jack Lawu and Baolan were stabilized by Uzi Xiaoming, and King Ning was held down in the second half of the field most of the time.

And RNG's wild spicy pot is to give full play to the hunger strike.

Special attention was paid to the big brother who "send ginger" on the road.

In this case, the advantage is definitely on RNG's side.

In addition, IG has problems with the team style.

BP and operational capabilities are completely inferior to RNG, one of the "Three Royals".

Losing a game is no longer normal.

What's more, after painstaking research, RNG finally unveiled their newly invented killer weapon at the end of the Spring Split:

——KaSa system.

You know, Kai'Sa, as a new hero, got a fist boost immediately after it was launched.

This makes it possible to meet a summoner who can play her.

Kai'Sa can play "supermodel" combat power.

Uzi S6 can't play Jhin, and S7 can't play Xia.

However, in S8 he can play Kai'Sa!
And four guarantees and one is an old style of play engraved in RNG's DNA.

This allows RNG to directly hit IG's trident with its extremely invincible and powerful bot lane.

The original IG.

Relying on the game, the trident can stably play the two forks, and cross the field.

But they didn't expect it.

RNG's one-foot-eight-foot snake spear can directly break its own trident.

Do that?
Lost all lost, you ask me what to do?
Anyway, at this time, the sense of loss in the hearts of everyone in IG is no less than that of Team Xia.

At the same time, the RNG team was also entered into the list of rivals by them.


"RNG's bot lane is really strong!"

"But their mid-top is also super stable."

"Like Letme, even if it's playing meat, Theshy can't crush it without calling it a jungler."

"And RNG's strength in the bottom lane makes King Ning unable to provide effective support."

"It has to be said that IG was defeated by RNG in this version."

Tomorrow will be the spring finals.

Therefore, the big boss Li Chun also ran over to replay the game with the Phoenix team members.

"I have full confidence in our team's cards."

"But I don't know, can you guarantee that the line will not be penetrated?"

Facing Li Chun's question, among the five starters, only Jin Gong answered confidently.

After all, he is facing Letme, an existence where all living beings are equal.

You are strong and I am strong.

You are weak and I am weak.

Very much like the RNG team.


"The champion of the spring competition is very important!"

Li Chun spoke softly.

After hearing this, White Crescent hurriedly said, "Actually, we still have a few alternatives."

"Although it is a bit extreme, it can also be used as a hole card, and they can even play a better role."

"But if I didn't play it out, I could only shoot 20 shots."

"As for the first few sets, it is really necessary that the three branches will not be at a big disadvantage before 15 minutes..."

(End of this chapter)

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