The blue square base is empty of blood, and a strong and bright light bursts out.

A shocking energy wave, as if the entity bombarded the screen.

Bobby and the prince of Demacia, who were holding water cannons, laughed loudly in the frozen background.

The two golden characters of victory appeared on the big screen.

"Let's congratulate rng, let one chase two and get the match point!"

The voice of the commentary is passionate.

But amidst the howls made by the audience, it was a little weak.

"rng will win!"

"Uzi will always drop God!

"Incense pot, my spicy hot pot!"

"Champion! Champion! Champion! Wuhu~~"

Spring Championship!
RNG is away from this honor and only needs to win one game.

The atmosphere of the scene has been achieved.

Every dog ​​fan is extremely excited inside.

If rng can defeat fpx in the next game.

That means that Uzi can win his first lpl championship in 6 years.

Six years without a championship!
Uzi really needs this trophy to prove himself.

He is not the world's number one adc with void attributes.

At this moment, Uzi's face flushed red.

Yuan Lan's face reflected the white light from above the stage.

He patted Mala Xiangguo's shoulder and laughed, "I buy Karma, I want to cherish the next game."

"Really, there has never been such a wonderful start!"

"Continue to catch and win for sure!"

"I want a champion!"

Mala Xiangguo was in pain and pushed Uzi's right hand away.

Then he said: "The red buff, the blue buff and the silver dragon cup, I want them all too!"

The starting jungler rng chose in the spring finals was Casa.

Casa's performance in the spring split was also considered wonderful. Compared to Phoenix's Xiaotian, it can be said to be [-]-[-].

But for the control of the battlefield, he is obviously not as good as Mala Xiangguo.

Given that Qi Zhou is Team Phoenix's trump card.

rng decided to use the spicy hot pot as their unique trick.

In the first game, due to the vision of the Phoenix team at the beginning, Kasa's whereabouts were captured.

Xiaotian resolutely turned against the wild.

In the early stage, he ate three more wild areas than Casa, and firmly grasped the rhythm.

In addition, Uzi's brilliant Kai'Sa was banned by the Phoenix team.

Therefore, in this game, after 42 minutes of fierce fighting, the Phoenix team wore down the rng three-way highland tower and won.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Li Guanjiong decisively replaced it with a spicy pot.

Wild area dominance is in place.

The strong combination of Uzi and Xiao Ming has no worries and can give full play to their strength.

Lin and Liu couldn't bear the pressure, and Xiaotian returned without success many times, so he had to look around the middle road.

Xiaohu was given continuous military training.

Knight's development is the best in the field.

But... no one can be seen in the team battle.

emm, just like that, rng played two games in a row and won the match point.

fpx background.

White Crescent originally wanted to train his left hand hard, but after seeing the various values ​​after the game, he felt that he had no reason.

Give up resentfully.

tnnd, I really don't understand.

This guy is obviously "invisible" in team battles.

But why is the output equal to uzi?

Weird, weird!

"Lao Zhou, it's time for you to play the finale!"

Li Chun was not in a bad mood because of two consecutive losses.

The Phoenix team was able to win a victory in front of such a luxurious lineup of rng.


It has been extremely difficult.

And Li Chun spent a lot of money to sign Qi Zhou for this kind of moment.

Help fpx win the final victory in the key game.


"Uzi is really a vicious dog."

"It's my turn to play and train him."

Qi Zhou stretched, got up and stretched his muscles.

The five members of the Phoenix team, except Xiaotian, all turned around, trying to get out of Qi Zhou's sight.

"What should come can't escape."

"This season, I have to play Ueno, Nakasuke and Xiasuke all the time."

There is no pro who doesn't want to play.

Just like Qi Zhou, although he has been on the bench at edg for two and a half years, he always wants to show himself on the field.

"Let's draw lots."

"Anyway, there is a high probability that I will be a tool person."

White Crescent looked at "Eighteen Killings of Dogs" on the small book, and said jokingly.

At the same time, a page of white paper was torn off and divided into 5 parts on average.

On one of the sheets was written "Xiao Yang Sheng Jian Bun".

"Whoever draws this card will be rewarded~"

"I'll treat him to some fried rice when I return to the Devil's City."

Except for Jin Gong, the other four starters looked at each other.

There was a suspicious look in each other's eyes.

When did the white crescent become a joke?
"Hurry up, don't ink."

"I still have to report the transfer of personnel!"


"Welcome back to the 2018 LPL Spring Finals!"

"Currently rng2:1 is ahead of fpx!"

"If they win this game, they will become the champions of the s8 spring competition!"

"And their opponent fpx, as expected, changed players and replaced Aquaman as a professional substitute!"

The commentators took advantage of the halftime break to adjust to their best condition and make full preparations for this battle of focus!
A clang sounded, and the banpick interface appeared.

The id of [fpx, gimgoon] is replaced by [fpx, sea].

Uzi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brothers, this game is over!"

Since the beginning of the spring competition, fpx has come up with the Zoro combination and the Queshiniu combination one after another.

Uzi, who was still recovering from his injuries at that time, was very excited about this super-control chain and high-explosive two-player lane combination.

For this kind of thing, you only need to smell experience at the beginning.

When you reach level 3, you will be unreasonable and "insane".

Operation and consciousness are all floating clouds.

As long as you want to eat soldiers, you will always be caught and killed in one set.

Play a kun?
In addition to picking Morgana, it can only be disabled when banpick.

Seeing that Qi Zhou replaced Jin Gong.

Uzi is naturally happy.

This shows that in this game, there should be no strange things in the bottom lane of the Phoenix team, and it is Rangdi who will feel uncomfortable.

"Hey... I'm going to play Ornn again."

Letme spread his hands, waiting for the coach to order.

"Sauron and Sparrow Bull should be banned."

"This round is still guaranteed."

"Anyway, there is no way to ban heroes against Sea."

Bron and Niutou were sent to the ban position by rng successively.

The Phoenix team's ban response is also very interesting.

If you ban two supports, then I will ban two ad.

So Kai'Sa and Verus were also placed in the ban seat.

"Ouch, Liu Qingsong!"

"I told you to use less bell-ringing cow skin, and now they would rather ban the bull's head than ban the rock sparrow."

Lin Weixiang's tone was rather indignant.

Liu Qingsong glanced at him and said solemnly:
"Does this have anything to do with my bell-ringing cow?"


"Obviously last year...uzi entered the arena, and uzi was killed again. uz...uzi was seconded again~"

Liu Qingsong's words.

It reminded everyone of the pig and dog battle in the s7 summer split.

Uzi chose Ice in that round.

And the sister-in-law took out the bull's head.

Someone with a heart read the highlights of the whole game.

And Liu Qingsong's words are the most spoken words by the commentators in the collection.

"You're such a jerk too!"

"Why did you become a joker today?"

"First Brother Zhou lifts his buttocks and farts comfortably, then Xiaotian knows how to eat after smelling farts, and the coach Xiao Yang makes fried buns..."

" can't be done, I'm going to die."

"Cough cough cough...cough cough."

While talking and laughing, the two sides completed the first round of bans.

rng finally disabled the czar.

As far as the first two games are concerned, he played the highest output of the game with his left hand.

Although it failed to help the Phoenix team reverse and win.

But it's also worth asking rng to pay a ban bit.

And judging from the statistics of the spring split.

The party who chooses the little yellow chicken has a winning rate of 61%.

And Little Yellow Chicken also had a ban rate of 48% in the Spring Split, only Qinggang Ying ranked second in the ban rate.

"Ka'Sa, Verus, and Calista are all banned by fpx."

"There are not many choices left for Uzi!"

"I guess the blue team's first choice should help grab the ad hero."

Everyone has become accustomed to the nearly pure ban method of the Phoenix team.

Miller wasn't surprised either, and made his own inferences.

"The policewoman."

"it is as expected!"

A Piltover policewoman in a custom top hat appears on the big screen.

There was a sudden burst of cheers from the audience seats.

It is a large number of dog fans.

At the same time, in [rng bar], there was also a post that entered the "bar owner's recommendation column".

——[2018.4.28 graphic live broadcast, rngvsfpx finals]

"The rng team does not lack miracles, but this finals, maybe it shouldn't be judged by whether they can perform miracles.

As the poster said, this game is a game to break the promise; it is a game to fulfill the promise of the rng players to the puppies and the promise of the rng team to the fans.

We have been waiting for this game for a long time; we have been looking forward to the fulfillment of this promise for a long time!

All the anticipation and waiting, gathered together!
Come on, rng! "

The attached picture under the text is a huge figure with the words "rng will win!" on the bandana.

At the bottom of the picture, there is a small box with a very symbolic meaning.

It says "rng 叕 (again) enters the final".

As if to say, the fifth time.

Is it time to win the championship?


"The first round of banpick for both sides is completed."

The blue party rng selected the policewoman, Thresh, and Ruiz.

The red square fpx chooses Fengnv, Xiaopao, and Wei in turn.

"Is Wei playing wild?"

"Not often."

"However, the Phoenix team chose her, and their intentions against Uzi are already extremely obvious."

"Wei's ultimate move is one of the few designated control skills."

The doll frowned, as if thinking about something.

"Uzi really played brilliantly in the previous game."

"In the battle against ig, his Kai'Sa got four kills, which made everyone stand out. The Phoenix team didn't release Kai'Sa four times in a row."


"...I think it would be better to replace Feng Nu with a Titan!"

The other two commentators nodded in agreement.

Wei Neng took it out on the third floor.

Obviously not the hero Qi Zhou wants to play.

From this point of view, it must be Xiaotian who uses her as a jungler.

And the Phoenix team chose Wei as a jungler, definitely wanting to use her ult to target Uzi.

As for the size of Titan, the mechanism is similar to that of Wei.

Double locks are obviously more secure.

"The first choice is Fengnv, maybe because I am afraid that RNG will take it."

"After all, Fengnv's protection ability is too strong, and the e skill can also provide attack power."

In the commentary exchange.

On the fourth floor of the red square, the succubus was selected.

Suddenly, there were exclamations on the field.

[rng bar]'s bar friends are talking about it even more.

"fpx is really not a human being, is he so afraid of puppies? First Wei, and then the succubus."

" should be Wei's jungler, the succubus mid laner."

"Puppy with purification! Xiao Ming with weakness!"

"I think we letme, we can choose a hand carefully"

"fpx is purely a waste of hard work. I don't know if rng's four guarantees and one are the best in the world!"


"Blind man, Shen!"

"rng's two hands are very nice!"

"If Wei is level 6, Shen also must be level 6. With Shen's big move and landing w, the policewoman doesn't have to worry about being seconded at all."

"The blind man of Xiangguo can also help the Uzi policewoman kick away the opposing hero when playing in a team."

"Just perfect!"

"Now I don't know what hero Aquaman will come up with in his final choice!"


fpx player seats.

Liu Qingsong has already put the mouse on a hero who is relatively unpopular this season but has played out of the game.

"Brother Zhou, I really think it's better to choose Taita than Fengnv."

Facing Liu Qingsong's complaint, Qi Zhou didn't explain too much.

Instead, he asked Lin Qingsong.

"Have you heard the story of the spear and the shield?"

"Uzi is the sharpest among the bottom laners."

"If you don't overwhelm the opponent by thirty knives online, then he is not considered an advantage."

"Instead of choosing an auxiliary spear, it is better to use a shield to reduce the damage caused to yourself."

After listening to Qi Zhou's words, Liu Qingsong was thoughtful.

But then he said: "I can't guard against him in the first place, so it's better to choose a spear, fight with him and lose both, and let others pick up the leak."

"no! no! no!"

Qi Zhou raised his right index finger and waved it.

"Actually, what I said and what you said is a choice."

"But they're not the optimal solution."

Liu Qingsong smiled helplessly.

Before the game, the Phoenix team trained a few sets of systems to play rng exclusively.

But after seeing that rng preferred the policewoman, Qi Zhou temporarily changed his mind and let Liu Qingsong take the wind girl first.

Teammates have doubts.

But during the Spring Split, he got to know Qi Zhou better.

Know that he will never fight an unsure battle.

White Crescent's trust in Qi Zhou has reached the point where it cannot be increased.

Therefore, fpx grabbed the wind girl very decisively.




On the right side of the auditorium, there was a countdown sound.

This is the cry from the fans of the Phoenix team.

The numbers in their mouths are the same as the countdown to hero selection.

Only Qi Zhou was worthy of their shouting in unison.





The moment the sound disappeared, the pitch-black fifth floor of the red square was filled with a red-eyed hero poster wearing silver-white metal armor and holding a spiked round sledgehammer.

"Master of Metal, Mordekaiser!"

"Is Iron Man going up?"

Colonel Guan's eyes widened.

Like the other two commentators, they showed black question mark expressions.

"Rng top order is Shen!"

"His w skill is immune to common attacks, and his q skill, which is the key output of Tetsuo, can't deal damage at all!"

"Don't Neptune go up, in the middle or down?"

Because Qi Zhou has a precedent for coming off the bench.

So Colonel Guan quickly thought of another explanation.

But soon the hero swap was done.

From top to bottom, the lineup of the red side is Tie Nan, Chu Yuxun, Dream Demon, Xiao Pao and Feng Nu.

This also means that there is a high probability that Tetsuo will go on the road.

"This lineup is weird!"

"Only by entering the game and looking at the early layout of fpx can we make a guess about the purpose of Neptune."

"Hey... let us stay tuned!"

Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

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