155 Chapter 154

The hero exchange is completed, and the final lineup of both sides is determined.

Blue side (FPX): top laner Pan Sen, jungler Keg, mid laner Ryze, ADC Ezreal, support Shen.

Red side (RNG): Top laner Ornn, jungler Nightmare, mid laner Galio, ADC Han Bing, and support prince.

As far as the lineup is concerned, the frankness and control of both sides are good.

Compared with FPX, RNG lacks output.

However, I am used to playing RNG with 4 guarantees and 1 guarantee. As long as Uzi's ice is not dead, the red side's firepower will never stop.

On the FPX side, they didn't think about Aoun, a real big meat hero.

Ai Xi, the Gua Sha master, after the equipment was formed, the five FPX players who could also shoot screamed.

What's more, if the timing of the spicy hot pot is right.

Then in team battles, RNG is often 5 vs 4.
In summary, the lineups of the two sides can barely be regarded as [-]-[-].

"I originally thought that FPX would come up with something strange, but I didn't expect RNG to come up with an uncommon prince support instead."

The commentators who were belatedly realized, after thinking about it in their hearts, began the classic commentary session.

"It's really not common...but it's actually not bad."

Miller was as steady as an old dog, and said without rushing: "Prince's E skill can detect vision, provide attack speed and even act as a TP item. The armor-breaking effect of Q skill is also conducive to teammates to play more output."

"And as a support, he can stay in the bottom lane."

"After level 6 has a big move, it is very easy to link up with Galio, and maximize the prince and Galio system."

"Of course, there are pros and cons."

"The prince's W skill is a bit weak, which makes his frankness slightly inferior to Shen's. Moreover, the EQ second series is not stable and controlled, and it is easy to make mistakes."

"But overall, it's a bold and slightly innovative attempt."

Miller didn't exaggerate the prince's support.

In the high-end game and professional arena, the prince is basically a jungler, and he can take the big meat of Kangte a few times.

As for the auxiliary prince... this is often the choice of the Novice Village players.

Whether he can play a stunning performance in the game, Miller can not guarantee.

It's always good to leave some room.

Otherwise, if you slap your face, PiaPia will hurt.

Of course, Senior Colonel Guan around him may have been immune to slaps in the face.

Now he dares to say anything without any scruples.

After all, "Management" was regarded as the standard of alliance metaphysics.

Colonel Guan guessed right, that is, his understanding of the game has improved, and his commentary quality has continued to improve.

guessed wrong.

That is the oracle!
How can you make random guesses, you unreasonable people?
"The lineup on FPX is a bit incomprehensible..."

Colonel Guan under the camera, his arms tightened, and his entire upper body turned towards Miller, as if he had a stiff neck.

"We know that FPX wants to play global streaming, and FPX also knows that we know they want to play global streaming, but what exactly is the specific operation method of this global streaming?"

"I believe RNG is the same as us, not sure."

"However, what is certain is that Pan Sen is definitely the key to Team Phoenix's global flow system!"

What Colonel Guan said was quite right, but it was all nonsense.

The reason why FPX dared to come up with this global streaming system must mean that it has some kind of miraculous effect.

And this miraculous effect mainly works on Uzi.

"Pan Sen's ult has a range of 5500 yards, so it's not like Shen can support the whole map."

"In my opinion, the split between Pan Sen and Shen is completely interchangeable."

"But FPX made this kind of allocation, which means that the protagonist of the game on the blue side is definitely the king of war of Brother Xi!"

"Okay, the audience at the scene, the summoners in front of the screen, ②In the spring of 018, the last peak match of LPL officially begins!"

The curtain of the silver dragon entanglement opened, and the 3D top view of Summoner's Canyon was spread and occupied.


In late spring, night rain often moistens the Sichuan-Chongqing Basin.

Tonight was no exception.

A few cold raindrops fell from the sky to the ground, splashing in all directions.

Many people who had just had their fill shook their heads and gave up the idea of ​​going shopping.

For a while, the street was deserted.

However, the Great Rubik's Cube Performing Arts Center suddenly erupted with enthusiastic applause and shouts.

"UZI got three kills!"

The cries of the dolls were amplified through the speakers and echoed throughout the venue.

At this point, the game time is only 1:24 seconds.

The large number of emperors immediately cheered!
Uzi starts with 1000 yuan!
This is solid!

In the picture, Queen Ashe, dressed solemnly and gorgeously, moves gracefully and stares indifferently at the wine barrel killed by the bow and arrow in her hand.

The brilliance of blue and gold around it further shows its luxurious temperament.

Just now she killed the wine barrel, Pan Sen, and Ritz successively, completing the triple kill achievement!

"This one is here! The champion is here!"

Even though Ashe was terminated by Pantheon's ignition, Uzi still screamed excitedly.

The game that will determine the final winner of the Spring Split.

FPX and RNG put all their energy into it from the very beginning, and went directly down the river to meet each other and started a fierce first-level group.

Uzi's ice, relying on good positioning and super proficiency to go A.

Although it is said that the two sides of this wave of groups are three for three.

But on RNG's side, Han Bing took triple kills!
For an aggressive team like IG, which has extremely strong suppression from top to bottom.

If there are three C positions, there will be one head at the beginning.

That's perfect!
It's hard to lose.

Because they are three-core, as long as the two-core can drive, then the game is basically a sure thing.

As for RNG, although Spring's Xiaohu, Malaxiangguo, and Uzi are also top-notch.

But four guarantees and one, just like the big tree of EDG, has become the culture of the RNG team.

Uzi up, not necessarily win.

But if Uzi can't get up, there is a high probability of losing!

For FPX, Qi Zhou has 1 head and Lin Weixiang has 2 heads.

Because Pan Sen is facing Aoun.

And Qi Zhou's choice of Pan Sen runes is not the combination of Alley + Jiaozhuo, which is similar to the consumption flow combination of "Underworld Fire".

He chose "electrocution" for his keystone rune.

This also means that what Qi Zhou pursues is explosiveness, and he wants to kill people in seconds.

Even if you get a head, you want to grind Ornn's blood or kill him online.

Without the cooperation of the jungler, it is basically an impossible fantasy.

As for Lin Weixiang taking 2 heads...

It's not a big problem for Uzi.

After all, he has 3 heads, and one is first blood, so 100 more gold is credited.

Furthermore, the number 600 is very embarrassing for Ezreal.

This version of Tears of the Goddess requires blue crystal + blue armor to complete, and the total price is 750 gold.

He doesn't have enough money!

This also means that, when Ezreal starts stacking the magic cut, he still has to wait for the first wave to return to the city, and cannot advance it.

Secondly, Lin Weixiang's outfit is Dolan's Sword + Red Medicine.

He was at the end of the team at the group station just now, and he didn't suffer any damage except for a little blood worn off by Ashe [Thousand Arrows].

So the red pill is still there.

This also makes the equipment combination of extraction + reusable potion, which is exactly 600 gold, impossible to purchase.

After all, selling red medicine means losing money.

Professional players don't have any money, they all need to plan carefully.

Only fools do this kind of thing.

So after Lin Weixiang bought the extraction cruelly, he used all the remaining 150 gold to buy the red medicine.

Hemp egg!

Is it hard to get three kills at the beginning?
I am afraid that the red medicine will not kill you!

"As you can see, UZI Ashe chose [Champion's Arrow]!"

"It is enough to see his desire for the championship!"

"Three kills start against the sky, I hope RNG can also get what they want, of course, FPX will definitely not give up lightly."

The pseudo-emperor's miscellaneous management colonel's EQ is still ok, not one-sided.

Ashe's Champion Arrow is a legendary skin that was released during the S game last year.

But compared to Project Yuan, her touch is not good.

It is enough to see that the word "champion" holds a lot of weight in Uzi's heart.

He wants to win so badly!

"Both junglers present a mirror image opening."

Miller raised the volume, so that the audience began to have blank eyes due to the end of the first-level group. Follow his commentary rhythm to get a better viewing experience.

The mirror jungler can stagger the rhythm, maximize the profit of clearing the jungle, and retain GANK capital.

Nightmare is in the top half, and Barrel starts in the bottom half.

This means that if one side does not invade, the two will basically be in diametrically opposite positions in the early stage.

"Because the two sides met in the river, the level 1 team fought for a long time, and they couldn't leave a vision in the opponent's wild area."

"So before the sidelines meet, it is basically impossible to judge the opponent's opening route."

"Nocturne's gank ability before level 6 is not as good as the wine barrel, but the combat ability in the wild is not weak!"


With the help of Emperor Rang, Mala Xiangguo ate the red buff, and then quickly cleared F6 with the help of Q skills and passive.
Immediately headed towards the blue upper wild area.

And the jungle route that Xiaotian planned in his mind is: red buff-raptor-blue buff.

Because he wanted to make a quick three and catch him on the road.

Just as the RNG players and commentators expected.

Pan Sen is the core of FPX's lineup system!
Although Qi Zhou's Q skill in the first-level regiment was ignited, he burned the remaining blood Uzi to death, and got his head.

But Uzi got 3 heads.

This is something that FPX did not expect.

This one is not like the last game. Uzi needs to be fattened so that he can use RNG's sharpest sword to cut off RNG's hope and give them failure.

In the pre-match planning, Qi Zhou was going to help Uzi lose weight...

Cough cough, it's not aimed at, the main reason is that he is too fat and easy to fall into the three highs.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with quickly grabbing it.

Although Pan Sen didn't carry Alley Anxiety, he did have two long swords, Qi Zhou relied on his assists + head money, and got the corruption potion on the line with a long sword.

The blood consumption ability of the Q skill is not weak!
The South American hot and strong samba-dressed wine barrel drank the fine wine in the oak barrel, and then punched Blue Buff hard.

Waiting for the next wave of skill numbers and cooperating with the punishment, Xiaotian will be able to accept it perfectly.

But right now.

A bright blue falcon flew through the air.

The whereabouts of the wine barrel was discovered by the ice E skill!


Xiaotian cursed secretly.

Uzi's ice level 2 learns E, which he never expected.

He took a special look at Han Bing's outfit when he went online, Dolan Sword + Long Sword + Short Sword + Straw Sandals + Red Medicine.

The 1k gold obtained by the level 1 regiment was perfectly utilized by him.

Combined with Uzi's personality, Xiaotian thinks that he will definitely fight with Lin Weixiang at level 2, and he will definitely learn Q.

Unexpectedly, the little dog turned into an old dog, so good!
Actually... Uzi is not a stable B.

It was the man who was already studying the mid-season game that made Brother Zaozi Hanbing learn E at level 2.

Last summer's decision on that pig broke Uzi's mentality.

"Ezreal has Arcane Leap, and has a relatively high degree of cautiousness. Even in the prince's EQ, it is difficult to kill them with a level 2 W of Ice."

"Compared to learning E at the third level, taking photos of the opponent's toad and stone man can indeed determine the opponent's jungle movement in advance."

While analyzing, Miller paid attention to the movement of the wine barrel.

After Xiaotian was found by Hanbing, he subconsciously pulled the blue buff towards the magic marsh frog.

Miller's voice dropped an octave.

"But... the blood volume of the blue buff is a bit too much... the nightmare has arrived!"

E skills start!
Nocturne, who came out from behind the blue buff camp, implanted the nightmare into the brain of the barrel.

A little tug and the barrel is dreaded.

Afterwards, the Q skill of Mala Xiangguo took over the basic attack and punished the blue buff.


Xiaotian couldn't help but cursed loudly.

But there were thunderous cheers at the scene.

It is RNG fans who are celebrating the success of Mala Xiangguo in grabbing blue!
The nightmare appeared on the small map, and Qi Zhou saw it naturally.

But he couldn't help it.

Relying on the Q skill to throw the spear, Qi Zhou made the emperor's scalp tingle, and he has already played a small advantage in the line.

If it weren't for the change of the hatred mechanism, the lock skill would attract the hatred of minions, and Pan Sen couldn't ignore Q Ornn.

Qi Zhou was able to knock out Rangdi's half blood at this time.

Seeing that the blue buff had been robbed, Qi Zhou completely cut off his support.

If you move yourself, Ornn will definitely move.

Level 2 Nightmare + Level [-] Ornn, Level [-] Pantheon and Wine Barrel, it's hard to beat.

Secondly, what Qi Zhou brought was Flash and Ignite, and they have all been handed over.

Even if he was lucky enough to kill the opponent, his state would definitely be crippled and he had to return to the city.

Ornn's summoner skill is teleportation.

You can go back online immediately after being revived.

Once Xiaoxian is controlled, the level is leading, and he can only stare blankly.

But Rangdi can sit on his own, "all beings are equal" title.

"The blue buff of the wine barrel was robbed, it hurts the rhythm!"

"Rangdi has already become vigilant, and made up his eyes in the triangular grass."

Nightmare swaggered through the middle and went to the bottom half to clear the field.

And the wine barrel can only bully the nearby Demon Marsh Frog and Shadow Wolf.

"It's interesting..." Xiaotian was very upset, but he could only accept the fact that his rhythm was affected and his whereabouts were controlled by the other party.

"Han Bing, you will pay the price."

Therefore, after eating the river swift crab, he did not choose to return to the city.

Instead, they directly invaded the upper wild area of ​​the red side, and aimed directly at the stone beetle camp.

"Brother Zhou, I'll come after killing the worms."

Qi Zhou glanced at the ignition CD, "The time is just right!"


In the bottom lane, although Uzi learned E at level 2, his style of play is still fierce.

Even though Lin Weixiang's EZ launched the white turbidity at a tricky angle, he was not afraid.

The wine barrel is not down, and I am not dyed to gank.

Master is proud, what can you do to me!

Ice walked back and forth, shooting out blue arrowheads from time to time to replenish soldiers.

Ezreal could only stare blankly from behind.

Because Shi Senming's prince stood in the middle of the red square, like a big Han warrior, protecting Ashe.

The prince's EQ flying, because it is the control of the connection of two skills, and the landing point of the German flag can make the opponent predict in advance.

Not easy to hit.

However, the prince can flash EQ!

What's more, as long as I don't use my skills, you must always be vigilant.

This is a psychological shock!
Ezreal's level 1 Q cooldown is 6.5 seconds.

not long.

But it is obviously unrealistic to use it to replenish troops.

Therefore, Lin Weixiang still had to let Ezreal go forward to attack.

Uzi's certificate of merit, his eyes fixed, and he immediately shouted, "Let's fight!"

Shi Senming understood and manipulated the prince to move forward.

【Thousands of Arrows Shooting】

Ezreal was slowed, and Ashe's basic attack followed.

Lin Weixiang groaned in his heart!
It is impossible for him to use the E skill now, it is used to avoid the prince's EQ second company!
It is also impossible for Shen to go up and mock Han Bing.

"Hey! Withdraw, withdraw..."

"Wait 6, wait 6!"

Lin Weixiang was very helpless.

Of course, he was fighting and retreating. In the process of running down the tower, he counterattacked with a general attack followed by a Q.

It won't work like this!

After getting out of danger, Lin Weixiang frowned.

Just now the prince can be said to have 0 output, and he kept EQ all the way.

And he doesn't use EQ twice.

It is impossible to hand in [Arcane Leap] first.

Because after handing in E, he was still provoked by the prince. Facing the ice of this kind of outfit, he must hand in Flash to escape.

You know, Nightmare is in the lower half.

And Xiaotian was in the upper half, and wanted to wait for Qi Zhou to ignite and cool down, and kill Rangdi together, but he couldn't support him.

Suddenly, a sea dongqing flew towards the direction that Aixi's bow and arrow pointed.

Lin Weixiang glanced at the small map, and immediately reminded: "Oh my god, Ash is dead!"

At the same time, the signal to retreat kept falling at the foot of the barrel.

Qi Zhou, who was born in Gou Tou Bar, is a master at line control.

At this moment, the point where the pawn line converged was only slightly shifted towards the red side.

Aoun stayed at the long-range soldiers pile, not squatting in front of the defense tower.

"Brother Zhou, just jump over!"

While speaking, Xiaotian manipulated the wine barrel and leaned over.

Qi Zhou nodded, "You keep it in a flash, it's okay to exchange 1 for 1."

"Wait and go to help the bottom road relieve the pressure."

Jean Emperor was staring at the mini-map.

Ice's E skill of 25000 yards is in a straight line, constantly lighting up the dark fog of war.

And the landing point of the falcon was the stone beetle camp not far from him.

He had already made plans in his heart.

If the wine barrel was in the stone beetle camp after the light was on, he would go straight into the defense tower without looking back.

It doesn't matter if you don't know the experience, your life is important.

If not, then continue to squat behind the soldiers line to hear the experience.

After all, I have rough skin and thick flesh.

And Pan Sen's mana is not much, and he has already started to use the corruption potion to recover.

Falcons keep flying over the Summoner's Canyon, rivers, middle lanes, F6, and red buffs.

Stone Beetle Camp!
No barrels in sight.

The stone beetle is gone... no, two came back!
The emperor was startled, but in the next second, Pan Sen, who was still far away, flashed with W.

Jump, shield bash!
Ornn was stunned, and Keg emerged from the fog of war.

"Meat bomb impact, get Q skills! Ornn is charged to death!"

"Pan Sen cast an electric shock!"

"Let the Emperor cross to flash, but the debuff effect of the red buff is still hanging on the body."

"Pan Sen carried the defensive tower twice, and finally used the Q skill to take the head with a critical strike!"

Qi Zhou and Xiaotian, under the reminder of Lin Weixiang, it takes time to light up the field of vision with the ice E skill, which caught the emperor by surprise.

Let the emperor have TP.

So Xiaotian helped Qi Zhou push the line, and the two went home together.

"Brother Zhou W is decisive!"

The bottom lane is under a lot of pressure, but Liu Qingsong is actually relatively leisurely, and it is Lin Weixiang who is uncomfortable.

So he didn't care about the details, and after watching the whole wave of kills on the top lane, he switched to the bottom lane without getting enough.

"Hey... I don't know when I will reach 6."

Due to the combined strength of the players and heroes, it is impossible for Shen to find an opportunity to use his E skill to taunt the ice and use it with Ezreal.

So Liu Qingsong also seemed a little lazy.

He is looking forward to, looking forward to the sixth generation Qi Zhou jumping off the road according to the pre-match plan to let Uzi see what is dangerous in the world!


The game time is 7 minutes and 45 seconds, off the road.

Shen was a little reckless.

The E skill was 1cm short of taunting Bing, but was controlled by the prince, handed over the flash, and escaped with less than 300 blood, Bing and the prince are about to upgrade to 6.
Only the lonely Ezreal remained under the tower.

Nightmare is hitting the red buff, and let the emperor pin signal to remind Pan Sen to disappear.

But this did not dispel Uzi's desire to surpass Tallinn Weixiang.

After clearing the next wave of melee soldiers, he can be promoted to 6!
At that time, it can completely cooperate with Xiaohu's Galio to kill Ezreal.

Obviously, both sides have noticed the point of bot lane.

In the middle, Galio and Ryze are both clearing the line quickly.

After the spicy hot pot hit the red, he went back to the city directly, then threw the Q skill forward, and rushed towards the bottom road.

"Return 2 soldiers!"

"You first use EQ to force him to E, and I will follow up."

Uzi speaks quickly and eagerly.

After killing EZ, he will be able to attack speed shoes + run-down when he returns home!

At that time, the game time was only about 9 minutes!

Who can withstand this kind of ice!

Shi Senming moved when Uzi A killed a minion.

He directly started with EQ, ignoring that Ezreal was still under the defense tower.

At the same time, Han Bing's general attack killed another bloody soldier.

A white light flashed, both rose to 6!

Ezreal used arcane leap, retreated back, and avoided the prince's second company.

But at the same time, a magic crystal arrow came head-on.

Hit, stun!
Without any reason, Shi Senming directly built the pigsty and imprisoned Ezreal in it.

At the same time, the complex rune of Galio's ultimate move appeared on the ground.


Ryze's level 1 R distance is too short, and the left hand can only TP the defensive tower.

The moment the blue beam of light lit up, the red beam of light also fell on the soldier.

Let the emperor also use teleportation!
"Make up for the damage, make up for the damage!"

The prince was attacked by the defense tower, and his body was very fragile due to the lack of updated equipment.

You can only show your big move first.

Because Xiaohu's Galio does not have double rings, but a lunch box, straw sandals + magic resistance cloak after returning to the city.

After landing, the damage was insufficient, and it failed to kill Ezreal.

Seeing that Ezreal's blood volume was not killed, Shi Senming looked at Han Bing.

Ice was ridiculed!

"When did Shen come?"

Shi Senming was very puzzled.

Behind, Han Bing was shooting an arrow at Shen, and at the same time a huge circle appeared on the ground.

The ice is here!

"Fuck, Pantheon?"

In an instant, Shi Senming knew that he would suffer.

And Uzi, who was beside him, was even more tense and said nothing.

Pantheon landed!

The blow from the sky caused more than 300 points of magic damage to Ashe, and then, AWQ, electrocution was triggered, and the ice and blood fell to the ground.

The sudden change left everyone in RNG confused.

But the commentators who have God's perspective know that they have witnessed the whole process of things.

After being maimed by Han Bing and the prince, Shen did not actually return to the city.

Instead, he walked towards his own red zone. With the help of the wine barrel, he ate the red buff and successfully upgraded to 6.
At the same time, Qi Zhou and Pan Sen also walked out of the high ground.

Open directly.

The Spartan warrior crouched down to charge up, before he farted soaring into the sky, Shen Da moved the light of the secret arcane to surround him.

Afterwards, Pan Sen jumped into the sky above the ice.

Just as the indicator circle showing the range of Pan Sen's landing point appeared, Shen finished guiding his ultimate move, and suddenly appeared in front of Han Bing.

Before Uzi could react, he was ridiculed by E!
"So this is the core of FPX Global Stream!"

The doll suddenly realized.

Father, like son.

After seeing the whole process, he used his game knowledge to understand the principle in an instant.

Pan Sen's ultimate move [Fallen Strike] is divided into three stages.

After pressing the ultimate move, Pan Sen charged up, flew into the sky, and bombarded the target area.

In fact, when the power is fully charged, Pan Sen's position has already reached the top of the target area.

As long as you time carefully, you will be able to land and taunt the moment the enemy sees the area of ​​Pan Sen's ultimate move.

That's basically no reaction time.

The center damage of Pan Sen's ult is ridiculously high.

In addition, Qi Zhou released the sawtooth dagger, Caulfield's war hammer, combined with electrocution and Pan Sen's high skill AD bonus.

The ice was instantly melted!
"Before UZI made mercury, it couldn't be prevented at all!"

Senior Colonel Guan couldn't help sighing, "Ice is crushed, then FPX will win this wave of team battles!"

If Qi Zhou could hear it at this time, he would definitely yell at him.


【To shut up! 】

[Started to cast a spell! 】

[Speak more if you can speak, I love to listen! 】

Hearing Colonel Guan's speech, the audience friends seemed to have a premonition about the outcome of the next game.

Ryze TP landed and went straight to Galio.

EZ who was not killed in seconds, healed and flashed, wanted to escape.

But the sky of Summoner Canyon suddenly turned black.

Nightmare, the lights are turned on and off!

Blue square angle of view.

In the next second, the message that Ezreal was killed by Galio popped up.

Immediately afterwards, the Nightmare Double Kill popped up.

 Destiny dictates, needless to say, ginger tea before swimming, warming up and warding off the cold.




  Hey, if you change to the Resurrection Armor in seconds, and then change to the famous sword, you don't have to suffer!
(End of this chapter)

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