Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 161 [160] Canyon Basketball Dancer and Digger

Chapter 161 [160] Canyon Basketball Dancer and Digger
"Bad review..."

The LPL commentators are Colonel Guan, Sangeunshuo, and Su Xiaoyan.

After the lineup of the two sides was confirmed, the three of them stared blankly for a long time, and in the end they only choked out this sentence.


On the big screen, the lineups of both sides:
Top order: Digger vs Knife Girl

Jungle: Emerald God vs Troll
Mid laner: Iron Man vs Vampire

Bottom lane: Anne, Malzahar vs Dazui, Tam

It's hard for someone to tell why.

On the whole, FNC has frankness, mixed damage, control, harvesting, protection ability, and continuous output.

Vampires and Sword Girls are extremely powerful heroes in the current version.

The former benefited from the 8.4 version, and League of Legends newly added the equipment [Binding Magic Orb].

[Binding Magic Bead] is synthesized from a useless stick and ether essence + 700 gold coins, and the total price is 2800 gold.

It provides 100 spell power and a 10% movement speed bonus.

When nearby allies and enemies cast spells, [Spellbinding Orb] will be charged, and 100 floors are the full floor.Consuming the charge, you can gain a maximum of 4% and decaying movement speed bonus and 30 spell power within 100 seconds, depending on the consumption of charge layers.

In the previous version, the first piece of equipment for vampires would be "Push Stick".

This is because vampires lack regular ability (displacement).

But now, [Binding Orb] can provide vampires with high movement speed and a huge amount of magic power, making their burst and mobility directly full.

With the rapid flow vampire of "Predator", he directly became the top laner of the T1 level in the arena.

As for the knife girl...

Compared with the last generation of Blade Will who was chopped into scum by Li Chun, the CEO of the Backstage Phoenix Team, the upper and lower limits of the new version of Sword Girl have been improved.

As long as the operation is hard enough and the proficiency is high enough.

The reborn "Blade Dancer" Irelia is definitely a difficult monster in the eyes of others!

"I really don't have an accurate concept of the strength of FPX's lineup in my mind."

Colonel Guan began to speak nonsense, "It's not because I don't understand the game well. If Umbrella Emperor evaluates it, he must have difficulty speaking."

While speaking, Colonel Guan turned his head to look at San Geunshuo.

"FNC's lineup can be regarded as a set adapted to the version, and it is a very good lineup in every aspect."

"As for the Phoenix team, it's obvious that they're playing sluts."

"The two cannot be compared horizontally at all."

"In my opinion, as long as the lineup of the Phoenix team is not turned into a Muggle during the laning phase, it should be able to win."

Umbrella Genshuo picked up a small doll next to it, held it with both hands, and placed it in front of his stomach.

"If a player of the Phoenix team is killed by the line in the early stage, it will be difficult..."

Temporary rescue, fatal.

After summing up the words of Umbrella Emperor, if FPX can guarantee that it will not collapse in the early stage, then it is no problem if it wants to win.

But the early stage collapsed...

The whole team will become FNC's toys.

After all, the shortcomings of the lineup composed of five heroes including Iron Man, Tomb Digger, and Emerald God are too obvious.

When playing in a group, they can't do effective poke at all!


"A tribute to Pokemon? Our opponent is really interesting~"

Following Xpeke, the first European King of France, another generation of King Perkz, and Pilsen, Caps successfully became another generation of King of France with his performance in the Spring Split.

When you are proud of life, you must be in high spirits.

In his eyes, the Phoenix team's lineup selection is "very interesting."

Yes, that's the fun, nothing else.

"If FPX's opponent is a newcomer to the League of Legends, I can be sure that their lineup will definitely give a very shocking introductory lesson to those little Caikuns."

"However, if you come up with such a lineup in the mid-season championship game, you will look down on FNC too much!"

"This is slandering European e-sports!" FNC top laner Bwipo, who was dubbed "Bibab" by Sun Yalong, spoke harshly, but the smile in his eyes couldn't be stopped.

"Even if they could summon a bunch of gray cattle, I wouldn't be afraid at all."

"Because as long as I deal with the heroes on the opposite side...they will disappear without a trace."

Two players in FNC are very arrogant.

In their view, the opening winner of this mid-season championship game must be FNC.

The first is the wonderful lineup of the Phoenix team.

If in a game, the opponent has an unpopular or reversed version of the hero in a position, they will definitely take it seriously.

Because it must be technology and hard work.

But five heroes who can see the routine at a glance, what is there to worry about?
You know, the jungler broxah in the FNC team has become the number one jungler in Europe and the United States recognized by players and audiences through top-notch awareness and extreme operations.

It is also difficult to find players who can compete with the LCK and LPL divisions that are on top of the LCS division.

"Guys, let's not underestimate the enemy."

"After all, FPX is the champion of the LPL Spring Split, and Sea plays Yorick in person, so it's hard to guarantee that he will have any novel style of play."

As an AD player, Rekkles is relatively calm, "You guys are too exaggerated."

"You have to know that Sea has only lost two games since last year's World Championship."

Caps and Bwipo both smiled.

Nor did they expect Rekkles to be so serious.

What the two said just now is actually a continuation of the trash talk before the opening ceremony, and it can be regarded as a morale booster.

In fact, as a teammate, Rekkles certainly understands the character of his midfielder.

His incongruous interruption was mainly due to the infamous nickname of Sea, the opposite player:

AD killer

Don't panic, I panic!

Game loading screen.

Rekkles was very decisive when he saw the [electric shock] and teleportation of the blue square, and it was not good immediately.

Fake, even Emerald God is going to explode.

This simply does not give myself this AD living space!

[Oh ho ho!It's such a big show, Huang team cowhide! 】

[Is this the main team or a tower push?Monster Brawl? 】

[Shepherd and Annie haven't played for a long time, have they? 】

[20 minutes to end the European and American Lobby game! 】


"The match has officially begun!"

Following the shouts from the LCS commentary booth, ten heroes from the red and blue sides rushed out of the spring!

The two sides conducted testing in the river.

FNC is indeed a proper team lineup, but the starting hero level is only level 1, which makes a powerful team composed of 5 heroes unable to beat the "Pokemon" trainer with multiple AOE skills on FPX team.

After all, sword girls and vampires with only one skill are a bit... shabby.

"The vampire may have planted an eye on F6."

The lines of soldiers converged, and Caps' vampire was not seen.

With a sharp left hand, he went to his own F6 camp and saw a vampire with a red bar that had just used up his Q skill.

Emerald God was endowed with a unique wild farming mechanism by the [Friends of the Forest] event.

This allows Cui Shen to go to the online Gank without worrying about losing his wild rhythm.

Although he felt "funny" about FPX's lineup, Caps didn't hold it too high.

That's why he planted an accessory eye in the F1 camp at level 6 to detect the whereabouts of the Emerald God.


Xiaotian chose the three wolves to start.

He controlled the Emerald God and built a warm nest for his blue buff.

At the same time, a decorative eye is inserted in the grass to prevent the big-nosed troll next door from stealing vegetables.

After the incense burner was cut into a urinal, the Emerald God was also short-lived. After a brief bloom on the field, he returned to the ranks of the bench.

Being able to play this time is also thanks to the FPX lineup's "the more the better" attitude towards summons.

Because the troll is red, Daomei has just gone from the red side's upper field to the online.

Therefore, no dispute broke out in the three ways.

The director's shots were naturally given to Cui Shen.

After all, the green god's wild route is still worth paying attention to by the audience and commentators.

"Haha, how does Tian know we're watching him, it's so funny!"

The bearded commentator was very surprised to see the Emerald God Ctrl+3 on the big screen, highlighting the interaction.

Cui Shen was launched in 2016.

Today, it has been two and a half years!
Because of Qi Zhou's butterfly effect in the novel, the popularity of League of Legends is higher than that of Wishing World.

Therefore, the speed at which the fist produces skin has increased a lot.

Xiaotian's Emerald God chose the [Slam Dunk] skin in this game.

The long legs dance with an orange basketball, very graceful~
"I have to say, this skin is really milky!"

"The dance moves are soft and smooth, and with Ivern's long legs, the effect is great!"

As a well-educated commentator, the blond hair is making money for the fist skin, which can be said to be a full-scale promotion.

On the other side, the heroes on both sides also started an online confrontation.

Both Annie and Malzahar's starting outfits are Spellstealing Blade.

Against Dazui and Tam, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong are just a word of push.

Annie's Q skill kills a unit, which can return mana and CD. After Malzaha's E skill kills a unit, it will be passed to a nearby unit.

Therefore, although the attack of the two is not high, the speed of pushing the line is extremely fast.

The FNC duo didn't think about wasting either.

Big Mouth Tail Knife, and Tamm used his big tongue to hit the [trophy] of the Holy Relic Shield.

Down the road a peaceful scene.

But the road is a chill atmosphere.

Daomei's basic attack range is a full 200 yards, the longest of all melee heroes.

As for the cornerstone rune of Bwipo, I chose the "Conqueror", which was newly added to the precision system in version 8.6.

[4 seconds after entering the battle, your first attack on the enemy hero will provide you with 10-35 attack power, depending on the level, for 3 seconds, and convert 20% of the damage you cause to the enemy into real damage]

Evaluation: supermodel, abnormal, the next version must be cut!
And Daomei's passive can also provide additional attack speed and attack power.

The gains provided by the superposition of the two... are extremely exaggerated.

When Daomei went online, three melee soldiers were left with blood, Bwipo did not hesitate, and QQQ took her three times.

Qi Zhou chose to forbear.

Voluntarily gave up 2 melee soldiers.

But now, the ranged soldier's HP is only half.

Qi Zhou could feel that Daomei was ready to move.

"Irelia quickly used [Blade Strike] 3 times, and perfectly captured the first wave of troops!"

"Oh my god, Irelia just Q'd on Yorick, let's fight!"

Bwipo has a high spirit, and he is topping the S7 champion to show his proficiency in the sword girl.

Due to the need of "black technology", Qi Zhou's runes, like his teammates, are "electrocution".

After AQA was triggered, he chose to turn around and leave.

In this wave of confrontation, Bwipo earned a basic attack.

Don't underestimate this basic attack.

Because of the extra damage provided by Conqueror and Passive, Grave Digger actually loses nearly 80 HP.

"Bwipo, be careful... Ivern is swiping upwards."

European French king Caps reminded.

His vision under the arrangement of F6 captured the whereabouts of Emerald God.

At 2:15, the Emerald God with a red buff on his body arranged a circle of flower baskets in the Raptor camp.

"Tian's first punishment should be handed over to the red buff."

Xiaotian didn't spawn stone beetles.

There are two reasons.

One is that the location of the stone beetle is relatively far away, which greatly affects your own rhythm when there is no competition for time in the early stage.

The second is that the Emerald God will directly send away the stone beetle when passive, which prevents the stone beetle from splitting the small happy insects.

Cui Shen can only get 305 experience and 85 gold coins.

But if you kill a group of stone beetles, you can get 363 experience and 131 gold coins.

Not worth the money.

"Got it..." Bwipo was thoughtful. "2 minutes and 15 seconds...".

According to this rhythm, if Emerald God takes down the three groups of wild monsters in the first half of the field, the time should be locked between 2:40 and 2:45.

That also means that if Cui Shen is in the early 3-point range, he will either gank on the top lane.

Either it will close the F6.
After all, Emerald God is passive for 40 seconds in the early stage, and the Raptor can be released in 2 minutes and 55 seconds.

Looking at Digger, who had no blood bottle and had slightly more than 2/3 health, Bwipo pursed his lips and laughed.

The next 45 seconds will be Irelia's stage!
He should try his best to suppress the blood volume of Digger, or better be able to complete a single kill!

After all, Daomei's 200-yard range advantage, coupled with the new rune conqueror, is too powerful!
"Bwipo is very aggressive!"

"In his hands, Irelia is really like a dancer holding a knife, graceful and sharp!"

"The game time is only a little more than two and a half minutes, and two layers of corruption potion were used to dig the grave!"

Bwipo's starting outfit is Dolan Sword. He also used up his only blood bottle, and Daomei's blood volume remained at about 3/4.

Glancing at the red soldier with residual blood, Bwipo did not choose to look at the grass in the river.

He didn't want Qi Zhou to eat those soldiers for nothing.

At the same time, I am also afraid that the Q skill of digging graves will replenish soldiers, restore health and leave graves.

After all, little ghosts are difficult to deal with...the damage is very high!
I glanced at the time, 2:43.
This also means that Emerald God will arrive on the road in about 15 seconds.

Bwipo had an idea, and manipulated Daomei to pretend to go to the river grass to insert eyes.

In fact, his eyes were fixed on Qi Zhou's grave-digging.


"The temptation of a soldier is deadly."

Watching the grave-digger walk towards the little soldier with blood, Bwipo showed a chicken thief's smile, and then Daomei didn't continue to go down, but turned around.

【Blade Impact】!
Bwipo borrowed the remaining blood soldiers to move, and approached the grave digger.

General attack, general attack.

He didn't rush to release the E skill.

And Qi Zhou is also the manipulator who digs his grave, plays AQA, and retreats after triggering [Electric Shock].

Seeing this, Daomei released the first E skill.

"Watch me perform~" Bwipo yelled.

Digging the grave now has less than [-]% of the blood left,
As long as he hits with his E skill and uses his Q skill to face off, it is very likely to complete the kill.

No matter how bad it is, it will destroy the grave and force it to appear.

But Qi Zhou was more decisive than he thought.

directly handed over the flash.

Seeing this, Bwipo, who was eager to kill, immediately dodged and released the second E skill at the same time.

The two sharp blades are connected, and the gravedigger is stunned!

Without any hesitation, Bwipo flew over with Q.

The blood volume of gravediggers can be seen stacked up with the naked eye.

This wave will kill!
"Single kill champion top laner, successfully got..." Bwpio was complacent.

But in the next second, the figure of the long-legged basketball dancer appeared.

Emerald God? !
At the same time, Digging the Tomb also lifted the dizzy state and began to fight back against Daomei.

"First blood!"

"Emerald God got first blood!"

Looking at the gray and white screen, Bwipo couldn't believe it.

It can be known from the number of last hits of Cuishen that Xiaotian came after eating the first half of the field.

But why, the time was at least 5 seconds faster than I expected?

(End of this chapter)

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