Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 164 [163] The left hand will leave the team?

"As long as the players have enough ability to stabilize the line, the style of play played by FPX in this round can be called unsolvable!"

Johnson spared no effort to praise, "I can make a bold prediction. If FPX can enter the finals of this year's S game, it can help it win the next round!"

"Its game design can only be described as exquisite!"

"Of course...the reason why FPX used this routine in the first game of the mid-season championship may have something to do with the changes in the next version."

"Judging from sporadic leaks from Riot's chief designer, Ghost Crab, the piece of equipment [Banner of Command] may disappear on the stage of Summoner's Canyon."

Li Chun is the former chief game balancer of Riot Games.

And Ghost Crab has been the chief chicken shooter of League of Legends since 014.

During the first six months of FPX's establishment, Li Chun, Qi Zhou, and FPX team members often talked about ghost crabs in small meetings.

In Li Chun's words, Ghost Crab is indeed a genius.

But he is so good at tossing, making League of Legends start from the S4 season, the version is updated more and more frequently, and the balance of the game has also been hit hard.

No matter which version you are in, there will always be a very dominant hero.

These heroes are non-ban must-choices in the professional arena.

This not only makes players complain, but even the audience who occasionally play games are angry.

In fact, the ID "ghost crab" has long been notorious for MOBA players.

Before jumping to the fist company, Ghost Crab was a chicken shooter in World of Warcraft.

At that time, every time Warcraft was revised, there was a lot of scolding on the Internet, and voices of retreating came and went.

In the two seasons of S6 and S7, as a game balancer, Li Chun helped Ghost Crab's "creativity" almost every day.

"Actually, the version was discussed repeatedly by the team, but there will always be players who are dissatisfied with it. Before joining the League of Legends, Ghost Crab was already notorious."

"His daily interviews are also unscrupulous..."

"We don't want to see this hero with more damage than expected; this version, (troubleshooting) is too strong; I think (hero) should be properly weakened..."

"In this case, players are of course willing to find him whose reputation has already been stinked to take the blame."

"Of course, for the Chicken Shooter team, this situation is welcome... The leader takes the blame, and they can make bolder changes without any scruples."

The above are Li Chun's original words. In his opinion, Ghost Crab is actually the ultimate backer.

Frequent version changes and hero reworks made some players want to take a mouthful of spit and spit on the ground when they heard the name of Ghost Crab.

But for Qi Zhou, the ghost crab is his benefactor!
It is precisely because of the addition of Ghost Crab that the balance of the League of Legends game has fluctuated greatly, and he can find points that can be cut in from it, and develop routines one by one, so that the team can win the game without any effort.

If the version is too balanced, then the game is completely about the individual abilities of the players and the operation of the team.

A player like Qi Zhou who is not considered outstanding in operation can only become the most eye-catching character on the stage unless he prays to the Hall of Valor and asks God to succeed.


Everyone in FNC stood up, faced the approaching FPX players, and shook hands with each other. …

The five European stars were full of helplessness, and Caps' expression even made people feel distressed.

Qi Zhou wanted to go up and talk to the European French King.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he gave up resentfully.

The English learned in high school has already sunk into the deep depression of the Mariana Trench.

I really can't remember anything.

Arigado Smecta?
"Good, Oil Good."

Smiling and shaking hands with Caps, Qi Zhou quickly withdrew and left.

I lost face and went abroad, shame!

But Caps, the new generation of European Dharma King, turned his head to stare at Qi Zhou's back.

He knew that the way the Phoenix team played just now must have come from this man's mind.

Caps looked firm, and whispered to himself, "Next time, I will use my hard power to break the paper tiger you made."

It should be the word, right?


"The performance in the last game exceeded expectations!"

Backstage, Qi Zhou and the others heard White Crescent's praise.

"It was originally set to end the game in 15 and a half minutes, but the game just now took only 58 minutes and [-] seconds!"

"You have created another new record in the League of Legends professional arena!"

"I guess those viewers who watched the replay and found that the progress bar was less than 10 minutes ago would think that only the LPL sponsor's advertisement was edited."

White Crescent's tone was exaggerated, and her expression was particularly excited.

But the players understand him.

Before the match, Qi Zhou and Bai Yueya planned the match carefully, and FPX also went through several rehearsals.

After summarizing, White Crescent has added strict conditions to every detail, support time, and TP use time in the "pre-match design".

The purpose is to let FPX play a game so fast that audiences all over the world can't react.

Repeated optimization, after the discussion.

The script duration of FPX is fixed between 16 minutes and 30 seconds to 17 minutes.

But the FPX game only took less than 6 minutes!
You must know that in such a short game time, every second saved requires FPX players to replace it with more operations.

"Compared to the spring game, your tacit understanding has improved by more than one level!"

"Especially the combination of the middle and the wild, one wave of catching up, one wave of TP going down, it's really exciting!"

White Crescent patted his left hand and Xiaotian's shoulder, extremely happy.

As a newly established team in S8, it needs the cooperation between the players more than the top players.

As old partners, Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang have an unquestionable understanding.

But not only do they need to be familiar with each other, they also need to understand the style of other teammates on their team.

Although five months have passed from the spring split to the mid-season championship.

But tacit understanding cannot be developed overnight.

Whether five months is long or not, whether it is short or not.

But all FPX players can understand his next move through a simple movement of the hero and a faint word floating out of his teammates' mouths.

This time, apart from the bot duo that sleeps on the same bed, is very difficult for other players.

In the spring split, FPX lost to IG and RNG successively.

The main reason is that the linkage between the middle and the wild is not as flexible as that of the two teams.

Both Xiaotian and Zuo Shou became members of YM in 2017. …

But during the Spring Split, YM's starting jungler was Ning Wang, and Xiaotian was a substitute.

So he didn't spend a lot of time training and playing games with his left hand.

It wasn't until the summer that King Saining was sold to IG by someone Liu, Xiaocai started to serve as YM's starting jungler.

But then, LPL carried out allianceization and canceled the relegation system.

You know, the funds needed to create a team are tens of millions.

Liu's YM team has never been able to get a sponsor since it has never entered the LPL league.

So Liu lost a lot of money.

However, after the LPL alliance, the number of LPL teams has increased by 2.

Coupled with the retirement of many players, this has greatly increased the demand for excellent professional players in many LPLs.

People sit at home, and sesame cakes come up from the sky.

Somebody Liu started selling players to make money.

It is for this reason that Xiaotian, the left hand, became a member of FPX.


Received the praise of White Crescent Moon, Xiao Tian rarely showed a smile.

But the expression on the left hand is a bit subtle.

Because... he was leased to the FPX team by someone Liu!
The loan contract will expire before this summer.

Whether he can continue to stay in the FPX team depends on the result of discussions between Liu and Li Chun.

As for why it is rented, a large part of the reason is the name "Golden Left Hand", which makes him worth several times and a little-known Xiaotian.

When S7 joined YM, the annual salary of the left hand was as high as 250 million.

Don't think the word "two hundred and five" sounds bad, you must know that the age of the left hand was only 17 years old when he was 17 years old!
It was worth 250 million when playing LSPL last year.

In FPX this year, through all kinds of earth-bound spirits and strong carries with tailwinds, the KDI of the left hand has reached an outrageously high level.

If the FPX club wants to continue the loan.

Then the price given by Mr. Liu will definitely increase!

After all, if FPX doesn't want it, other LPL teams will rush to get it too!
As long as he doesn't violate Qi Zhou's bottom line, Qi Zhou is a good guy in front of others.

After nearly five months of getting along, the relationship between Zuo Shou and Qi Zhou is also very good.

Although Qi Zhou is 6 years older than his left hand, there are several generation gaps.

But the two still communicate frequently.

With his left hand, he vaguely knew that Qi Zhou's signing fee was in the range of 900 million to [-] million.

Anyway, it didn't break seven figures.

As for the stake in FPX, absolutely nothing.

After all, the major shareholder behind the FPX e-sports club is Funplus, so giving the shares to others, the CEO and the team manager, cannot be the master.

In fact, Qi Zhou's contract is 880.

One is to be lucky, and the other is that Qi Zhou personally wants to win the global finals again in the S8 season.

After all, the metaphysics of 7 is already well known in the e-sports circle.

Of course, when looking for Qi Zhou during the S7 winter window transfer period, there are also clubs with a higher signing fee than FPX, and there are more than one clubs.

The contracts they gave were all seven figures or higher.

Among them, there is a master who is not short of money, and he wants to sign Qi Zhou for 2400 million in two years.

But Qi Zhou did not agree.

One is that he knows that this year should be the last year of his career.

He doesn't think he can still have the same highlights as the S7 World Championship in the next season change. …

So Qi Zhou didn't want to occupy the latrine and not shit.

Retiring after success is the most correct choice.

After all, after retiring, no matter how bad he is, he can still be an anchor... With the title of champion top laner, no matter what, he won't be worse than an ordinary professional player, right?

As for abandoning another tens of millions of contracts, choose FPX.

It was entirely because Li Chun promised Qi Zhou that he would be able to participate in the decision-making. No matter what the game, he had absolute autonomy, and the management would not interfere too much.

At that time, they were playing in the All-Star Game in California. Although Li Chun only gave a verbal guarantee, Qi Zhou agreed without hesitation.

For a player like him, apart from small goals, there is no other condition that can be more attractive than this!

In the S7 World Championship, although Qi Zhou led EDG to win the championship with an unstoppable momentum, only he knows the hardships and hardships involved.

He was under tremendous pressure in every pre-match meeting, every training match, and every hero selection.

Win the game, that's no problem at all.

If you lose the game, you are the one who took the blame!
You know, most people won't recall how many miracles you have performed, they will only stare at one of your mistakes and start to keep tearing the wound.

For once, he might be able to hold on.

But twice, three times... He will definitely be destroyed by this group of bloodless demons.

And Li Chun's promise means that after Qi Zhou comes to FPX, he doesn't need to have any pressure, just roll up his sleeves and work hard.

He is not only a player, but also half a coach.

Before the game, White Crescent's words might be more useful than Qi Zhou's, but once on the professional stage, Qi Zhou's decision-making always has the first priority.

Whether it is Banpick or internal decision-making.

Qi Zhou is the Heavenly King!

Even if the game is lost, Li Chun can guarantee that, at least in the FPX team, no one will think that Qi Zhou made a mistake.

In other words, Qi Zhou is not allowed to take the blame.

After all, without Qi Zhou, who would have thought that the new team composed of Jin Gong, Xiaotian, Zuo Shou, Lin Weixiang, Liu Qingsong and White Crescent could defeat EDG, Snake Team, WE, Xia Team, RNG and win the Spring Championship?
It can be said that in FPX Bai Crescent is the assistant coach, and Qi Zhou is the coach.

So is White Crescent happy?
of course!

If it wasn't for Qi Zhou, he might still be thinking about how to copy BP all day long!
With Qi Zhou, not to mention his work has become easier, his status in the coaching world has also improved!
Although everyone knows that Qi Zhou came up with many game routines, but as the coach of FPX, Bai Yueya, you can't say that he didn't participate at all, right?

Even if 7% of the credit is given to Qi Zhou, then White Crescent can still get the remaining 3 floors!
And these three layers of credit are better than most domestic coaches.


The left hand understands Qi Zhou's role in the FPX team.

I also probably know his signing fee.

So he doesn't have much expectation for staying in FPX after his summer transfer period.

Because someone Liu rented him to FPX for 280 million.

You know, it's only half a year.

If FPX wants to continue renting the left hand, Mane spent in the summer transfer period will definitely be higher than the signing price in the winter window.

After all, there will be a world championship after the summer split, and the left hand also made a good name for himself during the spring split.

Therefore, the next contract for renting him, 350-400 million, is a reasonable range.

The left hand is right in predicting, even a little conservative!
If it were released to the outside world, there would definitely be a lot of teams fighting for him at this price.

But FPX... You must know that the money to sign Qi Zhou is only 888 million.

Qi Zhou, as the champion top laner of S7, has the proud achievement of saving EDG from desperation.

And what does he have in his left hand?
Saved KDA?

280 million plus 400 million, the signing fee is already approaching Qi Zhou!
As for Xiaotian, who also came out of YM, according to Zuo Hand's understanding, his price for a whole year is not as high as his half-year price.

It seems that there are only less than 200 million?
Of course, if the left hand is allowed to make his own decision, even if he only sells the FPX club for 280 million in the second half of the year, he will raise his hand in favor without hesitation.

After all, Qi Zhou's understanding of the version was put there, and he abruptly led FPX to win the Spring Finals championship.

As for the summer finals champion... the left hand thinks that FPX is also very likely to win.

Continuing to stay in FPX is a sure-fire business!
However, that Liu who used the youth training system to make money is now a businessman and a capitalist...

The left hand knows that it is difficult for him to stay in FPX.

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