Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 170 [169] The correct way to use Qi Zhou

Chapter 170 [169] The correct way to use Qi Zhou

Big bold!

Birdman again!

This time it's still the first move, what do you think of me as the first top laner in the LCK?

Khan stared at the half-length poster of Quinn on the display screen, breathing heavily and clenching his fists.

S7 has a fighter-type top laner, and he beat almost all the top laners in the LCK.

If it weren't for the autumn of the World Championship, King Yodel, the son of luck, withered and prayed for success.

Khan and his LZ team are very likely to advance to the finals and strive for the championship.

This year's spring split, Khan's glory is still the same, showing his might in almost every round, and he is invincible in the domestic league.

These are the confidence of Brother Hanzi.

It is also the pride in the heart of Brother Hanzi.

The reason why he is only the first top laner in the LCK now, not the world's top laner, is because of Sea in this matchup.

——Born out of the sky, he solved the danger and led EDG to win the championship with the invincible and terrifying KDA.

In just one month of the World Championship, Sea has transformed from a two-and-a-half-year bench player known to very few people to a league legend.

Everyone knows that Sea is not good at manipulation.

But they are all willing to use the label "champion top laner" to call him.

Because Sea deserved it.

But before this mid-season game, Khan and Qi Zhou had never fought against each other.

As the first top laner in the LCK, I was naturally unconvinced.

He admitted that the black technology that Qi Zhou presented in the S7 World Championship is really incomprehensible.

But after the rune is recast, the player's personal strength is the biggest factor in the game!
Take LPL's IG as an example.

The overall process of the game is not so delicate... But on the laning side, with unparalleled suppression, IG abruptly won 17 consecutive victories in the spring split.

At the same time, it was also given to Qi Zhou, his first defeat in the spring competition.


"I want him!"

Khan's sonorous voice came into Sin's earphones, and the KZ coach agreed without even thinking about it.

"Jin Donghe!"

"Use your Piltover cannon to smash Quinn's thin body, and use your Hexhammer to knock Sea's screen into gray!"

"Let the future warrior become the first step for you to become the world's number one top laner!"

The hero has been chosen.

In the last few seconds, Coach Sin did not emphasize the main points to the KZ players. Instead, he poured Khan with thick chicken soup with red dates, goji berries and dangshen.

For this game, in the past few days, Sin has repeatedly studied various videos of the FPX Spring Split. Although sometimes the speed is doubled, he has not lost a game.

After dry eyes, he also figured out the Achilles heel of FPX - Qi Zhou.

Yes, that's right, it's Qi Zhou!

"Sea is the killer feature of FPX, and he is also the weakest link of the FPX team."

"He is the weakness of this team!"

"Of course, I don't mean to let Wang Hao (Little Peanut) just gank on the road and blast him through."

"The weakness I'm referring to is the player Sea himself!"

If the opponent can be blown away in the game, then a slightly more formal professional team will continue to expand this breakthrough, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of tearing apart the opponent's defense system and winning the game.

This applies to playing any team.

Just like the pig-dog wars in recent years, the factory manager only lives and then gets off the road.

And Sin said that Qi Zhou is FPX's Achilles' heel, that's because he came to the conclusion after watching dozens of game videos.

"Sea's awareness is excellent, and his observation and command skills are also among the best among all players."

"Just using gank to target him is actually very difficult to work."

"Although his cut-screen speed is not as fast as Faker's, he does not observe the small map very frequently. This is the conclusion I have drawn by slowing down his game videos several times."

"He is a substitute, but he is indeed the brain of FPX! As long as there is a game where he appears, the command of the team must be in his hands!"

"As long as you disappear on the mini-map, within a few moments, Sea will step up his offensive online."

"Observation and consciousness, he is the supreme existence among the top!"

These are what Sin said to the KZ players before the game.

"The outside world has always said that Sea's biggest shortcoming is manipulation, but have you really seen Sea being single-killed by an opponent in any game?"

"Not in the LPL Spring Split, nor in last year's World Championship!"

"You know, the players who can stand in the world competition are already the top players in each competition area!"

"No matter how bad Sea's operation is, he can still fight against the strong players in the world without falling into a disadvantage."

"So is his real strength bad? Not necessarily..."

"However, operation is his shortcoming, it is undeniable!"

"If you want to beat him, you have to start with his shortcomings."

"So, the key point of the battle is you, Jin Dongha! You have to defeat Sea online!"

That's why Khan chose Jess without hesitation.

Jess is a bird shooter in the first 3 levels and is at a disadvantage.

But after upgrading to 3, Jess' consumption ability is comparable to that of Birdman.

With the update of equipment, the crispy skin of the bird-fighter can even achieve half-baked blood.

Of course, when Birdman hit Jess, the damage was not low either.

The contest between Jess and Birdman is like a contest between a top swordsman and a swordsman.

Each has strengths and weaknesses, but both can cause a fatal blow to each other!
"I will step on Quinn's corpse and take the throne of the world's number one top laner!"

With firm eyes, Khan gripped the mouse tightly.

Although KZ has successfully advanced to the semi-finals, he will still go all out for this game.

Use victory to wash away the fiasco of the past few days, and also use victory to create your own brilliance.


Blue Party vs Red Party

Top order: Quinn vs Jess
Jungle: Pig Girl vs Spider
Mid laner: Tsar vs Chaffinch
ADC: Policewoman vs Cannon
Support: Time vs Morgana

"Kieran... This is the point we have been ignoring in our analysis of the lineup just now."

The game was loading, and Charlie took another look at the lineups of both sides.

"Zieran's full-level E skill can provide a 99% movement speed bonus. With his assistance, Quinn will be like a bullet flying out of the barrel, straight into the weak point of the KZ lineup!"

"Crag Sparrow and Xiaopao are in extreme danger at all times!"

Johnson nodded, "Indeed, when FPX took out Time, I thought it might be a pendant for Sea players."

"But I didn't expect that the Sea player would take out the hero Quinn again!"

"In the previous interview, he also said that he doesn't like to use the same hero repeatedly in the same event."

"It looks like a big lie now! It's the smoke bomb he released!"

"Haha" Charlie smiled, "But the top laner Khan of the KZ team was able to take out Jess decisively, which doesn't look like he was unprepared at all."

"I'm really looking forward to the top lane matchup in this game. To be honest, two long-handed heroes are fighting on the top lane. I haven't seen it for a long, long time!"


Although coach Sin pointed out that the way to defeat FPX is for khan to beat Qi Zhou online.

But this does not mean that khan does not need the support of his teammates.

League of Legends is not a show for one person, but a drama of teamwork.

Every player is an indispensable presence in the performance.

Therefore, the little peanut spider chose Lan Kai. Obviously, he still took Qi Zhou as his primary hunting target in the early stage.

"Spider can be said to be Peanut's signature hero!"

"It can be seen that in this game, the KZ players are all doing their best!"

Today's LPL commentator is the Haier brothers, and the special guest is Nuo Mingkai.

"In the match between the two teams a few days ago, Prince Tian unexpectedly made a wave of level 2 catches. Ueno's ingenious cooperation helped Bird Sea get the first blood and established an advantage."

"In this game, KZ obviously learned the lesson."

"Crag Sparrow took the risk of inserting the first accessory eye in the blue buff of FPX to observe the movements of pig girls!"

Doll takes this game extremely seriously, never letting go of any detail shown on the big screen.

On the other hand, Kreer Lawu slightly raised her head from the side, showing that she knew the battle situation well.

The Haier brothers chatted there for a while, and found that Kelier Lawu didn't interrupt, and the two were quite puzzled.

"What does the factory director think about this game?"

The slightly older Miller began to interact with the "proud" special guests.

"...There is nothing to say, KZ will definitely lose!"

"Now the game has just begun, and nothing can be seen."

"But I know that Lao Zhou will definitely win the game."

Kelieer Lawu's words were full of trust in Qi Zhou.

In his opinion, no one can understand Qi Zhou better than himself.

As for why FPX must win?
The Haier brothers have actually said just now, that is "level 2 catch"!
Before the finals of the S7 World Championship, the factory manager has always maintained the tradition of "grabbing at level 2".

But as Qi Zhou continued to show all kinds of hole cards and led EDG all the way to the finals, the factory manager realized that his "level 2 catch" was simply a tasteless behavior!

I have a big boss in the top lane, but I don't wake it up, but I want to cultivate the "little monster" in the bottom lane.

Isn't this seeking distance?

After understanding this truth, the factory manager changed his previous style of play and started a new style of "level 2 catch".

Knowing that Xiaotian "grasps at level 2" and mastered the correct method of using Qi Zhou, he is not worried that FPX will lose to KZ in this game.

That is impossible!
As for whether Khan Jess will blow up Qi Zhouniaoren, that is an unreasonable question.

You know, last autumn's withering was beaten to autism by Qi Zhou.

Khan is strong, is he stronger than the withering of autumn?

So there is nothing to say, the view on the game must be that FPX must win!
"Sea King's go-out outfit is very violent! Direct long sword + reusable potion, really too confident!"

The doll found another point worth mentioning and started to yell.

"Quinn's talent in this round is not [Electrocution], he chose [Fast Step], it seems that Aquaman wants to brutally suppress Jess before level 3!"

[Electric shock] tends to be explosive, while [Fast Step] can increase movement speed and recover blood after basic attack.

The stone rune of Khan Jayski chose [Ailey], not the recently added [Conqueror].

From this, it can be seen that although the two sides were facing each other on the road, Qi Zhou was obviously more aggressive than Khan.

The line of soldiers walked out of the base and came between the first tower and the second tower.

Khan also controls Jess, walking from the triangle grass to the line.

As soon as he came to the front of the defense tower, the crossbow shot out from the front grass and hit Jess.

Afterwards, the birdman showed his head, and Hua Luo flew from her shoulder to Jess.

Q skill hits, Jess is blinded!
Khan frowned slightly, but did not panic.

Because he observed that the grid of the birdman's life value is a bit sparse.

Pressing the 'Tab' key quickly, he knew that Qi Zhou was going out with a long sword + reusable potion.

"Hehe, I'm so confident!"

With the bottom line in mind, Khan did not control Jess to turn around and go back, but pressed forward.

He chose reusable potion when he went out!
Because on the game loading interface, Khan discovered that Birdman did not choose [Electrocution] in this round, but brought [Fast Step].

Apparently Qi Zhou wanted to lower his blood volume by constantly playing "passive" before level 3.

Because Quinn's passive skill will mark, when Quinn hits the mark, it will cause quite explosive extra damage to the hero.

If you want to eat soldiers, then blood exchange cannot be avoided.

In the early stage, Jess' basic attack damage is far less than that of Quinn.

Therefore, Potion of Corruption can effectively help Jess to stabilize his HP before level 3.

As long as he reaches the third level, Jess can frequently use EQ skills to consume Quinn's blood volume. With the high burst of combos, he can find a chance to take Quinn away.

But the above foundations are all based on the Dolan series of Birdman's outfits!
But now, Qi Zhou arrogantly chose the long sword + reusable potion.

He didn't even buy three red medicines to save money!

How can this khan hold back!

If you are first, you will be first. As long as you survive the blinding of Birdman's Q skill, activate the corruption potion and fight against it, Jess will not lose blood!

Although level 1 definitely can't kill Birdman, after that, Birdman without Dolan series health bonus will definitely have a different state than Jess.

In this case, can Birdman consume Jess unscrupulously before level 3?

Obviously impossible, what's more, Peanut's spider may have touched the road when Birdman was at level 2!
Birdman flash + ignite, no TP.

As long as the spider can flash and force the birdman to flash, then in the next matchup, Khan will be able to firmly take the initiative!
The idea is really wonderful.

But at the moment when the blindness of Birdman's Q skill was lifted, Khan's complexion paled instantly.

"Why are Time and Pig Girl here?"

After failing to press the F button in her hand, Zhuang Seini, who was riding a Poro pig, suddenly bumped Jess into the ground.

At the same time, Birdman's ignition also hung on Jess.

The three heroes set fire to attack Jess, and when Jess resumed his actions, he only had 1/3 of his health left.

Khan flashed immediately.

But unexpectedly, a red precision rune shot out from Shi Guang's body and flew towards the sole of Jess's feet.

The E learned at level 1 has been slowed down!

Afterwards, the pig sisters flashed to keep up, common attack, common attack.

Soon, Birdman and Time also caught up with the decelerated Jess, and continued to attack!
Jace's health is also low due to the Corruption Potion starting item.

In the end, after Zhumei carried the defensive tower twice, Birdman fired the crossbow in his hand and took Jess's head!

(End of this chapter)

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