Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 172 [171] You have so many tricks to play with birds... and you can really bear it

Chapter 172 [171] You have so many tricks to play with birds... and you can really bear it

Quinn's E flash is not a top-level operation.

Players with high proficiency in Quinn can succeed at least six or seven times out of ten.

It is not surprising that professional players can use it in competitions.

But at this moment, the audience in the LCS studio shouted again and again, like apes and eagles, not enthusiastic, but expressing their inner admiration!
Quinn E flash is simple, but the release of Quinn E flash in different scenarios has different effects!
Qi Zhou obviously chose the most suitable one at the critical moment just now!
It directly achieved this game, the first high-gloss shot.

Four days ago, in the match between FPX and KZ, Qi Zhoukui performed the Tianxiu operation of E dodging Verus's big move and instantly killing the rat king.

But in fact, Qi Zhou's E dodge, dodging Verus' R skill was incidental, and his main purpose was to quickly hit the burst and kill the Rat King in seconds.

In ancient times, there was a myth that "flash can reset basic attack".

Many players are also convinced.

However, with the popularization of science by many Up masters, post-bar brothers, and professional players, the "mechanism" of flashing and resetting the basic attack has been identified as fake.

In fact, Blink doesn't reset the basic attack, it only cancels the basic attack backswing.

But the phrase "flash resets basic attack" is, to a certain extent, the truth for Quinn!
Because when Quinn uses the E skill, when he is close to the target or is about to hit the target, press the flash to deal two basic attack damage!

Be aware that Quinn's E skill will mark the target as "vulnerable".

This makes it possible for E Flash's two general attacks to deal "passive damage".

Quinn is passive [Infestation], which can cause (10-95+116%-150% attack power) damage, and the value increases with the increase of Quinn's level.

This makes it possible for Quinn to instantly cause nearly [-] panel damage in the later stage after Quinn's armor-piercing crit suit is formed.

AD armor is generally not high.

What's more, Quinn with this style of play is usually a burst outfit.

Who can stand Quinn's backflip?

This is the first type of E flash, the pursuit of instant extreme damage!

Quinn's second E flash is the "God's Operation" performed by Qi Zhou just now.

Change the rebound direction of the second stage of the E skill by flashing, so as to achieve the purpose of escaping and dividing the battlefield.

Compared with the E flash of damage.

The second type of E flash is obviously more difficult to operate and more skillful.

The difference in operation between the two mainly lies in the timing of releasing the flash.

The former is released when Quinn is about to hit the target in the first stage of E, or just hits the target, while the latter is released at the moment when the second backflip begins.


"He's so calm!"

After Khan sighed, he had to admit that he and Little Peanut were numb by Qi Zhouxiu.

"I played against Sea, and I didn't feel the pressure at all!"

"But he can always remember it for me inadvertently!"

It has been planned for a long time!

Khan suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of this word.

Reviewing the details of the laning in his mind, Khan finally realized.

Qi Zhou has long seen through KZ's plan, but he is still full of ambition, imagining step by step, "steady and steady" to turn Birdman into a desperate situation.

How ridiculous does it look now?
This is simply clown behavior.

Shaking his head, an even more terrifying thought came to Khan's mind.

Perhaps Qi Zhou is not lacking in line-to-line suppression, but because he has to be distracted to observe other details in the game and calculate the follow-up.

This made him unable to show more powerful strength online.

After all, reality is not about cultivating immortals, people who can do both, and only exist in novels.

The internal friction of the gray screen time made Khan panic.

To be honest, he had never been so terrified in his heart when he confronted Qi Zhou for the first time and was killed by the Blast Birdman jumping over towers.

But now, this wave of cinnabar has caused his Dao heart to collapse directly!
You think that he is about the same as you, and you even surpass him by a few points, but in the end, you find that the difference between you and him is not a star and a half.

What kind of experience is this?
"Donghe Hyeong, wait for me to level 6, and Wang Hao will help you catch Quinn!"

"He's not going to get better if he flashes!"

The warm-hearted BDD fell into a long silence after discovering that Khan was emotional.

Immediately came the wave of textbook style, the "respect" of the juniors in Kimchi Country to their seniors.

"Well... Actually, you can put the breakthrough point in the bottom lane."

Khan murmured, "If the operation of this game is done well, I can survive on the road."

Hearing this, Bdd was greatly surprised.

As a teammate, he knows that Khan has a strong competitive spirit, and also understands how much Khan hopes to avenge his shame in this game under the encouragement of Coach Sin before the game.

But now...he didn't mention killing Sea at all.

This must have changed too quickly!

You must know that although Jess was killed twice by Quinn, his own development has not fallen much.

Teleport back wire at level 1.

After this wave of deaths, Piggy and Quinn were cautious, and instead of chasing the spider, they quickly pushed the line into the tower.

When Jess was resurrected and went online, he lost a wave of troops.

This is completely within the acceptable range!

You must know that Jess pays attention to explosiveness and consumption ability in laning, and uses skills more when exchanging blood.

In addition, when it is at level 6/11/16, it will automatically upgrade its ultimate move.

This makes Jace's QWE skills can be upgraded to level 6, so the base damage value is very high.

As long as Khan has a Goddess' Tears, he will bombard the line from time to time, and when he makes a magic cut, there will be no pressure at all against Birdman.

After all, at that time, Jess will level up, and the Mozong will basically take shape.

On the other hand, Birdman is indeed not short of damage, but she is a real little squishy!

If it is bombarded by Jess' enhanced Q.

In the next matchup, Birdman must always be on guard against Tallis's sudden outburst.

After all, the double explosion of the hammer and the cannon, the lower limit of damage can not be underestimated.


"Sea has changed his style of play!"

Johnson's eyes were sharp, and he was the first to look at Birdman's equipment bar.

"Quinn chose attack speed shoes and red crystals when he went home, which is really unexpected!"

"She can obviously make a sawtooth dagger, let Jess experience the combo explosion that is also not weak!"

"Go out and install a long sword... add a red crystal, is Sea's first piece of equipment going to be a black cut?"

"This is also a good choice..."

Johnson paused.

Just like what Bdd thought, although Birdman is well-developed, Qi Zhou does not even have the health bonus of the Dolan series when he goes out to install a long sword.

This is so crumbly!

If you can't lead Jess by more than 2 levels in the future, your blood volume will be consumed by Jess' enhanced gun.

It is very easy for Birdman to enter its killing line.

Similarly, Birdman can also rely on his own level and equipment to take the lead and kill Jess in seconds.

The percentage armor reduction of black cut is not as direct as the penetration of fixed armor such as curtain blade and Youmeng in the early stage.

But it can provide 400 HP.

This allows Birdman to line up and even eat a few cannon shots from Senator Tallis without worrying about his own state.

After all, the life value is there!
Likewise, Birdman will not lack for output.

"It's really stable!" Charlie also admired from the bottom of his heart.


They were wrong.

After two successive setbacks, KZ also began to focus on stability, avoiding troubles in the game, and trying to eat the resources on the map as the main theme.

So before 13:30 game time, there were no big waves.

On the road, Khan was exhausted, coupled with Xiaotian's considerate protection.

Relying on the healing effect provided by his quick steps, Qi Zhou beat Jess home twice.

In 14 minutes, the pig girl came up and released the canyon pioneer, and the birdman ate a bounty for one tower.

"Hammer of Frost!"

"This... this... is too steady, right?"

The doll opened its mouth wide, staring at the birdman's equipment bar.

After returning to the city, Qi Zhou took out the Frost Hammer in one go, and also bought a yellow fork.

"This build reminds me of Gnar." Miller said slowly.

In the S6 preseason, Gnar and Yasuo once occupied the top few appearances on the road.

And this situation is all because of the Frost Hammer piece of equipment.

Basic attack reduces movement speed, providing 650 health points and 40 attack power.

This piece of equipment looks more useless than it is, but with its weird attributes, it makes tank fighters a favorite on the road.

Among them, Yasuo and Gnar's excellent sticking and chasing abilities are the most suitable for them.

Of course, the popular version will definitely not live long.

In version 6.18, the fist has adjusted the ice hammer.

The synthesis path has changed from Fist of the Purple Rainforest + Pickaxe + Red Crystal to Fist of the Purple Rainforest + Giant's Belt.

The total price has not changed, the health bonus has been increased from 650 to 700, but the attack power has been reduced from 40 to 30.

Add 50 points of health, minus 10 points of attack power.

A loss at a glance.

Of course, the most terrible thing is the change of the synthesis path.

The lack of a pickaxe makes heroes like Yasuo and Gnar choose the Frost Hammer as the first piece of equipment. Before it is made, it will be extremely lacking in damage.

The reality is also as the chicken shooter wishes.

The top two ice hammer tank fighters gradually disappeared from the stage.

But now, Qi Zhou took out the ice hammer Birdman!

This really has to make people feel a lot of emotion.

Aquaman really dares to play!
"I have to admit that player Sea's understanding of the game is really good!"

"Ice Hammer Quinn has a huge amount of health, and the possibility of her being solo killed online is almost reduced to zero."

"Combined with the swift pace, once she clings to Jess, she will be like a vulture staring at its prey, constantly pecking at his flesh and blood!"

When Qi Zhou released the ice hammer, the commentators and the audience could know immediately.

But his opponent can't!

Jess returned to full state and returned to the line.

At this time, the position of the pawn line is near the abandoned tower on the red side.

Jess first carefully warded in the triangle grass, and then went to make up soldiers.

In order to be able to use the Q skill online to eat and consume soldiers in the early stage, and at the same time quickly gain combat power at the beginning of the mid-term.

Khan chose Naked Moqie.

With a total price of only 2400 gold, Jess, who is slightly less developed, can make it in 14 and a half minutes.

The position of the pawn line is very good, and Khan didn't use skills to clear the line, but used the general attack to fill the tail knife very seriously.

At the same time, he was also observing the small map.

The most expensive cannon was killed by Jess, and Khan heaved a sigh of relief.

Only when he is poor enough can he make up troops with such a dedicated attitude.

But it feels really good to not miss a knife.

But before he could relax for a long time, he saw the icon of the birdman appear on the small map, and he quickly came towards him.


Khan frowned, and then released the [Acceleration Gate] sideways, firing an enhanced version of [Electric Energy Shock].

He didn't want to fight Qi Zhou hard.

I just want to cause damage to the bird man, so that the acceleration effect of her ultimate move disappears, and at the same time use the E skill to escape.

The huge electric cannon did hit Birdman, and her movement speed dropped sharply.

But in the next second, Qi Zhou directly pressed Blink!

Then an E skill kicked Jess.

Quinn E's attack range is 725 yards, but the second kick jumps 525 yards.

This happens to be Quinn's attack distance.

Jess is slowed down, and Quinn attacks out.

Swift pace acceleration, W passively hits "vulnerable" targets to provide movement speed and attack speed.

Almost instantly, Quinn came to Jess's side.

Without waiting for Khan's operation, the Q skill was played.

Field of view is restricted.

Khan was a little flustered, but seeing that he still had [-]% of his blood left, he immediately felt relieved.

Because Quinn now only has basic attacks left.

Just now he saw that Qi Zhou had updated Hammer of Frost and Yellow Cha.

Obviously the output is not high!

I have to admit that this set of equipment is very sticky.

But the basic attack output is low!
I have E and flash in the form of a hammer, and it is not very far from the second tower.

Even if you blow it twice, can you kill me?
Khan didn't think about fighting back. Anyway, he had already eaten up the soldiers on the line, and he wouldn't lose anything if he was beaten and went home.

Just don't die.

But when Quinn's Q skill blinding disappeared, he was stunned.

The birdman was more than 500 yards away from him just now.

It was only 1.5 seconds, why did he run behind him (to the direction of the second tower)! ?

What the hell?

Absolutely not!

Khan made a decision without hesitation.

Jace transforms into hammer form, gaining speed.

Flashed behind the birdman, hammered away with the E skill, and then ran to the second tower.

Being forced to move, Birdman also paused for half a second.

But the next moment, she immediately chased after Jess with an incredible speed, and at the same time hit the ice hammer to provide a 30% deceleration general attack.

Every crossbow arrow didn't hurt, but Jace couldn't bear it if he kept hitting him.

Khan clicked the mouse frantically.

I want to enter the defense tower before the blood bar is exhausted.

Finally, with 300 HP left, Jess ran into the tower.

However, Birdman's passive "Vulnerable" effect was refreshed and appeared on Jess.

When the arrow hit, the birdman's movement speed and attack speed increased sharply.


Jace walked peacefully.

There was no resistance before death.


"Hey, old conspirator."

After Khan's desire to survive was shattered, he said blankly: "It's no wonder he was leading in the head before, and he only replenished troops online, and he developed peacefully with me."

"It turned out to be this abacus."

Qi Zhou endured this wave for a long time.

He is a little obsessive-compulsive, and he has kept 4 skill points without upgrading.

When Borges returned to the line after his death, he has been enduring the exchange of blood without using his skills.

All for the purpose is to maintain mana, stick to the line enough to make a big ice hammer, and then return to the city.

After that, press ctrl+W 4 times in a row to fully upgrade the W skill.

In this way, the Birdmen can gain 40% movement speed and attack speed when attacking vulnerable targets.

Infinitely close to the plateau blood of the Juggernaut!
It made Jess his own toy... With the ice hammer to slow down, walking him is no different from walking a dog.

(End of this chapter)

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