Chapter 197[196]
"Dude is really disgusting!"

"Can you come to the next road to make a wave?"

Jack Lawu's mentality is very explosive, but it has not reached the level of red temperature.

The bottom lane combination of female gun and ice is not the first time it has appeared in the professional arena.

In S6, in the duel between SKT and ROX, one of SKT's bottom lanes used female gun + ice.

But it didn't play a big role, and it became ROX's breakthrough point against SKT.

Because of the damage of the shooter hero, a large part needs to be supported by damage. In the case of stunting, the shooter hero has neither damage nor frankness.

As long as there are a few people on the opposite side to overpower, it will be accurate!

In many cases, shooting heroes like Han Bing or Nvqiang take the support position, which is disgusting to both opponents and teammates.

But the current match between IG and FPX does not show this situation.

Speaking of the reason, it is also very simple.

First of all, IG's selection was too straightforward, which made FPX instantly aware of them. In this round, they chose the signature upper middle field mutual assistance instead of the trident attack.

Therefore, on FPX's side, the female gun Hanbing is selected to go down the road, and there is no need to worry about the enemy's capture.

The key eye position is inserted with the real eye, coupled with the existence of the ice E skill, the ice and the female gun can press the line unscrupulously.

The second is the reason for the runes.

Female Gun and Ice both carry Arcane Comet.

You know, there is no such rune in S6.

Cooperating with the deceleration effect of Female Gun E [Hail of Bullets] or Ice W [Thousand Arrows], if the barefoot Verus and Tamm are hit by their skills, they will definitely suffer the damage of the comet.

Faced with such a rogue skill set, it is normal for IG to be pressured in the bottom lane.

What's more, IG selected Tamm to ensure that when their middle and wild teams go up together, Jack's Verus will not be forcibly killed.

I didn't even think about going down the road to fight back.

The IG duo without the means to force it can only stay in the tower and be beaten.

"Brother, please bear with me."

"I made a real eye on the river when I came to the opposite side, so it's not easy to help!"

Ning Wang explained while paying attention to the situation on the road.


Jack Lawu sighed, and then said to Baolan: "My buddy, the Summoner skill brings purification!"

"Save your W skills to your buddies, and watch the time for healing!"

"The two sword mound women on the opposite side will be very difficult after 6!"

Verus' bloodline was suppressed very low.

Jack Lawu was also very panicked.

He can't go back to the city!

I can only shrink under the tower and eat the thread!
Although the Frost Female Spear cannot be forced, but their skills consume power, it is too strong.

And FPX's duo must be ahead of their side to level six.

Anyone's big move is not something he can bear.

"Let's get off the road!"

"The captain is already level six."

King Ning looked down at the road worriedly.

The deceleration of the captain's cannon cannon is enough to cover half of the defense tower's attack range.

If he opens up, Verus and Tamm who are under the next tower will definitely be slowed down.

At that time, Han Bing or female gun will take the big move.

Even if there is a flash, it will be difficult for the two to escape.


"It's really annoying!"

Looking at the five little soldiers under the tower, Jack shook his head unwillingly, but still chose to step back for safety.

"The two ADCs, Nvqiang and Hanbing, are really strong!"

"Not only can we grab the line right from Verus, but we can also suppress his status all the time."

"If other IG players don't help to clear the siege, the bot lane defense tower is equivalent to giving away for nothing!"

Miller saw the weakness of IG in the current game.

The doll disagrees.

"The recent version changes are very ordinary, showing that the price of crit equipment has increased, and the attack speed ADC has been weakened. This makes the ADC's power period infinitely late."

"IG is not going to be the main C in this game, this small disadvantage is completely acceptable!"

"The current situation is that IG's bottom lane can be suppressed infinitely, but FPX's middle and top lanes cannot be caught once, otherwise they will face a collapse!"

"You know, before the game, we compared the players in each position of the two teams."

"In addition to the substitutes who didn't play, FPX will also support IG."


Jacklove, fans like to call him "Ah Shui" affectionately.

His game style is also like "water".

Of course, not ice water, but water that is receiving constant heating.

During the laning phase, he prefers to develop steadily and steadily, and when he needs support in the wild, he will immediately support it.

But when it comes to team battles, Jack Hot Dance will instantly become hot, but not red.

Because the water is calm, and the heat contained in it is very huge.

In team battles, Jack Spicy Dance will pour his output as much as possible on the opponent.

From this point of view, Jack Hot Dance is simply the perfect player!

However, don't forget that the water will be boiled!

Once the temperature is too high and the game is stalemate, Jack Lawu is very likely to boil, and the boiling water will splash... It is difficult to say whether it is the enemy or the teammate who is killed.

Fortunately, it's still early days.

Jack Spicy Dance was very quiet.

Facing the pressing approach of Ice and Female Gun, Verus and Tam made a choice and withdrew to the city!

In the backstage of IG, coach Jin Jingzhu saw this, relaxed his tense back, raised Erlang's legs, and leaned on the back of the chair.

In the Banpick session, IG seems to be playing the bright card, but in fact Kim Jung-soo has also designed it.

In the case that the crit cup and attack speed equipment are all weakened.

Verus, who has the characteristics of mixed injuries and strong poke skills, is obviously a stronger one.

Paired with Tam, even if Nakano does not come to support, he will not fall into a disadvantage.

However, Jin Jingzhu did not expect...

FPX would consecutively select the female gun whose power-up period was delayed due to equipment changes, and the ice who was weakened due to the attack speed attribute.

Take a female gun alone, garbage!
Take the ice alone, trash!
Taking the female gun Hanbing together, Verustam couldn't beat it!
Of course, as an outsider, Jin Jingzhu saw the shortcomings of the Huang team's bottom lane combination at a glance.

That is too crispy, no hard control, and poor means of escape.

For this combination, just grab more!

Grab the line!

If you grab it once and press the line, then grab it twice!

However, before coming to the BP, IG had already discussed the tactics, and in this round, they were on the road.

Because in terms of the performance of the last game, Jin Gong is considered the most stable point of FPX.

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong were beaten on the ground by Jack Lawu in the last match.

Unexpectedly, in this round, Jack Lawu and Baolan became the pair who were pressed to the ground and rubbed together.

Fortunately, Jack held back!

Kim Jong-soo completely relaxed.

As long as Ning Wang and Broiler You get out of the results, then this round can be won without any surprises, and IG won the first point to go to the World Championship!
"Ryze is here too, don't hand in all your skills!"

On the road, Theshy's green steel shadow raised the slender prosthesis and swept across the captain.

Jin Gong also placed two explosive barrels in a row, and fired [Musket Negotiation], detonating three explosive barrels on the field, causing damage to Qing Gangying and clearing the blue square pawn line.

Qing Gangying turned back, as if to retreat.

However, the captain behind him did not pursue, but instead retreated along the center line of the road.

The moment before Kayn activated [Shadow Step], he was caught by the field of vision outside the triangle grass on the road!

Theshy looked at the picture on the road calmly.

make a prompt decision.

Qing Gangying aimed at the right wall and released the hook lock.

The hook lock firmly grasped it, and pulled Qing Gangying, and quickly leaned towards the wall.

Qinggangying did not cling to the wall like the gecko, playing psychological warfare with the captain.

The second-stage E skill is released!
Then another yellow light flashed!

EE flashes.

Theshy used the flash to change the angle of the ejection of the E skill, so that Qing Gangying could hit the captain.

However, Jin Gong's handling is also extremely delicate.

He didn't follow Qinggang Ying EE's flash.

Because the EE flash of Qinggang Ying can fly more than half of the screen if it is operated properly, and the short flash must not be too far away from Qinggang Ying.

At that time, it will be restricted by Qinggangying's big move instead.

Therefore, the captain directly took Qing Gangying's explosive kick.

Then he ate the orange, and the moment Qinggangying hit his body with the first Q skill, he flashed in the dark and ran towards the defense tower.

And fired a gun into the sky, opened to pay homage to Theshy.

"Golden Gong is so delicate!"


"I've handed in the big flash move, should IG retreat?"

"Ryze is getting bigger, does the Phoenix team want to fight back?"

The dark blue portal appears in the red outer tower on the road.

However, Qinggangying and Kayn, who had endured the captain's big move, did not retreat, but did not give Jin Gong and Toothpaste any face, and blocked in front of the red square outer tower.

"The broiler chicken is here!"

"He took a step ahead, stepped on the explosive fruit from the red square wild area, jumped to the stone beetle camp and circled behind!"

"It's no wonder Ryze will directly open the ult!"

"There are two people under the red defense tower, is IG planning to jump the tower?"

The Miller doll is analyzing the battlefield situation.

Although they had already seen from the positions of the three IGs that the reckless men were going to do something, they were still mobilizing the audience's emotions and did not say anything directly.

After his debut in the spring split.

IG did not restrain its fangs.

Facing FPX, they still seized the opportunity to do it!
The former orphan director broiler, take the lead in the charge!

After Syndra released her Q skill, she then turned on her W skill, throwing out the previously saved dark ball with her mind.


——The weak retreat!
If you hesitate, you will lose, but if you are decisive, there will be miracles.

Two dark magic balls were fired from different angles, sealing off the captain's position.


Qing Gangying and Kayn rushed over when they saw the captain who couldn't resist.

Toothpaste is to activate the W skill to control Qinggangying.

Then desperately move the output.

But Kayn and Syndra in the rear began to use skills and basic attacks to deal the captain's damage.

Energy pours out!

Seeing that the captain's health had reached the killing line, Broiler didn't hesitate to move, and took the captain's head directly.

A blood is born!

Afterwards, Kayn, who resisted the tower, handed over Flash and left.

Toothpaste Ruiz saw that his blood volume was less than one-third, and wanted to keep him.

But Theshy hit Ryze with the second kick of the Q skill limit.

Then, carrying the damage from the defense tower and Ryze, he left gracefully.

"Everyone on IG is sober!"

"They are not fascinated by human heads, they are immortal like before."

"Take it as soon as you see it!"

"Based on this situation, I think their performance in the summer split must be very impressive!"

Miller is very happy to see the strength of the LPL team go further.

"Yes, this year's events are very tight. After the summer split, there will be Asian Games exhibition games and intercontinental games, and then in October, the annual global finals will come again."

"I feel like this is our second LPL championship!"

The doll yells, unaware of the game he's calling, and another confrontation breaks out.

During the retreat of Broiler and King Ning, they met the belated sister Zhu.

From behind, Ryze rushed over again.

FPX's Nakano is more than a star and a half better than IG's Nakano.

The broiler controlled Syndra, turned around desperately, and avoided the big move of the pig girl.

However, King Ning, who was following behind, was hit!

Kayn was frozen in place.

Xiaotian and Toothpaste yelled to kill Syndra almost at the same time in the team channel.

Because, Kayn's ultimate move has not been released yet!

And Syndra is only half blood.

Kill Kayn, Syndra must run.

Kill Syndra first, then chase Kayn, it is possible for IG to keep the two of them!

Just do it!

The broiler escaped Xiaotian's big move, but not the pig's charge.

Syndra was topped by the pig girl's Q skill.

Ryze's spell rolled and began to attack Syndra continuously.

The thin-skinned mage didn't dodge, but before he died, he ran behind Kayn who had left.

Toothpaste Ryze accepted the head!
"Chase, continue to kill Kayn!"

"At least force him to flash!"

The terrain is narrow, and Kayn's E skill is still on CD, making it very difficult to escape.

Pig sister and Ruiz quickly followed behind him.

Toothpaste looked at Kayn's figure with fiery eyes.

Because the cooldown of Ryze's W skill is about to heal!

But what he didn't expect was that Kayn suddenly turned around and made a straight attack towards the rear!
【Sharp blade runs through】!
Ryze and Zhumei both received 90+1.3 AD panel damage, and their movement speed was instantly attenuated by 90.00%.

Although this decay will continue to fall within 1.5 seconds.

But to catch up with Kayn is already far away.

Unless the toothpaste flashes W, locking Kayn in place.

But Kayn's big move flashed again.

Ryze and Pig Girl's skills are almost handed in, and it is very difficult to kill them in an instant.

Xiaotian communicated with the toothpaste and decided to retreat.

However, the moment Zhumei turned around, the wall behind the Dalong Pit was hooked and locked.

Immediately afterwards, Qinggang Ying appeared from a distance!
The pig's butt was kicked and he became dizzy.

And Kayn, who had fled in embarrassment earlier, also turned around and looked at Miss Zhu with malicious intentions.

"Qinggangying, who only has one-third of his health, turned around to support him!"

"Theshy's foot is so beautiful!"

"If Xiaotian doesn't hand in the flash, he will definitely not be able to escape!"

Colonel Guan, who was robbed of the limelight by the Haier brothers, found an opportunity to show his presence.

And God, it seems to let the audience remember that there is such a god.

A blue magic crystal arrow was shown in close-up by the director!

Huge crystal blue arrows, spinning and flying in the air.Passing through the narrow terrain of the wild area, he hit Qinggang Ying who had just lifted his foot!
Frost big move meritorious service!

A cloud-piercing arrow, see you on the gray screen of chicken Theshy!
(End of this chapter)

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