Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 199 [198] Cheng Yaojin next door, one can beat two!

Chapter 199 [198] Cheng Yaojin next door, one can beat both!

Jin Jingzhu's face was a little dignified.

From the perspective of God, he witnessed IG being defeated by FPX.

The five players on the field may still be baffled now, thinking that they lost to the FPX female gun + ice system, and cooperated with the captain's wandering global group second.

But coach Jin Jingzhu is very clear that the reason why IG lost to FPX in the second round is essentially because of the game layout.

Make full use of strengths and circumvent weaknesses, seize various opportunities, and expand advantages bit by bit.

In the end, relying on the economic and strategic advantages of the operation, in order to make a decisive battle with IG, so as to make up for the gap in the personal abilities of the two players, and win the final victory.

Looking at the TV screen in front of him, Theshy turned his head in silence, the broiler frowned, and Jack Lawu walked backstage with a full face of aggrieved expression.

Coach Jin Jingzhu knew that it was time for him to prepare for psychological construction and tactical arrangement.

"I think the next game can no longer be played around the top lane...Of course, what I mean is to let King Ning and Broiler choose to roam and predict the situation."

"In this round, catching the top lane is the biggest failure...Obviously, the two heroes of female gun Hanbing, as long as they are in the jungle or in the middle, they dare to die for us."

Yu Wenbo complained a little.

Although this game did not get Draven like the previous game, Verus's strength in this version is still the best among many ADCs.

Unexpectedly, the ability of female gun and ice to press the line is so strong.

Moreover, when the captain took the lead in launching large-scale support, the catalytic effect produced by [Magic Crystal Arrow] and [Barrage Time] was too abnormal.

Without purification, he decided to eat the female gun's [Barrage Time] most of the time.

How much HP does Verus have?

Even if Tamm is allowed to come, Tamm can't bear her hurt!

"It's mine... I should adjust it according to the game, hey!"

King Ning patted his head and sighed: "The female gun and Hanbing are cash machines!"

"I should have gone down early... just to create an advantage for Jack, and then move the target to the top lane."

King Ning did not make any mistakes in the gank and team battle cuts in this round.

But he was the first to stand up and admit that it was his mistake in choosing the target that led to IG's defeat.

"No no no, Ning."

"The failure of this round is mainly due to our misjudgment of the overall game. This is not caused by you alone."

"We all make mistakes."

"Rest time is precious and we cannot waste it."

"Now, let's talk about the next tactical arrangement... In the game just now, we essentially lost to FPX."

Coach Jin Jingzhu looked at King Ning, who was full of pockmarks, and immediately interrupted.

They only have 15 minutes to rest.

And these 15 minutes also include going on and off the field.

IG has no time to waste on this, the most important thing at present is to quickly set the main tone of the next game.

In order to be able to maximize the advantages of the team itself.

"Theshy still needs to maintain a strong suppressive force online. In the next game, we will be the red side, so I plan to give you a Kangte position."

"What hero you want to take is up to you."

Jin Jingzhu looked a little shy, but in fact Theshy, who was expressionless, reminded him once again to learn to advance and retreat, and not to press the line too hard.

"What the broiler has to do is the same as Theshy!"

"Play an advantage online, and then continue to snowball, widening the economic gap with yagao."

"After my observation, Yagao's main strength lies in the timing of team battles, but there is nothing amazing in the online game."

"As for Jack Spicy Dance, you will also have the advantage in the next round!"

"Yes, that's right!"

Jin Jingzhu suddenly said loudly: "The outside world always calls us Trident."

"But really, we're always using two of those spikes every game, depending on the opponent."

"But in this round, I not only want you to use tridents to attack FPX!"

"I want you to evolve the trident into a quadrangle, or even a five-dent!"

"In the last match with FPX, IG didn't feint, it was all the main force!"

"Every one of you players must show your fierce side on the court to the fullest!"

"Break every point of FPX!"

"In this way, no matter how many pre-match arrangements they have, they will not be able to play effectively!"

Kim Jong-soo revealed his countermeasures.

In the last round of FPX, they made full use of their strengths and avoided their weaknesses.

Give full play to the extreme line pressure of the female gun Hanbing in the bottom lane, then the captain in the top lane and Ryze in the middle lane, use a big move to support from time to time, and then develop insignificantly.

Linking IG's most important top, middle and field is directly locked and cannot play its due role.

So in this round, Jin Jingzhu chose to attack across the board!
Every way try to play the advantage as much as possible.

As the saying goes, you can't have both.

Facing fierce attacks from the upper, middle and lower lanes, FPX's jungler Xiaotian will definitely not be able to provide effective support every time.

In this way, even if one of the branches on IG's side is destroyed, there will always be two or more branches, maintaining the advantage.

IG was at such a disadvantage in the last game, FPX waited cautiously, and kept backing the attack time, and waited until the captain Ruizshuai took the lead to take shape before launching the later team battle.

And in this round, if IG can gain an advantage, wouldn't FPX have to drag the late stage and wait to die?

"Is it a desperate attack?"

Broiler looked at Kim Jung-soo.

"So, attack regardless of everything, use your strongest online strength to suppress your opponents."

"Of course, the small map and field of view still have to be taken into account."

"There has never been a team that can win without vision and team communication."

Jin Jingzhu patted Broiler on the shoulder.

He glanced at his watch.

15 minutes passed in a flash, and it was time for IG to play again.


The opening game of the LPL Summer Split entered the final battle.

The audience who have watched two games in a row, not only did not feel tired, but they were all in high spirits!
They kept cheering for the team they supported as if they had been pumped with chicken blood!

Sound waves.

The sweltering heat of summer, although uncomfortable, made everyone's mood extremely high!
Qi Zhou was at the FPX base, watching the banpick of both sides.

Although Brother Feng has a stubborn temper when it comes to moving heroes, his understanding is not bad.

After Qi Zhou's online guidance in the last game, Brother Feng also realized that if he wants to win against IG, he needs to design tactics and select a branch of the team as a breakthrough, and then continue to snowball.

Or eat it in one bite while IG is weak.

Or in the middle and late stages, through waves of team battles, he will continue to bleed him, so as to kill him completely!

"Brother Feng is also spiritual!"

"I didn't expect him to choose such a lineup."

A smile appeared on Qi Zhou's mouth.

Qi Qin on the side hugged his knees with both hands, curled up on Qi Zhou's gaming chair, and nodded while looking at the screen half understanding.

Just now.

Qi Zhou gave her an account on the top of the canyon, allowing her to experience a real high-end solo queue.

Qi Qin still played her ultimate laning ability.

Successfully got the first blood in the game.

But... without Qi Zhou's report, Qi Qin quickly experienced what it means to be targeted.

The enemy jungler directly in the middle is my home. Every time Qi Qin finds an opportunity to kill the enemy in the middle alone, that nasty jungler will suddenly appear.

Then he strangled Qi Qin's solo dream at the last moment.

The jungler often comes to the middle to take care of his teammates.

The assistant on the opposite side also seemed to understand that Qi Qin was easy to catch.

After returning to the city, she didn't go down the lane, went straight to the middle lane, and went to gank Qi Qin's wave, which completely put her at a disadvantage in the lane.

But that's not enough!
The opposite jungler told the opposite support that it was easy to catch in the middle.

After the opponent's support was successful, the enemy's top laner who had been watching the chat box also knew this information.

He actually gave up half a wave of soldiers, waded across the upper river, and ran to the middle to catch Qi Qin's wave.

Qi Qin's mentality exploded immediately.

Regardless of the fact that the game has only lasted 14 minutes, he directly pressed the power off button, took out the phone angrily, and stopped talking.

Qi Zhou had a panoramic view of these performances.

Little girl, playing games not only depends on skills, but also brains... No, observation skills are also required.

Soon, the lineup of FPX and IG will be determined.

Blue Fang (FPX) vs Red Fang (IG)

Top order: Thain vs Qinggangying

Jungle: Kindred vs Wine Barrel
Mid laner: Time vs Zoe
Bottom lane: Olaf, Mondo vs Crow, female tank


"Swain, the leader of Noxus, is quite popular recently!"

On the commentary stage, Colonel Guan opened up several precious links.

He has been waiting for this moment for two full hours!

Finally, one side chose the crow to go down the road.

Not in vain for the series of homework I did before the game!
"The crow's recent winning percentage has soared to 53.23%, ranking second in the league!"

"It is worth noting that this 53.23% winning rate is entirely achieved by the crows in the bottom lane, not the traditional crows in the middle and top lane."

"The crow's winning percentage in the bottom lane is a full 54.92%!"

"It can be seen from the winning rate timetable that the crows have a high winning rate in the middle and late stages."

"This is entirely because the developed crow can carry and fight in team battles. It can disrupt the enemy's formation to absorb damage and at the same time output damage with magic penetration. It is a very powerful hero."

"Of course, the main reason why the bottom lane crow can stand up is the change of AD equipment in version 8.11, which caused the ADC hero formation period to be delayed... Occupying a C position seems a bit unsuitable."

Verus, Lucian, Big Mouth, Kai'Sa, and Ezreal are the heroes who can appear in the high-scoring Rank after a lot of AD equipment has been weakened.

This is entirely because these heroes, because of their own characteristics, are less dependent on those critical strike equipment.

Among these five heroes, Ezreal has the highest appearance rate.

This is mainly due to the strong compatibility.

Although the red EZ, blue EZ, green EZ, yellow EZ, white EZ, purple EZ, and color EZ, which were popular in the old version, cannot appear in the current game due to the removal of equipment or changes in icons.

But Ezreal is still the most versatile ADC among all ADCs!
In this version, his appearance rate ranks first among all ADC heroes!
However, Ezreal's early stage is relatively weak, and it looks weak when facing up with Swain. At the same time, the crow can use skills to consume continuously. In the middle and late stages, as long as you grasp EZ's displacement E skill, once used, it can be used to assist a set of skills in seconds. Drop the crispy EZ.

This is why Swain was able to appear in the bottom lane in the first place.

But the players who developed Swain's bot lane found out after playing that the hero Crow seems to be more of a panacea than Ezreal.

With the help of hard control, a set can kill people in the middle and late stages.

With soft assistants, the laning is very strong in the early stage. Whether it is a fighter or mage bot lane, it can basically stabilize the pressure!
Everything happens for a reason.

It is precisely because of these almost perfect attributes that the crow has greatly improved its appearance rate and winning rate.

"Zeyuan just shared with us some insights on IG's bot lane, and I'm going to talk about FPX's bot lane next."

Miller looked at the camera with a smile and said:
"I seem to see a shadow of Neptune in the selection of FPX bottom lane heroes."

"Although he didn't come to the scene today, he still affected the game!"

"Olaf and Mondo, the Q skills of these two guys are both axes, and both have deceleration effects..."

"I think the bot lane in this game will be quite exciting!"

The doll suddenly shouted: "Absolutely wonderful!"

"In this game, the most mainstream warrior jungler and mage jungler all appeared in this game!"

"I recently studied the training matches of LPL teams."

"I found both red and blue sides. If one team chooses the fighter bot lane or the mage bot lane, the other team will generally choose the traditional ADC bot lane to deal with it."

"Of course, the selection must be the few ADC heroes that can be played in this version."

"But the fighter bot lane vs. the mage bot lane really rarely appears in training matches!"

"The emergence of these two styles of play must be related to the gradual decline of ADC. However, whether fighters are strong or mages are strong, this discussion is not certain."

"I believe that the last round of the opening game will definitely provide a blueprint for reference for the LPL teams that will appear in the future!"

Wawa said that the recent LPL training match, in fact, except for the fighter bot lane vs traditional ADC bot lane and mage bot lane vs traditional ADC bot lane.

There are also warrior bot lanes against warrior bot lanes, and mage bot lanes against mage bot lanes.

However, it is rare for a fighter to go down the lane against a mage.

This is entirely out of lineup needs.

Once there is a fighter bottom lane vs. mage bottom lane, it means that there must be a problem with the damage output of the lineup of both sides.

Either the physical damage is high, or the magic damage is high.

You must know that this version of blooming flowers is also very common among soldiers.


"Olaf, Mundo? Is this the Axe Gang? Just throw an axe on the next lane?"

"It's the first time I watched LPL and checked the information. The combination of the two hero skills of the LPL bot lane is Cheng Yaojin? So 1 King of Glory = 2 League of Legends?"

"Damn it, Nong!"

"Death to the farmer!"

(End of this chapter)

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