Chapter 201[200]
What an evil spirit!

Do you know how to fight?

Jack Hot Dance just went online, and before he had replenished a few soldiers, Mundo and Olaf shamelessly came up.

Muscular, fierce-looking, mutated purple-skinned poisonous maniac and a fanatical warrior with red body...

Pressing every step of the way, it is very annoying!

A small kitchen knife was thrown from Mundo's hand.

Jack Lawu frantically clicked the mouse, and Swain dodged the kitchen knife full of germs.

But Olaf's lightning hatchet followed.

Olaf's ax is small, but that's only for animation reasons.

Because the crow just sideways avoided Mondo's Q skill, it was unable to move to avoid Olaf's axe.

27 percent slowdown!
Mondo Olaf ran straight ahead.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Baolan's female tank finally makes a move!

She came to Olaf and knocked the reckless man on the head with a golden sword.

In an instant, Olaf was stunned in place, and Mundo was slightly stuck in place due to the size of the female tank's unit.

After 4 seconds passed, he wanted to throw the ax again to slow down the crow, but was blocked by the female tank!
The crow successfully walked into the defense tower.

But the female tank was pestered and beaten by Olaf and Mundo!

But fortunately, this wave of Olaf and Mundo is not full of conquerors like the first-level invasion of the wild area.

Although the damage to the female tank exploded, it did not reach an outrageous level.

However, Baolan still paid a certain price for her righteous deed.

The blood volume of the female tank is less than [-].

You know, this alignment period has just begun.

She and the crow have already been forced out of the experience zone.


"Do you really think I can't cure them?"

"After my buddy is promoted to the third grade, what will they use to fight the two of us?"

"You fight in the front, and I can grind them to death!"

Jack Lawu had a fierce look on his face.

I've never played such an embarrassing matchup.

It's been 3 minutes since the start of the game, and I haven't even got a minion, but I was blocked by the opponent under the defensive tower!
"Mondo's Q skill can't be helped, it doesn't consume mana."

"Baolan, think of a way to trick Olaf's Q skill!"

Jack Lawu knew that Olaf and Mundo, who were fierce and fierce like undead fighting beasts, could not be dealt with forcefully.

Really, these two heroes are too similar to Cheng Yaojin next door.

High damage, high blood volume...

A Cheng Yaojin is very spicy!

The two of them, Cheng Yaojin... Oh no, they can't be calculated by addition.

Olaf Gamondo's combat effectiveness is at least two and a half times.

The experience in the wild area just now also told me that they can at least fight two against three without falling into the slightest disadvantage!
So we can only avoid its edge and use other methods to gain an online advantage.

And the amount of mana is extremely fatal to Olaf.

Olaf's Q skill consumes 45 mana, while his base mana is only 315.

As long as Olaf's mana can be tricked to less than 100 points, Mundo and his double Q combo can't cause fatal danger to the crow and the female tank.

It is impossible for them to continue to output damage like before!
Just do it!

After hearing the experience and smelling level 2, the Baolan female tank did not learn the e skill, but learned the w skill to increase her resistance, and began to use various guiding moves to deceive Olaf and let him throw Q skills.

The bottom lane game is getting more and more intense, and the jungler and junglers are also starting to fight each other!

When the game time reached 3 minutes, King Ning's wine barrel had just reached level two, so he naturally wouldn't find it boring to get beaten up in the face of Xiaotian Qianjue.

However, he was still very disgusted and threw a wine barrel to try to grab the river crab according to the location marked by the mark of Qian Jue on the map.

Of course, the result was not what he wanted, but Xiaotian was forced to hand over his punishment, and his jungle efficiency in the early stage was slightly slower.

"The level of the game between the two sides is very high!"

"As soon as the target marked by Qianjue Yangling is changed, even if King Ning is about to finish off the wild monsters, he will choose to give up immediately and rush towards the corresponding branch."

"Xiaotian Gank has a good rhythm, but King Ning's support rhythm is smoother."

"Now the two sides are fighting fiercely, the only way is to go down!"

The appearance of Olaf and Mondo is doomed that these two buddies are not the masters of peace.

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong played too much, they didn't take pawns themselves, and they didn't let Jack Lawu and Baolan take pawns.

Olaf and Mondo stood behind the red square line, while the crow and the Japanese girl were blocked in the defensive tower.

"Broiler, Ning, wait a minute, can we come together?"

"Brother Shy comes directly when Tp is good, I really can't stand the duo on the other side."

Jack Lawu said angrily.

Theshy rarely switched screens and looked down the road.

After discovering the situation of Jack Lawu and Baolan, he laughed unkindly twice.

It seemed a little out of place, Theshy immediately said in some blunt Chinese:

"No problem, if you have TP, come and play."

With the consent of his teammates, Jack Lawu's complexion became better.

However, what he didn't expect was.

At 6 minutes and 20 seconds of game time.

Toothpaste brother who has just been promoted to level 6, Old Man Time, send it here.

And Qian Jue also appeared in the grass behind.

The crow and the female tank are surrounded.

Theshy used up the TP in three minutes and 50 seconds because of the online suppression before.

He originally wanted to use TP when the second ultimate move could be used at 9 minutes, but he didn't expect FPX's action to be so sudden and decisive.

When I just got the big move, I didn't TP back to the middle lane to eat the lane, but directly chose to teleport to the bottom lane.

You know, Broiler just sent a large wave of soldiers into the defense tower in the middle!
Who can bear this?

But this toothpaste, he held back.

What a strong will!

Since Time returned home first, Broiler pushed the line backhand and then returned to the city. When Time teleported down the road, Broiler had just arrived at the spring, and his status did not recover.

Seeing the four heroes on the opposite side outflanking the road, he directly dismissed the idea of ​​TP support.

When the troops entered the tower, Shi Guang and Qian Jue did not outflank and cross the tower immediately.

Both Jack Lawu and Baolan also understood that if they retreated from the first tower and escaped to the second tower, they would be even more unable to escape.

Because the three heroes Olaf, Mundo, and Time all have deceleration skills.

The crow and the female tank have no displacement.

The distance between the outer tower and the inner tower is far greater than the distance between the inner tower and the highland tower. If you want to cross, you will be overtaken.

So withdrawing to the inner tower, it is better to directly OB with the four FPX under the outer tower.

At least in this way, it is possible to replace one or two of them. If it is a direct retreat, it is purely giving FPX a head.

Ever since, the IG duo fought with FPX's Four King Kong under the outer tower.

Jack Hot Dance's operation is very limited.

Baolan's skill shot time is even more beautiful.


If FPX has one less player, or if Time is not level 6, they can completely replace a hero in FPX.

However, time is six.

And he used his passive storage experience to help Qian Jue rise to level 6.

Two skills that don't want you to die, how can you die?

The crow and the female tank were finally taken over the tower.

And Olaf, who they desperately wanted to replace, was simply saved by Time's big move.

Just desperate!

Looking at the gray screen, Baolan and Jack Lawu suddenly lost their minds.

If they were replaced by other heroes before, they could still struggle a little bit.

But Olaf and Mondo's attack seemed to drag them into a muddy swamp, and resistance and non-resistance were the same.

Who can bear this kind of offensive!
"The combination of FPX is really a gangster, but the wave in the middle is not an avalanche?"

"Toothpaste won't be like the broiler chickens in the past, eating grass and milking it?"

"It's too ideal to rely on Shi Shi to play output in the professional arena. FPX obviously uses Shi Shi as a support! Although the laning is definitely not as good as the broiler, but as long as you roam, the effect will not be less than that of the broiler. many."


LPL commentary on stage.

Miller suddenly raised his head and said, "I don't know if you have noticed that no matter which team FPX is playing against, they especially like to make fuss about the bottom lane."

"They're purely targeting the bottom lane, no matter who the laner is or what hero they use."

"Top laner, mid laner, two laners. Bot lane is a two-player lane. The profit for bottom laner is definitely higher than that for top laner and mid laner!" Wow yelled, "Besides, the current status of the professional arena is still in the late stage. Rely on ADC output."

"As long as you can destroy the opponent's bottom lane, you will definitely gain an advantage in the mid-to-late team battle."

"I believe that all professional teams know the idea of ​​FPX, but they are powerless to resist! The combination of crow and female tank once had a winning rate of 59.78% in the kimchi server next door. It can be said that it is almost unsolvable."

"In other words, no one would have thought that FPX's combination of Olaf + Mundo would be able to subdue them."

Colonel Guan nodded inappropriately.

Miller also agrees with the baby's opinion, but he still feels that FPX's intention is not only that.

After all, they have been aiming at the bot lane, and after being seen through by other teams, they will turn from the advantage of FPX to the introduction of their failure.

There are too many articles that can be done around the bottom lane!

The game goes on and on.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more tense.

This is the tiebreaker!

No matter which team wins, the winner will become the first team to get points in the summer split!

This is a great motivation for both players and fans!
So everyone is looking forward to it.

Although the current situation is favorable to FPX, IG fans are still looking forward to the victory of this daring team.

Finally, when the game came to 9 minutes, Theshy's Tianxiu operation gave IG a powerful injection!
His Qinggang Shadow, using the stopwatch and his big move, turned Jin Gong's Sion around, and finally hit a full set of combos under the tower, but he just didn't get a little damage from Sion, and fled the defensive tower with a trace of blood. Received Jin Gong's head.

There was thunderous applause!

Even many FPX fans applauded for Theshy!
He seized the opportunity when Xiaotian Qianjue exposed his vision in the middle lane, directly used his witty positioning and bold operation, and completed the tower jump kill against Thain!

"666. So cool!"

"Why is Theshy's green steel shadow so silky?"

"There is no problem with Jin Gong's operation, but Nai He was predicted by Theshy, and now he looks like a clown instead."

"Sion's operation is really stupid!"

"It's not that the old driver is stupid, it's that Qing Gangying is too agile!"

After opening the door on the road, everyone in IG felt a little better.

But soon, the bottom lane of Jack Lawu and Baolan was thundered again.

It's all because Olaf, who had 3 heads in his hand, exposed the interference crystal naked after returning home!

Interference crystal, a piece of equipment that has been put in the redo plan, but the priority is relatively low!

Interference crystal, the total price is 2650 gold coins, synthesized from mother's cloak and burning gem.

Provides 300 health, 50 armor, 150% health regen, and 10% cooldown reduction.

Unique Active: Prevent nearby enemy towers from attacking for 3 seconds (cooldown: 120 seconds).

The passive is the same as the passive of the mother's cloak. When moving towards the defensive tower or stronghold, it will be accelerated.

From the perspective of active technology alone, there is basically no difference from the interference of the king's pesticide next door.

Buying a piece of equipment and having an extra "pseudo-summoner skill", wouldn't that be a big deal?

But in fact, not only in the professional arena, but even in passers-by games, very few summoners produce this equipment.

This is mainly because the positioning of the interference crystal is unknown, and its value is difficult to reflect.

The cost-effectiveness of the equipment attributes is average, the speed acceleration given by the raptor cloak is fairly general, and the active skill is to disarm the enemy's defense tower for 3 seconds, but it seems very weak in League of Legends.

Because of the interference defense tower, it is generally needed in the following two situations.

One is the strong kill under the tower in the early and mid-term (after being hit by the tower for 3 seconds in the later stage, even the weakest shooter may not necessarily die, so the value of this active skill is getting lower and lower).

The prerequisite for strong kills under the tower is a big tailwind or more hits and fewer hits.Their preconditions are all bad games, and bad games usually only exist when veterans drive trumpets to abuse cute newcomers or black cars catch solo passers-by, almost nonexistent in professional games.

Then spend 2650 gold coins to buy this equipment, it is better to spend 2650 to buy output equipment, or make up for a little frankness.

This can also kill the opponent!
In the second case, save your teammates.

But the premise of saving teammates is that your teammates must be killed by the defense tower, and you can use the active skill of interfering with the crystal to save people.

This is the prophetic condition.

Who can guess when the development of the game is unknown?
Spending 2650 gold coins to produce interference crystals is simply a big injustice!

However, the combination of Olaf and Mundo produced an interference crystal, and the effect was extremely unexpected.

Because these two heroes are both fleshy and output.

Even if the first piece of equipment is a Disruption Crystal, it can still deal huge damage.

Coupled with Olaf's big move to avoid control and double resistance, Meng's big move returns blood.

It also becomes unsafe under the defense tower.

However, IG has been unable to defend all of this!
Time has the acceleration of E skills, and the support speed is much faster than that of broilers.

And Theshy, although Qinggang Yingxiu exploded Jin Gongsan.

But Sion's tower pushing speed clears the line, everyone understands it.

Can't go away!
Therefore, IG was opened up by FPX by 20 in 7500 minutes.


(End of this chapter)

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