Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 22 [22] The dog head appears again, sea is actually the sea king

Chapter 22 [22] The dog head appears again, sea is actually the sea king
At 6:05, Scout Syndra was promoted to level 6 first, killed AHQ Ryze by jumping over the tower, and won the first blood.

At 7:06, the prince was caught, and Dashu killed Ruiz.

At 13:53, a tower in the middle of AHQ broke down.


At 16:30, EDG economy leads by 6100.


At 24:23, EDG wiped out the opponent in the lower wild area of ​​AHQ, the mouse took the triple kill, and sent AHQ away at 11:1.

"Let's congratulate EDG!!!"

"Two games in a row, I hope they can also win in the last round of the group stage!"

The Haier brothers sent their blessings before the AHQ barracks exploded.

They are excited, but also very much looking forward to it.

EDG's momentum is very good now, and the two consecutive victories were quickly won with a huge advantage.

Especially in this round of the match, they punched one after another, and every point of advantage could be quickly expanded by them.

Accumulate victories into big victories in a very short period of time and win the game.

It's a game that only exists in textbooks.

If EDG can maintain its current state in the next match against SKT, it is entirely possible to end the second round of the round-robin match with three consecutive victories and advance to the quarterfinals.

Amidst the wild celebrations of the audience, everyone in EDG walked to the player seat of AHQ.

Ziv and his teammates are like roosters.

With a confused face, it was obvious that he was still stuck in the game just now and hadn't come out.

They shook hands with the five EDG in a coping manner like a repeatedly swinging machine.

Then he walked off the stage dejectedly.

Can't figure it out.

I really can't figure it out!

In just one week, EDG is like a completely different team.

From the moment Syndra got the first blood, he seemed to be involved in the rhythm of EDG.

There was no chance to breathe.

Is this still the original EDG?
The game ended at 11:1, how do you feel that you are the team that sends points?

Today is Day8.

The second round of the round robin in Group A must be finished, and the two teams that will advance to the knockout round will be determined.

So the schedule is tight.

EDG's next game after playing AHQ is EDG vs. SKT.

The official intermission is only 15 minutes.

After a brief exchange within the team, all EDG members stepped onto the stage again.

time up.

"Come! Come! Come—"

"EDG vs. SKT, today's real grand finale!"

The Haier brothers are full of enthusiasm and expectations.

But compared with the shouts of thousands of spectators in the Jiangcheng Stadium, the power of the prepared loudspeakers is obviously not enough.

Among the cheering sounds, the female voices on the left are particularly prominent.


"It's really stress-free~"

"A few days ago, EDG gave me a very general feeling."

"I hope they performed well today, I don't want to win too easily."

Faker's tone was lazy, and he looked sure of winning.

He watched all the first two games of EDG today, and he played really well.

But Faker believes that switching to SKT will definitely play better than EDG.

"It's time to relax~"

"The EDG life and death game is still on the bench." Huang Fa Hu Burou said with a slight contempt in his eyes: "No matter how hard he can withstand pressure, he can't compare to Mouse, right?"

"Let's keep the big tree for the opponent! EDG can only make a living with this hero."


Banpick link.

"EDG was on the red side in this round, so Ban dropped Calista."

So far, the ban rate of skateboard shoes in the S game is still 100%.

It is absolutely absolutely non-ban must-choice existence.

In the current version, the bottom lane is an important rhythm point in the early stage, and bears more than 30.00% of the team's output in the later stage.

The skate shoes are too suitable for the version, even reaching the point of being called a version BUG.

The first is alignment ability.

Skateboard shoes push the line fast, have a high burst, and have a lot of displacement.

These characteristics determine that skateboard shoes can easily suppress the bloodline of the opponent's duo and defensive towers in the early stage.

It also has the ability to detect the field of vision. With the assistance, it can easily control the field of vision of the entire lower half of the field and grasp the movement of the opposing jungler.

Multi-stage displacement is more likely to escape when facing enemy gank.

Secondly, S7 is the version of the incense burner monster.

Sometimes in the late stage, support even becomes the top priority to kill.

However, the ultimate move of skateboard shoes can protect the support from death, and even cooperate with different supports to produce many magical ways to start the team, making it difficult for the opponent to guard against.

Not to mention the dragon group in the later period.

If you join the top laner as a big bug, you don't need to be a jungler. Adding the two together, the dragon's killing line is even more than [-].

EDG is on the red side, and the first choice is SKT on the blue side.

They are the first to ban skateboard shoes, which is an inevitable choice.

"The six heroes in the first round have been banned, and SKT's first choice is Zhumei. Then we have a chance to get the barrel."

"Now it's EDG's turn to choose." Doll stared at the screen and said, "Lulu is locked on the first floor. I think Lulu should cooperate with the small cannon. The red side's first round choice is usually Xia and wild. Since... hey! Factory Chang Zhen took out the wine barrel!"

EDG did not choose an ADC, while SKT directly took out the bottom lane combination of Fengnv and Rat.

Seeing this, EDG chose Xiaopao just as Doll expected.

Then came the second round of banpick.

EDG dropped Ryze and Jess against SKT's middle and top bans.

But SKT was all given to the road, and Shen and Da Chongzi were locked in a small black room.

"Scout took out the demon girl! Faker is the clockwork demon! This is the beginning of the exchange between the big devil and the junior!"

"I am looking forward to the performance of both sides in the middle!"

"SKT actually took out the king of trolls!"

Miller felt a little bad in his heart.

The troll king's single belt ability is extremely strong.

On the EDG side, the last position is obviously reserved for a certain meat tank hero of the upper unit.

Well... there is a high probability that it is a big tree.

However, the Troll King's ult steals the target's max health and resistances.

SKT's goal is obvious.

It is aimed at big trees!

As if asking EDG on the table, do you choose or not.

"What will EDG's last upper unit choose?"

Brother Haier held his breath and stared at the fifth floor of the red square.

20 seconds left.

15 seconds...

10 seconds...

5 seconds!
EDG still didn't make any choices.





"Dog head?!"

At the last second, the head of the Desert God of Death appeared.

The audience suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

The baby and Miller looked at each other and saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

All EDG fans seem to be asked the question "Can the dog head not be blown up by the trolls".


On the left side of the auditorium, a high-decibel voice shouted:

"Brother Sea! Come on!"

"Dog head! 800!"

The voice of the trendy girl is like a flame that ignites a fireworks wire.

Countless voices suddenly shouted out in unison:
"EDG come on!"

"Dog head! 800!"

Many Han Za who were hiding in the auditorium, when they just wanted to shout out their voices, their words were instantly guided back to their throats.

Looking at the enthusiastic pig fans around them, they didn't dare to make a sound.


Desert Grim Reaper.

The 8Us also erupted again when Qi Zhou chose the dog head.

And the next scene of the live broadcast of the game surprised them even more.

The skin used in this round of sea is not the purgatory magic dog, but the April Fool's Day limit of the desert god of death:

Single noble!

The 8Us all thought of a post in their heads:
【Sea is so handsome, may I ask if he has a girlfriend】

In addition, when SKT played against C9, sea replied to the post "Eating Experience" in the bar. He was indeed written by him.

This guy is over water!
So it is unavoidable to think of other meanings attached to sea's use of this skin.

(End of this chapter)

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