Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 3 [3] The headless fly, caught by a level 1 W

Chapter 3 [3] A headless fly, caught by a level [-] W

The banpick is over, and the lineups of both sides are locked.

Blue Party VS Red Party

Top order: Gotou vs Nuoshou
Jungle: Pig Girl vs Centaur
Mid laner: Rock Sparrow vs Victor

ADC: Policewoman vs Skate Shoes

Support: Braum vs Thresh

Seeing that the fifth floor of the red square had finally chosen Mahkarim, Qi Zhou took a deep breath.

The wild boar girl on my side is a proper herbivorous jungler. Like me in the early stage, I need to focus on dogs.

In the case of weak one-on-one combat in the jungle, clearing the jungle is her main theme.

But when it comes to clearing the wild, the efficiency of the pig girl is lower than that of the blue team.

In addition, since version 6.10, the summoner skill sprint has been strengthened, the skill cooling time has been reduced from 210 seconds to 180 seconds, and the movement speed bonus has also been greatly increased.

Even in the final battle between ROX and SKT in S6, Faker's Clockwork Demon used sprint to show an effect similar to flashing, which was weakened by the official fist, but this summoner skill is still stronger than some heroes.

What's more, the three essences of Centaur often bring a 1.5% movement speed bonus, and the efficiency of support and gank is ridiculously high.

Qi Zhou understands that even if he finally meets a similar canine with equal strength, he can only continue to use the basic talent of the dog's head "smell experience" to get through the early stage .


With the voice of the system Obasan, the game officially began!
At the beginning, the blue side didn't think about making trouble, Qi Zhou's dog head went straight up the road, and the assistant Bron was also in a daze with the pig girl and the policewoman after setting up the basics.


In the field of vision, a human-headed dog in original leather walked towards the first tower on the blue side of the road without looking back.

Then he stood in front of the defense tower and put the black-cut double-edged hatchet on the tip of his nose, like a crazy ghost.

"Hey hey hey..."

"I'll go around and cut off his retreat!"

Yu Xiao C changed his silence when he saw 158, and swore to the audience: "The dog head on the opposite side is not squatting in the defensive tower, so he must be hiding in the grass. He must hand over a flash in this wave, otherwise we will be killed." Get 400 directly!"

In his opinion, beating a dog's head with his hands is simply a random killing!

Yu Xiao C turned around and missed an eye in the grass closest to the blue defense tower.

"no one?!"

"That must be the second bush."

Following the pointer, Nuoshou walked straight towards the grass on the road.

The desert god of death that panicked into a short-legged corgi in the imagination is not in this grass.


"He is so courageous, dare to hide from me?"

Nuoshou walked into the last grass.

However, there was still no desert god of death in sight.

"This is unscientific!" Yu Xiao C exclaimed, but then he slapped his thigh and said, "I figured it out! The ID of the dog head opposite is [TwoHa], he is definitely a purebred Chinese."

"Playing on Hanbok may have a high delay, and the network speed is slow. It is very likely that I just walked out of the house now!"

"I'm going over now, he must be under my defense tower!"

Yu Xiaoc made a vow, and Nuoshou returned to the blue square's first tower the same way.

There was no one in sight.

How can it be?

It's definitely because I didn't go far enough, the dog's head must be under the defense tower!

Nuoshou took a few steps forward and stood at the edge of the attack range of the blue defense tower.

But he still didn't see the desert god of death who could be slaughtered by him.

"The Accurate Prophecy of Emperor C!"

"Are you using the VX to count your steps?"

"Will the opposite dog head hang up? Is this C sauce going to perform for 20 minutes with 0 output?"

"Break tears into laughter.jpg"

"Sell paper, 3 yuan a piece, 10 yuan three!"

"What are you running around like a headless chicken?"

Facing the audience's ridicule, Yu Xiao C was also full of puzzlement.

After all this tossing, the pawn line has reached the top road, but why hasn't the dog's head appeared yet?
Did he hang up?

Extremely depressed, he had no choice but to manipulate Nuo Shou to start replenishing troops.

A, A, one.

Again A, two.

Fuck me, the third soldier is extremely crippled!

Yu Xiao C upgrades W skills in seconds.

"Self-mutilation blow! Picture perfect!"

Nuo Shou's W skill resets the basic attack, and replaces the third melee minion who is about to be hit by the attack of one's own ranged minion.

At this moment, a figure also holding an ax appeared.

It was the god of death in the desert that Yu Xiao C was looking for at the beginning.

"Is he going to help the jungler play blue? How did he come from the grass in the river?"

"No! The pig girl on the opposite side should be red. I paid special attention to Bron when he was online. The blue bar is not full!"

While Yu Xiaoc was muttering, Nuo Shou, the manipulator, rushed towards the dog's head in a daze.

The dog head wanted to go back to the back of his pawn line, but there was a big bulge on the terrain wall of the blue side next to the river.

This means that the dog's head has to make a small turn, and the position of Nuo's hand can completely cut off the dog's head for a wave of consumption.

You know, the cooldown of Nuo's W skill is 5 seconds at all levels.

When the target is killed, 50% of the cooling time can be returned. When Nuo Shou meets the dog head, the W skill is definitely refreshed.

In the case where the dog's head does not resist, A then W and then A, at least three layers of passive can be played.

If the dog head dares to fight back, then Yu Xiao C can guarantee to fight Blood Rage!
"Give Young Master A a couple of slaps if you are sensible, and kill you if you don't!"

"Hey! How dare you show your mark!"

"I ran straight away! If you don't pay, you will get a blood!"

As soon as the dog's head turned from the river to its own direction, Nuoshou's phantom appeared under his feet, and he turned on ghost sprint to gain a 28% movement speed bonus and ran towards it.

"Hey hey hey..."

in the hotel.

Qi Zhou looked at Nuoshou who was very angry, and pressed "Ctrl+W" in a calm manner, upgrading 【Wither】.

After the Nuo hand A gave the dog's head.

Goutou raised his palm, and a purple-black light appeared on Nuoshou's body.

In an instant, Nuoshou's figure froze, and his moving speed dropped drastically, even [-]% slower than when he was not sprinting.

Obviously, at this speed, Nuo Shou could no longer catch up with the dog's head, and the normal attack with W red light couldn't hit the dog's head even more.

Seeing this scene before me,

Qi Zhou controlled the dog's head to turn around, while keeping the proficiency sign on, while pressing "Ctrl+3" ghost animal.

As if to say: "Are you angry? Are you angry?"

Seeing the bitch in front of him being so snarky, Yu Xiao C was really out of breath.

He slapped the keyboard angrily with one hand, stood up, took off the earphones, closed his eyes and frowned angrily: "Why is there such a dog head? Can he be more disgusting if he learns W at the first level!"

"I want to control the line so that he can't get a pawn! I want to push him out of the experience zone!"

However, the fact is that Nuoshou crossed the line to chase the dog's head, which attracted the hatred of the three long-range soldiers in the back row of the blue side.

Their attack fell on Nuoshou, while the three long-range minions from the red side fell on them.

Therefore, the pawn line will inevitably advance towards the blue side.

The line is out of control!
(End of this chapter)

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