Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 31 [31] Lottery Big Oolong, Invincible King of Civil War?

Chapter 31 [31] Lottery Big Oolong, Invincible King of Civil War?
This man is sick!
Qi Zhou's smile was clearly contagious.

But Xie Tianyu felt uncomfortable all over.

Is it because he stole his attention?
Pursing his lips, Xie Tianyu put his hands on the midline of his trousers and stood upright, but his legs were shaking constantly.

Under the camera, he has nothing to do and is a little embarrassed.

This caused the host to stir his hands into the No. 2 seed pool before he prompted to continue drawing lots.

Yu Shuang observed carefully, and also took advantage of the situation to make a rescue: "Please icon draw the first team in the No. 2 seed pool!"

Relieved, Xie Tianyu immediately took out a black ball.

The person who cared most about this ball on the stage was not the team representative who appeared on the right side of the stage as No.2, but RNG's Uzi.

Because this ball will determine which group RNG will play against in the knockout round.

Uzi held his breath, his face flushed more and more.

He stood on tiptoe and stretched his neck to look at the big screen in the middle of the stage.

Under the lens, the ball is slowly opened.

A corner of the note leaked out, and it was orange.

Soon, all eyes were locked on Samsung's top laner CuVee (Lee Sung Jin) on the stage.

Sure enough, after unfolding all of them, the three letters "SSG" were impressively written on the note.

The scene shows the "silly and cute" CuVee.

This typical fancier smiled even more innocently when he heard Yu Shuang's standard pronunciation of "Samsung".

There is even a small dimple on the left side of the face.

Before going on stage, the contestants had long been familiar with the process of drawing lots for the knockout round, so without waiting for the host to prompt, CuVee excitedly walked from the platform to the middle of the stage, while looking to the left side of the stage.

RNG was the first team to be drawn from the No. 1 seed pool, so Uzi also took small steps forward and ran towards the middle of the stage.

"SSG will play against according to our lottery rules—"

Ren Dong drew his voice and looked at the group icon hanging high.

The icon of SGG appeared and filled the space under LZ.

"Long Zhu!"

At this moment, Uzi and CuVee, two fat men, one big and one small, were shaking hands frantically in the middle of the stage.

The moment Ren Dong's voice appeared, both of them stopped shaking their arms and froze in place.

Uzi: Dragon Ball?What's the use of the eyewear on the bridge of your nose?After hesitating for so long, even the name of the team is wrong?
CuVee: Long Zhu? Why is the Chinese of the RNG team so similar to the team name of the LZ team?

The two looked at each other, and both saw the doubt in their eyes.

Yu Shuang, who was wearing the Aomei cheongsam in the snow, reacted very quickly, and immediately realized the reason for this situation: "LZ will play against the SSG team!"

"Please UZI go back to the original position first, LZ will face the SSG team!"

"Because according to our rules, two teams from the same group cannot be divided into the same half!"

Uzi blushed after understanding, and returned to his place in a hurry.

He looked at each other and smiled with Kandi from the neighboring WE team.

As if to say, it's really embarrassing.

And CuVee couldn't understand Chinese, and when Uzi went back, he also walked to his original position.

With such an oolong, Ren Dong became anxious.

Loud voice continued to shout: "LZ team is playing against SSG team! LZ team is really against SSG..."

Peanut, the daddy of the Dragon Ball team, walked to the middle of the stage.

Qi Zhou, who is enthusiastic about e-sports, also patted the arm of the chubby CuVee beside him.

CuVee looked at Qi Zhou's signature smile without knowing why.

You have white teeth and a handsome smile, I know, why do you keep taking pictures of me?

Qi Zhou understood that the fat man hadn't reacted yet, so he pointed to the middle of the stage and said:

"One more time."

Qi Zhou doesn't know Korean, so he used this simple English sentence to remind CuVee.

CuVee looked around and seemed to understand what Qi Zhou meant, but he was still not sure, and stared at Qi Zhou with puzzled eyes.

Qi Zhou nodded fiercely.

"That's right, Fatty, the SSG knockout match is LZ."

CuVee blinked sadly, and the smile turned into a crying face in an instant.

And SKT's Wolf hid in the corner and applauded wildly.

Because LZ's previous performance was too strong.

Not to mention that the team swept everything 6:0 in the first round, and used the Canyon Pioneer to flatten it against FNC.

In the LCK division, the LZ team is the champion of the summer split, the favorite to win the championship, and the No. [-] seeded team in the LCK.

And the Khan at this time is at the pinnacle, standing at the top and scorning all beings.

From Wolf standing in the corner and applauding secretly, we can see CuVee's mood when faced with such a reversal.

My baby is suffering...

He would rather face the RNG who defeated him in the group stage, and he does not want to face the shadow that has lasted for nearly a year.

He glanced at Qi Zhou beside him, wanting to be comforted, but found that he was still smiling with his signature smirk.

CuVee walked helplessly and shook hands with the baby daddy Peanut.

Peanut also looked at CuVee who turned from laughing to "bitter" jokingly.

As everyone knows, the clown is actually...

After the episode, Xie Tianyu continued to draw lots.

Since the matchup of SSG in the same group has been determined, the next team drawn must be the opponent RNG will face in the knockout round.

So Uzi, Ren Dong, Yu Shuang, all the audience at the scene, and all the players who watched the authorized live broadcast on various platforms were all looking forward to it, and their eyes were fixed on the black ball in Xie Tianyu's hand.

Under the lens, paper appears.

Xie Tianyu's left hand, who was the first to see it, trembled suddenly, and then slowly pulled it away.

Helplessly smiled.

Black background, silver and white English.

The three big letters of EDG are printed on it!
In an instant, the audience exploded!

The three LPL teams have entered the knockout round. Although people are reluctant, they are also prepared for a civil war between the LPL teams.

In the case of multiple teams advancing, civil war is inevitable, just like LZ and SSG, who are both in the LCK division, faced each other just now.

However, no one thought that the civil war would reach this point, and the three LPL teams were all in the upper half.

In the knockout round, RNG played against EDG.

Assuming WE advances to the semi-finals, then its opponent must be RNG or EDG.

Before the two parties on the stage had any reaction, the Internet exploded.

"???? Icon's hand is poisonous!"

"Hehe, the Invincible King of the Civil War is coming back. He doesn't attack the outside world with heavy blows, but rushes to eat inside like a dog smelling shit."

"It's inevitable, okay? Didn't LZ and SSG match up too?"

"The dog-pig war is restarted, I hope RNG will blow up, and let the brothers of the anti-bar hold a good pig-killing meeting!"

"What's the matter with EDG in this group? It's not Neptune's lottery!"

"It's good, at least some teams can enter the top four this year."

"Who are the applause, I'm so speechless..."

"The quarterfinals are pretty good, EDG come on!"

"Icon's hands are really stinky, and the three teams were divided into the same half by him!"

"What I'm looking forward to is the final rendezvous... It's gone!"

Amidst the hoarse voices at the scene, Qi Zhou and Uzi moved forward to shake hands.

This time, Qi Zhou smiled without showing his teeth.

Uzi's complexion is no longer rosy.

Such a grouping is indeed somewhat unexpected.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Yu Shuang and Ren Dong said at the same time: "Please icon continue to draw lots."

And Xie Tianyu also quickly took out a black ball from the No. 2 pool in the direction of the paper with the EDG team logo printed on it like a hot potato.

"WE vs. FNC!"

"Then the rest of SKT will play against MSF!"

 The book that will be on the shelves tomorrow, Xiancao, is recommended! !

(End of this chapter)

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