Chapter 33 [33] The dog stomps on the pig's back, the next city is the first, and the Neptune plays, tit for tat

"The match begins, EDG on the blue side will face RNG on the red side!"

"This first game is very important for both sides. Under the BO5 competition system, if you win the first game, you will play very smoothly in the next game!"

The commentator of the game is the two Haier brothers and Su Xiaoyan.

"EDG banned Lulu first, and the first ban position of RNG on the red side was still given to Skateboard."

"EDG directly sealed Galio with a backhand! It's so targeted!"

Wawa was pessimistic about life and death, and let go: "This is obviously to destroy RNG's dog protection system. I guess the third ban position of EDG may even target the Uzi hero pool!"

Qi Zhou sat quietly with his eyes closed, as if he was completely cut off from the noise of the outside world.

He focused all his attention on the little finger of his left hand.

Keeping the other fingers not moving, the little finger slowly lifts up and down according to the pre-conceived range in mind.


Followed by the index finger, the coordination is much worse than that of the little finger, but it is still barely completed.

Middle finger, ring finger, thumb...

Qi Zhou strengthened his control over the wrist muscles and palm muscles through this training method, which is similar to medical students practicing acupuncture.

After one round, the banpick session between EDG and RNG just ended.

Blue Fang EDG: top laner Dashu, wild wine barrel, mid laner Rock Sparrow, bottom laner Verus with Wind Girl.

The red side RNG: top laner Big Chongzi, fight wild boar girl, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner Xiaopao with Star Mom.

And the third ban position of EDG, as predicted by the doll, blocked UZI's policewoman.

RNG is retaliation, if you don’t let me raise dogs, I won’t let you raise pigs.

The prince who was the director of the factory and performed better in the previous games was picked.

RNG uses the star mother to counter Fengnv, while EDG wants to use the strong mid-field in the early stage to open up the situation.

The dog-pig battle has a long history.

In S6, you come and go, each has its own outcome.

Under such circumstances, RNG decided to break with the past, introduced top laner Looper and Mata, and defeated EDG 2-0 in the regular season.

In the end, it even slapped the factory director of the opponent who was "already studying MSI" 3-1.

S7 had the same story again, but EDG launched a counterattack in the summer split, and the phantom god of the civil war descended to pray again, and EDG won the summer split.

And now, these two little overlords of the zoo met again on the stage of the S game.

As soon as you enter Summoner's Rift, you can feel the sparks in the air.

However, the two sides were still very restrained at level 1, did not tear off the clothes from the same LPL, and fought in the wild and in the river.

But soon, the painting style became abnormal.

The factory director was arrested at the second level, but unexpectedly, she was squatted back by the pig girl, and the girl from Xialu Fengnv handed over the treatment but failed to save her.

Fortunately, the head was taken away by Xingma's banana boomerang, and it was not given to Uzi.

And the factory manager also lost the river crab + a group of big birds.

The stubborn factory manager came to the bottom road again after finishing the Ueno area, and the star mother couldn't protect Xiaopao who moved too aggressively.

The stains are miserable.

At 8 minutes, the pig girl cooperated with the big bug, the two took turns, and the tower ate the big tree.

After that, both sides restrained a lot.

At 25 minutes into the game time, the pig and dog teams faced each other in Longkeng.

A team fight ensued.

EDG lost the star mother in seconds, and disabled Xiaopao, Ruiz, and Zhumei. At the same time, Mouse's big tree on EDG was killed by concentrated fire.

The situation is good for EDG, but unexpectedly, RNG's single big bug's glory of justice, gargoyle plate armor, ghost cloak, and small anti-armor make it extremely fleshy.

Like a prehistoric monster standing in front of the team, it even picked up the wheel mother and bit off most of her blood in one bite.

In the end, Uzi operated, and EDG lost the team battle and lost the dragon.

Even though EDG persisted in the later stage, under RNG Ssangyongjia, the base was breached.

The blue barracks exploded, Qi Zhou patted the black short-sleeved uniform, stood up and stretched his muscles.

Abu also straightened his glasses, and said to Qi Zhou, "I know you have a lot of ideas, as long as you can prevent them from developing on the road, you can choose any hero."

Apparently, Letme's big bug made Abu very afraid.

For now, resist the stress.

"It's time for Guodian EDG to give way!"

"What are you talking about? EDG is invincible in KPL!"

"EDG is full of pig brains. The substitute dog head brother played C9 big bug last week. It can be called a textbook game. In the end, he chose Dashu. I laughed."

"Haha, I guess they're going to switch to Brother Goutou next time!"

"Hush~ It is said that he is the king of the sea."

"Damn it, there are still people in EDG who are (fucking) fans?"

"Ahem, sea seems to be a white lotus flower like Meiko, and Aquaman is a stalk, but it doesn't affect the pig killing conference!"


"Welcome back."

"EDG is also as expected, and has made substitutions and adjustments!"

"To be honest, they were too conservative in choosing the big tree in the last game. If they were replaced by trolls, it would be much harder for RNG to play."

Miller and Doll are still replaying.

Su Xiaoyan found out that the two sides had already started to ban people, and finally found a chance to intervene: "RNG still banned Kalista, and EDG sent Lulu to the ban position again."

Brother Haier was also pulled back.

"EDG still chose the blue side in this round, wait, why is this BanPick so familiar?"

Baby just wanted to make some predictions, but found that the first few bans of both sides were exactly the same as the first game.

"RNG changed the third ban from the prince to the dog's head, do they still want to remake it and choose the big bug?"

The intention of RNG's third ban to block the dog's head is obvious, they just want to continue to take big bugs.

After all, Qi Zhou played a classic game of dog head vs big bug last week.

If you don't want to choose a big bug, then there is no need to ban the dog's head at all. After all, the current version of the more powerful heroes such as Jess, Olaf, Gnar, Kenan, and Crocodile are very restrained.


A crisp sound came from the earphones, and the hero on the first floor of EDG locked on.

Under the camera, Uzi's face darkened, his nose snorted, and his small mouth pursed slightly.

Miller said in surprise: "VN is the first choice? EDG Uzi puts out VN in front of you?"

You must know that in the LPL four years ago, a little fat man used VN to win the first pentakill in a professional game, and at the same time helped the team get a ticket to the S game.

Since then, VN has basically become his signature hero.

And EDG's choice of VN is like playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

This is also the reason why Uzi's complexion turned red.

"Uh... maybe EDG simply thought that RNG would pick Big Chongzi. After all, the last scene where Sivir scraped Big Chongzi left a deep impression on the audience."

Miller's explanation was even a little unsure of himself.

If this is the case, EDG can completely catch up with the big bug.

"Good brother, don't be angry!" Mala Xiangguo squinted his small eyes, and conveyed his desire to snatch the factory manager's prince through the team channel.

As for why he didn't choose the blind monk, he explained: "I'm afraid that I will also play the overall damage to the hero as 4396."

(End of this chapter)

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