Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 52 [52] Contrast, looking at yourself through a looking glass is far away! ! !

Chapter 52 [52] Contrast, looking at yourself through a looking glass is far away! ! !

"According to the data given by the director, the last time Nuoshou appeared on the field was 261 days ago."

"Picked by AJ when IM vs. SS."

"I was very impressed... At that time, AJ Nuo got a wave of triple kills and wiped out the SS."

Colonel Guan recalled while talking.

In the professional arena, top laners mostly have the attributes of displacement, support, control, and development.

Its role is to cooperate with the other four heroes to play an excellent team battle effect.

Nuoshou is easy to be kited due to his "short legs", and he has no strong control. The reason why many heroes such as Kenan and Qinggangying can restrain him is that he rarely appears in the professional arena except when he just returned from the rework of the S5 season.

This does not match his titles such as "top laner", "hand of elementary school students", "player's nightmare", "the most pentakills in the league".

Therefore, the moment Qi Zhou chose Nuo Shou, the barrage was completely ignited after a short shock.

They are already tired of watching strong heroes in the version, the same style of play, and the smelly and hard games.

The appearance of Hand of Noxus is like adding Li Minghua seasoning to a game that already knows the taste.

Even chicken ribs can instantly become delicious delicacies!


【Kill the Quartet】

【Crippled Strike】

【Ruthless Iron Hand】

【Noxus guillotine】

Listening to these skills, how many times more exciting can people be compared to [Secret Suction Technique], [Thorn Bash], [Twisting Thrust], [Sapling Throwing], and [Grasp of Nature]?
The hand of Noxus, the massacre on the battlefield!

As long as the summoner is not Yu Xiaoc and his ilk, then this game will definitely be full of passion and blood.

There are few audience masters and kings in the League of Legends S game.

Bronze and silver account for the majority.

According to the rank statistics of the stick, European, and American servers, they have the largest number of silver players, followed by bronze.

The sum of the two can reach more than 60%.

As for other small clothes that are not national clothes, the sum of bronze and silver can even approach or exceed 70%.

It can be inferred from this that the national service is not much different from the above data.

In addition, this year's S game is held locally, and many "cloud players" who have only played a few games are also watching the game.

It can be guessed that in addition to the free game Garen, the top lane heroes they can know are nothing more than Barbarian King and Nuo Shou.

I believe that the big ax in the hand of Noxus will surely awaken the fond memories of this game in their deepest memory.

Therefore, a few barrages of complaints about Qi Zhou's failure to cooperate with the team's selection of powerful group control heroes such as Kenan and Dashu were instantly covered by other brutal barrages.

"Originally both teams belonged to us, and I don't care who wins or loses, but EDG chose my natal hero, Nuoshu, and I voted for it to win!"

"Noxian guillotine! Just do it!"

"One knife, one child!"

"The invincible method of the top laner, everything can be worn. Let's do it!"

"AWAEAQ, EAWAQ, QAWEAA, I learned it from Baiyinfei, 6 or 6?"


The camera of the game was pulled horizontally, and the low-altitude panorama of the canyon appeared on the big screen.

The director's close-up is first given to Xiaolongkeng.

From the brownish-yellow runes displayed on the rock wall, it can be known that the first refreshed elemental dragon will be an earth dragon.

Then it rises steeply.

The positions of the 10 heroes are clearly revealed!

"The five members of WE came out of the Ueno area and gathered to attack the red zone of EDG!"

"We're going to do something at the beginning!"

In the picture, the wine barrel led the team, and the five WE entered the entrance of the river in the red square Ueno area.

Seeing this, the prince of Claire Lawu summoned the German army flag to be planted in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea in the wine barrel, and left immediately.

Qi Zhou also controlled Nuoshou to walk from the triangular grass to the upper tower.

"Xiao Zhao, you go to the opposite red zone to make a vision."

While rushing towards the lower wild area, Claire Lawu secretly complained about WE.

Even if I like to catch at level 2, there's no need to mobilize so many people!
If it weren't for concentration, would it be in a normal game? This kind of boring "normal guard" at the beginning would easily distract the players, and they would not be able to react immediately and be taken away.

"I don't know if they will change the wild area..."

I kept muttering in my heart and sorting out my thoughts.

Claire Hot Dance also came to the red zone of WE.

Commentary seat.

PDD and Colonel Guan saw the five WE returning to the city from the perspective of God.

"WE has no plans to swap wild areas!"

"However, EDG is also inserting eyes in the grass in front of the red buff wild monster camp, so there is enough time to respond."

Colonel Guan straightened the microphone at the corner of his mouth and said solemnly.

But the PDD next to him suddenly widened his eyes.

"Yo bud!"

"What kind of talent does this Nuo Shou have!"

Colonel Guan followed PDD's voice and looked at the bottom left of the Nuo hand icon on the left side of the screen.

Pale green.

is a woman.

Same talent as the Shield of Valoran (gem) belt.

"Windtalker's blessing?!"

"Wrong point?"

In the old rune version, the keystone runes of Hand of Noxus usually choose Storm Knight's Surge or War Fervor.

The former can make up for Nuo's short hands and legs and prevent him from being kited all the time.

The latter allows Nuo Shou to continuously increase his attack power while stacking blood rage, so as to maximize its damage.

Windspeaker's Blessing This cornerstone rune can increase shield value and healing, and increase armor and magic resistance for friendly beneficiary heroes.

Generally, auxiliary heroes like Censer will choose this keystone rune.

As far as Nuoshou is concerned, only his Q skill can enjoy the effect of "Windtalker's Blessing".

Anyone who has played games a little bit will not order this talent.

Therefore, Colonel Guan's suspicion is not unreasonable.

After all, Windtalker's Blessing and Storm Knight's Surge are both in the last column of the Deceitful talent tree.

"Yo bud!"

"Three mung beans!"

Before he could figure it out, PDD noticed again that there were three healing orbs and a biscuit lying in Qi Zhou's equipment rack.

Although this build has a scientific basis:
The highest growth life recovery of all heroes in the alliance, and a good basic life recovery attribute.

In the mid-to-late stage of replenishment, Mung Dou Nuo can use the Raptor Cloak + Justice Glory, which not only provides a movement speed bonus, but also has a terrifyingly high recovery ability.

But the audience was still disappointed.

What they want to see is the Noxian god of war, Dryers, who goes forward bravely and falls with his axe.

Instead of scratching the outer circle, the inner circle is hot. Hitting me is equivalent to hitting my own coward Noxus.

"MD, will this sea play games?! You won't let me play games!"

"I want to see you as a dog, but why don't you be a mung bean man? NMSL!!!"

"It's really hehehehe...Jiang Zi, I might as well watch Yu Xiaoc's live broadcast!"

"Those who came from playing with the dog's head are indeed cowards."

"Don't look at it, EDG will lose."

"Was it bad with the wrong rune, or is it a fake match with money!"


——【Betta TV】

Yu Xiaoc smiled very happily.

As the titular founder of "Mung Bean Handsman", his routine can appear in the world competition, and he almost turned his face into a pig's liver with a smile.

A sense of pride and accomplishment arises spontaneously.

Half a month ago, the humiliating memory of being veiled by Qi Zhou's dog's head suddenly disappeared.

"S7 semifinals!"

"Do the trolls in the live broadcast room understand the gold content in this?"

"My routine was used in the semi-finals, and it's over if you see if it's good or not!"

While talking, Yu Xiaoc took off his earphones and fiddled with his hairstyle in front of the avatar.

"I really screwed up!"

"You are optimistic, EDG will win this game!"

Putting on the earphones again, Yu Xiaoc stared at the head portrait of Nuoshou on the computer screen, and began to admire himself.

Great, wise, creative...

Sea, a professional player, has to use his own routines to play games.

"You still say that I can't beat Sea. Is my routine better than his? He will use mine."

"Just say me and Sea, who has a deeper understanding of games!"

Excitement overwhelmed my head.

After Yu Xiaoc said this, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

The pig liver complexion returned to normal in an instant.

Too big...

Yu Xiaoc remained silent, and returned his gaze to the game interface.

Looking at the "Windtalker's Blessing" under the promise hand icon, he fell into deep thought.

He seems to be hotter than me...

But the talent of Nuo Shou is useless at all!

Is there any tricks here?
(End of this chapter)

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