Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 6 [6] After a walk around the dog's head, Yu Xiaoc is going to die of shame~

Chapter 6 [6] I walked around the dog head bar, Yu Xiaoc is going to die of embarrassment~
"Your skills in carrying... ducks are too poor. I suggest you go to the Desert God of Death Bar for further studies... for two and a half years?"

Combine a long string of letters not separated by spaces into a sentence.

Yu Xiaoc completely slumped on the gaming chair.

His expression was as speechless as if he wanted to play football, only to find that the field was occupied by "players".

Murder is heartbreaking, but that's it.

Based on the fate of both being Chinese, fighting in exotic valleys.Yu Xiaoc agreed to Qi Zhou's friend request.

But I didn't expect that he came to make up for the knife!
Quietly Mimi glanced at Shi Xiangtou, Yu Xiaoc said righteously: "What does this TwoHa mean?"

"Adding me as a friend is just to mock me, can't I resist the pressure?"

"Why do you behave like this?"

After complaining, Yu Xiao C was still not relieved, and wanted to send a message to quibble, to prove that he was good at C.

But I found that the small green light of "TwoHa" in the friend column has gone out.

It was late at night, and Qi Zhou also went offline.

But some viewers who saw Qi Zhou's news were not calm!
"It's a dog's head! It's a dog's head! We didn't expect that a Hanbok god was born! Mighty~~"

"The record has been checked, tonight the dog's head has won four consecutive victories, and I will be the MVP! Glory to me!"

"Reserve, how many times have I told you to be reserved outside, we are【Desert Reaper】!"

"The holy fire is shining, the holy light is shining, all my disciples, woof woof woof!"

"Meow Meow Meow... My old lady was taught by Holy Fire Meow Meow!"

"Tulle! Let me stack a Q (+3, Yu Xiao C's pawn)."

"Yu Xiaoc is at least one of the country's first jewels in ancient times, no matter what, he can be regarded as a super soldier, +6!"


For a while, the barrage was occupied by the mysterious dog head bar... Ah bah, friends of the desert god of death bar.

Quite a scene where Emperor C is dead, and the dog bar should stand.

The rest of the curious babies in the live broadcast room also asked what "dog head bar" is.

Soon, under the guidance of friends of the Living Buddha Bar, curious babies poured into [Desert Death Bar].

The number of people online in the live broadcast room plummeted, which caused Yu Xiaoc's already bruised heart to be hit hard again today.

At the same time, he was also very unwilling.

With a stalwart body and a resolute face, Darius is his natural hero.

From humble beginnings to the Hand of Noxus, slashing through the flesh of countless enemies, Darius is Noxus' most elite commander of the Trifarians.

As his summoner, Yu Xiaoc didn't always talk about the honorable title of "Hand of Noxus".

But this group of dog-headed players always call [Goutou Bar] [Desert Death Bar].

As No. 1 in Noxus Hand Bar's reputation (self-proclaimed Guo Yi Nuo Hand), Yu Xiaoc obviously can't understand the group of highly narcissistic guys in the Desert Death Bar.

"I [Hand of Noxus] have several methods of light-speed blood rage, and even one-second CJ blood rage! There are also all kinds of top laner play styles and outfits. What does he have in the dog head bar? Show off?"

"Aside from stacking 20 layers of Q in 500 minutes and getting mixed experience points, is there anything else?"

Yu Xiaoc muttered unconvinced, opened the browser, and entered [Desert Reaper].

It was obvious that he wanted to pick a stab at Wan Zun.

"Stress resistance is a skill. To be honest, my live broadcast is better than stress resistance..."

[Good news, great news!Let me appear a super phantom god who only uses the desert god of death to go to the Hanbok master! 】

[A mysterious strongman appeared in this bar, Hanbok violently beat Yu Xiaoc, 20 layers of Q skills in 576 minutes! 】

[Yu Xiaoc's hands were knocked on the head of a super ghost by my friend Gou, witnessing the whole process, live retelling! 】

[The dog's head restrains all the top orders, Yu Xiaoc, Guo Yinuo's hand, was hammered just now, and he refuses to accept it to argue! 】

[It is our duty to revive the glory of the dog head! Welcome everyone to learn the ideas of Hanbok drill one dog to win Yu Xiaoc Goutou great god! 】


The start is a crit!

Yu Xiaoc suddenly lost his voice.

He didn't expect that there would be so many [Desert Death Bar] friends in his live broadcast room.

Less than 3 minutes after the game ended, the latest posts were all about being blown up by "TwoHa".

Do you have to be so fast as a human being?
Clearing her throat in embarrassment, Yu Xiaoc immediately clicked "Recommended by the owner", making those dirty posts disappear from the screen.

"Haha, what did I say!"

"The first post is "Desert Death Newcomer Must Take Subjects-Eating Experience"!"

"There are 2.2w likes and nearly [-] comments?"

Yu Xiaoc was a little surprised.

But I couldn't wait to click on the post, ready to criticize.

As a counterpart major, the effectiveness of one's own speech is absolutely extremely important.

As an authority in the industry, no one knows how to resist stress better than me!
Yu Xiaoc was full of confidence and started browsing the posts.

The landlord is called "sea".

Due to too many replies, Yu Xiaoc chose to only read the speech of the host sea.

Pushing his glasses, Yu Xiaoc looked at the long speech of "sea" line by line and picture by picture with professional eyes.

At first, his eyes were full of excitement.

Everyone knows that Xiaoc Yu, Brother Ba, and Cave Master are the three gangsters of Douyu.

How to learn from experience, how to fight headwinds, how to maintain KDA, I am definitely a professional among professionals.

It’s just a dog’s head, what anti-stress techniques can I learn for myself?
The dog head encountered in the live broadcast, he is definitely fried!

But as the eyes continued to scan.

Yu Xiaoc's facial expression became more serious, frowning as if thinking about something.

"Hiding in the grass in the river can gain the experience of three frontline soldiers... So TwoHa should squat at this position at the beginning."

"Damn it, didn't he see all my actions, and I turned into a clown?"

After referring to the post, Yu Xiaoc reviewed the game in his mind, and after realizing why he couldn't find the dog's head at the beginning, a blush appeared on his face.

As Emperor C of the Intestine Disorder, he has experienced many storms and waves.

He didn't make a sound, and continued to scroll down the post.

"At the upper end of the river grass, you may also be able to get a long-range pawn. In the case of a short-handed hero on the opposite side, if you want to get all the experience of the first wave of pawns, you can learn W. After the pawns in the front row die In five seconds, walk out of the grass and return to the line..."

So, it was within his expectation that I sprinted up to fuck him?
Yu Xiaoc pursed her lips, holding on to her glasses and pretending to be calm.

"Besides the Angel, the top laner is the most easy to play against, because Nuo players are basically irritable by nature, and Q Flash is a must-learn subject for them besides the speed of light and blood rage, so we can use... ..."

Shit, before it even started, all the inner activities were seen through...

Yu Xiaoc's embarrassment at this moment is even more than the lowest output in history of 158 not long ago.

For the dog head, is the promise player really so shameless without underwear?
Yu Xiaoc, who was stubborn to death, continued to pull down "sea"'s post, trying to find the slightest mistake so that he could refute it and save his respect a little.

Then he sees:

"If we meet the first C-shaped bastard hand from Yu Xiao who produced the raptor cloak, we can try a small wooden hammer + raptor cloak, and pull it repeatedly to make poison with poison..."

 [My family has seedlings growing up! ! 】

  [Congratulations, the 1-word contract has finally been signed! ! 】

  [The new book issue is tentatively scheduled to update two chapters daily, I hope you guys will support me more! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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