Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 62 [62] The 957 application was suspended after being targeted, this game has a bug!

Chapter 62 [62] was brutally targeted, 957 applied for suspension, there must be a bug in this game! (Seek to follow up)
back online.

957 opened Q to clear out a few minions in the defense tower, but his mind was still thinking.

Although he didn't have the ability to calculate the opponent's damage to be as outrageous as a normal attack.

However, based on Galen's equipment and level, the approximate damage to a set of skills can still be estimated clearly.

Just now I estimated that after I opened the big road seal and completed the anti-kill, I would have about 150 HP left.

Estimates will never fluctuate more than 20 points up or down.

But the result is...

Before the ultimate move was released, he was killed by Galen's sudden burst of damage combined with the great sword that fell from the sky.

Where did the 100+ points of extra damage come from?

957 still can't figure it out.


Even if he wears armor piercing, it is impossible to increase the damage by 100+ out of thin air!

Already entered.

Could it be Tiamat?
But it also provides 25 points of attack power, and the additional damage of active skill damage is equivalent to a basic attack.

It's really unscientific!

Rao 957 wanted to break his head, but he didn't understand what Galen's damage composition was.

What's more uncomfortable is that during the period, I was inattentive and missed 2 long-range soldiers.

The economy that is not already rich is getting worse.

When he came back to his senses, Galen had also reached the line.

"Long sword, straw sandals, don't make meat, don't have magic resistance, want to play hard?"

The corner of 957's eyes twitched, and an ominous premonition flashed in his heart.

Sure enough, Galen, who was quietly replenishing his troops last second, walked towards him majestically, holding a big sword in his right hand!

Depend on!
Can we develop peacefully?
I have a big move in my hand!
Galen is going to change blood again before going online, which makes 957 very uncomfortable!

You must know that Shangbo was killed as soon as he went online. After he was resurrected, he only had 250 gold coins in his pocket, and he couldn't even afford a pair of straw sandals.

Rambo is currently one level behind Galen.

And Kangde Zhumei just entered the Ueno District from the front entrance of the Second Middle Tower.

Seeing Galen who was about to catch up with him, 957 took a deep breath.

I will endure!

Rambo turned around and fired two consecutive E skills.

The first shot was blocked by the minions.

The second shot hit Galen!

It's a pity that Galen turned on the Q skill and removed the deceleration effect on his body.

Qi Zhou's Galen is the main E skill.

Therefore, the acceleration effect of level 2 Q only lasts for 2 seconds.

Before chasing Rambo, the buff effect will disappear.

Thanks to Qi Zhou's pair of straw sandals, he caught up with Rambo within 4.5 seconds of the Q skill strengthening general attack.

Galen gripped the hilt tightly with both hands, raised the thick broadsword high above his head, and smashed it on Rambo's head.

Immediately afterwards, a drunken man sprang out from the grass above.

【Meat, Egg, Scallion Chicken】!
"The factory manager has been squatting in the grass for nearly half a minute!"

"957 never imagined that he would be taken care of like this!"

The commentators have the perspective of God, so they naturally know the whereabouts of the factory manager.

When the first blood was produced, the wine barrel was beating the toad.

When Galen finished pushing the line of soldiers and went home, the factory manager took a detour under the defense tower and hid on the road to row grass.

And Kandi Zhumei's eyes are inserted in the grass of the river.

It is naturally impossible for 957 to know the whereabouts of the factory director.

"Galen [Judgment] keeps scraping Rambo's blood, and the small burst of the wine barrel is also perfectly played!"

"However, the Rambo W shield blocked part of the damage, but the barrel still has the big move in its hand!"

Rambo is also constantly being hurt by Galen's spinning hula hoop, while the factory manager keeps his big move.

Only 1/4 of life is left.

Rambo didn't flash and was basically sentenced to death.

957 is also symbolically heading towards the tower, too lazy to move, and it seems that he has given up treatment.

And the factory manager kept in mind that Qi Zhou said "I will give you the head".

When Rambo's blood volume was only 1/6 left, he threw his ultimate move.

The damage can definitely kill Canxue Rambo in seconds.

But just before the wine barrel thrown by Gragas hit the ground, Galen released Tiamat's [New Moon Attack].

"The wine barrel throws [Explosive Wine Barrel]!!"

"Rambo is dead again...wait!!"

"Why is the head Galen's?"

"What's going on? WE applied to suspend the game."

Rambo died suddenly, the barrel was empty, and Galen took the lead.

In the next second, the big screen turned gray, and Summoner's Rift went into a static state, leaving only the blue reading bar in the middle dialog box constantly flashing.

Colonel Guan also received the latest news from the director.

"WE applied for a timeout. They think there is something wrong with Galen's damage... Maybe there is a bug in the game."

In the World Championship, the official can request [guidance pause] anytime and anywhere, there is no explicit rule restriction.

As for players, they can only do so in the event of 'accidental disconnection', 'hardware or software failure (such as monitor power failure, equipment failure or game problems)', 'player body interference (such as fan interference or damage to tables and chairs)' In these three cases, the game is suspended.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as [unauthorized suspension], which will affect the fairness of the game and be punished.

The player who applied for a timeout was 957 who had just died suddenly.
After explaining the reason to the referee, the official technical staff of the fist also immediately began to investigate.

"I have to say, Sea Galen's damage is really ridiculously high!"

PDD recalled the scene where Rambo was killed suddenly.

"Especially the moment Tiamat used it, Rambo's blood bar dropped a lot."

"Could it be that Galen E and Tiamat are used at the same time to cause some bugs?"

Facing the problem of game bugs, Senior Colonel Guan did not dare to open his mouth casually.

After all, legends about him have been circulating in the porn world.

I would rather trust it to have it than to trust it to have nothing.

If the mysterious force intervened because of casual opening, the two sides had a rematch, and he worked overtime.

That can be regrettable!

"Let's wait for the technician's explanation here..."

Colonel Guan is cautious in his words.

In fact, it is not uncommon for a bug to cause a game to be suspended in a professional game.

The most famous one is when EDG played against FNC in the S5 quarterfinals. Reignover's barrel q skill could not be triggered for the second time, so he applied for a timeout for a rematch.

However, in the second game, this problem appeared again.

As a result, the wine barrel, Bomberman (W) and Lacus (E) with the same skill mechanism were blocked in the next game and could not appear.

Of course, the deepest memory of many fans is the suspension of the LEC competition in 19.

At 13 minutes and 40 seconds into the match between MSF and OG, MSF top laner Dan Dan requested a timeout.

Player Dan Dan thinks he has encountered a game bug.

Because he brought a burglary omen, he only had 14 gold in nearly 5 minutes, and he didn't steal anything other than that.

After the on-site commentary conveyed the reason for the suspension, everyone could only wait patiently for the official decision.

After the official received the reason for the suspension, various investigations were carried out.

In the end, the referee team ruled that this phenomenon was not a game bug, but that Dan Dan was unlucky and didn't steal anything...

Many netizens who laughed said, "Are you sure he is a European, not an African chief?"

But in fact, in the follow-up game to 30 minutes, he didn't steal much.

Therefore, there has always been controversy on the Internet as to whether it is the official who is afraid of embarrassment, or DanDan is really a fake European.

(End of this chapter)

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