Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 66 [66] Entering the finals, a lot of cards, the crisis of the dog

Chapter 66 [66] Entering the finals, a lot of cards, the crisis of the dog
【Defeat】! !

Looking at the English on the computer screen.

Everyone in WE bowed their heads, with frustration written on their faces.

If you lose, you just lose.

They did focus fire on Garen, and Malzahar by the way.

However, Verus of EDG directly started the crazy killing because the output environment was too good, and the four kills ended the game.

Xiye crumpled her hair with both hands, as if holding a steel wool ball.

His heart is extremely remorseful.

If you choose to retreat in Dalongkeng, the high ground in the middle will not be broken, and WE may be able to delay until the later stage.

Even if they have been at a disadvantage, even giving EDG an economic lead of 1, they still have a chance to come back.

But now, the audience off the court is cheering for EDG, which has entered the final.

The happier the audience was, the more uncomfortable he was.

It wasn't until the five from EDG walked over and shook hands politely that the WE guys stood up slowly.

It's not that they want to be negligent, but that the mood is really too heavy.

There is no one who is not eager to advance to the final and aim at the championship.

"Brother, you beat me so hard, if you can't beat the stick harder in the final, I will hold grudges!"

957 grinned, his expression more uncomfortable than crying.

Qi Zhou rubbed his nose, and said with a little embarrassment, "Don't worry, I still have my trump card!"

"come on!"


"Congratulations to EDG for becoming the first team to advance to the finals. The winners of tomorrow's match between SSG and SKT will be their opponents!" Ren Dong roared passionately, "Let's cheer for EDG again!"

Ren Dong pointed the microphone at the audience in front of him, and wild cheers like a tsunami swept across the venue, shaking people's eardrums ache and resonating in the chest cavity.

"We hope that EDG can defeat opponents from LCK in the Bird's Nest in the future and win the championship. At the same time, we also thank WE for their hard work!"

"Compared to other seeded teams in the LPL division, WE was able to reach the semi-finals, and it will definitely go through more hardships during the period!"

"Let us give our warmest applause to encourage this brave team, and hope that they will be able to stand on the stage of the finals next year!"

EDG won, and many were in tears.

Having been fans for so many years, before turning black, this cowardly team finally advanced to the finals.

My heart is so comforted, my heart is so comforted!

There are also many people criticizing and spreading negative energy:
"Trash team! I have nothing to say if the All-China class doesn't use Korean aid to enter the finals. If it's not the All-China class, it's rubbish!"

"True invincible king of civil war! You beat your own family so hard, can't you keep these hole cards to play sticks?"

"EDG is awesome! Come on EDG! (This article is [-] cents, remember"

"Hehe, it's disgusting to carry away RNG and WE in order to enter the finals."

"It all depends on the rescue field, the director of the pig factory really picks his feet!"

"That substitute laughed so stupidly, I don't know what's so ridiculous about sending away a team from the same division?"


on the stage.

Qi Zhou faced the camera and picked up the microphone again.

Next to him, Ren Dong with a big nose waited for a female voice who was still cheering in the audience to subside before asking questions.

"Excuse me, how do you feel about qualifying for the final?"

As the host, Ren Dong is still quite ghostly, and he didn't mention the words "overcome WE".

Qi Zhou's iconic smile reappeared, and Li Suo replied: "Just now the management team decided that I will start in the finals. In my two and a half years of professional career, I have never played in the finals. I hope this time I can have a good match with the triple crown champion SKT. Cough cough……"

"Sorry for the slip of the tongue. Let's compete against the top teams from the LCK!"

"So I must be extremely excited!"

Ren Dong keenly caught Qi Zhou's slip of the tongue and asked, "Excuse me, sea, do you prefer to meet SKT in the final?"

Qi Zhou didn't have any embarrassment, and his voice was as loud as a bell: "I really want to meet the SKT team in the final. I only competed with them once in the group stage, and I still can't get enough of it!"

"However, I [personally] think that it is still a bit difficult for SKT to advance to the finals this season. Samsung's top laners and junglers have performed very well in the World Tournament. The mid laners play similarly to me and are very stable. !"

"So SKT can advance to the finals, or it may be more difficult..."

Facing Qi Zhou's conclusion, there were boos and laughter at the scene, but he didn't take it seriously.

But Ren Dong immediately avoided this topic and said: "I have one last question here. In the key games of EDG, you were able to come up with some little-known routines in sea. Is there such a powerful hole card!"

"Of course!" Qi Zhou was full of confidence, "I purposely saved the heroes I think are the strongest in the finals!"

"I hope that the players who face me must be mentally prepared, it's very brutal!"

Qi Zhou was serious when he spoke, but in the end there was a sharp contrast, which made everyone skeptical.

Most people think the same thing: he has the cards, but probably not many.

In the end, Qi Zhou thoughtfully explained to the audience the principle of Galen's E skill + Tiamat's instant high damage, then handed back the microphone and returned to the backstage.

Ren Dong also announced that the first match day of the semi-finals has officially come to an end.


【Desert Grim Reaper】

There was mourning in the bar.

Of course, the reason is not the "Galen from Tiamat" exposed by Qi Zhou.

As a qualified kobold player, playing a hero like Galen who has no rush and no control is so happy that he will die.

With a little care, you can stack Q with peace of mind.

Encounter is earned!

Those who go up to head-on with Galen are definitely evil!

Old dog heads who have studied "Gouzi's Art of War" will never go hard!

The main reason for everyone's worry is that many bar friends reported that they were playing dog head kneeling in qualifying.

Originally, I didn't care about other things. After all, the hero Goutou is very difficult.

If it is delayed to the later stage, even if the Q skill is stacked to 1000 layers, it is easy to be unable to recover.

It's normal to lose a few games, but it's strange to win dozens of games in a row!
But after inquiring about the reason carefully, a small bar owner discovered that several of these kneeling 8Us were senior figures who used dog heads to drill two and drill one.

They are the goals of our friends!

For Gotou's style of play, the understanding of various games is absolutely in place!

When these players cried out that they were all blown up by Nuo Shou, the little bar owner immediately realized the seriousness of the problem!
Goutou beats promises, as long as 8U who has read "The Art of War" can kill him at will!
This is clearly not normal.

After careful questioning, the truth of more things surfaced.

Those promise hands are not playing the "taboo statue back to the blood flow promise hands" created by the Lord of Honor.

When fighting against them, several old dog-headed players complained about their behavior as if they were seen through, and all methods of controlling the line of troops were useless.

More importantly, those promising hands also like to display the seventh artifact "Ctrl+3" and "Ctrl+6".

How can this be achieved!
(End of this chapter)

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