Chapter 78 [78]

[Hey, I knew Samsung would choose the red side! 】

[I hate the senior colonel, I just logged into the League of Legends.He said that Bobby can break the shield monkey routine ╭(╯^╰)╮】

[Those who are still playing the game must not watch the live broadcast of the S game, rest assured and boldly score! 】

[3-0 is not too much, right? 】

[It is best to play all five rounds and win the championship!I can learn more about sea's scratching routines. 】

[The last game doesn't need to end so quickly, how about a few more minutes of abuse to break Samsung's mentality? 】


"EDG played very fiercely last time, which gave us a big surprise. I hope they can make persistent efforts in this game and get the match point!"

Players from both sides are already in place.

Several large screens in the middle of the bird's nest have switched to the Banpick screen.

Several commentators in the studio also adjusted their status and found a topic for transition.

"Knowing that the red team needs to vacate a ban position for Calista, Samsung still chose him!"

Colonel Guan said persuasively: "It seems that Sea's monkeys have indeed left them a deep wound!"

"No one knows how much black technology Sea still has. It is a helpless move to choose the red side and stay in Kang's special position to counter it."

PDD also nodded, "EDG banned Gnar on the first floor, Samsung then banned Spear of Revenge."

"Gnar is also an old regular in EDGban!"

"Usually everyone would choose Kenan to counter Gnar, but EDG's top laner doesn't seem to know much about Kenan, so sending him directly to the ban position is a good choice!"

"But isn't it too early to ban now?" Senior Colonel Guan asked.

In the current version, there is no particularly invincible top laner. In the first round of selection, the two sides often compete for Censer Monster and Galio.

There are only a few heroes such as Jess who can grab the top order.

But wither did not show Jess in the S7 World Championship, and it is basically certain that his proficiency in this hero is not as high as that of the yordle.

In the second ban, EDG banned Luo, while Samsung banned Zhumei.

"In the third ban, EDG directly banned Fengnv without thinking."

"Samsung hesitated a little, and banned Snake Girl."

Rita rarely answered, "EDG is the first choice, it would be better to get Lulu!"

Colonel Guan agreed, "With Fengnv and Luo being banned, there is really no problem in choosing Lulu."

"Of course, I personally think it's better to take Galio!"

Colonel Guan is very familiar with the player Crown.

In the S game, the crown basically chose Malzaha and Galio as the earth-bound spirits, pursuing a stable early stage.

So his proposal is deadly.

Of course, EDG couldn't hear it.

"A gem of choice?"

PDD looked at the screen with surprise in his tone.

Generally speaking, the priority of the shield of Valoran among the heroes of the incense burner is lower than that of Fengnv, Lulu, and Luo.

"When Lulu was released, EDG chose gems, which is obviously for the lineup!"

The help Gems provide to ADC online is definitely not as good as Lulu.

His biggest role is to release big moves when playing in a team, protect his teammates, and help the team fight back.

EDG only selects gems, and the commentators are not good at judging and speculating.

Their real intentions can only be found out after the lineup is finalized or the eyes of the lineup emerge.

"Samsung really chose Galio." Colonel Guan was very proud, his eyebrows raised slightly, "Their second choice is - Verus!"

A darkin wearing a red scarf appeared.

From a corner of the bird's nest, there was a burst of fierce cheers.

In line with the principles of civility, friendliness, fairness and justice, the director specially gave a small shot.

[Is it a Chinese or a stick? 】

[They can grab tickets, everyone who is doing it is responsible! 】

[The tickets with the lowest price of 280 were fired up to 2800 by the scalpers, and the seats for this group of sticks were originally priced at 880! 】

[Hey, it would be great to give Verus the ban position of Gnar, anyway, there is no rush. 】

[Chidi Verus is indeed proficient, and EDG's bottom road is already a sinkhole...]

[Are Verus and Verus the same hero? 】

"Samsung double C got their favorite heroes. If EDG doesn't have something in this round, it will be a bit difficult!"

PDD pouted and said: "EDG needs to grab the prince, otherwise Samsung will get the prince + Galio system, and then cooperate with Verus, then the team will basically not be able to win."

After the words fell, EDG really chose the prince.

"I guess the next hero should choose Xiaopao, after all..."

Colonel Guan was slapped in the face before he finished speaking.

A girl with a sallow complexion and a rock as a skateboard appeared on the big screen.

"Crag Sparrow? This restrains Galio!"

Galio's QE clears soldiers very quickly, but it pales in comparison to the T0-level rock sparrow in the version.

Compared with Galio, Rock Sparrow has three AOE line-clearing skills, the line-clearing speed is faster, and it is easier to put pressure on Galio's pawn line.Therefore, it can support faster than the opponent.

The support speed of her ult is no worse than that of Galio. If the terrain created can divide the battlefield skillfully, it can be better than the knock-up of Galio ult.

The most important thing is that the rock sparrow has a high burst in the early stage, and Galio will be very uncomfortable in the line.

Banpick goes into the second round.

EDG's top laner and ADC have not been selected yet.

Samsung has yet to choose between jungle and top lane.

"EDG took the lead in banning Kenan, and Samsung followed closely by banning the policewoman."

"For the last ban, EDG gave it to Shen, while Samsung blocked the small cannon!"

"Both teams are very interesting!"

"One is staring at the opponent's upper unit desperately, and the other is giving all the ban positions to ADC..."

In a soundproof room.

Three-star coach Edgar frowned.

Three of EDG's five ban positions were given to the top laner, Gnar, Kenan, and Shen.

Although they are Kang Te, the withered hero pool has been targeted to death, and now only a few heroes such as Big Chongzi are left.


He didn't think about it anymore, anyway, the fifth floor was the last choice.

there is always a solution to a problem.

What kind of hero does sea take, just choose the hero for yourself!
"The excavator was selected on the fourth floor of Samsung, and now it is the turn of EDG to select."

"Mouse, Jax!"

With two picks, EDG didn't hesitate at all.

Obviously they had already made up their minds to choose these two heroes.

"The combination of mice and gems will be overwhelmed by Verus and Lulu in the early stage."

"Sea took out Jax, is there some black technology in it?"

In the daily Rank, many top laners will have a headache when facing Jax.

But in the professional arena, this hero has not been classified as a 'strong version'.

sea ​​+ Jax, let the audience think about what kind of black technology this is.

Senior Colonel Guan tentatively put forward his own opinion, "Jacs has high physical damage and high damage. Did the sister-controlled gemstone be chosen for him?"

 Thanks to [Zhiru] and [Leaning on the Indus] for their rewards
  Appropriate amount of cold drink, stomach upset is late.

(End of this chapter)

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