Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 88 [87] The pumpkin head killer from hell, book a "super ghost" package for the ru

Chapter 88 [87] The pumpkin head killer from hell, book a "super ghost" package for the ruler


The spokesperson is not the crown, but the bald chicken shooter across the ocean.

"This sea is breaking the balance of the game again!"

Just now, the damage caused by Centaur's E skill to Enchantress was close to [-].

And this point in time.

Heroes don't have meat costumes, so they only have about a thousand health points.

You must know that in professional games, mid laners often have no battery life.

And ADCarries are even more stingy about the use of economy.

Instead of expecting them to produce blood-sucking equipment in the early stage, it is better to expect the support to make fiery incense burners earlier.

Under the explosive movement speed provided by time.

The Centaur E skill is equivalent to a must-hit locking skill.

Five hundred per foot, counting the bomb of time, the QAW of Sagittarius.

Although the total damage may not reach a thousand.

But the kicked must return to the city.

Otherwise, waiting for someone to make the next E is a fatal situation.

And the premise of all this is that the people and horses do not sprint and do not have big moves.

"Ha ha……"

"You grasshoppers after autumn, you won't be jumping around for long."

The Blazing Censer has already been slashed by him in version 7.21, and the Censer Monster will be wiped out in the long history of the alliance.

And the 7.22 new rune version, the foreign server has been launched in late October.

The national server is also expected to be updated on November 11.

Armor-piercing men...go to hell!

Those of you who affect the balance of the game will definitely fall under my butcher's knife.

The more the chicken shooter thought about it, the more excited he became.

If he didn't want to pay attention to the real-time game situation, he would like to change a few codes and cut a wave of swordsmen to add to the fun.

However, he soon wilted.

Because in the new version of the rune domination system, there is a cornerstone rune called "Predator".

When the horse sprint is exhausted, start Predator, and the Predator CD starts Youmeng...

It's over, with such a closed loop, there is no balance in this game!

Cut Centaur E base damage, increase extra AD bonus?

No, no, time acceleration provides too much attack power to centaurs.

Then change the extra AD to equipment AD?


The bald chicken shooter gave a vicious smirk.


In version 6.10, the sprint is strengthened, and the CD of 210 seconds is changed to 180 seconds.

Later, because of Teacher Dafei's World Championship, Clockwork Demon used the sprint effect to flash, and was slashed with his fist.

The instant acceleration of the ghost sprint turned into an incremental acceleration.

But it has little effect on Qi Zhou's armor-piercing second flow of people.

Because his sprint is often started in advance.

Turn on the E skill when the acceleration reaches the maximum, and cooperate with time to complete the explosion output.

So Qi Zhou chose the Bright Boots instead of the Faster Boots.

Summoner skill CD reduced by 10%.

emm... Mainly, Qi Zhou promised Xiao Zhao in private that he would give Emperor Chi a 'Super Ghost' set meal.

Otherwise, he would still prefer the Boots of Lightness.

Slowdown resistance and extra 10 points of movement speed, very friendly to centaurs.

"The men and horses are gone again!" Wither said urgently.

Crown: "To eat wild monsters?"

Chidi: "Has he returned to the city?"

Facing the doubts of his teammates, Wither could only explain: "He went down the tower. I was afraid that the prince was nearby, so I didn't dare to catch up and look."

Shen is very meaty.

But the output of people and horses combined with the prince is even more explosive!
"It's okay, our vision is very good." Zhangmen An moved closer to the middle.

Lulu changed from pushing the line to controlling the line, which is very abnormal.

He suspected that the target of the centaur was the Enchantress.

"Can you squat back?" Huang Guan was a little skeptical, "The horse's big move is ready, he hasn't used Blink yet."

this kid...

Head An said helplessly: "I'm here to protect you from death. Although the horse is fragile, the two of us can't move him yet."

Indeed, Qi Zhou gank from the bottom lane to the middle lane, and returned to the city to the top lane.

During this period, the soldiers and river crabs were not spared.

Adding head experience, 8 points and 25 have already been promoted to level 9.

And the crown is still a little short of level 8 and experience slot.

"Why hasn't this man and horse come out yet?"

Head An was a little impatient.

His wild area resources have gradually begun to refresh.

"Shouldn't be going to the middle lane anymore, Zai Hyuk, be careful." Wither's tone was affirmative.

The prince appeared on the road again to eat soldiers.

Obviously, the prince's men will not be in the first half of the field.


Chidi exhaled fiercely through his nostrils.

He has never been so aggrieved in the World Championship.

But recalling the horrific injuries suffered by the centaur just now, he could only go back to the tower with the picker.

At the same time, I hope that the pig girl can get to the bottom lane soon.

The two of them still didn't feel safe with the tower.

"My ult is still on CD!"

Shen's big move has a cooldown of 3 minutes, and wither can only be supported by teleportation.

"The teleportation is over, you may have to collect the body for me."

Chidi joked, trying to ease the tension in the team.

"I... centaur!"

Cut the screen to get off the road wither, and saw "Foresight Transformation" lit up in the defense tower.

There are only people at level 9 in the audience, who can upgrade the accessory eye to transform it into vision.

Chidi firmly grasped the mouse, and his index finger was already placed on the "R" key.

Zhumei just walked between the red buff camp and the dragon pit.

With the speed of people and horses, she can't keep up.

Karl's mother has no absolute control.

If you want to survive, you can only rely on your own operations.

"The ghost steps down quickly, and the movement speed of the people and horses reaches the maximum!"

"Destroy Charge starts, time EWE speeds up!"

"Chidi A lost the vision transformation, but his approximate location has been observed!"

under the lens.

Phantoms floated under the feet of the people and horses, and ran across most of the line in a flash.

"Pass down the tower carefully, and Lulu also hand over the teleportation!"

Two pillars of light soaring into the sky are destined to lead to fierce battles on the next road.

"The female policeman directly to Grand Verus?"

"Aren't you afraid of being blocked by the Apocalypse?"

The men and horses had rushed to the front of the defense tower, and Verus entered his field of vision.

It was Qi Zhou who made the iBoy go straight to Dachidi.

He has his calculations.

"Shadow Blast!"

In the picture, Karl's mother is standing in front of Verus.

And Verus raised his bow and arrow, and released [Chain of Corruption] towards the people who were rushing towards him.

According to the theory of canyon relativity, unless the centaurs turn around immediately, it is difficult to avoid the corrupt vines thrown by Verus.

You must know that Verus' ultimate move can imprison the No. 1 hero for 2 seconds.

And Qi Zhou's armor-piercing men and horses didn't have any meat clothes.

Imprisoned under the tower, he could not escape death.

At the critical moment, Qi Zhou manipulated the people and horses, and used his big move diagonally upwards.

In an instant, countless phantoms from hell came.

Rita yelled loudly, "R flash!"

Yellow light appeared.

The people and horses move instantly.

Holding the death scythe in its hand, it faced Verus and Ma Karl.

The Void Spirit summoned by the ultimate move is still moving in the predetermined direction.

But above the heads of Samsung's duo, an icon of evil spirits appeared.

"Karma and Verus are feared!"

"Karma avoids the policewoman's big move!"

A massive bullet fired from Caitlyn's rifle, hitting Verus.

The centaur swung the death scythe and hit the [Rampage] with the highest damage.

At the same time, the [time bomb] attached to his head also exploded.

Verus has only 620 HP left.

Qi Zhou perfectly pinched the final moment of [Destroy Charge], and kicked his hoofs to the main artery of Verus again.

Verus was repelled, leaving only a trace of blood.

【Spirit of Fear】

Centaur's W skill summoned countless wraiths and killed Verus.

Then walk away!

(End of this chapter)

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