Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 91 [90] The stick wailed, EDG let go and played the king's trump card!

Chapter 91 [90] The stick wailed, EDG gave it a go and played the trump card! (3k)

In ordinary games, the main function of "Surrender" is to save time.

In professional games, the official has never explicitly prohibited surrender.

The reasons that "surrender" is equivalent to "deserter behavior" and that "surrender" lacks the spirit of e-sports are untenable.

Later generations surrendered and disappeared.

The main reason is that the government was forced by the advertising investors to form an unspoken rule of "no surrender" among the teams.

Because the league is not only a professional league, but also a commercial league.

The audience is the leek.

EDG voted for SKT in the first mid-season championship game.

Therefore, for Samsung's surrender, everyone in EDG was surprised but not surprised.

After all, in the history of the alliance, the "OMG base 50 blood comeback" that occupies a large amount was born only when the defense towers of both sides were pulled out in the late stage.

As early as 17 minutes or so, Samsung was already at the end of its rope, without any capital to come back.

[IG seems to have surrendered in the World Championship, but there is no precedent for Samsung's surrender in the final! 】

[I guess Samsung will be expelled from the universe by Bangzi netizens~]

[Poor words, I only know "EDG Bull B"! ! ! 】

[Why did you vote?I haven't watched it yet! 】

[Pu Zeyuan: I'm going to protest before it's over, so be gentle with Brother Crown! 】

"it is finally over……"

LCK studio.

The two sticks explained that they were weak.

They basically didn't talk much in the second half, but the suppressed and cruel atmosphere made them feel uncomfortable.

Whenever people and horses gallop in the canyon, their hearts are raised high.

From God's perspective.

Knowing that a Samsung player will be kicked to death.

But they have no way to remind them, they can only witness the whole process.

This is inner torment and torture.

They can't directly close the live broadcast room like other stick viewers.

"Surrender is a helpless move. We can't criticize Samsung Galaxy." The old stick commented slowly and lowly, "No player can maintain a good mentality if you let people go on insolently."

"I hope the players can adjust their condition, the next match is on..."

"I believe... there is still hope to win the championship."

The commentary has lost its passion, and the LCK audience is even more furious!
[Shame on Smecta!When you return home, you will be greeted with white wreaths! 】

[Invincible king in the civil war, soft-legged shrimp in the foreign war? 】

【Return to China?I unilaterally declare that they have been expelled from their nationality! 】

[I also unilaterally declare that SSG is prohibited from enjoying delicious kimchi (funny.jpg)]

[SSG, you have lost your precious e-sports spirit, go home and play single player! 】


"The visual feast brought to us by EDG allows us to see the charm of e-sports!"

Although Colonel Guan’s mood was a little off, Rita spoke on his behalf: “The Renma Shiguang Lulu system is a re-innovation of LPL’s existing tactics for League of Legends, and a re-interpretation of the charm of e-sports!”

"Whenever Hecarim sprints down the canyon, our hearts connect with the players on the field."

"The cheers and shouts on the field infected, condensed, and called on the entire LPL. We look forward to EDG winning the next game with great momentum and winning the championship!"

"Of course, I personally also hope that the SSG team can adjust their state and bring us exciting games."

PDD also answered from the sidelines, "Every member of EDG has a clear division of labor and works together."

"In this top arena, played the most peak game!"

"If this state can be maintained, the world championship this time will definitely belong to the LPL!"

"The MVP player did his part to Sea, and his damage output accounted for 72% of the team... It's so scary——"

Qi Zhou straightened his body and walked into the base (stage entrance) of "Summoner's Canyon".

He couldn't bear the tingling heat anymore, and as soon as his limbs softened, he hugged his teammates.

Before the game, the EDG rehearsed dozens of times for the Renma Shiguang Lulu system.

But no one can guarantee a sure victory over the opponent.

There are always accidents.

Thanks to Claire's selfless dedication at the beginning of the hot dance, the horse was formed about 3 minutes earlier.

"Brother Zhou, that's great!"

Although there was a lot of communication on the field, it was only after leaving the public eye that Xiao Zhao revealed his true feelings.

"I can already guess Ruler's expression!"

"This will be a match he will never forget!"

Qi Zhou patted Xiao Zhao on the shoulder and looked at Ming Kai, "You should thank him, if Ming Kai hadn't let Lan make way to the Stone Beetle at the start, maybe I haven't fulfilled my promise to let Chidi surpass Ghost, and the game would be over."

Ming Kai smiled and was about to speak when suddenly Abu's voice appeared.

"You guys, just celebrate here by yourself?"

"Everyone is waiting in the background!"

The intermission time was very short, and everyone in EDG didn't waste any time. They rushed to the backstage, and after bragging and beating each other with other LPL players, they began to discuss the next strategy.

Qi Zhou suggested: "I think it's time to use the ultimate move, and Samsung's spirit should have been broken."

"Isn't it too cruel? We don't..."

"Yes!" Abu didn't talk nonsense, and made a final decision, "I'll kill him while he's sick! Let them experience what real despair is!"

Qi Zhou gave many plans before the game.

After everyone discussed and considered, they finally left 5 sets.

According to calculations, the Holy Shield Monkey has the greatest chance of winning with the routine to be used in the next game.

The match point has been obtained, and EDG does not intend to hide it, and decides to zoom in directly!

"Is he all right?"

"He seems to be okay?"

"Is he really all right?"

Banpcik has already started, and everyone in EDG is discussing Chidi.

"Before entering the soundproof room, I took a special look." The younger sister under the camera said calmly: "Ruler's face is gloomy like the sky before a thunderstorm!"

"Are you sure? His skin is not good, his face is already very dark!"

"I'm sure! Do I have to choose something ugly?" The communication between the contestants will be recorded, and the sister-in-law said softly after careful consideration: "The expression on his face is the same as... that one is gone."

As soon as this remark came out, the EDG team channel, which was originally lively, fell silent for an instant.

Except for the elementary school boys, all the team members sat upright and suppressed their smiles.

It just so happened that the camera swept across.

"Hey, EDG is not arrogant or impetuous, and the state is adjusted very well!" PDD praised it very much, "This may be the reason why they still made it to the final after a terrible start in the group stage!"

"Don't be arrogant in victory, don't be discouraged in defeat!"

Rita also praised: "This is the character that a top team should have!"

Samsung chose the blue side.

Coach Edgar has fully realized that the counter position reserved by the red side is useless against Qi Zhou.

Because since Qi Zhou started, EDG's tactical style is quite different from the mainstream style of play.

No one can accurately judge their tactics.

If you want Conte EDG, it is easy to be EDG Conte.

If you choose the blue side, at least you can choose first, and there will be an extra ban position.

"Samsung directly banned people, EDG didn't ban Kalista, and actually banned Poppy!"

The hammer-shaped cannon was disabled, and the expressions of all Samsung staff changed.

Because Bobby is the only hero they can think of that can restrain the Monkey Shield of the Holy Relic.

EDG's hand ban is obviously to force Samsung to ban the monkey, and waste a ban position for them.

"Sheng Zhen, can you take the monkey?"

Edgar wanted to fight back, but wither's words put him off.

"I haven't practiced the operation of [Clone Tower], and there is a high probability that it will fail when used in competitions."

"It's also difficult to ensure that the monkey's W skill can replenish pawns."

Edgar nodded.

Banpick's contest is not weaker than the open and secret fight in the canyon.

Banning Poppy is likely to be a trap set by EDG.

If Samsung picks the monkey backhand, Qi Zhou is likely to come up with a targeted hero and directly smash and wither.

"Hey, I knew they would choose Monkey!"

Qi Zhou smiled brightly.

EDG's ban Poppy forced Samsung to ban Monkey for no other reason than to waste Samsung's ban position.

By the way, it makes their next ban candidate look more normal.

"As expected, EDG banned Kalista."

"Samsung banned Luo at the end of the first round. They obviously didn't want to release it to EDG Phoenix Legend."

The cursor jumped to the red square, and EDG finally disabled Lulu.

The blue side chose, wither without any dullness, and snatched away the first sister of the incense burner monster, Janna.

"Gems, barrels!"

"EDG first chose the support and jungle positions!"

"Galio, policewoman!"

"Samsung has become conservative...Obviously, the one-sided battle in the last game still had a great impact on them."

Colonel Guan also rarely spoke, "I think it's better for EDG to choose Malzaha."

"It is generally accepted that this is a hero that is more comfortable playing against Galio, or Rock Sparrow is also fine, and the elementary school students are very proficient."

However, the opening has changed.

Originally, the rock sparrow had already appeared on the third floor of EDG, but it was changed to a small cannon in the last few seconds.

The second round of bans.

Samsung has given up targeting Qi Zhou and has given all ban positions to mid laners.

The rock sparrow and Malzaha that Colonel Guan said were all banned.

EDG is also tit for tat.

Gnar and Kenan, who are good at withering, were banned one after another.

The elementary school students choose the plane.

"Sea is the last choice again..." Edrgan lamented, clutching his forehead, "It happens every time! How annoying!"

But Mr. An put forward a different opinion, "Will the plane be placed on the order?"

"Probably not... Corki's body is fragile, the only displacement CD is long and short, and he needs to release skills frequently. It is absolutely impossible not to get the blue buff while walking."

"I'll take Jess!"

Blight Jess is not as proficient as Kenan and Gnar.

But for this kind of hero with a strong online belt and a hero that fits the team's operating system, it is still handy to use.

Furthermore, Jess's powerful online ability.

Wither can guarantee that if Qi Zhou chooses a melee hero, he will make it impossible for him to gain experience.

On the fourth floor of Samsung, choose Piltover Cannon King, Jess Tallis.

On the fifth floor, the pig girl was selected next.

The cursor jumped to the floor with the last vacancy icon in the red square.

PDD smacked his lips.

As a retired professional player, of course he could see that Qi Zhou's operation was much worse than withering.

Let Wither get Jess, Qi Zhou's laning can't be as comfortable as before.

"Sword Master!!!"

"Is sea going to play the meat sword master?"

The last hero of EDG is selected.

The audience watching the game thought of the match between EDG vs RNG in the knockout round.

"Five kill meat sword master! The memory is still fresh!"

"Master W resists Jess, it is indeed a beautiful decision!"

 This chapter starts first, and the [-]D chapter is purely hit. I won't sleep until the final is over.

  Thanks for the 1000 point coins rewarded by Goutuo and Wanbi Ouhuang [square and round]
  Thanks to [Maybe there is no if] Dashang's 500 starting coins

  Thank you [Neighbor Immortal 0] for the reward of 1500 starting coins

  Thank you for the 600 point coins rewarded by [Feng Ji Kan Red Mansion]
  Thank you [Ghost Sword v Aidas] for the reward of 100 points
  Thanks to [Sanxian] for the reward of 500 points
(End of this chapter)

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