Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1044 Mastery

Chapter 1044 Mastery

Xu Chunliang received a call from Pan Junfeng as soon as he returned to the hotel. Pan Junfeng wanted to talk to him alone.

Xu Chunliang knew that what happened tonight must have made Pan Junfeng anxious, so he asked him to come to Xingchen's executive lounge.

Pan Junfeng arrived at the executive lounge, where Xu Chunliang was already waiting for him.

Sitting facing the floor-to-ceiling windows, he could see the night view of a corner of the capital. Pan Junfeng looked outside. Xu Chunliang asked the waiter to bring the whiskey he had left here last time.

After pouring the wine, the two raised their glasses and clinked their glasses. Xu Chunliang took a sip of wine and said, "I caused trouble for Pan Yuan today."

Pan Junfeng said: "You have to be the first to say ugly things. You are the most courageous."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "If you don't tell me, are you worried that the 5 billion investment will be lost?"

Pan Junfeng laughed sheepishly.

Xu Chunliang said: "It's because you can't run away, but it's not that you can't get what you ask for. To be honest with Pan Yuan, I have doubts about Zhai Pingqing's motives."

Pan Junfeng said: "Did you hear something? From my current understanding of Zhai Pingqing and Kangjian Group, there doesn't seem to be much of a problem."

Xu Chunliang said: "Has Pan Yuan heard of the organization Kumen?"

Pan Junfeng nodded and said: "I've heard of it, but in this era, tiredness has long become history, right?"

Xu Chunliang whispered: "Zhai Pingqing is a member of the tired family and has a very high status."

Pan Junfeng frowned, feeling more and more uneasy. People in the system are most afraid of getting involved with people in the world. If Zhai Pingqing's background is not clean, then he really needs to carefully consider future cooperation. But it is useless for him to worry. Zhai Pingqing Investing in the construction of a new hospital has been recognized by the relevant leaders of the city, and Zhai Pingqing has a wide network of contacts. He has become very prosperous in the field of health care and elderly care over the years, and has recently entered the funeral industry. This is all related to the support behind him.

Pan Junfeng is just a vice president of operations at Dongzhou Infectious Disease Hospital. For him, an investment of 5 billion is a huge fortune.

Pan Junfeng said truthfully: "Actually, we don't have much say in the construction of the new hospital this time."

Xu Chunliang said: "Just because we don't have a big say doesn't mean we are not allowed to speak. Zhai Pingqing has the backing and connections, and he has no shortage of good projects. Although the prospects of our new hospital are good, the investment period is long and the return is not as good as Why would he spend such a large sum of money on the project he is currently working on? I suspect he must have an ulterior motive behind it."

Pan Junfeng said: "I have also investigated this aspect. I heard that he wants to list the health group, and the ultimate purpose of building a new hospital is to prepare for the listing."

Xu Chunliang said: "He mentioned tonight that he would introduce some Korean medicine and Chinese medicine."

Pan Junfeng said: "Maybe it's just talk. The hospital has not been built yet, so these things cannot be implemented in the short term."

Xu Chunliang said: "Pan Yuan, do you still remember when Lexing Group failed to grab land and proposed to cooperate in building a new hospital?"

Pan Junfeng said: "Remember, it was Miss Bai Lan who proposed it on their behalf. It seemed that the first phase investment was 2.5 billion."

Xu Chunliang took another sip of wine and said, "I suspect there may be contact between them."

"I haven't heard of it."

Xu Chunliang said: "After we rejected Lexing, Lexing never approached us again. Based on my understanding of Lexing Group, they will not give up easily. What would you do if it were you?"

Pan Junfeng thought for a moment and said, "I'll find another partner and ask him to come forward."

Xu Chunliang nodded and said: "Equator Capital gave up the investment plan, and Zhai Pingqing took the initiative to come to the door. There was almost no gap in time. It is impossible to suddenly make up his mind on a five billion project. He has never shown any performance in the past. to show interest in the new hospital.”

Pan Junfeng said: "Maybe he is interested, but feels that he cannot compete with Equator Capital?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Requesting exclusive investment, and also taking over the construction rights of the new hospital. Every move he makes is abnormal. Anyway, I think this person must have other purposes."

Pan Junfeng smiled bitterly and said, "Do you have any evidence?"

"You will always find it."

Pan Junfeng said: "Even if you think he has a problem, you should try not to show it so obviously. If Zhai Pingqing makes a fuss about this matter and says that you deliberately made it difficult for him to invest, it will be difficult for us to explain it to the Health Bureau or the city. After all, Secretary Wang has repeatedly emphasized that the business environment in Dongzhou must be changed and the most convenient conditions must be created for investors.”

Xu Chunliang smiled calmly and said: "What Pan Yuan said makes sense. After what happened tonight, I estimate that Zhai Pingqing will most likely take action in this regard and try every means to kick me out."

Pan Junfeng sighed and said: "Xiao Xu, we must pay attention to strategies when dealing with these investors."

Xu Chunliang knew that he was in a dilemma. He was afraid that his five billion investment would go to waste, but he was also afraid that he would give up and give up. It was difficult for others to tell, but Pan Junfeng still valued his ability.

Xu Chunliang said: "Pan Yuan, if Zhai Pingqing has something in his heart, he will never give up his investment in the new hospital."

Pan Junfeng said: "What if he really gives up investing?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I will be responsible for the mistakes I made, but don't worry about one thing. If he withdraws his capital, I will be responsible."

Pan Junfeng said in his heart that five billion was not just a joke. You and Equator Capital also made a good deal at the beginning, but they still withdrew immediately. He turned around and invested in Changxing Hospital. It was not that he had no confidence in Xu Chunliang, mainly because I have no confidence in my own hospital. Dongzhou Infectious Disease Hospital is only a tertiary B specialty hospital, and is currently busy building a tertiary hospital. Looking at Dongzhou, the comprehensive strength of their hospital is not even among the top eight. How can there be so many investors? They are interested.

At this time, Xu Chunliang's eyes were attracted by Hua Zhuyue, who was walking towards him. Hua Zhuyue's dark brown hair was undulating like waves. She was wearing a silver-gray dress, her skin was like cream, and she had flaming red lips. She was wearing a pair of sparkling slender hair. Wearing high heels, Tingting walked over, like a mermaid appearing in the world. Hua Zhuyue came to the two of them and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, when did Director Xu come to the capital?"

"I've been here for a few days."

Xu Chunliang introduced to Pan Junfeng: "Pan Yuan, this is Mr. Hua, the CEO of Blue Star Group. She was originally planning to invest in our new hospital."

Hua Zhuyue sat down next to Xu Chunliang and asked the waiter to bring a glass of wine.

Pan Junfeng was amazed by Hua Zhuyue's beauty. While he admired Xu Chunliang's wide network of contacts, he also envied his popularity with women. He took out his business card and handed it to Hua Zhuyue and said, "Hello, Mr. Hua, this is my business card."

Hua Zhuyue smiled faintly: "Pan Yuan, there is no need to waste it. If I have anything to do, please contact Director Xu."

Pan Junfeng was a little embarrassed, but he still adjusted his mood well and said with a smile: "That's fine, Mr. Hua is also interested in our hospital?"

Hua Zhuyue said calmly: "There used to be, but not now. I heard that you and Kangjian Group have reached an exclusive cooperation agreement."

Pan Junfeng glanced at Xu Chunliang, and Xu Chunliang said: "Yuan Pan, don't look at me. I have not revealed the secrets of our hospital."

Hua Zhuyue explained helpfully: "Of course it has nothing to do with Director Xu. What we do in business is news. Zhai Pingqing, the boss of Kangjian Group, has already announced this news."

Pan Junfeng said: "Mr. Hua is well-informed."

Hua Zhuyue said: "Originally, we would be a little unwilling if a project we were optimistic about was stopped midway by others, but since Kangjian got there first, I had to give up. In fact, he doesn't need to make any exclusive investment, and I don't bother to deal with this kind of project. Cooperate with businessmen who make money from old people.”

Pan Junfeng smiled and said: "Mr. Hua is quick to talk." He realized that he was not suitable to stay anymore and stood up to leave.

Xu Chunliang sent him outside, and Pan Junfeng asked him to stay. He knew very well that some of Xu Chunliang's circles were beyond his reach in this life.

Xu Chunliang returned to Hua Zhuyue and sighed: "Pan Yuan is my superior, you are too disrespectful to me."

Hua Zhuyue said: "I can't tell whether he is your leader or your younger brother."

Xu Chunliang said: "Have you never seen my little brother?"

"Aren't you an only child? Where did you get this little brother..." Hua Zhuyue was about to finish her words before she realized that he had tricked him again. She stepped on his foot with high heels: "I'm going to kill you."

Xu Chunliang clamped her feet with his calves. When Hua Zhuyue broke free, her shoes fell off, and her feet couldn't fall directly to the ground, so she could only step on his feet and whispered: "Give it back to me. "

Xu Chunliang hooked her shoe closer to him with one foot, and now Hua Zhuyue moved further away from the shoe.

Hua Zhuyue crossed her arms, deliberately put on a pretty face and said, "Believe it or not, I'll call the security guard."

Xu Chunliang said: "Then you should tell me."

Hua Zhuyue lightly stepped on his feet, their eyes met, and their eyes were intertwined.

Xu Chunliang said: "What's the reason for you coming to see me so late?"

Hua Zhuyue said: "It makes no sense. This hotel belongs to me, why can't I come?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I thought you came here just for me."

"You really know how to put gold on your face. You don't know how handsome a guy is." Hua Zhuyue couldn't help but laugh after saying this.

Xu Chunliang said: "Put your feet on my knees."


"Let me put your shoes on for you."

Hua Zhuyue blushed. Her relationship with Xu Chunliang had become increasingly ambiguous since her trip to Qiaocheng. Hua Zhuyue was not a shy person, so she lifted her feet and placed them on his knees. Xu Chunliang didn't put on her shoes, so he held her feet in his palm with his free left hand.

Hua Zhuyue said coquettishly: "What are you doing? You are in public, surrounded by my employees. You are shameless, but I still want it."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "It's okay, the lights here are dim and no one pays attention to what we are doing."

Hua Zhuyue said: "Stop messing around and give me my shoes."

Xu Chunliang shook his head.

Hua Zhuyue deliberately pretended to be fierce: "If you piss me off, I'll kill you with one kick."

Hua Zhuyue felt both love and fear in her heart. She still remembered that when she first met Xu Chunliang, she went to the Huichun Hall under the guise of seeing a doctor, but Xu Chunliang gave her a foot massage, which made her horny. The immortal is about to die, and this bastard will probably try his old tricks again.

(End of this chapter)

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