Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1244 Temporary Protection

Chapter 1244 Temporary Protection

In fact, there are quite a few bloggers who post such tomb-exploring videos online. Many of them are archaeology enthusiasts, and some of them have engaged in illegal tomb-robbing in the past and have now quit and entered a new track. Of course, there are also a small number of professionals, but not many of these videos can really attract attention.

The click rate of Pu Jian's seemingly casual tomb-exploring video soared as soon as it was released. Lu Ming specially found the video and watched it. He had to admit that this guy was really good at taking pictures. The sense of mystery and atmosphere were well created. In particular, the Han Dynasty stone reliefs in the tomb were photographed exquisitely by him. Coupled with his vivid commentary and performance, people mistakenly believed that this guy had entered Mawangdui.

Lu Ming later found out that Pu Jian’s tomb exploration video was edited and produced with the help of super internet celebrity Sanliangsan, and the dubbing was done by Sanliangsan himself.

Lu Ming used to be a network regulator. After watching this tomb exploration video, he realized that this inconspicuous Han tomb might become a popular check-in spot because of this publicity.

As expected, things turned out not beyond his expectations. In the following days, people went to this nameless Han tomb to check in and take photos. At the most, there were even nearly a hundred internet celebrities and bloggers gathered together, treating this place as a national treasure.

This Han tomb, which had long been identified by archaeological experts as being of little value, suddenly became popular. At the same time, other news surrounding this Han tomb continued to come out. One of the news was that this Han tomb had not received due attention and protection, had been robbed many times in the past, and was now facing the risk of being destroyed due to construction.

This Han tomb is located between the new infectious disease hospital and the Qingshan mining area ruins park. According to the plan, there will be a road passing through here, and the construction of this road has just begun.

These internet celebrities who came to check in got the news from somewhere and started an online petition one by one, demanding the protection of national treasures. They also condemned the barbaric construction of the new Dongzhou Infectious Disease Hospital that destroyed the Han tombs.

To the Dongzhou Infectious Disease Hospital, these were all groundless accusations. The Han tomb had existed before the city granted them the land, and it had been robbed eight hundred times. The destruction had nothing to do with them.

Lu Ming was well aware of the power of public opinion. Recalling Xu Chunliang's previous reminder to him, he did not dare to neglect it and immediately asked the cultural relics protection department to go to the Han tomb to conduct an investigation and demarcate the protection area.

The protection scope of cultural relics does not follow the principle of what you see is what you get. Although this Han tomb is not large, once the protection scope is delineated, it will include several times or even dozens of times the surrounding area.

The Qingshan Mining Area Ruins Park itself is a historical scenic spot, so the impact is not significant. However, the new infectious disease hospital project is greatly affected. If a little more land is allocated, the construction land of the new hospital will have to be included in the scope.

Of course, we also have to consider the actual value of this Han Dynasty tomb. According to the original plan, this Han Dynasty tomb is almost worthless and was to be leveled to build a road. However, after a lot of publicity on the Internet, the impact is getting bigger and bigger. If it continues to be implemented according to the original plan, it may cause online public opinion.

Lu Ming's current countermeasures is to protect it first, then investigate and invite domestic experts to conduct research. If it is proved that the Han tomb has no value, then there will be no problem in implementing it according to the original plan.

But once the results of the demonstration show that this Han tomb is valuable, and if the value of this Han tomb is really a national treasure as claimed in the online video, I am afraid it will be a big deal.

Lu Ming closed his eyes and tapped the desk lightly with his fingers, thinking silently in his heart, if the maximum protection is followed, then the center of the Han Tomb will be the base point, east to National Highway 301, within meters to the south, west and north, plus the construction control zone, which is usually meters outside the protection range.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming suddenly opened his eyes. That was 240 acres of land! The new campus of Dongzhou Infectious Disease Hospital only had 100 acres of land. Even if part of the protected area was in the Qingshan Mining Area Heritage Park, most of the area was in the new campus of Dongzhou Infectious Disease Hospital. Even the land of the Sino-Korean Industrial Park was within the protected area.

  Lu Ming went through the whole thing from beginning to end, and it became clear all of a sudden. Oh my god! Chunliang, oh Chunliang, you are just like Xiang Zhuang dancing with a sword, aiming at Pei Gong!

Even if Lu Ming saw through Xu Chunliang's motives, he couldn't say it out loud. Friends need tacit understanding. Since Xu Chunliang wanted to play, he could only cooperate. After all, it was his duty and he had to do his job impartially.

Soon, a stop-work notice appeared on the desk of Yan Huiyi, director of the Infectious Disease Hospital.

Yan Huiyi was overwhelmed when he saw the stop-work notice. He really didn't have much say in the construction of the new hospital, so he quickly contacted the construction party, which was also the investor, and they were all from Kangjian Group.

After Xie Xinnian, the person in charge of the construction company, received the news, he hurried over to find Yan Huiyi and was so angry that he slammed the table at him on the spot.

"Stop the work? Why should we stop the work? That dilapidated tomb has been robbed eight hundred times. Besides, it is not within our construction scope. Why should we stop the work? Do you know how much we will lose if we stop the work for one day?"

Yan Huiyi was still somewhat in awe of the construction company, and stammered, "Thank... Mr. Xie, why are you mad at me? I also know... that the Han tomb is... located... outside the construction site, but... but the notice to stop construction was... issued... by the cultural relics protection unit... What can I... I... I... do?"

Xie Xinnian said: "President Yan, Kangjian invested 5 billion to help you build a new hospital. In order to complete the new hospital as soon as possible, we worked hard day and night. Dongzhou promised to give us policy support and protect investment. No matter how good the promise is, it is better to put it into practice."

  Yan Huiyi is not without temper. What do you mean by helping us build? Aren't you investing for returns? By the time you build the new hospital, I will have retired. What impact does it have on me as the dean?

The smile on his face also disappeared: "You... don't tell me... you... go and tell your superiors..." Xie Xinnian said: "We are the investors, if you don't handle these things, who will? The investment is ours, the construction is ours, and if something goes wrong, we will also handle it. So, what can you do?"

Yan Huiyi had long been fed up with the arrogant attitude of the investors, but he was not angry and said calmly: "I... I have a meeting."

Xie Xinnian nodded, knowing that it was useless to talk to him again. For now, he could only go to the big boss Zhai Pingqing.

Zhai Pingqing has not been in Dongzhou recently. Firstly, he has some things to deal with, and secondly, Qin Yujiao is being investigated and he wants to avoid the limelight.

After receiving the report from Xie Xinnian, Zhai Pingqing realized that this incident was probably not an accident, and it was very likely that someone was setting up a trap and the purpose was to target him.

Zhai Pingqing decided to return to Dongzhou immediately and planned to meet with Wang Jianming. He also asked experts in the field about the situation. It can be basically concluded that the Han tomb has little archaeological significance. It is ridiculous to stop the construction of a project with an investment of 5 billion yuan for an ancient tomb that has almost no value.

On his way back to Dongzhou, Zhai Pingqing had already thought about how to report this matter to Wang Jianming. He believed that this Han Tomb incident was somewhat like a replica of Yangshan Cemetery, and someone was deliberately using this incident to hinder the construction of the new hospital.

The popularity of the Unknown Han Tomb continues to rise, and some even claim that it will be selected as one of the top ten archaeological discoveries this year.

The rubbings of Han Dynasty stone reliefs found on the ground of Han Dynasty tombs were put on the Internet. Countless archaeology enthusiasts analyzed the rubbings, and a wave of enthusiasm was formed around the analysis content.

Now even the experts who participated in the archaeological excavation of the Han Dynasty tomb have some doubts. Could it be that they made a mistake? Could it be that this Han Dynasty portrait on the ground is really a rare treasure?

Because of this incident, Dongzhou TV station specially interviewed several archaeological experts. The archaeological experts are now very cautious in their speeches. They basically said that there are many Han tombs in this area. One expert even used the definition of Qingshan Han Tomb Group.

The Dongzhou Culture and Tourism Bureau certainly could not remain indifferent. The cultural heritage protection department not only issued a stop-work notice to the two units, but also demarcated a temporary protection area. The specific protection area has not yet been decided, but the temporary cultural heritage protection foundation piles have been erected.

Although the Qingshan Mining Area Ruins Park also received a notice to stop work, it had little impact on them. There were no projects under construction in the ruins park itself, so the only project that was actually affected was the new campus of the infectious disease hospital.

If Zhai Pingqing had not visited, Wang Jianming would not have known about this new thing.

As the birthplace of Han culture, the discovery of a Han tomb in Dongzhou is not big news.

In Wang Jianming's opinion, there is nothing wrong with the relevant departments' approach. After all, there is the Cultural Relics Protection Law to rely on, and attention must be paid to the protection of cultural relics during the construction process.

Seeing that Wang Jianming didn't pay much attention to it, Zhai Pingqing complained: "Secretary Wang, you may not know about this Han tomb. Before I came to you, I had already studied the information of this Han tomb in depth. This Han tomb has been robbed many times. As early as the 1980s, cultural relics experts inspected it. It is not of much value. Moreover, the Han tomb is located outside our construction site and has nothing to do with our construction."

Wang Jianming asked back: "If it doesn't matter, why should we stop you from working?"

Zhai Pingqing said: "I don't know why the Cultural and Tourism Bureau did this? They suddenly set up a temporary protection area. Secretary Wang, do you know how big this area is?"

Wang Jianming asked, "How old?"

"That's three hundred acres of land. Our new hospital construction site is only one hundred acres in total. Do you think that's outrageous?"

Wang Jianming thought it was indeed a bit outrageous, but after thinking about it, he thought that it should be related to the value of the cultural relic itself. If the Han Tomb is really a national treasure, three hundred acres is nothing. It's just that when the archaeological value of the Han Tomb has not been fully determined yet, such a large area has been demarcated and the construction unit has been required to stop work. It seems that the action is a bit too big. Cultural relics need to be protected, but not at the expense of development.

(End of this chapter)

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