Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1246 Creating Impact

Chapter 1246 Creating Impact

Xu Chunliang said: "I'm sorry that you have been worried about me during this period of time."

Hua Zhuyue gently stroked his chest: "I'm not the only one who's worried about you." She was stating an objective fact in a sour tone.

Xu Chunliang held her delicate body tightly in his arms and said, "I'm very lucky."

Hua Zhuyue said: "Mei Ruxue has gone to Binhu New District to serve as the top leader. Yesterday, she went to Weishan Island for an inspection and also visited our construction site."

"Isn't it giving you a hard time?"

Hua Zhuyue smiled and said, "How is that possible? I should not judge by appearances, but by appearances. She treated me very well and even said that if I have any difficulties, I can just tell her and she will do her best to help solve them."

Xu Chunliang said, "That's good." He and Mei Ruxue had broken up, but at least they were still friends.

Hua Zhuyue secretly observed Xu Chunliang's expression from the corner of her eyes. She felt that the story between them was not over yet. She twisted her waist and stood up: "I'll go to the kitchen and make you something delicious."

Xu Chunliang said: "Then I will wait for a feast."

Not long after Hua Zhuyue went to the kitchen, someone else came to visit. This time it was Liu Haiyu.

Xu Chunliang invited him into the study. After all, Liu Haiyu's identity was rather special, and he didn't want Liu Haiyu to have too much contact with Hua Zhuyue.

Liu Haiyu came here specifically to tell him the results of Zheng Pei'an's autopsy. According to DNA comparison, it can be proved that Zheng Pei'an and Ma Xiaodong have no blood relationship.

Xu Chunliang read the appraisal results and told Liu Haiyu that Ma Fangping and her son had come to Dongzhou two days ago, wanting to inherit Zheng Peian's estate, but left without saying goodbye that day.

Liu Haiyu said: "This is not surprising. Ma Fangping has a criminal record. She might be worried that her identity would be exposed, so she ran away with the child again."

Xu Chunliang was surprised and asked, "She has a criminal record? What did she do?"

Liu Haiyu said: "We have investigated a lot of relevant information. Ma Fangping is not a simple person." He paused and said: "We now highly suspect that the person who poisoned Zheng Pei'an was Ma Fangping."

Xu Chunliang recalled the information Bai Lan had provided him two days ago. There was no such person as Ma Fangping in the designer's murder team.

Liu Haiyu said: "Your situation is also very dangerous, you must be more careful."

Xu Chunliang asked, "Where is Lao Xu?"

Liu Haiyu said: "He has a mission, but he cares about you very much. Before he left, he repeatedly told me to take good care of you."

Xu Chunliang smiled indifferently.

Old Liu's face was a little flushed. He knew Xu Chunliang's strength very well. He didn't need to take care of himself at all. If Xu Chunliang hadn't come to his rescue, he would probably have turned into a pile of bones now.

Liu Haiyu explained: "What I mean is, if you encounter any troubles that are difficult to deal with, I will help you solve them, such as..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Chunliang threw a piece of information at him: "Help me check these people."

Liu Haiyu looked at Xu Chunliang in surprise. Why did he feel like this guy was possessed by Tieying? Even if Tieying used his connections to give you an identity, you should still be under my leadership, not you leading me? Why do you give me orders?

Xu Chunliang said, "What are you looking at? By the way, help me check the scene where my grandfather and Zheng Pei'an were in trouble. Is there anyone among the onlookers who fits the description?"

Liu Haiyu lowered his voice and said, "Your father said he would handle this matter and didn't want you to get involved."

Xu Chunliang said: "Just tell me straight, will you help me or not?"

Liu Haiyu sighed: "By the way, has Bai Lan contacted you recently?"

Xu Chunliang said: "If you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten about her. Don't worry, I'll tell you as soon as she contacts me."

Liu Haiyu said: "This woman is very dangerous, you should not take it lightly."

Xu Chunliang asked back: "Which woman is not dangerous?"

Liu Haiyu smiled and changed the subject: "Are you and Hua Zhuyue doing well?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Aren't you just worrying about what's happening?"

Liu Haiyu smiled awkwardly: "It's just a casual question, don't think too much about it."

Xu Chunliang had no intention of keeping Liu Haiyu for dinner, and Liu Haiyu had no intention of staying long. He discussed with Xu Chunliang how to contact him in the future, reminded him of some safety matters, and then quietly left.

Hua Zhuyue had also finished cooking. Seeing Xu Chunliang coming to the kitchen alone, she smiled and asked, "Didn't you invite any guests to dinner?"

Xu Chunliang said: "An ordinary friend, Sister Hua, it's OK, the color, fragrance and taste are all good."

Hua Zhuyue untied her apron, and Xu Chunliang hurried over to help her untie it and gave her a hug.

Hua Zhuyue said: "I haven't cooked for a long time, so I might be a little rusty. You try it, and don't mind if it's not good." Xu Chunliang sat down. Hua Zhuyue went to open a bottle of wine. Seeing that Xu Chunliang's emotions were beginning to calm down, she was also sincerely happy.

Xu Chunliang praised Hua Zhuyue's cooking skills. Hua Zhuyue smiled and said, "It's not that exaggerated. As long as you like it." She picked up a piece of beef and fed it to Xu Chunliang.

Xu Chunliang said: "That's not an exaggeration at all. Make it for me often in the future."

Hua Zhuyue said softly: "As long as you like, anytime is fine." Her beautiful eyes looked at Xu Chunliang so softly that they were almost dripping with water.

Xu Chunliang said: "By the way, I plan to transfer the shares of Changshan Hospital to you."

Hua Zhuyue had also heard about what happened in the Xu family. The reason why Xu Chunliang wanted to transfer the shares to her was that he didn't want to cause any trouble. Besides, he still holds a public office, so he wanted to prevent anyone from making trouble in the future.

"Okay, there's no need to go through so much trouble. I can just hold it for you."

Xu Chunliang said: "You and Chen Yuan should discuss the specific operation."

Hua Zhuyue asked, "Does your aunt really want to sue you?"

Xu Chunliang said, "There's no fight. I'll let Chen Yuan handle it. My eldest aunt is a soft-hearted person. She was instigated by Liang Shude. We have to teach her a lesson this time."

Hua Zhuyue said: "It's better not to have such relatives."

Xu Chunliang said: "My father originally meant to value peace, but I didn't expect them to be so greedy."

Hua Zhuyue said: "I know you are not someone who cares about money."

Xu Chunliang said: "That's right, if I need money, I can just ask you for it."

Hua Zhuyue smiled and said, "Okay, stop pretending to be poor in front of me. The business you and Xiahou Mulan are doing is booming. Isn't her gigolo enough for you to eat?"

Xu Chunliang said: "She alone can't feed me enough."

Hua Zhuyue heard the hidden meaning in his words and spat, "You are such a scumbag!"

Xu Chunliang's cell phone rang. Su Qing called. She was coming to Dongzhou tomorrow to shoot the Qingshan Han Tombs. In fact, Su Qing had been away for a few days, and the report didn't say that she had to show up, but when she heard that it was a report from Dongzhou, she immediately took the initiative to take the job, mainly to meet Xu Chunliang.

What Xu Chunliang wanted was to create an impact. He knew very well that the Han tomb was not of great value, so he wanted to expand his target and give it the concept of Qingshan Han Tomb Group. That Han tomb was also a part of the Qingshan Han Tomb Group.

Xu Chunliang did not show up throughout the entire process, and the provincial satellite TV station's filming did not alert the local cultural and tourism departments. Pu Jian appeared as a consultant for the program and vividly told the stories about this Han tomb.

Pu Jian's eloquence and story-telling ability are both first-rate. Many people suggested that he take the route of a knowledge anchor. Nowadays, it is important to keep up with the times, and the profit from dealing in antiques is far less than in the past. It is better to try selling knowledge through live streaming on the Internet.

On the same day that Su Qing led the cultural and tourism channel program crew to film the Qingshan Han Tombs, the provincial cultural and tourism director Xing Wenhu personally led an inspection team to Dongzhou for inspection.

That morning, Wang Jianming welcomed and accompanied Xing Wenhu to inspect the Dongzhou Binhu New District. In the afternoon, Xing Wenhu, accompanied by Dongzhou's team members in charge of culture and tourism and Lu Ming, director of the Dongzhou Culture and Tourism Bureau, visited the Dongzhou Museum.

Xing Wenhu has been to Dongzhou many times, but this is his first time to visit the Dongzhou Museum. He looked very carefully. After visiting the Dongzhou Museum, he went to the nearby Tushan Han Tomb which was still under excavation and investigation.

Lu Ming has always been very cautious. He always felt that Xing Wenhu's visit this time was not a simple cultural and tourism investigation. He even suspected that Xing Wenhu came for the Qingshan Han Tombs. However, Xing Wenhu never mentioned the Han tombs that suddenly became popular on the Internet recently.

But what is coming will eventually come. After visiting the Tushan Han Tomb, Xing Wenhu suggested that he wanted to visit the Qingshan Han Tomb which has recently become popular on the Internet. He was very interested in the Han Dynasty murals on the ground.

Lu Ming couldn't refuse the request from his superiors. Besides, he had already prepared himself mentally and made arrangements immediately. On the way to Qingshan Mining Area, he specially sent a message to Qin Zhengyang to inform him of Xing Wenhu's whereabouts. This was also Secretary Wang's request.

After Qin Zhengyang got the latest itinerary, he immediately went to the office to report to Wang Jianming.

Wang Jianming said: "Qingshan Han Tombs, I have been in Dongzhou for a while, but I haven't heard much about it in the past."

Qin Zhengyang said: "That's right. There are many Han tombs in Qingshan Town. They were investigated in the 1960s. The Liji Han Tomb is also the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection sites."

Wang Jianming was thinking about the incident when Zhai Pingqing came to see him not long ago. After thinking for a while, he said, "Is the suspension of construction of the new infectious disease hospital related to the discovery of the Qingshan Han Tomb?"

Qin Zhengyang said, "There is some connection. There will be a discussion meeting tomorrow. Experts will conduct a comprehensive assessment of a Han tomb within the construction site and make corresponding protection measures based on its value."

Wang Jianming said: "Do you have relevant information?"

Qin Zhengyang was ready. Ever since Wang Jianming asked him to find Lu Ming to find out the situation, he had been collecting relevant information and news, which is a quality that a secretary must possess.

Wang Jianming looked at the map on the tablet, and Qin Zhengyang introduced: "Secretary Wang, please look, this Han tomb is located between the Qingshan Mine Ruins Park and the new hospital under construction at the Infectious Disease Hospital. According to the original plan, there will be a road here."

Wang Jianming said: "If it is a valuable cultural relic, we can re-plan the road."

Qin Zhengyang discovered that Secretary Wang did not know everything and he still lacked some knowledge about cultural relics protection, so he explained the provisions in the Cultural Relics Law regarding the scope of cultural relics protection.

(End of this chapter)

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