Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1253: Difficult to Solve

Chapter 1253: Difficult to Solve

Su Qing said: "The archaeological work has just begun, and I am not an expert in this area. However, judging from the scale of the chariot and horse pit next to it, this Warring States tomb is of a very high standard, and there should be no doubt that it is a national protected level. I heard from experts that it will definitely be one of the top ten archaeological discoveries this year."

Wang Jiancheng nodded, his mood becoming more solemn. The greater the value, the more areas that need to be protected. From now on, it seems that the resumption of work at the headquarters of the China-Korea Industrial Park is probably a long way off, unless Lexing is willing to make adjustments and change the address.

Zhao Feiyang said: "In that case, the construction of the new infectious disease hospital has to be stopped?" He shared the same opinion as most people. The Sino-Korea Industrial Park is very large, so even if some protected areas are included in the boundary, the overall impact will not be too great. As for the infectious disease hospital, the situation is not optimistic. It only covers a total area of ​​​​only 100 acres. It is possible that the protection area will directly take away more than half of their land.

For Zhao Feiyang, he doesn't care about anything that does not concern him. Recently, his mentality has become somewhat negative. He fully realizes the cruelty of capital. He sees himself as just a high-level worker. He is not optimistic about his future and even has a strong sense of crisis. The day the new hospital is completed may be the day he is abandoned by capital.

Xu Chunliang said: "These are not issues we can consider. I believe the city will be able to come up with a solution that satisfies all parties."

Wang Jiancheng said: "I'm afraid it's difficult to solve."

Xu Chunliang didn't want to discuss this topic any further, so he said to Zhao Feiyang, "Director Zhao, I passed by Changxing Joint-Stock Hospital the other day and saw that the exterior facade had been basically completed."

Zhao Feiyang said: "The project is progressing smoothly. After the renovation is completed, we will enter the equipment debugging stage. Mr. Wang and his team have given great support. This time, Changxing's hardware conditions will be ahead of other hospitals in Dongzhou."

Wang Jiancheng said, "Our board of directors said that if we do it, we should either not do it or make it a leading enterprise in the industry. By the way, we are looking for talents recently. Does Director Xu have any experts in traditional Chinese medicine to recommend?"

Xu Chunliang shook his head.

Wang Jiancheng said: "Your Changshan Hospital is also doing very well. Now the anorectal medical market in Dongzhou is basically dominated by you."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "That's not called monopolization. Patients have the freedom to choose hospitals. Besides, Changshan Hospital has basically nothing to do with me anymore. The shares I own have been transferred."

Wang Jiancheng and Zhao Feiyang looked at each other and smiled at the same time. They understood that Xu Chunliang did this to avoid suspicion.

Zhao Feiyang didn't understand why Xu Chunliang did this. Did he really want to continue on the path of the system?

  Wang Jiancheng also didn't understand. Xu Chunliang was a skilled doctor, so why didn't he choose to use his own strengths? If Xu Chunliang insisted on working hard in medicine, his achievements would definitely be greater than the system. Could it be that it was Old Ye, his godfather, who made Xu Chunliang have an illusion? Did he mistakenly think that he could rise to the top with the support of the Ye family? It's not that simple!

Xu Ying said, "Don't just chat, let's drink and eat. I suggest we have a toast together."

Su Qing said: "I don't want to drink, I'll drive later."

Xu Ying smiled and said, "I'll arrange a designated driver, don't worry."

Su Qing glanced at Xu Chunliang, and Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "You've been tired these days. Drink something to relax, and then ask me to drive you later." He was still in mourning and didn't drink a drop of alcohol.

In fact, few people follow this rule now, but since Xu Chunliang has said it, no one will persuade him.

Everyone drank the glass of wine together. Wang Jiancheng was about to speak when his cell phone rang. He looked at the number and saw that it was Mei Ruxue calling. This was really a coincidence.

Wang Jiancheng smiled and said, "It was Mei Ruxue's call. If I had known, I would have invited her to have dinner with us today."

Xu Chunliang was fine, but Su Qing's expression looked a little unnatural when she heard Mei Ruxue's name, but she soon returned to normal.

Wang Jiancheng answered the phone in front of several people: "Xiaoxue, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Mei Ruxue went to see Wang Jiancheng about the investment in Binhu New District. Wang Jiancheng was going to invest in a water plant in Weishan Lake. The two chatted for a while, and Wang Jiancheng looked at Xu Chunliang and said, "I'm having dinner with some friends, and Chunliang is here too."

Mei Ruxue was obviously stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted and said softly, "Please tell him hello for me. I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first."

Wang Jiancheng put down the phone and said to Xu Chunliang: "Mei Ruxue asked me to say hello to you on her behalf."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "She has my phone number."

Wang Jiancheng laughed: "I didn't expect this. Come, have a drink."

"Mr. Wang forgot, I'm drinking tea!"

The dinner ended after more than an hour. Xu Chunliang said goodbye first. Xu Ying accompanied him and Su Qing to the door and explained that today's event was completely a coincidence and she didn't know that Xu Chunliang and Wang Jiancheng had met before.

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "Sister Xu, you don't need to explain. Dongzhou is not a big place. We will meet each other sooner or later. There is nothing wrong with meeting each other." Xu Ying nodded: "Chunliang, are you feeling better?"

Xu Chunliang looked up at the starry sky and said, "We have to move on, Sister Xu. I think Dean Zhao is in a bad mood tonight. Please counsel him when you have time."

Xu Ying sighed and said, "He can only solve his own problems."

Xu Chunliang thought for a moment and said, "In fact, each of us is the same."

Xu Ying watched Xu Chunliang drive away and wrapped her shawl tightly. The night wind in late autumn was very cold. Maple leaves kept falling above her head, like streams of fire across the night sky. A maple leaf fell on her head, and Xu Ying suddenly hoped that this flaming maple leaf would ignite her and turn her into a ball of fire in late autumn. Then, perhaps she could warm Zhao Feiyang's frozen heart.

Su Qing seemed a little drunk, and her head rested lightly on Xu Chunliang's shoulder.

"Send you to the hotel?"

"I don't want to go."

Xu Chunliang didn't say anything. The car continued to drive deeper into the night. In the darkness, their bodies got closer and closer until they completely merged into one.

Wang Jianming personally went to the archaeological site of the Warring States Tomb. Preliminary detection showed that the chariot and horse pit discovered was about 38 meters long from east to west and about 22 meters long from north to south. The scale of this chariot and horse pit is even larger than the one discovered in southern Shanxi. According to experts' estimates, there were probably more than 200 horses buried there and nearly 100 chariots.

Archaeological expert Lin Jianwei was so excited that he couldn't sleep well in recent days. When Wang Jianming asked him about the situation, Lin Jianwei even said that this might be one of the top ten archaeological discoveries in China this century.

What Wang Jianming is most concerned about is the scope of the future protected area. The conclusion given by experts is uncertain, because it is not possible to determine whether there are other Warring States tombs in this area. Generally speaking, there is usually a family tomb group here, so the scope of the cultural protection area has to wait for further exploration before it can be delineated. But there is no doubt that the infectious disease hospital is no longer suitable for continued construction.

Experts have expressed the opinion that even if the planned land for the new infectious disease hospital is not completely occupied, a site museum should be built on the original basis of the ancient tomb, and supporting facilities should be added. Once a tourist area is built, the experience of tourists should also be taken into consideration. From any perspective, it is unreasonable for the infectious disease hospital to continue to exist in the surrounding area, and it lacks long-term development vision.

Director Lu Ming of the Culture and Tourism Bureau followed the whole process without saying a word. The matter finally became a big deal. The land for the infectious disease hospital was won by Xu Chunliang back then, but in the end it was destroyed in his hands.

From the perspective of cultural and tourism development alone, the discovery of the Warring States tomb is a good thing, but from the perspective of Dongzhou's current overall development, the appearance of this ancient tomb is a bit inappropriate and has completely disrupted the city's planning. If it was just an infectious disease hospital, it would be fine, but now it involves the China-Korea Industrial Park.

Wang Jianming had actually proposed a new plan to the Korean side through his uncle. The Korean side had an extremely tough attitude. They insisted on the original plan and also said that if Dongzhou did not implement the original contract, they would withdraw their investment and reserve the right to claim compensation.

What Wang Jianming hates most in his life is being threatened by others, but this time he did not show too much toughness, because the China-Korea Industrial Park is a huge investment and it means a lot to him as well.

Secretary Qin Zhengyang has been very careful these past two days. Secretary Wang's mood is rarely written on his face, but these two days are an exception. After Wang Jianming inspected the scope of the temporary protection zone, he had already made up his mind that the infectious disease hospital must be stopped. He whispered to Qin Zhengyang: "Notify all relevant departments to hold a meeting tomorrow morning to renegotiate the location of the infectious disease hospital."

Qin Zhengyang nodded repeatedly: "Yes!" Then he asked cautiously: "Does Lexing still want it..."

Wang Jianming's face darkened: "What does it have to do with them?"

Qin Zhengyang understood that Lexing must be unwilling to give in, and there would be no result even if they talked. Wang Jianming's intention in doing this was probably to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, and to solve the existing problems one by one. Kangjian Group would be easier to deal with than Lexing Group.

Zhai Pingqing has not had a good time these past two days. He had just returned to his residence after the investigation when his subordinates came to report to him about the series of investigations at Kangjian Nursing Home.

When Zhai Pingqing saw Qin Zhengyang's name, he had to suppress his anger. After answering the call, he tried his best to control his tone and make himself appear calm: "Secretary Qin, do you want to talk to me about something?"

Qin Zhengyang informed him to attend the meeting tomorrow morning and asked him to be sure to attend.

When Zhai Pingqing heard about the infectious disease hospital project, he immediately realized that the Qingshan mining project might have to be completely stopped. He whispered, "Secretary Qin, can you tell me the truth? Has the city decided that we should give up that piece of land?"

Of course, Qin Zhengyang couldn't tell him the truth: "I don't know the specifics, but we should discuss this matter at the meeting tomorrow. You should be fully prepared. Hang up, I still have to notify other leaders."


There was a busy tone on the other end of the line. Qin Zhengyang had already hung up. Zhai Pingqing was so angry that he cursed, "You bastard."

(End of this chapter)

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