Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1275: No Borders

Chapter 1275: No Borders

When the food and wine came, the two of them toasted each other, and at least on the surface, everything seemed peaceful.

Xu Chunliang asked: "Excuse me, what is Wang Jiancheng's current situation?"

Huang Youlong said: "If anyone were to suffer such a severe blow, it would be difficult for them to accept it. Heart disease needs to be treated with heart medicine. After some time, they should be able to accept the reality."

Xu Chunliang said: "It is said that he was discussing the transfer and acquisition with Zhai Pingqing on the day of the accident."

Huang Youlong smiled and said, "I came here at the invitation of Mr. Wang Zhengdao to help Wang Jiancheng treat his illness."

Xu Chunliang said: "Mr. Huang, let's be frank. The money that Zhai Pingqing used to invest in the new infectious disease hospital should have come from Mingde Group."

Huang Youlong picked up the wine glass in front of him and made a gesture of invitation. After drinking the whole glass of wine, he said softly: "You care so much about Mingde Group. You should know that behind Mingde Group is Lexing Group. It is a thing of the past that I was in charge of Mingde. After the transfer of Jingcheng Jingfu Building, I resigned from all positions in Mingde Group. Now I am concentrating on the study of medicine. Neither Mingde Group nor Lexing Group has anything to do with me."

Xu Chunliang also drank the glass of wine and took the initiative to pour it for Huang Youlong: "It can't be said that there is no relationship. Now your wife is in charge of Lexing Group's Greater China region."

Huang Youlong smiled and said, "Yes, we are just partners in life and never interfere with each other's careers."

Xu Chunliang said: "I heard that Zhai Pingqing is very anxious now. He wants to transfer the Dongzhou project even if it means losing money. Are you forcing him to pay back the money as soon as possible?"

Huang Youlong said: "I don't ask about Le Xing's affairs."

Xu Chunliang said: "After your wife took over the business in the Greater China region, she acted very tough and gave us an ultimatum and threatened us with withdrawal of investment."

Huang Youlong laughed: "I wanted to talk to you about the past, but you are only interested in business matters."

Xu Chunliang said: "Just chat, if you want to talk, then talk, if you don't want to talk, it doesn't matter."

Huang Youlong said: "Business is business, and we compete with each other in wits and courage. Although I don't need to explain to you, I still want to tell you that my wife is gentle and considerate to me, and she is a competent and good wife."

Xu Chunliang said: "The city asked me to participate in the negotiations with Lexing."

Huang Youlong said: "I have to say that your Dongzhou management has a keen eye."

Xu Chunliang said: "I think so too. Back then, Li Xuanbin and I had some unpleasant experiences at the Dongzhou Museum."

Huang Youlong looked at Xu Chunliang with interest. He was extremely unhappy. This guy beat up Li Xuanbin in public.

Xu Chunliang deliberately asked: "Do you think my participation can play a positive role?"

"That depends on what you think."

Xu Chunliang nodded: "I don't think Lexing will withdraw from the China-Korea Industrial Park project. Even though they are making a lot of noise now, protesting through diplomatic channels and threatening to withdraw from the China-Korea Industrial Park project, they are just trying to take advantage of the opportunity to get more bargaining chips."

Huang Youlong smiled and said, "You don't have to tell me these words." He knew very well that Xu Chunliang wanted to convey these words to his wife through him.

Xu Chunliang said: "I'm just chatting casually, Mr. Huang, do you think I will give in?"

Huang Youlong said: "It seems that you can't dominate Secretary Wang's decision."

Xu Chunliang said: "Secretary Wang has his own ideas. Even I can see that Lexing will not withdraw its investment easily. Can't he see it? In the past, Secretary Wang's attitude towards Lexing was to retain it, but now I think that may not be the case."


Xu Chunliang said: "The China-Korea Industrial Park was jointly built by Zhengdao Group and Lexing Group. In recent times, Lexing has been putting pressure on Dongzhou through various means. I think Wang Zhengdao will also be troubled. It just so happens that Wang Jiancheng encountered a car accident at this time, which inevitably makes people think too much."

Huang Youlong noticed that Xu Chunliang was trying to link Wang Jiancheng's car accident to Lexing Group, and frowned, saying, "Director Xu, I have a piece of advice. It's best not to make a hasty judgment on things without evidence. Lexing Group has always operated in accordance with the law and normal market rules."

Xu Chunliang said: "What I mean is that it is inevitable that someone will make the connection with what happened recently."

Huang Youlong said calmly: "Le Xing's affairs have nothing to do with me. I have voluntarily given up the management rights of Mingde Hospital and will focus my main energy on studying medical skills."

Xu Chunliang said: "Study Chinese medicine and then selflessly contribute everything you have learned to foreign countries to contribute to the so-called Korean medicine?"

Huang Youlong said: "Chinese medicine has a long history, but it has gradually fallen behind in the course of history. The fundamental reason is that it is self-contained. We must know that medicine has no national boundaries..." Xu Chunliang laughed and said, "Medicine has no national boundaries. Don't you think it's ridiculous when you say this? Does Western medicine and pharmacy follow this saying? They set up all kinds of artificial obstacles in various leading fields. On the one hand, they block our core medical skills, and on the other hand, they use all means to steal the secrets of Chinese medicine. Which of the Korean medicine in the Peninsula and the Kampo medicine in Japan did not learn from us? It would be fine if they learned it openly, but how many secret recipes were obtained by them in shady ways? How many Chinese medical pharmacopoeias have been changed and patented by them? What is the difference between their behavior and that of thieves and robbers?"

Huang Youlong looked at Xu Chunliang quietly without saying anything. He knew that Xu Chunliang's words were probably directed at him.

Xu Chunliang said: "I shouldn't tell you this. You are a Korean Chinese now."

Huang Youlong said, "It has nothing to do with nationality. If you don't value something and don't know how to protect it, and let it become desolate and destroyed, what's wrong with others trying to discover and protect it? Traditional Chinese medicine originated in China, but the original intention of traditional Chinese medicine is to cure diseases and save lives rather than just serve a specific ethnic group. Can you expand the picture a little bit? Traditional Chinese medicine is also a treasure of all mankind."

Xu Chunliang said: "What Mr. Huang said is equivalent to saying that our property belongs not only to us Chinese but also to all mankind."

Huang Youlong said: "You misinterpreted my meaning."

Xu Chunliang said, "I am not as broad-minded as you. My family's things are my family's things. Using them to save people is a favor, and not saving people is my duty. Don't use words like 'medicine without borders' to blackmail people morally."

Huang Youlong smiled and said, "I won't argue with you. If Mr. Xu were still alive, he would definitely agree with my idea."

Xu Chunliang glanced at the book he had put aside and said, "My grandfather has always been able to distinguish right from wrong. No matter what, I am grateful to Mr. Huang for returning the things that belonged to Huichuntang. I remember that last time at Jingfu Building, you returned a copy of Xu's Treatise on Febrile Diseases, and this time it was a copy of Suwen. Do you have anything else in your hands?"

Huang Youlong said: "You don't know me well enough. I only take things that belong to me. Otherwise, I would not return these books to you."

Xu Chunliang said: "Mr. Huang's current medical skills cannot be achieved with just a few books. Mr. Huang must have had many adventures when he left home at a young age."

Huang Youlong sighed and said, "The last time we met in the capital, we talked about the tragedy that your great-grandfather poisoned and killed eleven members of our family."

Xu Chunliang said: "I asked someone about this case. My great-grandfather was just a suspect. There were many doubts about his testimony at the time. Later, because he committed suicide, the case became an unsolved case."

Huang Youlong said: "I brought up this matter but it doesn't mean that I still hate your Xu family. In fact, I admire Mr. Xu very much. Even if there is a grudge, it is the matter of the previous generation. I have no intention of revenge."

Xu Chunliang thought to himself, why did Huang Youlong tell me this? Was he worried that I would suspect him?

Huang Youlong said, "There is something I have never told you. My mother had a difficult birth. If it weren't for your great-grandfather's help, my mother and I would have died long ago. I was born with congenital deficiencies, and it was your great-grandfather who prescribed medicine for my condition. It was not until I was three years old that I was able to live like a normal child."

Xu Chunliang said: "In that case, my great-grandfather is still your savior."

"You could say the same thing."

No matter how much he talked, Xu Chunliang would not believe a word he said. Huang Youlong had instigated the brothers Zhou Yiwen and Zhou Yiwu to split up Renhetang and deal with Huichuntang. It would be strange to say that he had no ill will towards the Xu family.

Xu Chunliang said: "As far as I know, it was you who cured Wang Zhengdao's illness?"

Huang Youlong nodded and said, "Yes, it was because of that time that he and I formed a bond. When Wang Jiancheng got into a car accident this time, he also thought of me at the first moment."

Xu Chunliang said: "Wang Zhengdao was poisoned. He was poisoned by the ghost bat. To detoxify, he needs..." He deliberately paused and stared at Huang Youlong.

Huang Youlong smiled and said, "The ghost dragon can be solved, which is the feces of the ghost bat."

Xu Chunliang said: "Mr. Huang should know that ghost bats have long been extinct in this world."

"That's wrong. Disappearance doesn't necessarily mean extinction. Technology is so advanced nowadays. If you've seen Jurassic Park, you'll know that dinosaurs can be resurrected using the blood of a mosquito, let alone ghost bats?"

Xu Chunliang said: "If that's the case, I am ignorant."

Huang Youlong said: "Frozen ancient creatures are often found on the Siberian ice sheet. The remains of some creatures have not decayed for thousands of years. If a ghost bat happens to encounter extreme weather and is frozen in the frozen soil of the ice sheet, as long as we find this ghost bat, we can naturally find the ghost dragon used for detoxification from its intestines."

Xu Chunliang said: "It sounds reasonable, but it still doesn't stand up to scrutiny."

Huang Youlong said: "I only want to have a clear conscience when doing things, not to gain people's trust."

Xu Chunliang laughed loudly, raised his glass and clinked it with Huang Youlong's: "That's quite bold."

Huang Youlong and Xu Chunliang talked for two hours before they left. Both of them were very cautious and kept testing each other. Xu Chunliang's trip was not in vain. At least he found out one thing: Huang Youlong's medical skills were more advanced than he had imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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