Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 352 Cholecystitis

Chapter 352 Cholecystitis

Wang Fangtian smiled wryly and said, "That's not what Chen Guanyun said."

"That old classmate of yours? He has mental problems himself, how can he treat others?"

It can be seen that Gao Xinyue is very strong in this family, Gao Hongtang said: "Xiaoyue, don't delay our drinking here, go with Huiteng, this kid can make a lot of trouble."

Gao Xiaobai brought up the stewed hen pot and helped Xu Chunliang fill a bowl of hen soup.

Gao Hongtang asked her to sit down and eat too, so she didn't have to work too hard.

Wang Fangtian drank a glass of wine with Xu Chunliang and asked him how long he planned to stay in the capital this time.

Xu Chunliang told him that he would stay until the [-]th next year.

Gao Hongtang said: "It will take half a month, then you can come over for dinner if you have time, just call Grandpa Gao in advance."

Xu Chunliang smiled and agreed.

Wang Fangtian drank a few glasses of wine, his complexion became a little ugly, he covered his stomach and said, "Excuse me, I've got cholecystitis again."

Gao Xiaobai explained: "My uncle has gallbladder stones and chronic cholecystitis. He has been operated on for a long time, but he just won't go."

Wang Fangtian took two painkillers, but it still didn't relieve, his face turned yellow from the pain, he sat on the sofa, asked them to drink first, and rested for a while, after a while he felt frequent urination and went to the bathroom again. After being inside for a while, Wang Fangtian knocked on the door anxiously. After finally waiting for his son to come out, he plunged in.

Gao Hongtang said: "Fang Tian, ​​if it doesn't work, go to the hospital."

Wang Fangtian came out clutching his stomach, waved his hands and said, "It's okay, I've got an old problem, I'll be fine after a while."

Xu Chunliang said: "Uncle Wang, why don't you take a look?"

Wang Fangtian said, "You?"

Gao Hongtang said: "Why, don't look down on Chunliang, he is the authentic heir of Huichuntang."

Wang Fangtian smiled apologetically and said, "Dad, I didn't mean that, I was just ashamed to bother... Oops..." Today I don't know why and the pain is very severe.

Xu Chunliang came to Wang Fangtian, looked at his face, cut his veins, and took out the needle bag from his waist.

Gao Xiaobai and his aunt looked at each other, why does this kid carry acupuncture tools with him?

Chronic cholecystitis and gallbladder stones belong to the category of hypochondriac pain in traditional Chinese medicine. The location of the disease is in the gallbladder, which is related to the liver and gallbladder meridian. Yanglingquan is the key point for treating hypochondriac pain. It is written in "Tong Xuan Zhi Yao Fu": Those on the side will stab Yangling and stop immediately.

The plan Xu Chunliang chose was acupuncture to clear the stagnant fire in the Gallbladder Meridian, and to penetrate the Yinling Spring at the Yangling Spring for purging.

Yangling Spring is also known as Jinhui, yang refers to yin and yang, mausoleum means mountain, and spring is spring water. Yangling Spring is named because the acupoints are located in the depression of Wailian below the knee, like spring water under the mountain, and on the yang side.

Tendons: The wind governed by the liver and gallbladder meets and rendezvous, and the tendon meeting refers to the confluence of wind and clouds in the heavenly part of the Gallbladder Meridian.

The anatomical location is in the upper part of the anterior outer surface of the calf, in the depression anterior and inferior to the fibular head, and belongs to the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang.

The nature of this acupoint belongs to the earth, and the combination of five infusion points can relax the muscles and activate the collaterals, soothe the liver and gallbladder.

Xu Chunliang asked Wang Fangtian to lie on his back on the sofa, and the needle was inserted vertically towards the front of the tibia. The needle penetrated the skin, penetrated the fat layer, and then encountered the fascia layer.

After the needle tip reached the fascia layer, Wang Fangtian felt a tingling sensation. When the needle tip passed through the fascia, he felt a strong soreness and swelling. After a series of excitation and induction, it extends to the anterior superior iliac spine.

Xu Chunliang was calm and composed, and used the purging method for 3 minutes, and then the filiform needle continued to penetrate downwards. At this time, the needle tip entered the intermuscular tissue, triggering the second needling sensation.

Wang Fangtian felt a persistent soreness, which was several times stronger than before. He gritted his teeth, and the soreness spread down to the entire ankle joint, up to the knee joint, and now spread to the front and back of the shoulder. The severe pain radiating from the abdomen to the shoulder and back has completely disappeared.

Xu Chunliang's one injection took effect, and Wang Fangtian was like a dream. Seeing Xu Chunliang withdraw the needle, he realized that the pain had gone away, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's amazing. It doesn't hurt anymore, it really doesn't hurt at all."

Gao Hongtang smiled happily: "Let me just say it, the authentic heir of Huichuntang, you can't be wrong!"

Xu Chunliang said modestly: "I have only learned a little bit from Grandpa."

Gao Hongtang said: "One hair of your grandfather is enough for an ordinary person to last a lifetime." He highly respected his old friend's medical skills, but he didn't know that Xu Chunliang's medical skills were much better than Xu Changshan's.

Xu Chunliang said to Wang Fangtian: "Uncle Wang, do you have any medical records?" He has also learned to keep pace with the times. After reading Wang Fangtian's previous medical records and ultrasound reports, Wang Fangtian had multiple gallbladder stones, the largest of which reached 15mm. According to the hospital's advice, Wang Fangtian should have had surgery long ago.

Wang Fangtian has an inexplicable fear of surgery, but he heard from the doctor that if he does not have surgery for a long time, it is easy to cause cancer, and now he is wondering if he should take the time to have his gallbladder removed.

Xu Chunliang asked about Wang Fangtian's condition, and learned that he was naturally good at drinking, he liked to eat greasy food, his pulse was slippery and rapid, and his tongue coating was thick yellow. .

Xu Chunliang asked Gao Xiaobai to bring a pen and paper, and gave Wang Fangtian a prescription on the spot.

Bupleurum 25g, white peony 45g, red peony 30g, aurantium citrus 30g, turmeric 30g, talc 30g, sea gold sand 30g, rhubarb 30g, coptis, gardenia, woody 10g each, peach kernel mud, licorice 50g each, Sichuan achyranthes bidentata 30g, frankincense 3g, gallinacea 10g, vinegar root 5g powdered into powder, 15g Glauber's salt (split separately), and 120g Desmodium japonicus.

Decoct 600ml, take it in the morning and evening, adjust according to the situation after 3 doses.

Gao Xinyue was still a little uneasy when she saw Xu Chunliang's serious diagnosis and prescription. After all, this kid just graduated from high school and never even went to medical school. I also heard from Gao Xiaobai that if she really asked her husband to take the medicine according to his prescription, she would still be a little worried.

But she also saw Xu Chunliang's acupuncture and moxibustion process just now, so it's not like this kid is incompetent.

Gao Hongtang saw that his son-in-law had recovered, so he asked Xu Chunliang to wash his hands and come back to eat.

Wang Fangtian didn't dare to drink anymore, so he offered to cook some soup. Gao Xinyue followed him into the kitchen, and said in a low voice, "You should go to the hospital tomorrow, don't delay?"

Wang Fangtian nodded, knowing that she still lacked trust in Xu Chunliang, but he had personally experienced acupuncture just now, and Xu Chunliang solved his problem with just one injection. This young man is amazing, so he decided to take Xu Chunliang's medicine first. In some cases, if there is no effect, then consider going to the hospital. He is still afraid of surgery, and he chooses conservative treatment as much as possible.

Xu Chunliang didn't delay too long, and got up to leave at 08:30. Gao Hongtang wanted to see him off, but Gao Xiaobai said it was cold outside, so he went to see him off by himself.

After the two young people left, Gao Xinyue said, "Dad, Xiao Xu is my brother's favorite son-in-law, right?"

Gao Hongtang said: "We don't care about young people's affairs."

Wang Fangtian said: "I think this little Xu is pretty good."

"What do you know? He just graduated from high school, and Xiaobai is a graduate student of Mizuki." Gao Xinyue felt that it was inappropriate because the gap between the two was too great.

Little Fatty Magotan ran over: "Where's brother?"

Gao Xinyue glared at him: "Go read and play all day long."

"You are so annoying!"

"Who are you talking about? Boy, do you deserve a beating?"

Gao Xiaobai sent it downstairs, Xu Chunliang said: "Go back, a girl at night is not safe."

Gao Xiaobai smiled and said, "The public security in Beijing is very good. I'd better take you to the subway station. There are electric cars at the gate."

"No, it's less than six kilometers away from where I live. I run there and usually exercise at night."

Gao Xiaobai nodded: "Then be careful on the road."

Xu Chunliang waved his hand.

Following Du Niang to the Dongzhou Beijing Office, I received a call from Mo Han halfway through the runway.


"Watching TV with my grandfather." Xu Chunliang lied.

"Make it up, keep making it up! I just came out of Huichun Hall."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "What are you going to Huichun Hall for?"

"Play chess with Mr. Xu!"

Xu Chunliang said: "Drunkards don't mean to drink, Mo Han, have you taken a fancy to me?" He teased, but in his heart he felt that it would not be that easy for Mo Han to go to Huichuntang, this girl has enough eyes , born as a good material for espionage work, one cannot help but suspect her motives for getting close to grandpa.

Mo Han said: "It seems a bit a little bit when you say that."

Xu Chunliang laughed out loud.

Mo Han said, "Have you seen Mei Ruxue?"

"What the hell are you doing?" Xu Chunliang was a little annoyed at the moment.

Mo Han smiled and said, "I'm in a hurry, how about I help you."

"Okay, don't meddle in my affairs."

"Afraid that I will harm you?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Are you trying to harm me?"

"A dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart." Mo Han cursed and hung up the phone.Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "Good heart? If it's not for another purpose, I'll take your surname."

When Xu Chunliang returned to Dongzhou Hotel, he saw Yan Jinsong seeing off someone outside. When the red flag car went away, Yan Jinsong let go of his raised hand. Seeing Xu Chunliang, he said cheerfully, "Brother, how unrestrained are you?" Come back this is?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Go to a friend's house for dinner."

Yan Jinsong enthusiastically opened the door for him. The Beijing Office is such a big place. He also heard about Xu Chunliang helping Secretary Zhou with a massage this morning.

He started to admire Xu Chunliang a little, they all went to the same place, on the same platform, and he immediately hooked up with the big leader, and he didn't even have the courage to approach.

Yan Jinsong seemed to be careless and said: "Secretary Zhou will live here when he comes to study at the party school this time?"

Xu Chunliang glanced at him, and Yan Jinsong smiled all over his face: "Ask casually, ask casually."

Xu Chunliang said, "I'm not familiar with him."

Yan Jin felt relieved and said, who are you lying to?
When the two were walking back, Secretary Zhou and a few people came out head-on. Xu Chunliang wanted to lower his head and walk over, but Secretary Zhou stopped him: "Xiao Xu!"

Xu Chunliang had no choice but to greet him with a smile: "Secretary Zhou!"

The third day of the double event, ask for monthly ticket support!

(End of this chapter)

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