Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 456 Chen Weiwei

Chapter 456 Chen Weiwei

Pan Weidong looked at Xu Chunliang, he knew Xu Chunliang, this fellow beat Wang Zeqiang at the entrance of the OMMIA bar in the capital, and he was able to retreat unscathed.Later, he single-handedly broke into Dongsheng Auto Repair Factory and beat Guo Chengyi severely.

Wang Zeqiang suffered from being dumb and did not follow up. Pan Weidong inquired afterward and found out that Xu Chunliang was Mei Ruxue's boyfriend. He believed that the reason why Xu Chunliang dared to make such a big fuss was because of the backing of the Qiao family.

Pan Weidong pretended to be a stranger to Xu Chunliang, and deliberately said, "This is..."

Hua Zhuyue said: "My friend Xu Chunliang."

Pan Weidong smiled at Xu Chunliang and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you." He didn't mean to shake hands with Xu Chunliang, and continued to say to Xie Chunlei, "Manager Xie, I've heard about your bar, and if you need help Just say it."

Xie Chunlei said: "Thank you, Mr. Pan." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Hua Zhuyue again. Pan Weidong's words obviously meant to underestimate Hua Zhuyue. On the surface, it sounded enthusiastic, but the meaning behind it was that you might not be able to handle it. good.

Hua Zhuyue said: "Although the incident happened in our bar, Mr. Pan must take it as a warning. There are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have good fortune and misfortune."

Pan Weidong looked at Hua Zhuyue with great interest and said: "Today is our grand opening day, what Mr. Hua said is not auspicious."

Xu Chunliang said: "Good medicine is good for the disease, and good advice is good for the ear. Nothing is impossible in Dongzhou." This guy doesn't need to mobilize at all.

Pan Weidong said confidently: "Mr. Hua should have learned modern management. Before each project is implemented, a risk assessment must be carried out. The reason why our Hedong Group has been able to develop so rapidly in the past two years is because we have carried out scientific management. " He paused for a moment, and continued: "I have always admired Mr. Hua's ability very much. If you are not happy with Blue Star, come to our Hodong, and I welcome you at any time."

Hua Zhuyue looked at the rampant Pan Weidong, and said with a smile: "Boss Pan has poached many of us, and now he's trying to trick me. Are you not afraid that I will go to Hedong to take your place?"

Pan Weidong laughed loudly and said, "It's my wish for someone to share my worries."

Xu Chunliang said: "You must abide by the law in this business. Dongzhou is a place ruled by law." It sounds like this sentence is said to everyone present, but it is actually beating Pan Weidong.

Pan Weidong said to Hua Zhuyue: "Mr. Xu has a strong sense of law. By the way, is there any clue about the murder of Seven Star?"

Hua Zhuyue said: "Investigating."

At this time, another guest came, Pan Weidong said excuse me, and went to greet him.

Xie Chunlei's cell phone rang, but there was something wrong at the entrance of the bar. Relatives of Yang Mufeng's family made a lot of wreaths and placed them at the entrance of their bar. Xie Chunlei explained the situation to Hua Zhuyue and hurried over.

Seeing Hua Zhuyue continued to visit leisurely and contentedly, Xu Chunliang asked curiously, "Aren't you going back to deal with it?"

Hua Zhuyue said: "If I have to deal with everything myself, what are those people like Xie Chunlei doing?"

Xu Chunliang said: "This Pan Weidong is crazy."

Hua Zhuyue said: "He has a reason to be crazy, and he does have some skills in business." Looking up at the ubiquitous cameras, he said softly: "The same thing happened here, and the truth may have been revealed long ago."

Xu Chunliang said: "Why do you have so many monitoring failures?"

Hua Zhuyue said: "The monitoring system was just upgraded not long ago. Logically speaking, such a thing should not have happened." She put the wine glass aside, and the live host began to enliven the atmosphere. Tonight is not only the opening ceremony of OMMIA, but also a test Open, the bar officially celebrated at [-]:[-] that night.

There were more than a dozen wreaths placed at the entrance of SEVEN STAR, and a group of people sat at the entrance and burned paper.

Xie Chunlei frowned when he saw the scene in front of him. The security guard who came before him reported the situation in a low voice, but it was the relatives of Yang Mufeng's family who came to express their condolences at the place where the accident happened. They did this to let the bar give an explanation .

Xie Chunlei did not intend to get entangled with these people, and asked the security guard to call the police directly. It is best to let the police deal with this kind of thing. The security guard told him helplessly that the police had come. Good to forcibly drive away.

It is foreseeable that the impact of Yang Mufeng's death will last for a long time, even if the bar opens for business, the business will plummet.

When Xie Chunlei was on the phone, someone came over. This person was Yang Mufeng's twin brother Yang Mulin. He came to Xie Chunlei: "Are you the boss here?"

Xie Chunlei said angrily, "What's the matter?"

Yang Mulin said: "My brother died in your bar, do you want to give an explanation?"

Xie Chunlei guessed that the purpose of this group of people was to extort money, and he was really depressed. Yang Mufeng's death here caused them such a big loss, who would he ask for compensation?
Xie Chunlei knew that the family members of the deceased were angry. If he spoke too forcefully, he might get angry. He said to Yang Mulin: "It is true that your brother died in our bar, but we are also victims. The police have found the suspect. You should go to Find the real murderer and go to her for compensation."

Yang Mulin said: "You're talking nonsense. The police say that we haven't found the murderer yet, so we'll look for you. If you don't give us an explanation, we won't leave."

Xie Chunlei said: "I can understand your current mood, but you can't blame me. If you want to find you, you should find the real murderer, not me."

Yang Mulin asked, "Which one is the murderer?" He seemed to have no idea about the situation.

The security guard on the side said something extra: "Chen Weiwei from the nail salon on the third floor of the Carnian Plaza, I heard that she is the murderer."

Xie Chunlei glared at the security guard. The police have not yet made a conclusion on this matter, so they can't talk nonsense, but Xie Chunlei and the others went to identify people this afternoon, and two waiters recognized Chen Weiwei, thinking that she was drinking with Yang Mufeng last night , and now there are still rumors that she is Yang Mufeng's mistress.

Yang Mulin glanced at the Carnian Plaza not far away, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to find her now."

Xie Chunlei laughed secretly that this is an idiot, Chen Weiwei is still in the police station, you can't find it now, but it has nothing to do with him, this guy can find anyone as long as he doesn't find himself.

Xie Chunlei said to the security: "Call 110 again, I don't believe they will ignore our affairs."

Chen Weiwei was questioned by the police for a whole day, and she was finally released at seven o'clock in the evening. Although a lot of evidence points to Chen Weiwei, the sum of these evidences is not logical.

Regarding the release of Chen Weiwei, there were also different opinions within the group. Li Zhong and other team members believed that Chen Weiwei should not be released. Chen Weiwei is now the biggest suspect.

Lu Qi believes that suspects and criminals are different concepts. They still can't confirm that Chen Weiwei is guilty. Generally speaking, interrogation should not exceed 24 hours. Although Chen Weiwei is still some time away from this time limit, they should ask all the questions. After that, if you continue to leave her, you won't be able to ask other clues.

Lu Qi proposed to ask Chen Weiwei to go back first, so that they could track and monitor Chen Weiwei's every move, and they might be able to find new clues.

Li Zhong and others believed that Chen Weiwei was basically the real culprit, the motive of the crime was money, fingerprints, hair, lipstick, and castor beans were the evidence. Both SEVEN STAR staff recognized that Chen Weiwei had appeared in the bar last night.

Lu Qi believes that there is a possibility of misidentification. The same clothes and the same hairstyle do not represent the same person. All in all, the investigation is a scientific and cautious process. Unless you have solid evidence, you should not easily convict a person.

Of course, a comprehensive investigation around Chen Weiwei has also been launched, including the process of her acquaintance with Yang Mufeng, and their economic exchanges over the years.

The first thing Chen Weiwei left the police station was to go to Carnival Plaza. She wanted to go to the nail salon to pick up some personal belongings. Today's interrogation had already exhausted her mentally and physically.

Everyone has secrets, and Chen Weiwei did not fully explain to the police. Yang Mufeng gave her more than 100 million. In the past, Yang Mufeng received a lot of kickbacks when he was the director of internal medicine in Haizhou Second Hospital. The supplier sent a lot of money to Chen Weiwei's account, and he would withdraw it from Chen Weiwei when necessary.

After Yang Mufeng's accident, he handed over more than 300 million yuan to the procuratorate in order to avoid prosecution. Originally, he wanted Chen Weiwei to give him 200 million yuan. When it came time for the money, she was reluctant and used the excuse that she bought a house with the money.

Yang Mufeng failed to get any money from Chen Weiwei. In order to make up for the fine, he finally sold a house in Haizhou to get away with it.

After Yang Mufeng divorced, he went out of the house. He came to Dongzhou to look for Chen Weiwei. Chen Weiwei took him in temporarily out of guilt, but there was already a rift between them because of money. During this period, there were many quarrels. Yang Mufeng even shot hit her.

The two parties finally came to an agreement, and Chen Weiwei wrote a 100 million IOU to Yang Mufeng, promising to pay it off before the end of the year. On this point, Yang Mufeng still made a lot of concessions.

It's just that Chen Weiwei never thought that Yang Mufeng would die suddenly, and she became a suspect.

The police have already searched the nail shop, Chen Weiwei intends to take away some of her frequently used items and suspend the business temporarily.

Before the cause of Yang Mufeng's death is found out, she is not allowed to leave Dongzhou, and she is not in the mood to do business. When she goes back tonight, she will carefully sort out what happened during this period. The police explained.

Anyway, she didn't kill anyone, at worst, she would take out all of Yang Mufeng's money.

Chen Weiwei opened the door while thinking.

At this time, someone called out from behind: "Chen Weiwei!"

(End of this chapter)

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