Chapter 311

After Wang Li dug through the glass-like tunnel, he pondered what to do next under the dark hillside.

He has learned some water-type combat skills, but they are relatively superficial, and he is not professional in this area.

So he directly dialed the communication of a spirit array master and asked him about the plan.

That was because the master thought he was too annoying, so after saying a few words, he directly sent him a bunch of materials for him to think about.

As a result, Wang Li opened it and found that it was the essence of the master's lifelong learning, and he had sorted it out clearly.

At this moment, Wang Li was like the first time he tried to draw the magic circle of the contract ceremony. He analyzed it carefully, and then began to draw and etch at the exit of the glazed tunnel with spiritual materials bit by bit.

This is a water gathering array, which has a good suction effect under the improvement of that master. It seems that it was originally designed for deep groundwater or other situations.

The spirit array masters of the older generation have a lot of inventory in their stomachs, and each of them is like a treasure.

Wang Li made a spiritual formation along the edge of the glazed tunnel, and then tried the effect...

There seems to be no response?
He suddenly remembered that he had left a protective formation of light below to block the water flow.

He hurriedly canceled the Guardian of Light over there, and then heard the sound of gurgling water coming from the glazed tunnel.

He was quite happy, and then asked Qiuqiu to stand back a little.

The coward's reaction was a step slower, but he was hit by the water jetting out of the tunnel, and he was in a mess.

"Get out of the way!" Wang Li laughed.

At this moment, his laughter was very hearty and cheerful, revealing a kind of sincere joy.

Jiang Yan said in the communication: "A Li, your laughter is really nice, you can smile like this more next time."

Wang Li was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I must 'smile like this' a lot."

Ye Mu said thoughtfully: "Actually, next time you want to do this kind of thing, you can ask all of us to help. This kind of thing is very meaningful. I even want to promote it to the whole night army."

Hey guys, the Witcher's version of 'Down to the Countryside'!
Wang Li said: "Papa, don't think about it, it's something that the president can decide."

At this time Wenqin said quietly: "A Li, you don't know about this. In fact, now that your importance is becoming more and more prominent, our dad has actually become the best choice for the next president."

"Especially after our dad has done enough merits in the Fortress of the Night, the position of the next chairman is almost a foregone conclusion."

Ye Mu became humble at this time, he said: "It's not that exaggerated, that old man doesn't know how long he can live."

Although this modesty doesn't sound very friendly.

While the family members were chatting, the jet of water quickly stopped and formed a puddle in place.

But it's not good if the water doesn't converge well, and it's not good if it's scattered everywhere.

So he completed the attunement with Juanjuan again.

Bend down in front of the spring and touch the ground with both hands, and then only hear...


He just blasted out a three-meter crater.

Then the icy spring water ejected from the spring quickly cooled the hot melt state of the pit floor and pit walls, forming a glass-colored pool.

Wang Li was taken aback by the big noise, and quickly got up to look over to the mountain village. He saw lights lit up one after another, and in the silent night, there were some panicked communication from the villagers.

Not long after, torches were lit one after another, and the awakened villagers wanted to come over overnight to see what happened.

"Slip away!"

Wang Li muttered something, and ran away quickly, grabbing Qiuqiu.

He didn't want to be caught and revealed. He didn't feel it when he heard the explosion underwater and underground just now. He didn't expect the sound to be so loud in an open place.

Fortunately, all the work has been done, so he can 'get away with it, and hide his achievements and fame'.

What about the villagers?

When they came to the hillside where the loud noise was heard, they were stunned by a glazed water pool that had stored many icy mountain springs.

They never expected to see such a sight.

There was a loud noise in the mountain, and a glazed water pool appeared on the hillside outside the village.

Looking at the clear pool water, you can see the bottom at a glance, and under the light of the fire, the bottom and four walls of the glazed pool reflect the water in a variety of colors.

What could be the explanation for this other than a miracle?
Even the water level in this pool is still rising, and after reaching a certain level, it overflows from a low gap, and by coincidence, it flows into their previously abandoned canal.

All of a sudden, the water problem in their village was solved? !

"A miracle!"

The villagers couldn't help but began to kneel down and pray.

They didn't know what to pray, anyway, they just yelled indiscriminately.

Wang Li looked at this scene from a distance and was secretly pleased that the villagers would not be able to bother him anymore.

However, he was too young to bother him.

After all, this village is not far from Wujiagou.

When the villages on both sides were combined, compared with the sudden appearance of the straw rope flower bridge, and then looking at the sudden appearance of the water pool, the villagers of this village immediately accepted Wujiagou's "missionary teaching" and began to worship the "King of Light" up.

Oh, by the way, let's pay homage to the 'Concubine Xia' and 'Concubine Tian' together, there can be no mistake.

Wang Li was so annoyed that he could only continue to let one thought bear all this.

But he was a little worried that if he endured that thought too much, would he really be schizophrenic by talking about it?

So he decided to rotate regularly, let the thirteen thoughts take turns receiving this endless muttering.

However, he didn't know if it was an illusion. He found that there were more 'noisy' voices, but they didn't seem so noisy.

Maybe it has something to do with him having 'give up treatment'.

No matter what, after solving the matter in this mountain village, his mood improved a lot.

He resumed walking on the route he had set, continuing his journey.

After turning over another mountain peak, he suddenly saw several big mountains towering into the sky in front of him, which looked very majestic and majestic.

So I let go of my desire to find human villages, and wanted to climb up that mountain to have a look.

When he saw Wang Li walking straight to such a high mountain, Qiuqiu next to him burst into tears.

Because it is still carrying the ground-penetrating scanner!
Seeing this, Wang Li laughed and threw Healing Light and Soul Waveguide to it, making it feel comfortable and despaired at the same time.

This is to keep carrying it on its back!
The main reason is that Wang Li got a new toy and thought it was very fun, and he found it very interesting to look at what was under his feet from time to time.

Of course, there is nothing most of the time, and it will be a pleasant surprise to see some sporadic extensions of mineral veins occasionally.

Wang Li looked at the mountain, which was about a thousand meters high.

Climbing to the top will definitely be able to 'see the mountains at a glance'.

He chose to go up the mountain, in fact, he wanted to test how far the pupil's extreme eyesight could see.

He wants to mark all the surrounding mountain villages, and then do what he can for these villagers.

(End of this chapter)

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