Chapter 321
Wang Li saw Qiuqiu again, and this cowardly ball has eaten himself up again in the past two days, and he has been spoiled by his grandma.

It sensed that Wang Li's gaze was not very 'kind', so it quietly ran away with a big roast chicken to enjoy it alone, this guy was well versed in the profound meaning of 'now there is wine, now drunk'.

However, when Wang Li's family was quite happy, it suddenly barked like a donkey and ran over miserably.

I saw two bloody holes on his back and buttocks, were they stabbed?
It ran too far, and when everyone found it, it had already looked weak.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind it, and a silver long spear was about to be stabbed...

Jiang Lu's face turned pale, and she might not be able to accept the result of Qiuqiu being killed in front of her.

Wang Li tapped lightly on the table with his fingers.

And at this moment, Mostima, who was a domestic servant, had turned into an afterimage and appeared beside Qiuqiu, reaching out and grabbing the silver gun.

"I'm sorry, sir. This little bear is not wild. It is a pet kept by my young master. Please raise your hand."

After the words fell, the hand that was firmly holding the silver gun was released, and then turned around and stretched out a hand towards Qiuqiu's buttocks and back to release a healing aura.

No, that seemed to be different from the healing aura. Anyway, it was a very pure light, full of vitality, which healed the sores on Qiuqiu's back in a short period of time.

It's just that two bald spots are inevitable.

Qiuqiu turned his head to look curiously, and wanted to scratch his butt.

Mostima immediately kicked its paw away and said, "Don't scratch it!"

"Go to Madam, Madam is very worried about you."

As soon as Qiuqiu heard it, he immediately ran towards Jiang Li with an 'awow'. It wanted to cry to grandma, and also needed a gentle and loving grandma to soothe its soul.

The man was surprised, and then asked: "Who are your Excellency and your lord? Why are you here?"

Wang Li had already said from behind: "Mr. Zhao Qing? Why are you here?"

Zhao Qing was surprised.

He stretched his head to look around, and then Mastema took a step back to avoid his gaze.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhao Qing realized that all his vision was blocked by the strange strong man in front of him at that moment.

This made him very vigilant, and he was also very curious about the ability that Mostima showed just now. This kind of power is not something a knight can grasp.

But the person who possesses this kind of power is just someone else's servant?

At the same time, he also heard Wang Li's voice. He didn't expect the outsider he met during the day to be here, and he even called a dinner party.

Zhao Qing saw that Mostima stepped aside a little, and walked forward.

He saw Ye Mu, who was sitting in the main seat, full of power, and Jiang Lan, who was hugging the little bear with tears in his eyes, but his temperament was very gentle and reassuring.

He also saw Wenqin and Ye Xiaoyu who came over curiously, this pair of indistinguishable sisters almost dazzled him.

Then he saw Wang Li and Fang Shuming.

Fang Shuming understood immediately, he got up apologetically and said: "It seems to be my trouble, sorry."

Ye Mu nodded slightly and said, "Let's deal with it, just don't lose the members of the council."

Fang Shuming was surprised, too surprised, he saw everyone around him nodding kindly to him, and suddenly realized that his past identity had been exposed in front of this family.

He smiled helplessly and said, "Sure enough, you are not ordinary people, that's right, this kind of family must have some secrets involved in the council."

He stood up with a wry smile, walked forward to face Zhao Qing and asked, "Zhao Qing, are you looking for me?"

Zhao Qing looked at Fang Shuming curiously, and then said, "I'm here to warn you to move out quickly. The Sima Xia has already heard about you leaving with that outsider, so he has come to look for you."

Fang Shuming said with great distress when he heard this, "Why doesn't he let me go? I'm already like this, what does he want from me?"

Zhao Qing said helplessly: "The Sima Xia is maintaining the order in our Shannan since ancient times..."

Fang Shuming shook his head and said: "Times are always changing, and we in Shannan have always refused to change. Now Youlong Kingdom is undergoing unprecedented changes. If we continue to be so self-closing, we will be abandoned by the times sooner or later. "

He paused for a moment, and then said to Zhao Qing: "You hurt someone's bear just now, you should go and apologize now, don't annoy them, they are big shots."

As soon as Zhao Qing heard this, he stepped forward and clasped his fists: "It was Zhao's fault just now, I thought this blind little bear was a wild beast."

"But now please leave this place, so as not to cause trouble."

Wang Li wiped his mouth and said, "We are just a group of tourists passing by here, will we also cause trouble?"

Jiang Yan rubbed the bear's head and said unhappily: "It's this age, why are there still such arrogant people?"

Ye Mu said at the time: "Don't worry, I will make him stop being arrogant immediately."

Ye Mu is worthy of being a wife slave. His wife just expressed her opinion, and he is about to roll up his sleeves and get ready to do it.

Zhao Qing's face changed, and he immediately felt that the atmosphere was different.

Before he had time to say anything more, he felt a very frightening spirit coming from behind.

He closed his eyes helplessly and said, "It's too late, the Sima Xia has already arrived."

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, a voice came from behind: "Zhao Qing, you are a young talent from my Tuqiu Zhao family, how can you hang out with these outsiders?"

"You may be sympathetic or kind, but you have to remember that outsiders are outsiders after all, and their arrival will only break our peaceful life in Shannan. You don't want to see this happen, do you?"

Wang Li and the others followed the sound and saw a half-century-old man with long beard reaching his chest striding forward, followed by more than a dozen people who looked like disciples.

Ye Mu's expression turned cold, and he was about to have an attack.

But Jiang Yan pressed his hand again and said, "Forget it, we've almost finished eating, so let's go back and rest."

She didn't want to make things too violent.

However, Sima Youzhu still didn't want to let go, he snorted coldly and said, "No one can leave here today without my permission!"

Ye Mu let out a long sigh, and said to Wang Li, "Look, sometimes it's not that I have a bad temper, but some people have certain facts that can't calm me down."

As soon as the voice fell, his people had disappeared in place.

With a burst of thunder, his people suddenly appeared in front of Sima Youzhu.

At this moment, the thunder surged violently, and the thunder jumped around Ye Mu's body.

He asked, "You, want to keep me?"

Sima Youzhu only felt that every cell in his body was as uncomfortable as being pricked by needles, so he quickly drew out his saber and shouted: "Bold madman!"

However, Ye Mu reached out and tapped the blade lightly, saying, "You shouldn't point this thing at me."

As soon as the words fell, the sword in Sima Youzhu's hand suddenly bent, twisted, and even coiled up like a snake's body!

And after a while, it turned into silver beads and fell to the ground.

This is Ye Mu's progress during this period, using the power of the magnetic field controlled by his electromagnetic material laboratory!
(End of this chapter)

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