Wang Li found the direction after looking at the information, and then walked into a valley.

Here is another classic layout of the evil god's underground palace.

The two hills serve as the two fulcrums and entrances of the underground palace.

However, the three-star pattern is not so easy to find, especially the location of the underground palace has very strict site selection requirements.

So the third fulcrum and entrance here is a man-made mound with a slightly 'short-grown' feel.

Wang Li entered from the position of the third mound, because the two hills and the canyon in between were sealed off by wooden fences and barbed wire, and only this mound was exposed.

It may be because the mounds piled up artificially cannot withstand the years after all, and there have been several landslide accidents, and the passages inside have already been buried.

Wang Li could also see this from the display of his psionic detector. Nearly half of the underground passages were indeed being buried and refilled.

But, how could it be difficult for him.

"Jujuan, it's up to you this time."

Wang Li summoned Juan Juan.

Although Juanjuan, who has evolved into a mature body, has not grown in size, he has made great progress in various abilities.

Especially the ability to escape from the ground.

Originally, she could only escape alone, but now she can dig a tunnel directly and quickly!

"Hee hee~"

Curly laughed happily.

This is a spirit servant who likes to be needed by others.

She ran to the bottom of the mound with short legs, and then lay down on the ground and made a gesture of grabbing the handle. The soil in front of her separated to the two sides as if she could run by herself.

It's not scientific at all, it's magic after all.

Wang Li walked into the cave at a normal speed, and his walking speed was almost the same as that of Juan Juan digging a hole, what a capable little girl.

The only bad thing is that the soil in this place is not strong.

After Wang Li took two steps, the earth cave behind him collapsed.

This made him startled, and he hastily set up a light protection enchantment in order not to be buried alive.

Don't ask him when he turned the guardian of light into an enchantment again, anyway, isn't it an enchantment that can be maintained for a long time?

But this is not a solution, after all, the oxygen in the small space will be exhausted sooner or later, should we go out now?
Oh, how is it possible!
He directly opened a teleportation formation beside him.

Soon there was a sound from the teleportation array, and Wenqin was working at a desk.

She even had a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose.

Wang Li asked in surprise, "Sister Qin, has your eyesight deteriorated?"

Wenqin took off her eyes and said, "It's just plain glasses. It's just that I've been staring at the screen to read information recently, which hurts my eyes, so I wear a pair of eye protection."

After hearing this, Wang Li said guiltily, "You have worked hard."

Wenqin smiled, and asked with a little sweetness: "Why, do you need me again?"

Wang Li shook his head and said, "Now I'm letting Juanjuan take me to dig a hole in the ground, because the tunnel has collapsed, and I'm worried that there will be no oxygen."

Wenqin got up quickly and said, "I'll help you find an oxygen cylinder right now." …

Wang Li hurriedly stopped her and said, "No need, it's fine like this."

As he spoke, he continued to walk forward, and the opening of the teleportation array also moved with him.

It was equivalent to using the air in Wenqin's office to provide him with oxygen for walking underground.

Wenqin was stunned and said: "Your teleportation array is really amazing. You are indeed the inventor of the summoning teleportation system."

She was a little speechless, it was obviously a very nervous thing, why did it always change when she came to Wang Li's place?
Especially since this guy is walking so leisurely now that he almost has a cup of hot tea.

But Juan Juan was digging the soil in front of him very hard, giving him the impression that a black-hearted mine boss used 'child labor'.

Oh, and the hot tea really came.

Another teleportation array appeared next to Wang Li, and an arm in a black suit handed it over with a cup of coffee.

It's Mostima.

To be honest, Wenqin thinks that if she can be adventurous and adventurous like Wang Li, she can too!
The reason why she didn't like being a full-time witcher, even if she had to join the council later, she was just a clerical job, was because she didn't like the feeling of getting dirty if she wasn't careful.

Undoubtedly, Wang Li's "adventure mode" is her ideal type. It's too comfortable to take risks while drinking coffee and eating desserts.

But Wang Li didn't use it for himself, but reached out and handed the cup of coffee to Wenqin's table.

"Sister Qin, how about the coffee beans specially roasted by Mostima?"

Wenqin just took the cup of coffee that traveled through two teleportation arrays and spanned three spaces in a daze.

She lowered her head and took a sip silently.

By the way, I should be shocked, after all, I will definitely need to get used to this kind of thing in the future.

After tasting this cup of pure black coffee, she praised it quite a bit: "It's delicious, and there's almost no bitterness in it, because the sourness overwhelms the bitterness."

"But this sour taste is very well prepared, with a fruity aroma."

Wenqin was very particular about drinking coffee, and Wang Li quickly took a cup and took a sip.

Then he stuck out his tongue and asked, "Sister Qin, do you think it's not bitter?"

Anyway, he still felt quite bitter, sour and bitter.

Wenqin laughed and said, "It's fine if you can't drink enough, let's add some milk."

Although he felt underestimated, Wang Li felt that he was the real thing and wouldn't drink coffee.

Mostima opened the teleportation array again and handed over a tray. On the tray were a water bottle filled with pure milk, a pot of boiled coffee, and a sugar bowl.

I heard voices coming from over there: "My lord, I have to cook for my wife's pet here, so let the people around you serve it for me."

Wang Li was at a loss at the time, his mother's pet?
Then I realized, isn't it just a ball!
So mom is already so direct?

Just like that completely deprived him of his pet custody qualifications?

Wang Li felt melancholy, and the spirit servants around him stood up one by one.

Guangtong gently lifted the tray and became a tray maid.

And Yingying helped Wang Li mix the taste of coffee.

She poured some milk into Wang Li's cup, then added a lump of sugar, stirred it and even tasted it herself, then handed it to Wang Li with her eyes wide open expectantly.

These are the 'people' around Wang Li.

Seeing this, Wen Qin curled her lips and moved her face aside to continue her work. She always felt that Wang Li's spirit servants were just like personal maids, they were simply too corrupt.

However, when Fei Sian dragged a plate of desserts in front of her with a sickle, she immediately narrowed her eyes.

Not bad, coffee with macarons, she can eat it all afternoon!

Wang Li also took a bite of the macaron, and was immediately overwhelmed by the sweet taste.

What's so good about this dessert?

But he looked at Wenqin at the other end of the teleportation array, and saw her taking a sip of coffee, savoring it for a while, and then taking a small bite of the small macaron, before going back to business Come.

This feeling is very elegant and beautiful.

Wang Li suddenly felt that as long as he was responsible for making her graceful and beautiful forever, it was fine.

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