witcher of light

Chapter 343 Something That Makes People Listen Well

Chapter 343 Things That Make People Obedient
Even if Wang Li didn't know exactly what happened, he can now guess the general idea from Bai Fusheng's words.

This Chuanxi City is more open than Tuqiu City, and the chivalrous men are stronger, and even half of the chivalrous men in Shannan are here.

Perhaps the people of the Divine Grace Society had already set their sights on this place after they got the evil god's stump from the third underground palace, but the chivalrous men here were too powerful and they couldn't really get it.

It wasn't until the news about the Sima Xia in Tuqiu City reached here in just one day that Bai Fusheng made a decision.

It's just that this decision really made Wang Li feel uncomfortable, why must he collude with the Divine Grace Society?

So Wang Li decided to give the opponent a chance.

He said calmly: "The Charity Society has done a lot of evil things, and the court of the Dragon Kingdom has defined it as illegal."

"This time, it can be said that those who don't know are not to blame, but I advise you to break away from the Divine Grace Society as soon as possible."

Bai Fusheng said indifferently: "You don't have to lie to me if you say this. If we really cut our relationship with the Divine Grace Society, will there still be a way for us to survive?"

Wang Li hesitated after hearing this.

He suddenly realized that these local forces in Shannan had a deep-rooted rejection and wariness towards the council.

The matter of Sima Xia was probably just an inducement, and the real reason was the long-standing confrontation between the two sides.

Perhaps in the eyes of Shannan chivalrous men, the Council is their archenemy.

Wang Li felt that the way of handling this matter was about to change.

Of course, life and death do not matter to the people of the Charismatic Society.

However, he had to be careful with Shannan chivalrous men. After all, Shannan also had the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, and chivalrous men could completely complement demon hunters in his opinion.

So he thought for a while, then suddenly withdrew his light.

Flying sickle paused for a while, and immediately returned to Wang Li's side to act as a guard.

And everyone's eyesight quickly recovered, and they could see clearly Wang Li and the 'executor' beside him with difficulty.

There used to be a hundred people at the Divine Favor Society, but now it has dropped by [-]% all of a sudden, and it can be said that there are heavy casualties.

However, they didn't even dare to fight back against Wang Li immediately, because no one knew whether they would be deprived of their eyesight by that blind light in the next moment.

"What are your plans?"

The elder Bai Fusheng finished his breath adjustment and opened his eyes to look over.

His eyes were sharp and energetic, as if he wanted to cut Wang Li's chest open to his heart.

This gaze was extremely aggressive, but Wang Li didn't accept that at all.

He smiled and said, "I know it's useless to talk to you now, so I want to come up with something that will make you sit down and have a good talk with me."

Bai Fusheng was surprised: "Oh?"

He seemed to be very curious about what 'thing' Wang Li would come up with?

Wang Li snapped his fingers lightly.

The next moment, a huge teleportation circle suddenly appeared beside him.

Then the formation was activated, and the space behind him was instantly connected to another place.

It was surrounded by mountains, and a group of people wearing 'little yellow hats' stood there so quietly, and came over silently and neatly after the portal opened.

There are a hundred people.

It looks like a construction team somewhere.

But the moment they appeared in the underground palace, the whole audience was instantly filled with an extremely oppressive atmosphere.

No matter how much Bai Fusheng boosted his aura, it was still not enough to look at in front of these hundred people.

After all, with a hundred high-level demon hunters standing together, this kind of power is at the level of destroying heaven and earth.

The accumulation of the Council for so many years has been dragged down by the Night Swamp before, and it seems that some people have misunderstood it.

"This kind of power... how is this possible..."

Bai Fusheng has already begun to doubt his life.

However, Wang Li has already waved his hand: "Get rid of all the people from the Divine Favor Society first!"

Ye Jun, who was wearing a yellow hat, didn't say a word, and directly separated half of the people to find trouble with the God's Grace Society.

Are you kidding, half of them are also fifty high-level demon hunters, and they are the kind of high-level demon hunters who have experienced fierce battles in the Night Swamp, which can be dealt with by a mere team of the Divine Favor Society?

Anyway, it was a one-sided massacre.

The person on the other side didn't even have a chance to say a word. Anyway, the chatter was all birdsong, and everyone didn't bother to listen to what they had to say.

Even if the opponent has masters, but two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention that there are far more than four hands.

The night army also didn't have the consciousness of "one-on-one duel between masters" at all. They were all real fighters who were used to fighting.

And the team of knights led by Bai Fusheng didn't have anyone to intervene this time.

They could only watch with an ugly face as the members of the Charismatic Society were massacred to death within two breaths.

Because it's useless for them to intervene, there are still fifty night troops staring at them.

Not to mention fifty night soldiers, they can't even defeat ten night soldiers!

Sure enough, as Wang Li said, they could sit down and talk calmly.

Bai Fusheng closed his eyes in despair.

After a while, he sighed and said, "Tell me, what do you want."

A look of giving up resistance.

But Wang Li wouldn't take it seriously.

He just came to the statue of the evil god in the underground palace, felt its weak reaction, and confirmed that the remains of the evil god still existed in the statue.

This evil god's stump is also unlucky. It must be exhausted by the knights here over the years, right?

With a wave of his hand, he cut off a part of the palm of the statue of the evil god.

Hidden here is a severed finger of the evil god.

Then he didn't bother to take out the severed finger, and opened a small teleportation array leading to hell, threw the statue's palm in and immediately closed the portal.

For him, hell has simply become a 'garbage dump', and all the things that don't look good can be thrown in there.

And as the severed palm was thrown in, the evil energy in this underground palace became a rootless duckweed, and soon dispersed.

Bai Fusheng sensed this change in aura, he looked at Wang Li puzzled and asked, "What exactly are you here for?"

Wang Li said: "As you can see, my purpose of coming here has been achieved."

Of course, there was still a word in his stomach, which was: It's a pity that he didn't harvest some old souls.

He took a deep look at Bai Fusheng, and then said to the night soldiers who came to help: "Thank you for your hard work, brothers, go ahead, I will ask my cafeteria to add more food for you later."

A night soldier said helplessly: "Master Xiaoye, our food is good enough, but can you tell General Ye that he must bring us with him when he hunts down those emperor-level evil spirits?"

Wang Li was slightly taken aback, Ye Mu has already started to arrange these?
It seems that the sense of crisis of Hell's invasion still makes him feel very urgent, and he wants to deal with the problem of the Night Swamp as soon as possible.

Wang Li nodded and said, "Don't worry, the stubborn disease of the Night Swamp will be completely solved by our generation!"

The night soldiers all showed joy when they heard the words.

At least at this time, the Night Army is still very united, because they have the Black Night Swamp and the evil gods and sins as foreign enemies.

As for after these foreign enemies are resolved... Isn't there such a big event as hell invasion?

Wang Li suddenly felt that although this was a crisis, it might also be an opportunity if handled properly.

As long as the cohesion of the Ye army can be maintained, why should the Dragon Kingdom fail?
(End of this chapter)

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