Chapter 366

There are still two days before the final attack. Ye Li looked at the time and decided to spend the rest of the time making high-level magic bullets.

At the back, Wenqin and Ye Xiaoyu also came to follow along.

They learned some preprocessing work, and Ye Li only needed to be responsible for the final etching, which undoubtedly improved some efficiency, and at the same time made them feel happy.

Being able to work together with Ye Li, and being able to fight with the bullets they made together, isn't this a kind of romance on the battlefield?
Two days passed in a flash, and they all put on their psionic armor and prepared to go out.

The armor used by those [-] soldiers is just ordinary pressed armor, and the material is a new and cheap material from Ye Mu's laboratory.

Just because it is cheap, its performance cannot be regarded as mediocre. The performance of this batch of armor is not much worse than the original superalloy material. More importantly, it is cheap and can be mass-produced in a strong electromagnetic field environment!

This is the most outstanding contribution made by Ye Mu's laboratory.

It is precisely because of this that when Ye Li and Lao Huang first met, Ye Mu was described by Lao Huang as a self-taught scientist among demon hunters.

And the three hundred night army had also completed their assembly, and their psionic armor was an old model from the armor laboratory.

There is no way, because we are in a hurry, we can only mass-produce [-] pairs of the old model in a hurry.

In fact, after the problems here are solved and there is enough time, every member of the night army will be able to receive preferential treatment for tailor-made psionic armor.

Now this kind of treatment is only available to a few people, and they can only make do with the old style.

The main thing is that even their immediate boss, the eight-star general Ye Mu, wears the same old-style psionic armor as they do, so what objection can they raise?

As for those little young men who are particularly ostentatious in special styles, what a big deal, after all, they are Mrs. Xiaoye and his confidante, there is nothing wrong with them.

For some reason, Ye Mu had to be strict with himself in order to be able to control the morale of the night army, but they were very tolerant towards Ye Li.

The 4 night army and [-] 'dragon pawns' were ready to go, and with enough resources, they finally started to march towards the D[-] area.

The army set out, accompanied by Yu Chiba, the chairman of the council, and Mrs. Mihe, the old man of Hemen, the head of the Hemen.

This can be said to be a general attack by the demon hunter forces in the Dragon Kingdom. Even Chang Zhengtang, who has been promoted to honorary director, came to the battlefield with several honorary directors who were still able to run.

Looking at the eyes of these old men and women full of fighting spirit, Ye Li has no doubt that they will choose to sacrifice on this battlefield when necessary.

Because in his eyes, that emotional spectrum is an unimaginable passionate color.

Perhaps, the most unbearable thing for these people is to quietly decay and grow old in the office a little bit.

Now they don't have much of the strength they had when they were young, but their hearts are alive as if they were rejuvenated.

Ye Li suddenly understood what the Night Swamp meant to the demon hunters who had been living in its shadow.

That is the nightmare of a lifetime!

No, that is a nightmare that has continued for countless generations!

And now, they will overcome this nightmare together.

Even if it fails in the end, what it is doing now is unprecedented progress, and no one wants to miss this moment.

Until this time, Ye Li suddenly realized that the existence of the Dark Night Swamp was not a bad thing for the Youlong Kingdom. At least under its influence, the demon hunters of the Youlong Kingdom had a cohesion that was unimaginable for the Western Union.


Ye Xiaoyu followed the team with a look of amazement.

She and Ye Li were all assigned to the support staff, so they walked at the end of the line.

But even if she just participated in this team, she was deeply shocked and touched.

Looking at the neat queues around, although everyone was wearing a helmet, everyone held their heads high!
Although the communication channel is very quiet, and only simple instructions are being passed on, everyone can feel the feeling that everyone gathers together under the silence.

Be steadfast and fearless.

Being in this team, Wen Qin felt that some emotions were growing in her chest.

"It's because everyone is doing the right thing together," she said.

Her voice trembled uncontrollably, showing the excitement in her heart.

After all, it was the first time to participate in this kind of thing, even the calm Wenqin couldn't control her emotions.

Ye Li regretted a little and said, "Actually, I should let Lao Huang stay. Being in such an incident, experiencing the feeling of being united as one, is more useful than any preaching."

Ye Xiaoyu said: "Okay brother, don't think so much, let's think carefully about what situation we will face next."

"Everyone, everyone is so nice, I don't want to see those..."

Those... sacrifices.

Ye Li was silent for a moment, he knew that sacrifice was inevitable.

The team in front has entered the D2 area, which was originally a dangerous swamp jungle, but now it seems very quiet.

The evil spirits inside had already been smashed into pieces in the riots and fell under the walls of the Fortress of Night.

To be honest, as long as the abomination can be resolved, the crisis in the Night Swamp will really be resolved.

But that evil...

Ye Li couldn't help being a little worried, is this thing really so easy to solve?
How about throwing it to hell again?
At this time, he really felt that the hell dimension was a good place, where he could simply 'throw garbage' as he wished.

Just considering that the dimension of hell will eventually invade the world, he is worried that the things he threw away will come back to trouble him.

It doesn't matter what the evil god's stumps are, but it's better not to deal with the evil god's abomination like that.

Ye Li was thinking about these questions, and suddenly there was a roar in front of him.

He quickly jumped up to observe, and saw a huge white bone evil spirit rushing out from the D4 area!

That is the emperor body, the skeleton emperor!

Not only the Skeleton Emperor, but also a huge evil eye suspended behind, carrying countless small evil eyes coming from another direction.

Evil Eye Emperor!

Another big snake with nine heads entangled and came here, and the swamps it passed turned into poisonous juice, which was extremely terrifying.

Emperor Body, Hydra!
In the end, there is a tall and thin figure surrounded by countless ghosts, that looks extremely pale but also looks like an unparalleled beauty.

Emperor body, ghost queen!

The four evil spirits of the imperial body in the D4 area unexpectedly mobilized and launched a surprise attack when the team of demon hunters was halfway through!
This can even be called an excellent tactic.

Wenqin's face changed, and she said: "We have all overlooked the extremely important point, that is, normal evil spirits always walk alone and indulge in a certain fixed thinking, which is actually quite understandable."

"But are the emperor body evil spirits really the same as those ordinary evil spirits?"

"We haven't assessed their intelligence at all!"

This sudden attack caught the demon hunters off guard.

After all, they originally thought that they would encounter the enemy at least near the D4 area, but they did not expect to encounter a sudden attack when they were in the D2 to D3 area.

The normal army should at least be confused when this happens.

But this team didn't disappoint anyone.

They only made the most basic defensive posture before their superiors gave orders.

And their superiors did not disappoint them, telling them what to do next after only a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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