Chapter 368

There was a wave of light on the light wall of the guardian of light. Zhou Tong looked forward through the light curtain, and saw a pale and beautiful face suddenly appeared in front of the wounded soldier.

It was the ghost queen she was expecting.

It's just that she didn't expect that the ghost queen would hide in the body of the wounded soldier and approach her, and she almost got her way.

[Fortunately, there is Ah Li. 】

This thought flashed through her mind, she didn't look at Ye Li at all, but directly ordered left and right: "Take her now!"

The Hemen disciples on her left and right immediately took action, releasing ten rune chains with powerful sealing techniques, like Ye Li's spirit-binding light strings, immediately entangled the ghost queen who was raiding Zhou Tong.

These ten people are all registered disciples that Elder He painstakingly cultivated during this period. Although they are not apprentices, their sealing technique is still very powerful.

But what about the Ghost Queen?
Under the ten seals, it suddenly disappeared.

Zhou Tong's expression changed drastically and he said: "It's a fake body, all juniors retreat quickly!"

However, before everyone had time to react, another puff of black smoke appeared from the wounded soldier, flying around at an extremely fast speed.

Every time it passes by, a life is taken away.

Its speed was too fast, and when the Guardian of Light came again, it had already taken two lives.

However, when the Ghost Queen's body appears to be killing, its power can't be stopped even by the Guardian of Light.

After a slight pause, the bright barrier was smashed to pieces.

At this time, Zhou Tong didn't know where the strength came from, and grabbed her junior brother in one step and said, "Hurry up!"

Facing the ghost queen alone, she suddenly didn't feel afraid.

She thought of the shining star that she had been digging untiringly during this period of time, and suddenly a burst of confidence surged from her heart.

"Blessed by the shining star, as long as I am fearless, what about the ghost queen?!"

"Bloom, light of my heart!"

As she muttered words, a cluster of fiery flames spewed out in front of her.

At first the flame was still the normal red color.

But with the blessing of her spiritual power, it burned more and more intensely, and finally formed a golden flame, like a divine fire.

No, it should be the holy fire, the holy fire blessed by Zhou Tong's spiritual power.

As a person who first started to touch the power of the mind, she has already mastered how to use the shining star.

At the same time, her life experience is also rough enough. She has experienced life and death, and she has also been confused about life.

After all this has come out, she has enough background, as long as her will is strong enough.

And this is not the key to her ability to face the Ghost Queen.

The golden holy flame successfully resisted the Queen's footsteps, causing it to let out a painful scream, and then retreated immediately.

The burning psychic power is like poison to the Queen of Ghosts, making her afraid to avoid it.

And Zhou Tong's spiritual power is so vast, and it's not at all like the performance she should have with her current accumulation.

The only answer is that the 'Shining Star' has preserved all the prayers accumulated for her, until it was used by her at this time.

Seeing this, Ye Li also breathed a sigh of relief, at least Zhou Tong was able to resist the Ghost Queen temporarily.

As for her accumulated spiritual strength, of course it was all returned to her by Ye Li now!
She always prayed like this without asking for anything, which put a lot of pressure on Ye Li.

All these spiritual powers were gathered together, so that he didn't know what form he should return them in.

It is just right to use at this time.

It's a pity that this is like a vicious circle for Ye Li. '

Zhou Tong felt the power returned to her by the shining star, and she confirmed in her heart that there must be a certain great will behind this shining star.

After all, if Shining Star is really just a simple symbol, how would she know how much she needs this power at this time?

"My lord is merciful. After this time, believers must serve my lord with the greatest piety, and no longer have two hearts."

Ye Li heard Zhou Tong's prayer, and really wanted to tell her that it is possible to have 'two hearts'.

But on second thought, wouldn't this woman want to lick Ye Mu again if she had 'two hearts'?

Forget it, for the sake of his mother, he should bear this crime silently.

Ye Li felt that he was bearing a weight that he shouldn't bear at his age. After all, Zhou Tong was an aunt according to his age and seniority!
Love from Auntie...

While he was thinking wildly, Ye Xiaoyu suddenly looked in one direction vigilantly, and then said: "Brother, the situation with Hydra is not good, it seems that the master is about to be unable to seal the venom."

Ye Li became vigilant all of a sudden, instead of caring about the situation over there, he looked at Ye Xiaoyu and asked, "Why do you call her Shizu?"

Ye Xiaoyu suddenly asked a little strangely: "Because she is not my mother's master? Calling her master is not wrong."

"Actually, I think people of the older generation may have some conceptual problems, but the courtesy and respect we should have as juniors is still indispensable."

Ye Li was suddenly speechless.

He realized that Ye Xiaoyu was so well protected by Ye Mu and him that he didn't know the circumstances under which his mother was sacrificed as a sacrifice.

Well, Wu Jin is voluntary, and even great in the eyes of others.

But it is hard to heal the pain of the loved ones forever.

Ye Mu protected Ye Xiaoyu and carried the pain alone.

But this also means that Ye Xiaoyu is not too touched by this...

Ye was vigilant in his heart, but he really shouldn't think too much about the current situation.

In this regard, he and Ye Mu have the same thoughts, that is, to protect Xiao Yu's happiness!

So he didn't say anything, but called out Firefly with a gloomy expression.

The eldest girl Yingqiao stood beside Ye Li, looking at Ye Xiaoyu tenderly, like a big sister.

This made Ye Xiaoyu very unconvinced, why can even the original Xiaoyingbao look at her like this now?
However, Ye Li didn't give her a chance to attack, and directly ordered: "Firefly, get rid of the venom for Old Man He, and lighten her burden."

Yingying nodded when she heard the words, and then danced on the spot.

The next moment, a rippling stream of water rose up in the already damp swamp, and then rushed towards the Hydra.

Over there, the old man Crane is trying his best to seal the venom of the hydra with his own strength.

But there are too many of these venoms, and once they are contaminated with water, they will become difficult to control, and they will continue to infect and repel old man He's strength.

This made old man He's already weak physical strength even worse.

But at this moment, a stream of clean and pure water rushed over.

It even washed away the snake venom all at once.

That kind of pure water also washed around Elder He, and she tried to control the water, and immediately felt unprecedentedly easy.

She looked at Yingying who was waving gently to her in surprise, and couldn't help feeling: "If I had listened to Xiaotong's suggestion back then, I would have gone to Linjiang City to take him under my family, he is simply the most suitable successor for me. "

She felt that if Ye Li could follow her to practice water-type combat skills from the beginning, he would definitely be able to carry forward this vein.

However, who made it difficult to obtain the combat skills of each department except the inheritance of the light department?

In short, Ye Li's current development direction has been determined, and he can only become the "God of Light" instead of the "God of Water".

(End of this chapter)

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