witcher of light

Chapter 374 Are You Still Human?

Chapter 374 Are You Still Human?
In this way, Ye Jun guarded Ye Mu, Ye Li, Ye Xiaoyu, Zhou Tong and Old Man He, and went deeper into the Night Swamp.

They didn't encounter any obstacles along the way. After all, even the four emperor bodies had been dealt with, and now probably only the evil god and some newborn little evil spirits were left in the Dark Night Swamp.

There are more than 280 people left in the night army, and they were not without reduction in the previous battle.

The statistics of Wenqin over there were also sent over quickly, and the number of dragon soldiers was also reduced from the original 5000 to less than [-].

Most of the sacrifices occurred in the counterattack under the command of Wenqin, but no matter what, when they can cooperate to solve the ghost queen, then they have completed their mission.

When they reached the edge of the D4 area, Ye Mu paused for a moment and said, "The night soldiers will stop here. If you see something wrong, retreat immediately, don't hesitate."

The night army is all experienced demon hunters, but in fact they don't need anyone to lead them.

Each team leader nodded in agreement.

They have been completely convinced in the previous battle.

Ye Mu is a person who conquers them with great power, and they don't need to think about doing things under such a person, they just need to obey.

The night army stayed, and the rest continued to move forward.

And when they entered the D4 area, the super electromagnetic field of the Fortress of the Night could not protect them, and they began to be affected by the whispers of the gods.

The old man He showed a hint of confusion.

She muttered to herself: "Yes, child, you are too tired, too tired. It's Master's fault that I let you bear this alone."

She shed tears silently as she spoke, but her expression remained firm and she walked forward.

But Ye Mu paused for a while and said, "Get out of my mind!"

As soon as the words fell, 'cracking' lightning flashed all over him, and then he continued to move forward without hesitation.

Zhou Tong trembled slightly and whispered: "Senior sister, it really is you."

"Indeed, I felt guilty towards you before, but now I am very calm. Let me see what you look like now."

The most difficult thing was Ye Xiaoyu, she seemed to be unable to bear it.

He held his head in absent-minded eyes and shook his head and said, "No, that's not the case. Brother and mother are both good people. They are the most important people in my life. How can you say that about them..."

Ye Li hurriedly asked with concern: "Xiao Yu, are you alright?"

Ye Xiaoyu's eyes instantly focused, she shook her head and said, "It's okay, I'm just so disappointed, why is my biological mother such a chatterbox?"

Ye Li couldn't help laughing. Isn't this constant whispering just 'chattering'?

Probably what children are most afraid of is the nagging of their parents.

Anyway, Ye Xiaoyu should be in a 'rebellious' state at this moment, consciously displaying the 'stunt' of the children: the left ear goes in and the right ear goes out, and the sound passes without paying attention.

Ye Li felt that even if Wu Jin could stay with Lao Ye for a long time or definitely, it would be useless to just chatter like this.

As for Ye Li, he has already endured the nagging with one thought in the usual way.

He found that the whispers could be put together with those praying voices, and it felt a bit like a cross talk, which was quite interesting.

Ye Mu first walked into the D5 area, which is where the evil was sealed.

That's a sinkhole.

The remains of some buildings can still be vaguely seen around, but they have already dissipated in the weathering of time.

And in the middle of the subsidence, there is a huge crystal, which is full of cracks, as if the things inside will appear at any time.

Surrounding the crystal is full of skeletons, which is surprising. Most of the corpses here are very distorted, as if they experienced some kind of mutation before death.

The old man Crane said: "Here are all the predecessors who have come to bear and seal the evil. They bear the evil with their own bodies, and pass it on to the next person when they can't bear it."

Ye Li asked curiously: "What is that evil?"

The old man Crane said: "Abomination has no substance. He was just the heart of the evil god at first, but when the evil god was expelled by the ancients, he was born out of the resentment in the heart of the evil god."

"This is the grievance of the evil god, and it is carried by the miraculous substance like the heart of the evil god. The sages at that time had no way to solve it."

"In the end, their solution is to choose the most resolute person to bear this resentment."

"He swallowed that heart into his belly and turned himself into a god."

"But it can't last long. People will eventually get tired, so from now on, every generation or two will send someone to take away the resentment and replace it with someone who bears it."

"From generation to generation, so many brave and loving sages have dedicated themselves to this."

The old man He said sadly: "Originally, I should be the one to bear the disaster, but I flinched."

Ye Mu said flatly: "It's no longer necessary to talk nonsense."

"Looking at the appearance of this sealed crystal, she can't hold it anymore, right?"

The old man Crane said: "As long as the seal crystal is still there, it means that her original heart is still resisting and persevering."

Zhou Tong said in disbelief: "That is to say, the senior sister has actually been alive all these years, living in this posture?!"

Ye Xiaoyu asked at a loss, "This is... Mom?"

She seemed a little proud, but also a little unhappy.

And her soliloquy seemed to touch something.

The sealed crystal with cracks all over suddenly shattered, revealing the people inside.

Let's call it human.

This looks like a woman, but her lower jaw has obviously proliferated a lot, and it looks a little swollen.

And the skin all over his body didn't feel like human skin, but instead had countless small bumps.

Those small bumps are like horny hyperplasia, very hard.

At the same time, her toes became much longer, but the back of her instep was folded and padded underneath, and her feet even showed a reflexed shape when standing there.

This is no longer a human structure.

"Wu Jin, I'm here."

The man took a step forward, came to Ye Mu and grinned.

With this smile, she saw that her mouth was already covered with tiny keratinosarcoma, like small teeth, which looked very invasive.

She said, "You're finally here. I thought you'd come to see me earlier."

Ye Mu said calmly: "No one told me that you were still alive, and the most important thing for me at that time was to raise my daughter. How could I have the time to find you, a woman who gave up everything."

Wu Jin nodded and said, "That's right, it's not your fault. After all, they definitely don't want you to appear in front of me. They are worried that you will shake my will."

"Are you right, my dear master?"

The old man He choked with sobs and nodded, "That's right, it was our fault, so I will take over for you this time."

Wu Jin nodded and said, "If it's Master, then there should be no problem."

As she said that, she even reached out and inserted her hand into her chest...

She just dug a hole in her chest in front of everyone, and then dug out her heart.

A still beating heart...

"Master, I will leave it to you."

Wu Jin, who was completely human, dug out his own heart, and handed it to Old Man He in such a straightforward manner. No matter how you look at it, this scene feels weird.

(End of this chapter)

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