witcher of light

Chapter 378 Spiritual Hedge

Chapter 378 Spiritual Hedge
For a moment, everyone was at a loss for what to do with this ugly heart that was still beating.

At this moment, time seemed to go in a cycle. They seemed to see generations of sages who tried to solve this problem were extremely helpless in the face of this situation, and in the end they had to go back to the old path one by one.

Let a person with a firm will as a carrier stay in this dark place forever, and never see the sun for life.

If this is the case, who will be left behind?
Zhou Tong settled down, and said calmly: "Let me come, in fact, I am willing to follow, because I am mentally prepared for this."

Ye Mu flatly refused: "No, if this is the only way to go, then what is the difference between me and Yuchiba and Mihe from more than ten years ago?"

At this time, he could suddenly understand Wu Jin's mentality and decision back then.

This last resort seems to be the only way when nothing else can be thought of.

Otherwise, it would not only be a disaster for one family, but a disaster for the entire Youlong Kingdom and even the whole world!

Ye Mu didn't stand in that position before, he only felt that this kind of behavior was extremely hateful.

But now, after Yu Chiba and Old Man He passed away one after another, he realized how heavy this burden was.

But having said that, what else could he do?

"A Li, give me that thing, let me try again."

He said.

Ye Li shook his head and said, "No, I'll come, at least I'm fine for the time being, and I can continue to think of ways, Dad, don't do stupid things."

Ye Mu's expression froze.

The expressions of Zhou Tong and Ye Xiaoyu looking at him changed.

Ye Xiaoyu asked even more: "Dad, don't you also want to stay here to deal with this thing?"

"Mom has already gone because of this incident, don't you want to do this kind of thing too?!"

Seeing his daughter's terrified expression, Ye Mu suddenly realized that he had almost become the most annoying person he ever was.

He said helplessly: "At least my lightning power can control it for the time being, and I'm old after all, and you are all still young."

Zhou Tong said angrily: "Don't put gold on your face, you and I are considered to be of the same generation."

"Besides, this is my Hemen's business, let me be the new carrier, and I have the protection of the shining star, and I will definitely not become like a senior sister."

Ye Mu blurted out a sentence: "That's why I'm worried."

In his mind, the shining star is Ye Li's symbol. If Zhou Tong is the carrier, doesn't it mean that both of them are held back by this hatred?

Zhou Tong asked strangely: "What's the matter, did you find anything wrong with Shining Star?"

Ye Mu hesitated for a moment, and when he was about to say something...

"Okay, stop arguing, let me think about it."

Ye Li couldn't help shouting.

The surrounding immediately fell silent.

Ye Li dragged the heart with both hands and said, "Mostima, get me a workbench, it's not very convenient here."

Mostima immediately bowed and said, "Your will."

After speaking, he disappeared into the teleportation array.

Just a moment later, he moved a stainless steel workbench and chairs from the laboratory to the scene, and placed them properly in front of Ye Li.

Then Ye Li said: "I need a constant light source."

Immediately, his pupils of spirit servant appeared, standing beside him and emitting light, as if it were a standing desk lamp.

Then sit down.

But then he said: "This heart is too dirty, what is this black mucus?"

"Firefly, wash it for me."

Firefly immediately bowed her head and spit out water.

She didn't need to spit out water anymore, but she felt that the master was so dignified, so she must be dignified too... Although she didn't know what relationship between spitting water and solemnity.

The clear water rushes over this dirty heart, and also washes away the mud-like black dirt on it layer by layer.

During this process, he seemed to see the fate of the bearers, their sacrifices for this heart and the ensuing struggle.

He suddenly realized that these dirt might not be brought by the resentment itself, but the last bit of unwillingness after generations of bearers died with pain and despair.

It's the blood stains that once condensed from the hot blood in their chests.

It wasn't until Ye Li withstood the impact of generations to wash away the dirt that the full picture of the heart of the evil god was revealed in front of him.

It was a crystal-like heart, like a work of art.

It's just that it exudes a gray misty light, bringing a shadowy darkness.

Mostima watched from the side, and said firmly: "This is Twilight, it seems that the Lord of Twilight has actually fallen, at least it was Lady Twilight when the body was divided."

Twilight can be said to be the light of no source, the light of final darkness.

In short, it is not so good.

It is only one step away from darkness, and it can be said to be the complete opposite of the light of dawn.

So how do you gain the upper hand in the face of this force?
Ye Li thought of Yu Chiba's disciple Fang Shuming for no reason.

That late bloomer once used pure spiritual power to offset the mental power accumulated for thousands of years in the evil god's stump!
Of course, this is also related to the group of cultists whose spiritual power mostly came from sacrifices for thousands of years.

So now, regardless of the unsolvable physical nature, can he also use his own spiritual power to counteract the resentment in this god's heart?

After all, the reason why the original heart of the evil god became what it is now is because of the evil god's resentment.

Resentment is also a kind of spiritual power. As long as he counteracts these spiritual powers, does that mean he can purify this divine heart?
Thinking of this, the arc of the shining star appeared in Ye Li's eyes, those shining eyes stared at the heart that was still emitting resentment, and then injected his own spiritual power into it.

This is not simply spiritual power, spiritual power is a manifestation of spiritual power, and spiritual power is not equal to spiritual power.

For Ye Li, his spiritual power is the "first light" in his heart, the hope of this world that he has gathered.

This kind of spiritual power and the despair and resentment in the heart collided violently as soon as they were touched.

Of course, Ye Li was completely suppressed at the beginning.

Because this resentment represented the anger caused by being betrayed by the whole world, it was so majestic and mighty that it almost swallowed Ye Li's heart at once.

If it weren't for Ye Li's own way of thinking is very different, coupled with the accumulation of this period of time, it might be his heart that was hedged.

And when he persevered under the impact of this resentment, he saw a series of strange scenes, which were also the betrayal suffered by the Twilight Lord in the past...

He saw a trace of the Twilight Lord's past.

He seemed to feel the hesitation and fear of the Lord of Twilight when he fell on this planet, and he also saw the loneliness when he faced this wild planet.

Therefore, under His guidance, a special intelligent race stepped forward over the evolutionary process of hundreds of millions of years...

He regarded this race as his own heir, but he never thought that they would completely betray him at the last moment.

(End of this chapter)

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