In the silver-gray honeycomb stadium, eager cheers and thunderous applause erupted from the circular stands.

Although Laura's game was only shot for a moment, it did not affect the enthusiasm and excitement of the audience at all.

Not only because nearly half of the contestants here are extraordinary people from the Howlett family or its organizations, but also because the entire extraordinary world is looking forward to seeing the unparalleled battle of the "Wolf Emperor" from Laura Howlett. force.

Asazo flashed to James, bit his finger and whistled for Little Wolf Girl, and then cheered for his son Kurt who was about to play.

"Father, how far is Laura's killing technique? Did you let her inject 'Styx? Why is the energy texture of that energy comparable to Steve's?"

"Styx' is not in a hurry, wait for her stamina to run out. Recently, she has just entered the second-level realm, and barely touched the gang realm. It is the threshold of the biological energy field. You are more than 70 years older than your sister! Now give up completely. It’s going a step further, isn’t it?”

James glared angrily at the red devil. After the second mutation with his oldest son, he no longer had any aggressive intentions, and his personality was still as out of tune as he was when he was young.

Azazuo hummed twice, regretting that he shouldn't have mentioned this, and Kurt also quickly completed the first game, relying on rapid teleportation and strobe, easily knocked out a player with agility. Long-tongued "Toad" kid.

As if to change the subject, Asazzo pointed to the ongoing battle in the seventh arena.

A girl holding a competition long knife in her right hand exploded rose-red energy ripples from between her eyebrows, faintly forming a butterfly-shaped outline.

From the palm of her left hand, a knife-shaped physical energy field with a fairly stable shape suddenly shot out, and two clusters of knives danced with a flick of her wrist, splitting clusters of black spikes lightly.

"Elizabeth Bella Braddock. Her real name is 'Psylocke', Dad, this girl doesn't look bad."

Asazo muttered about the battle information displayed on the light curtain above the ring. There were not many children on the field who deserved their level of attention, and almost all of them were Laura and Kurt's classmates from the Chaoying Academy.

Although James has relaxed the restrictions on the establishment of extraordinary academies by the American government and some super companies, not only the United States, but mutant teenagers with excellent conditions all over the world will still choose the extraordinary academies of the Howlett Group first.

Not only because of the meaning represented by the surname "Howlett", but also because only here can one get the best evolutionary system training, as well as many advanced research results of the Howlett Group.

James also watched with great interest the little girl "Psychic Butterfly" leaping forward with her double knives, especially her katana sword made of rose-red energy flow, which was released in a variety of energy or energy-like variants. Among abilities, such a stable physical state rarely occurs.

"Emma mentioned her to me two days ago. The girl's father is the head of the British mutant organization. He hoped to send her to the Chaoying Academy for two years of training after the game, to receive the most orthodox killing techniques and Martial arts training, I agree."

"Cough Dad, you suddenly agreed to the request of the White House a few years ago, allowing the government and some specific groups to set up extraordinary colleges. The teachers they recruited are all graduates we have cultivated in the past few years, and even'see God's law' you don't mind passing it on"

Asazo bared his fangs and muttered softly, but saw James smiled, as if he didn't care that the unique skill he created was learned by others.

"It's nothing. The first three stages of the evolution technique are for the mutants to control their own power and not cause tragedies due to their ability to lose control. As for the subsequent second or even third layers, there is no such thing as today. A few people are qualified to contact, and I even plan to print and burn the basic part, so that everyone in the world can have the opportunity to learn!"

Eric next to him heard what his father said, and couldn't help but stare sideways at him, as if he could understand some of James' true intentions.

"It is said that the protoss of Asgard have a lifespan of thousands of years. There must be many powerful races in the universe.

A few saviors came and barely survived in this galaxy. "

"You want the world to deploy martial arts!"

Magneto's eyes flickered and he said solemnly, he knew that his father's heart was as broad as the sea, and perhaps he had seen a more distant future before he really resolved the conflict between the mutants.

I saw it. The sea of ​​stars.

"It can be regarded as some screening. These basic martial arts can discover truly talented people. The impact on the social order of ordinary human beings is not as harmful as that caused by everyone holding guns in the United States. Hehe, didn't you just think that the world has begun to change? Are you bored, there will be wonderful characters emerging.”

James smiled and patted Eric on the shoulder, looked at the field again without saying a word.Only Asazo knew that the fiery look in the depths of his father's eyes at this moment was such familiar madness and excitement!
Whoosh whoosh!
The long black spikes on the chest of "Porcupine" kept shooting at the vigorous and flexible opponent. He was the best student in the evolution practice at Seattle's Extraordinary Academy.

Originally, the tasteless ability to stab the opponent only through physical contact has derived the effect of ejecting and thrusting by relying on deep muscles and special opening and closing pores, which fully proves the importance of subsequent development of mutant abilities.

blah blah!

Spirit Butterfly's long energy knife burned the thick and long sharp thorns like chopsticks into ashes. With a flick of the wrist, the knife-shaped energy field suddenly turned into a glaring long whip. He raised his chin and said coldly :
"My warm-up is over, remember to shout and admit defeat early, otherwise... it will kill you!"

While flipping somersault, she threw out the long whip, which instantly entangled the opponent's body. Lingdie jumped up with the help of the pull, and the long whip turned into a long energy knife, stabbing like a storm.

Bang bang bang.
"Porcupine" subconsciously burst out the spikes all over its body, only hindering the butterfly for two or three seconds. Seeing that rose-red sword glow zooming in front of her eyes, it even slashed straight towards her neck!

The two suddenly froze in place, Lingdie's blade was less than ten centimeters away from the opponent's neck but couldn't get any further, and the few long black spikes that were finally shot from the "Porcupine" boy also hovered in the air strangely.

"Damn. How is it possible!"

Beads of sweat welled up on Miss Lingdie's forehead. She tried her best to fight against the invisible force that restrained her, but both her body and the energy wave knife in her hand were tightly blocked, and she even transformed into a long knife. are extremely difficult.

The referee in the No. 7 arena nodded approvingly to Qin Gray. Her long bright red hair was agitated slightly, and she pointed at the two on the arena with both hands, elegant and powerful.

As the safety officer of the field, Qin decisively stopped the two at the most dangerous moment and ended the game.

"Psylocke Elizabeth Bella Braddock, win!"

Following the referee's announcement, the two people in the field felt their bodies relax at the same time, and the sense of stagnation and powerlessness like insects trapped in amber disappeared instantly.

The "Porcupine" who failed in the first round walked down dejectedly, but the winning spirit butterfly did not see the slightest joy of victory, but stared at the back of Jean Gray flying away, a wheat-colored mixed blood Pretty face gritted her teeth tightly.

"See it."

Alex raised his chin. His younger brother Scott looked at Qin's calm and noble appearance when he shot, his cheeks were inexplicably hot, and he felt that in the dark red world he saw through the glasses, only this girl had Vibrant colors.

"Jean Grey, although it has never been made public, the senior family members know that she is the only Omega-level mutant appointed by her husband, her real name."

Alex Summers whispered solemnly at the end:
"One by one Phoenix."

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