Slender Yinglan hands pushed open the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the study, and the girl, with her thick bright red hair loose, walked to the balcony, comfortably leaning against the off-white stone railing, enjoying the warm sun and coolness of the winter afternoon. The wind blows slowly.

Looking out from the upstairs of the old house, it is a valley composed of vast fields and hills, backed by a branch of the Rocky Mountains, with several streams and small rivers flowing through it.

The Howlett family's old house on the outskirts of Edmond is located on a flat place on the hillside, and still retains the architectural style of an eighteenth-century European castle.

In addition to the continuous bluestone city wall along the mountain, the towering and scattered castle main building, there are also several oriental pavilions with cornices and corners.

Looking down the mountain, there are hundreds of unique houses, either single-family or row-by-row, forming a small town scene, paved along the road along the slope of the castle.

The endless plain to the west has been covered with thick snow, but there are still strong and tall horses walking, and fat cattle and sheep are everywhere creating turf under the snow layer. taste.

Jean Gray was wearing a long cyan dress, and casually put on a white sweater. She covered her mouth lazily and yawned.

During the days when Laura's old house was a guest for vacation, life was extremely comfortable, and even Qin had developed the habit of taking a nap. Walking around in the quaint study room.

The enamelled mahogany and unknown black wooden bookcases filled this spacious room, with a faint woody aroma in the air. In addition to being filled with thousands of old books, there are also many antique guns and knives on display. leave it alone.

Qin's eyes searched for the books she was interested in, and her green fingertips slid across the spines of the tomes one by one, and there were even many scrolls made of paper or leather.

No one was allowed to enter this study room on a daily basis. Laura even scratched the sofa or chair with her claws and was severely spanked by James when she was playing in it when she was young.

Except for Mrs. Emma, ​​or the housekeeper who sometimes cleans recently, this study room, which almost completely retains James' childhood environment, has always been his favorite space to be alone.

But James knew that Jean Gray was a girl who loved books, so he specifically told her that she could come in and out and read the books here at will.


On the reddish-brown sunken wood desk was a booklet with an elegant cover, but it was somewhat mottled due to the age. It seemed that Mr. Howlett had read it here last night.

Qin opened the cover curiously, and it turned out to be a photo album.

Holding the booklet and leaning against the table, deer-like nimble and delicate eyes flashed with each page of photos.

From the black-and-white photos of Mr. "Red Devil" Asazzo being held in Mr. Howlett's arms when he was young, to the pages that gradually turned into color when he grew up.

In the first photo, most of the people who took pictures with James were butler-looking gentlemen and some heroic men, but as time went by, except for Mr. Howlett who was always as young and handsome as in the first photo, the people behind were all Gradually disappeared from the image.

Then more faces familiar to Jean Gray appeared. The young Mr. "Magneto" was a little shy and shy. Her teacher as a girl, Mrs. Emma Howlett, was already a bit older when she was her age. Today's noble and elegant demeanor, and the earliest thin and short Mister Rogers.
"Hee hee, hahahaha"

There are more and more people around James, and some new members will be added to the family portrait every few years, until the familiar Laura and Kurt appear.Qin looked at the last page. It was probably Laura who was seven or eight years old when Mr. Howlett grabbed the collar of the back of her neck and cried loudly, smiling from ear to ear.

".what is this?"

A corner of the leather cover at the end of the album was grizzled, and Qin carefully pulled it out little by little. It turned out to be a photo that had been rubbed on all sides for a long time, which blurred the image.

Judging from the monotonous white color and the costumes worn by the characters inside, it is older than all the previous photos, and it seems to be in the 60s and [-]s.

In addition to a gentleman's dress, with exquisite short hair
Mr. Howlett, standing obliquely beside him was a brash man who was half a head taller than him, with his long messy hair fluttering around his thick arms, and he glanced forward impatiently between his brows and eyes.

And there is a young lady wearing a floral dress beside James, happily holding his arm. Qin looks at that beautiful and pretty appearance, but she feels more and more familiar.
"-Jin! Come on!"

Qin Gray, who was in a daze for a while, almost dropped the photo album on the ground, but she didn't hear that Laura had already arrived at the door. She squeaked a few times in a panic, and hurriedly stuffed the photos back into the book cover.

"Quick! Come with me to the stable, Sister Anya is delivering the difficult foal!"

Laura yelled loudly, wearing a denim jacket with wide-leg trousers, and pulling on Qin's wrist in a boyish manner, the two jumped off the balcony floating from the study, took a shortcut and ran over.

"Shhhhh Lori, good girl, relax... take it easy, take it easy."

In the spacious and somewhat exaggerated stables of the old house, Anya Lanshere's long brown hair was coiled up casually, strands of scattered hair fell on her forehead, and tiny beads of sweat faintly floated from the tip of her upturned nose.

Wearing a long coarse dress, she knelt on a thick straw mat made of hay and gently comforted a strong and beautiful black mare. The sleeves and skirt were stained with black and red stains.

The horse's fur was shiny and shiny, and it was lying on its side on the ground, with its belly swollen high. From time to time, you could even see a quivering lump on its belly, and it grunted and neighed in pain.

"Anya! Sister Anya, we are here! We need to do something!"

Laura, who was in a hurry, was hopping on the side, eager to help, but seeing Anya Lanshere staring at her with wide eyes, she immediately calmed down honestly.

"Be quiet, don't scare Lori, her baby is coming out at the wrong angle, the little hooves go out first, you help me hold her down."

Anya casually wiped her sideburns and pushed her long hair behind her ears. She didn't mind her elegant face being dyed, took a linen cloth towel, and just put her hands into the mare's body.


Qin and Laura carefully held down the trembling and neighing horse. Seeing Anya comforting Lori, her hands groped in the horse's belly for a while, and quickly tied up the two small hooves with a cloth towel. Pull it out of the body little by little.

"Okay Lori, good girl, push hard! Yes, it's coming out soon. Okay!"

The white foal covered in black and red liquid was born from the mare's belly without any risk. Its thin limbs wobbled and stood up. Ren Anya picked it up and placed it on the mother's lap. around.

"Hehehe, well, now the truth is out. Both 'Bai Ying' and 'Hongmang' are arguing with me that Loli's child will be hers. It seems that Xiao Hong will be disappointed in the end."

A tall and strong white stallion hoofed up to the side of the mare Lori and the foal, sticking out its tongue and licking them continuously, as if expressing its joy and comfort.

Qin had already silently imagined a bloody drama that belonged to the horses, and watched the two horses bow their heads to Anya gratefully, licking the back of her hands and humming softly.Immediately, Anya Lanshere gave some instructions to the two big horses, washed her hands and face in the copper basin at the side, and walked out holding her and Laura's hands with her face up to the sky.

"The horses here are all well-established. They were bred from generations of horses raised by grandpa's grandfather when he was still alive."

"I know! Dad said that there was a stallion named 'Black Mountain' at first, and the one he liked very much later was called 'Panda'. Now it sounds like the word is panda."

The three girls walked towards the old house hand in hand. Anya was the only one in the family who was lower than Laura, but she was always called her sister. Compared with life in college or the city, Eric's eldest daughter I prefer to stay close to nature.

"Sister Anya, Qin and I are going to live in the 'Wolf's Lair' for a while, would you like to come with us! Now is a good time to watch the aurora."

Laura is tired of whining beside Anya
Dao, apart from her father and mother, only Anya can make Little Wolf Girl so obedient.

She beckoned, and the cattle and sheep in the wilderness came over cheerfully. Anya rubbed Laura's head and shook her head with a smile:

"I won't go. The wolf's nest is full of iron bumps and cold. It's not time for the seals to reproduce."

Just after finishing speaking, Anya paused and hugged the piano suddenly, and said inexplicably:

"Humans and animals are the same. We follow a certain law, just like the ebb and flow of the tide. What should come will always come, and what should go will always go."

Although she is the eldest daughter of the third generation of the Howlett family, she is only one year older than Sharon Rogers, and six or seven years older than Laura and the others.

But the mature and beautiful Anya is more like an elder, and she often says some confusing things. It seems that only James can connect and chat with Anya on the same channel.

After finishing speaking, Anya laughed and walked away with the cattle and sheep, as if the nomads left over from the most ancient times, what they walked was not the vast grassland, but the endless time.

There was a fine humming sound from overhead, and the blue-black aircraft flew over the heads of the three girls, and slowly landed on the open space outside the main building of the old house.

This is the carrier plane that took them to the wolf's lair. Mr. Butler directed several old servants to send some salutes of Laura and Qin up. James was already standing at the gate of the mansion, watching his daughter bouncing towards her.

"Mr. Howlett."

Qin nodded and greeted James gracefully. She couldn't help suppressing her doubts about the mysterious sister's words, and connected Mr. Howlett, who was wearing gray casual clothes in front of her, with the appearance in his photos with the characteristics of clothing of different eras.

Apart from a faint change in temperament, there was really no change in appearance.

"I went to the wolf's den with you, and there happened to be some things in the past."

James patted his daughter on the back and said casually. Laura had already jumped into his arms, turned her head and looked strangely:

"Dad, are we still going on the Wolfseat, where's Kurt?"

"Well, you should know him, he loves to run around like your brother." James said with a chuckle.

Jean Grey, who was standing by the side, seemed to have thought of something, politely took the package from the servant's hand, and motioned for no trouble, while hesitatingly said:

"I heard Kurt mention a few things. It might be that Warren's condition is not very good. After so many days of treatment and recovery after his wing injury, he still hasn't improved."

After hearing this, James thought of the tough little guy in his heart. He looked at Qin and Laura, and at an eagle that happened to be flying in the distant mountains, hooked the corner of his mouth and said softly:

"Young eagles always have to break their wings before they can truly fight in the sky."

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