Chapter 102 Desolate Ancient King

The three of them were a little silent when they heard Li Yun's words, and immediately felt a little bit of the sadness of parting.

But they are not ordinary people now.

Li You and Li Yutian have already become emperors, they are powerful in the world, their realm is strong, and their hearts are also strong, so they won't cry like ordinary people.

For Li You, since his eldest brother, sister-in-law and father are going to embark on that ancient road, he will naturally follow.

This is especially true for Li Yutian, because those are his parents who have parted with him a long time ago, and he has long missed them terribly, and I am afraid that the same is true for his parents.

I don't know how the parents are on the ancient road, have they encountered misfortune, or have they found a way to live forever?

However, although they have become emperors now, they are still not strong enough, and their lifespan has not expired, and the road to the world of mortals has not been broken, so there is no need to enter the ancient road so early.

"Meng Gu, you too, don't be so playful all the time, you should practice more and figure out the way of longevity."

"I have lost your mother forever, and I don't want to lose you again!"

Li Yun finally looked at Li Menggu, showing affection, and patted his little head.

Thinking about the child's mother, he really has regrets and should not have allowed her to die, otherwise their family would be complete and complete.

"Father, I know, Master said that he will teach me well."

Li Menggu said with a slightly sad face, because he was about to say goodbye to his father, and he didn't know when he would meet again.

It's even hard to say whether there is a chance to see each other again.

The original ancient road was complicated, even if she went up, how could she find her father so easily?

"Okay, you have to learn from Senior White."

Li Yun said.

Bai Ze has already accepted Li Menggu as his disciple, but the reason is not that he wants to accept Li Menggu because he is extremely talented.

The simple reason is that Bai Ze felt that being in the Big Dipper Ziwei Longevity Realm was a little boring, and he was going to take in an apprentice to reconcile the boring daily life, so he chose Li Menggu.

Li Menggu became Bai Ze's apprentice, which also made Li Yun feel at ease about Li Menggu.

Come to think of it, under the guidance of a true fairy-level existence, Li Menggu shouldn't be too bad.

In today's world environment, at least it shouldn't be difficult to prove the Tao.

At last.

Li Yun left behind the Nine-Dragon Good Fortune Formation that he used to raise the immortal fetus, which is actually the Nine-Dragon Bronze Coffin.

The copper coffin is actually a dilapidated universe, but without the way of heaven and the source of life, it was refined into a world treasure.

He planted Huaihuang seeds, Yao Tianzun seeds and ancient lotus longevity medicine in it.

He passed the Kowloon Copper Coffin to Li You and Li Yutian.

Now Li You and Li Yutian basically practiced in the Kowloon copper coffin every day, accepting the baptism of the supreme good fortune.

If they are well-prepared, there is a slight possibility that they can use this to cultivate a fairy fetus.

But this step is actually very difficult.

Li Yun has mastered the true meaning of life, and can always sort out the essence of his own life, so he was able to successfully cultivate a fairy fetus in just about 10 years.

But Li You and Li Yutian are not as good as Li Yun, so it is more difficult to cultivate a fairy fetus.

The Bai Ze fairy beast also lived in the Kowloon Good Fortune Land.

The breath of good fortune inside is also good for her.

Li Yun's past heavenly generals, Luo Chengfeng, Qiao Wangxian, and Li Xiao also lived in it. Their lifespans have greatly increased, and they have also begun to accumulate Taoism, preparing to prove the Tao in one fell swoop.

That ordinary man also lives in the copper coffin world, he has his own path, and Li Yun didn't interfere too much, letting him play freely.


In fact, the arrangements for Li Yun's funeral are almost the same, and he can go on the road.

But before leaving, he also went to Tianbing Daxing.

Finally, go to the tomb of Tianbing to visit the former comrades-in-arms who fought with him in the past, and cherish the memory of the past.

Make a final farewell!

And after saying goodbye...

A supreme celestial energy that shocked all living beings in the longevity world appeared, permeated the heavens, and penetrated every place.

It even penetrated the boundary wall and reached the chaotic boundary sea, causing the chaos to boil.

That kind of celestial energy is so unsurpassed that no matter how many times it is felt by all living beings, it will be extremely shocking.

Li Yun stood on the star of the heavenly soldiers, with a faint brilliance emitting from his whole body, his body of immortality surpassed everything, and his pressure was boundless.

A Zhenxian Pagoda flew up in the sky, pressing across the sky, with fairy light blooming, and a 33-day phantom emerged, extremely transcendent, as vast as the universe.

Several supreme beings in the world were also alarmed.

Dao Zun, Tianhuohuang, Ziwei Renhuang and Daotian all appeared one after another.

Because Li You and Li Yutian were both there, these big figures were also curious when they saw Emperor Ziyun put up such a battle, so they naturally wanted to come out and take a look.


At this time, all the top figures in the longevity world gathered on the Heavenly Soldiers Star.

There is also a Beidou Tianbei suppressing here, shining in the heavens.

Seeing this, everyone was a little curious, and some didn't quite understand what could happen to Emperor Ziyun's early heavenly soldiers and stars?

But soon, they were all shocked!

Li Yun is holding the Zhenxian Pagoda, his eyes are sharp and divine, peerless and aloof, that kind of power seems to shine through the ages!
He smashed the tower, and the divine power erupted. He immediately penetrated the void and forcibly reached the node of the void.

Even if the location is wrong, the timing is wrong.

But with his current state of mind, he can penetrate this void anywhere at will.

The void is opened.

Everyone can see the situation inside and feel the horror inside.

It was a chaotic space, a space node created by an incredible existence in the past.

Even after a long time, this space node still exists, and it is stable and has not been scrapped.

Although the ancient road is closed, the nodes no longer appear actively.

But as long as someone is strong enough, they can still sense the existence of this node.

In the land of nothingness, there is a vast and endless world-killing light.

That kind of robbing light is terrifying and extraordinary, each robbing light is enough to severely injure the emperor!

That kind of terrifying world-destroying aura made everyone present except Li Yun and Bai Ze extremely terrified.

Only then did they understand why since ancient times, only those three people seemed to be able to pass through the void.

This void is so terrifying, if you want to reach the entrance of the ancient road on the other side, you must exist extremely.


Emperor Ziyun wants to set foot on this primitive ancient road today?

In the past, the Emperor Xuan, the Emperor of Heaven, and the Lord of the Heavenly Court had all set foot on the ancient road.

But the Emperor of Heaven is dead, and the Lord of the Heavenly Court has retreated and then returned, so the life and death of Emperor Xuan is unknown.

Emperor Ziyun is already immortal in the world of mortals, so why go to this ancient road?
At this moment, Emperor Daotian looked at this piece of nothingness, his eyes flickered, and dusty memories emerged again.

He has the memories imposed on him by the Heavenly Emperor in the past, and naturally he also has the memories of the original ancient road.

"Senior Ziyun, I have something that may be helpful to you!"

Suddenly, Emperor Daotian spoke to Li Yun, and then condensed a ball of light and sent it to Li Yun.

Li Yun raised his hand to catch it, then glanced at Daotian, and said calmly: "Okay, I have a heart. You are no longer that person, so don't repeat that person's path."

He saw the details of Daotian early in the morning, and knew that Daotian was actually a reincarnation created by the former Emperor of Heaven.

But today's Daotian is not the emperor of the gods, his soul is very different, and he is not the same person at all.

He wouldn't do anything to Daotian either.

What Daotian gave him was the memory of the former God Emperor on the primitive ancient road.

It is indeed helpful to him, allowing him to better understand the situation of some ancient roads.

"Everyone, I will enter the ancient ancient road and look for the 'true road' that can lead to eternity."

"I will leave a guide with the Daoyun of Zhenxian Pagoda. If you go to a dead end in this world in the future, you can also step into the ancient road from here."

"If I have followed the true path, you should be able to reach eternity according to my guidance!"

Li Yun said to those present.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being solemn and showing admiration.

Emperor Ziyun is indeed extraordinary, this is to enter the ancient road to open up the road of eternal life for the creatures in this world.

If Emperor Ziyun has opened up the road to eternal life.

Then they hang around behind, maybe they can live forever!

Li Yun smashed Zhenxian Pagoda into nothingness, and 33 days of phantoms emerged, piercing the sky and the earth, like a vast universe, majestic, majestic and terrifying!

With the entry of Zhenxian Pagoda, most of the world-killing light in the land of nothingness was immediately dissipated.

The trembling space node is also instantly stabilized.

There is an immortal tower in the void to suppress the nodes and disperse the robbery light, which instantly greatly reduces the difficulty of passing through this place.

However, the Extermination Light still exists, and it is still enough to kill the Great Emperor.

It is still impossible for ordinary emperors to break through.

Everyone probably understood what Emperor Ziyun meant, that weak people are not qualified to enter the ancient road.

The entrance outside the void is guarded by the Beidou Tianbei, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter at will.

"Take care of yourself!"

Li Yun had basically finished everything so far, and he looked back at his close relatives, feeling a little bit reluctant.

"Father, take care!"

"Grandpa, take care!"

"Father, I will miss you, you have to be careful up there!"

Li You, Li Yutian and Li Menggu also said with a bit of sadness and reluctance.

At last.

Li Yun had nothing more to say.

He walked directly into the land of nothingness and stepped out of the comfort zone suppressed by Zhenxian Tower.

The infinite world-destroying light blasted, but the terrifying light that could kill the emperor could not leave a single trace on him.

The Immortal Dao Qi naturally exuded from his body is enough to resist this kind of catastrophic light.

He moved forward step by step, and soon he saw the intersection clearly, and beside it was a stone tablet with the word 'eternal' written on it.

At last.

He went up.

When he stood down-to-earth at the entrance of the ancient road.

He felt a kind of indescribable magnificence.

Even though this is just an intersection, it seems to be a vast world far beyond the Big Dipper Ziwei Longevity World.


He also felt a few grains of undead matter that he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Sure enough, the ancient road does have undead matter, but it's too thin..."

Li Yun searched the surrounding undead substances, and found only one or two grains, which were useless at all.

But he probably knew why.

The memory of Immortal Mogan roughly shows that the same is true of the experience of the Emperor of Heaven on the ancient road.

Even on the ancient road, if one cannot enter the true road, the immortal substance is not so easy to obtain.


He looked at the stone tablet, and there were three marks on it.

One of the marks is very deep, and the other two are lighter.

They are a big tripod mark, a sword mark, and a jade seal mark.

There is no trace of Taoism in the sword seal and jade seal seal, and they seem to have been washed clean by the years.

However, the trace of the great tripod still exudes a faint majestic aura, which is so extraordinary that Li Yundu was a little surprised.

Because, the Dao Xing Qi machine of the Great Tripod Mark has obviously reached the level of the Emperor of Heaven, and has the immortal aura of the world of mortals.

"Is it Emperor Xuan, are you still alive?"

Li Yun pondered slightly, and was also a little curious about the Emperor Xuan who had been so powerful for countless years.

This big tripod mark was obviously left by Emperor Xuan.

As for the sword seal, it was left by the Emperor of Heaven, and the jade seal mark is naturally the Lord of Heaven.

At last.

Li Yun also left a fist mark on the stele, not deep or shallow, but extremely obvious, and it contains an extraordinary aura of immortality...



On the original ancient road.

Although there is a saying of 'the only true way'.

But in fact, the "only true way" is not only one.

The so-called "the only true road" just refers to the only "true road" that is most likely to arrive within a certain range.


'True roads' are all battlefields, and they are very brutal and cruel battlefields!
However, it is also a battlefield that cannot be given up at will, and must even be defended!


Each 'True Road' is connected to a large number of Nethers and shelters.

The existence of 'True Way' is to protect these lower realms and refuges, and avoid being swept away by those creatures.

The Nether and the Sanctuary can occasionally send some top experts to the Eternal Earth or Immortal Realm, which is still useful.

But protect the Nether and Sanctuary.

It is more to prevent the lower realm from being annexed by those creatures, and then continue to grow.

Therefore, if you can protect it, protect it. If you can keep this 'true way', you still have to guard it.

Maybe it can also be used as their retreat.

If you really can't keep it, you have to cut off the road to the lower realm in advance, at least not let those creatures find it easily.

However, if the 'True Road' falls, then sooner or later the lower bounds and refuges connected by the 'True Road' will be wiped out.

After all, there are unimaginable supreme existences in those creatures, enough to trace the old road and find the lower realm and the location of the refuge.


On the original ancient road, it is still possible for the 'true road' to fall.

such as.

Both Huanggu Zhenlu and Xiangwang Zhenlu are in danger of falling.

among them.

The ancient and true road.

The ancient king led the army to garrison, and was in charge of an ancient artifact of ancient origin, the ancient millstone.

Relying on the origin ancient artifact of the ancient millstone.

The King of Desolation can remove the original matter on the true path, avoiding the 'scourge of origin' and the ominousness and weirdness caused by the accumulation of original matter in the living body.


This also has a limit, and it can only barely maintain the cleanliness of Zhenlu.

The Lost Areas beyond the True Path, the Ancient King of Desolation also couldn't take care of them.

Even if the true immortal reaches the lost area, if he cannot find the return path in time, he may die from the 'origin material'.

The ancient king guarded this true road for several epochs, maintaining stability and not allowing the erosion of the "Original Calamity".


Now, even the ancient king has encountered a great crisis, and this true path may be lost.


The enemy appeared two god kings of origin!
They are the Equator King and the Key King!
In the beginning, only the Equator King and the Desolate Ancient King competed on the true road, and neither of them could do anything to the other.

But suddenly, a new king appeared in the Origin Protoss, that is, King Key, and he was also sent to attack the "true road" guarded by the ancient king.

It is naturally extremely difficult for the ancient king to fight against the two origin god kings alone.

Whether it is Eternal Land or other battlefields in Immortal Domain, it is very tight, and it is difficult for anyone to help him.

Already there are supreme and ancient figures who have spoken.

If it is possible, it is all right for the ancient king to give up this true path.

He can go to another more valuable battlefield to guard.


The ancient king still didn't give up directly, he was still going to defend for a while.

Because he has a large number of strong men from the lower world and the refuge.

These people fight with him, not avoiding life and death.

Every time you come to the battlefield, you will be desperate.

Just to protect their hometown.

In the beginning, these people only came up to seek longevity, but after learning about the 'scourge of origin', they all voluntarily stayed on the true path to fight.

The ancient king couldn't bear to let down the determination of these subordinates to guard their homeland.


He may not be able to keep it!
But suddenly.

at this time.

On the desolate ancient true road, the sky cracked and the earth shook violently. A divine light that seemed to open up the universe broke into the true road, emitting a vast and terrifying divine power.

A peerless figure pressing above eternity appeared, with fluttering red hair, a domineering expression, a wanton smile, and contemptuous eyes.

His appearance is too terrifying, beyond eternity, above the era.

That kind of terrifying divine power raged and filled the air, making the land of Zhenlu sink slightly, and there was a harbinger of annihilation.

"The Equator King is here! Prepare to fight!"

The cultivators of the Desolate Ancient True Road immediately recognized that this was the Equator King, and they knew that a great war was about to break out.

All the cultivators flew out immediately, gathered at the ancient city pass, and joined forces to resist the enemy!
At the same time as the army of ancient true road repairers gathered.

The origin protoss army is also approaching the city.

Those creatures seem to be no different from them, but they are creatures with 'faith'.

Their practice and fighting are all for that ridiculous 'belief'!
For this reason, it is even necessary to impose this 'faith' on their normal creatures.

Although this kind of battle is very familiar to the cultivators of the ancient and true road.

But now there are two Origin God Kings.

They may lose every battle, the city gates will be broken, the true road will be lost, and many lower realms and refuges on the true road will be wiped out.

"Desolate Ancient King, why don't you come out and die?"

The Equator King smiled coldly, and then an Equatorial Spear appeared in his hand, exuding an extremely sharp murderous aura, filling the sky and the earth, extremely terrifying!
He stabbed out with a spear suddenly, with a murderous aura, as if he wanted to annihilate eternity and suppress the era!


A cold snort came out!
Bring out a layer of shocking waves, containing the supreme and eternal power, suppressing the world, setting the universe, and emptying all murderous aura.


A stalwart and supreme figure flew out from the barren ancient city pass, casually creating a piece of eternal order, exuding unparalleled power and influence.

It has the majestic energy, the power of chaos, and the indescribable horror.

The collision of the two supreme beings at the level of immortal kings erupted into unimaginable waves, tearing apart the world on the true road.

The collision of the supreme order contained infinite mysteries, and even opened up worlds of nothingness, the scene was exaggerated and terrifying.

No matter how many times the cultivators of the ancient and true road experience it, they are always shocked.

This is the terrifying existence above the true immortal, the supreme figure who looks down on eternity and suppresses the era.

When the ancient king and the equator king were at war.

Fighting also broke out at the city gate, which was extremely tragic.

Those Protoss of origin are all fearless of life and death, and the 'faith' in their hearts supports them to fight desperately.

If it weren't for the existence of extraordinary formations at Chengguan, it would be absolutely difficult for them to defend.

If it was before.

In this case, they can maintain and originate the undefeated Protoss.


I'm afraid it won't work now.

At the top of the sky, suddenly another supreme figure with eternal coercion and era-destroying appeared.

It was a woman, dressed in a light blue dress, with a fairy appearance, peerless, as if she had gathered the beauty of countless epochs, and her beauty was eternal.

However, no one dared to dream about such a beautiful existence.

Because the opponent is a god-king of origin, a super existence comparable to the fairy king.

This is the key king!

The new God King of Origin Protoss, a supreme figure who can suppress eternity!

After King Key appeared, a short broad cold knife appeared in her hand, exuding an awe-inspiring, frozen aura.

She directly slashed at the ancient king with a knife, and a cold light suddenly appeared, illuminating the true path. The cold air made all living beings tremble, as if they were going to fall into eternal sinking.

Facing Equator King and Key King alone, the Ancient King was under enormous pressure.

Even with his strength, it is impossible to defeat the two Origin God Kings.


He chose to continue guarding this true path, which shows that he has a way to deal with these two kings.

at this time!

One person also walked out of Huanggucheng Pass!
That was a real fairy, because he exuded a strong real fairy energy.

But he stepped into the sky step by step, as if he was going to join the battlefield of the Immortal King!

"Master Xuandi!"

The cultivators of the Desolate Ancient True Path saw this true immortal and immediately recognized Emperor Xuan.

But they were shocked, even with Emperor Xuan's strength, it would be difficult to participate in the battlefield of the Immortal King.

But soon.

They found something and were pleasantly surprised!

"With that kind of power, has Emperor Xuan finally taken that step!"

The top true immortal at the city gate saw the three layers of immortal aura on Xuandi's body, and his expression couldn't help showing shock!

"My lord Xuandi has broken the limit of immortality three times, has he finally reached the realm of invincible true immortal?"

Everyone was shocked, amazed, and looking forward to it.

A true immortal who breaks through the limit of immortality once can become a powerful true immortal.

Breaking through the limit of immortality twice is a true immortal.

If it is three times, it is an invincible true immortal, who has the ability to initially challenge the immortal king.


It sounds easy.

But in fact, most true immortals can't even break through the limit of an immortal spell.

The supreme true immortal who has broken the limit twice is basically a terrifying existence second only to the immortal king, and even has an extremely weak chance to attack the immortal king.

If you break the limit three times and reach the level of Invincible True Immortal, as long as you don't fall, you have a higher probability of being promoted to Immortal King!
"I knew that Lord Xuandi was extremely talented, and he would definitely be able to make it this far!"

"I didn't expect that an invincible true immortal could be born on our desolate ancient true road. Now the true road can be saved!"

The Chengguan cultivator was pleasantly surprised.

It is extremely difficult to break the limit three times and reach the realm of invincible true immortals. There are not many such characters in an era.

 Written in one breath, no chapters
(End of this chapter)

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