Chapter 111 Is 10 years enough?

After Li Yun learned about the situation from King Xiang, he also had a dignified expression and sighed slightly in his heart.

No one could have predicted that the situation would collapse in an instant.

But there's nothing he can do now.

He is still a long way from breaking the limit four times.

Even if you break through the Immortal King now, the probability of success is very low, and it is impossible to break through under this situation.

It is extremely dangerous to break through the fairy king, and you will die at every turn.

The war continues.

The Elephant King and the Ancient King approached each other and retreated to the retreat point together, preparing to cover the retreat of the others.

They joined forces with Emperor Xuan and Li Yun to resist the Equator King, Key King and Xie King.


King Su was killed.

And it's not just King Su!
Suddenly, a figure piercing the heavens and earth appeared again, overwhelming everything, with the power of a terrifying giant.

It was an old man, although he was a god king, his face showed old age.

But its divine body is supreme, overwhelming everything, surpassing eternity, and has unparalleled power and influence!

"King Tianmang!"

Feeling the power of this old man, King Xiang and King Huanggu immediately recognized his identity, and at the same time their expressions changed suddenly.

Because this is a giant of origin, and is very ancient and powerful. He has killed more than one fairy king. He has a fierce reputation and coercion through the ages!
Now there is not only Su Wang, the new giant.

Even the ancient giant King Tianmang has arrived.

Then they don't even think about retreating, I'm afraid they have to explain here.

"King Tian Mang?"

However, King Su was surprised and puzzled when he saw the appearance of King Tianmang.

Because of the plan, King Mang shouldn't come to this battlefield.

But soon.

King Su's face changed slightly, she guessed something, and it was quickly confirmed.

A supreme qi machine that transcends eternity and suppresses time appears, permeates the universe, and suppresses everything in the world.


A supreme figure with an overwhelming grace and beauty beyond the eternal era appeared.

King Da is coming!

His pair of bright eyes are filled with frost, exuding peerless majesty, and his unparalleled body suppresses the world, with boundless power, not weaker than King Tianmang in the slightest!

"Da Wang!"

When King Xiang and King Huanggu saw this existence, their expressions were happy, and they felt saved again.

Because King Da is also famous throughout the ages, and has killed more than one origin god king, which makes the origin god race extremely fearful!

In fact, King Da is still a new giant, and it has only been a few million years since he broke through to the Immortal King.

But King Da's talent is astounding forever, and he was soon promoted to a giant, and at the same time extremely powerful.

It also once brought a great victory to the battlefield of Immortal Realm, which caused heavy losses to the Protoss of Origin.

The Origin Protoss also sent King Tianmang to counter King Da.

It was precisely because King Da came to this ancient battlefield that King Tianmang also followed, intending to prevent the retreat of the fairy king who was sheltered here by King Da.

"Rewind! The ancient battlefield has been abandoned!"

Da Wang said, and then a wonderful fairy sword appeared in his hand.

She swept the sword horizontally, her posture was casual, light and detached.

But there was a burst of peerless murderous intent that shocked the audience, bursting out, as if permeating the past, present, and future, and killing people at the beginning of time.

Such a peerless murderous intent made King Su show a bit of dignity, this King Da is indeed as powerful as the rumors!

King Tianmang snorted coldly, a halberd appeared, and a majestic and domineering aura radiated out.

The halberd fell straight down, cut through the sky, split the eternal years, and burst open the eternal time and space. The power was so terrifying that both the ancient king and the elephant king trembled.

King Su also made the same move, bursts of extremely hot eternal flames that could burn the beginning and end of the era, illuminate the universe, and burn everything!

The war broke out!

Although King Tianmang and King Su joined forces to deal with King Da.

But King Da is also extremely powerful. With one against two, he exerted unrivaled power, and for the time being, he did not lose the wind in the slightest, completely resisting the offensive of the two giants.

It also gave Huang Gu Wang, Xiang Wang and others a chance to retreat.


at this time!

Accidentally appeared again!

The four origin god kings who came from other battlefields of Eternal Land.

At this moment, they even joined hands to carry out the spiritual sacrifice, and built a channel for the spiritual sacrifice.

A big black hole descended on the sky, and the four gods of origin suppressed it.

The black hole has a terrifying and chaotic aura circulating, exuding strands of shocking aura, and then suddenly bursting out with a force of attraction!

The creatures in all directions were instantly drawn and flew towards the black hole uncontrollably.

Even true immortals can hardly resist this terrifying attraction.

That is to say, only the existence above the top true immortal can barely resist.

King Equator, King Key, King Xie and King Lan Zun who had just arrived immediately exploded with all their strength, bombarding King Huang Gu, King Xiang, Emperor Xuan and Li Yun.

Li Yun and others could only resist reluctantly, and at the same time retreated little by little under the protection of King Da.

The spiritual sacrifice channel built by the four origin god kings is constantly devouring the ancient road creatures.

But they are also powerless to stop!
At this moment, Li Yun was also constantly being injured, and his injuries were already quite serious, but with his background, he could still resist.

And at this time, something happened that made his eyes tear apart!
Li Guan and Sang Linying had been following him and retreated with him.


Because Li Yun was fighting with the god king, there were two great god kings who took care of him, which put him under great pressure and had to deal with it with all his strength.

Otherwise, he may also fall here.

It was also difficult for him to keep an eye on Li Guan and Sang Linying.

It is impossible for Li Guan and Sang Linying to keep up with Li Yun in this kind of battle at the level of the fairy king.

Then, in a violent battle fluctuation, the two of them and a large number of true path cultivators were instantly attracted by the spiritual sacrifice channel!

Both Li Guan and Sang Linying immediately felt an irresistible force controlling them.

Then they quickly pulled them up into the sky, and they were about to fall into the passage of the spirit sacrifice!


Li Guan and Sang Linying realized something instantly, and shouted subconsciously.

Only now did they feel their own incomparable weakness.

Also aware of the horror of this war.

Even the true immortals are just ants, and the supreme true immortals are not worth mentioning.

"Guan'er! Rin Ying!"

Li Yun also noticed the situation of Li Guan and Sang Linying instantly.

There was a surge of murderous aura in his eyes, which was so cold that it shocked even the god king.

He resisted a divine king's attack, and his body was severely injured immediately, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

But he couldn't control it for the time being.

He left the battlefield a little bit, rushed towards the channel of the spirit sacrifice, and then suddenly shot out three lights of origin, which contained all kinds of original wonders and the power of creation! .

Immediately blocked the attraction of part of the spiritual sacrifice channel.

Let Li Guan and Sang Linying regain control of their bodies, and then escape quickly, intending to join the large army and retreat towards the eternal soil.

But right now!
A bright light appeared, containing incomparable hot energy, which made Li Yun's heart beat wildly!
"Ants, dare to block the power of my Origin Spiritual Sacrifice?"

Seeing that King Su could not suppress King Da, he also got away a little bit, wanting to deal with these ancient road fairy kings on the spot.

She glanced at Li Yun with disdain, like looking at an ant.

Even if the strength and Taoism displayed by Li Yun are extremely good, there is a high probability that he may break through the Immortal King, and may even become a giant.

But now, it doesn't matter to her at all.

Which Immortal King wasn't a top genius in the past?

Which giant does not have an amazing and eternal posture?

In the eyes of giants, geniuses and arrogance are actually nothing more than that!
Only by truly becoming a fairy king or even a giant is worthy of their attention!

Su Wang drew back a little, and casually shot a fire light at Li Yun.

That flame is extraordinarily hot and bright, and it is still the eternal world, like the fire of the era, which runs through the ages and can burn the long river of time!
Li Yun felt a fatal crisis at this moment.

It is also impossible for him to have any reservations, and he has tried his best to dominate time and space, integrate the power of cutting Dao, and want to extinguish the flames.

But this is the power of a giant, no real fairy can stop it.

The fire light immediately broke through to dominate time and space, burned everything, and broke through all of Li Yun's power.

Moreover, before the firelight touched him, his body showed signs of melting.

The breath of death!
Long time no see!
Li Yun hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time after he broke through to a true immortal.

But now facing the giants, he felt it again.

The fire covered his whole body, but it didn't melt him instantly.

Li Yun's body has a burst of dragon power, releasing all power in a desperate situation, resisting the fire.

The order of life and the circulation of the whole body, the symbols and the way are pervasive, frantically resisting the power of giants, and repairing the body.


King Su was shocked again when he saw it.

An invincible true immortal, with such a deep foundation, can resist her attack without falling instantly?
King Su's eyes turned cold, and the murderous intent reappeared.

But just when she was about to attack Li Yun again and wipe out Li Yun completely.

Dawang also made a move.

She shot a wonderful celestial light, containing radiant celestial glow, with infinite mysteries, and immediately dispelled the fire light from Li Yun's body and rescued him.

She had also heard about Li Yun.

Many big shots are extremely optimistic about him becoming the next Immortal King, or even the next giant.

She is naturally more optimistic, so if you can save it, let's save it.

Maybe it will allow them to have one more Immortal King in the future.


Li Yun was saved.

Li Guan, Sang Linying and a large number of true road repairers still failed to escape.

In the end, it was still sucked away by the spiritual sacrifice channel, and failed to withdraw to the eternal soil.

The war continues.

Li Yun hasn't lost his combat power yet, and can still explode with the power of an invincible true immortal.

His strong background and tenacious vitality surprised King Da.

But at this moment, he has become very silent, and there is a strange loneliness in his eyes.

It was a calmly terrifying light, tinged with rationality and sanity, but also with a certain repressed emotion.

He glanced at the passage for the spiritual sacrifice. He also witnessed Li Guan and Sang Linying falling into it just now.

But there is nothing he can do...

It's been a long time!
Since becoming a fairy.

Feeling powerless for a long time...

At last!
Under the cover of King Su, Li Yun, Huang Gu Wang, Xiang Wang and others returned to the Eternal Land.

There were also a small group of true road experts who retreated with them, but they were not completely wiped out.


The ancient road battlefield has finally come to an end, and it has completely fallen.

This time.

The Eternal Land was still defeated, and a large area of ​​land fell, so they had to shrink in an all-round way and gather their strength to stop the offensive of the Origin Protoss.


Thousands of years have passed...

The eternal soil has basically stabilized again.

Li Yun also stayed on the eternal soil battlefield to fight.

He also never shies away from battles and never falls behind.

However, he became extremely silent, as if something was brewing.

It's a quiet period now.

Li Yun sits on a certain city gate, looking at the sacred land of origin, especially the location of the origin lair.

His expression was indifferent, his eyes were deep, and he remained motionless.

The silence is a little scary!
"Ziyun, I know about your son."

"However, the passage of the Spiritual Sacrifice is opened, leading to the lair of origin, and any living beings will be sent there to accept assimilation."

King Xiang noticed Li Yun's situation, so he couldn't help but come to talk to him.

"It's where the giants dare not step in easily, and it is possible to touch it unless there is a full-scale war."

"So, look away!"

"Don't affect your Dao Xin, your future is boundless, if you are affected by this and become a demon, it would be a pity if your Dao is flawed!"

King Xiang sighed slightly to Li Yun.

Although he felt that Li Yun shouldn't be the kind of person who lost his mind because of the loss of a loved one.

But he still felt that Li Yun's situation was very strange, so he couldn't help but remind him a few words.


After listening to King Xiang's words, Li Yun just nodded slightly, and remained silent, saying nothing.

King Xiang frowned slightly, and even he couldn't see through Li Yun at this moment.

Afterwards, he also sighed slightly, and then left.

Li Yun naturally knew what was behind the passage of the Spirit Sacrifice, and he also knew where the origin lair was.

He also stayed on the ancient road for so long, how could he not understand.

No one can enter the lair of origin alone.

Even the giants dare not wantonly go deep into the hinterland of the origin gods, because they will be besieged by a large number of god kings.

And it is difficult for the fairy kings to rescue them quickly, and the giants may also fall among them.

It is indeed as King Xiang said.

Only by going to war in an all-out way can it be possible to touch the lair of origin.

However, it is impossible for Eternal Earth and Immortal Territory to start a full-scale war for Li Yun's relatives.

He is just Li Yun who doesn't have that much face.

"10 years..."

Li Yun muttered to himself suddenly.

After staying on the ancient road for so long, he is also very clear.

If a true immortal falls into the lair of origin, he may be assimilated in the fastest 10 years, or even sooner.

Once assimilated, it is irreversible, and even the traces of its own existence may be erased.

at this time.

Emperor Xuan also came, "Fellow Daoist, are you okay?"

Emperor Xuan's words are relatively flat, because they are fellow villagers.

Moreover, he, Li Guan, and Sang Linying also have feelings for each other, and they have comforted and homesick each other on the ancient and true road for hundreds of thousands of years.

He has cultivated Li Guan and Sang Linying, and he also has a kind of mentorship.

So regarding the matter of Li Guan and Sang Linying, he was also sad, but also helpless.

"I'm going back to Beidou Realm."

Li Yun opened his mouth and said, very flat, with deep eyes, still making people unable to see through his current emotions and thoughts.

"That's good, the ancient road has fallen. Although the Protoss of Origin has not yet started sweeping the lower realms, it will be a matter of time."

"If you go back to guard, the Beidou world will be much more stable."

Emperor Xuan sighed slightly.


Li Yun went to Xianyu first, and then returned to Beidou Realm.

Back here, feel the familiar and nostalgic atmosphere here.

He is also a little dazed.

Many years ago, he was in the Beidou Realm to spend time with his relatives, and he really enjoyed that time...

Heavenly Soldiers and Stars.

Beidou Tianbei.

Li Yun came back here again, sitting on the stele once again, looking down at the red dust rolling in the sky, just like him in the time of the Great Emperor...

It seems like a lifetime away, like reincarnation.

Still came back here, or only here makes him most comfortable...



Li You and Li Menggu came here at this time, looking at Li Yun's back, their faces were also sad and uncomfortable.

But they can't say it, because they know that someone who may be more uncomfortable is in front of them.

Nor do they know nothing.

The Beidou world and the fairyland have smooth information.

And the father didn't hide it from them, he told them everything.

Let them know too.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law have fallen into the lair of origin, and they may not be able to return.

They risk losing these two loved ones forever...


No one can do anything, nothing can be done!
Because there is the origin lair, the root of the origin protoss.

Even giants can't go there to save people, making people powerless.


Father also felt powerless, that's why he was so silent...

Li Yun ignored the three people behind him, still thinking about something silently, brewing something!
At last.

Li You and Li Menggu left, leaving their father alone here for a while.

Li Yutian stayed for a while, but he didn't speak.

Losing his parents, he should be more sad.

But there was no sadness or discomfort on his face, only the unspeakable light that became more and more intense in his eyes!

In the end, Li Yutian also left.

Li Yun stayed here alone, looking up at the starry sky, muttering to himself:

"Is 10 years enough?"

He seemed to be asking himself a question, and it was also an answer.

There is a certain kind of energy in the deep eyes, which is getting deeper and deeper, containing great terror, with a shocking murderous aura, which will eventually burst out...

(End of this chapter)

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