Chapter 115

On the major battlefields of Eternal Soil, there were extremely terrifying battle fluctuations.

The time, space and time were shattered, and fragments of the time were split into pieces. The scene was extremely horrifying!
Because that's when the giants explode and collide.

Origin Protoss here.

Those old monsters who lived for countless epochs, ignored everything, and looked down on the ages.

There are few existences that they can put in their eyes, even the ancient true immortal is nothing in their eyes.

but now.

They saw that Li Yun was able to rival King Su just after being promoted to Immortal King, which also made them frown slightly.

Then, these old monsters finally started to get a little more serious.

Some of them want to leave the battlefield and want to go to the ancient road to deal with the new Immortal King and even the new giant.

Once these old monsters start to get serious, the fighting power they will explode is unparalleled.

It caused great pressure to the Immortal King on the side of Eternal Earth!
On the original ancient road.

King Su looked at the plume of blood falling from the sky, his icy face was covered with frost, and he exuded an extremely sharp murderous aura!
Without warning, a red glow suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the eternal world, exuding an unparalleled fiery breath.

It's like a heaven and earth oven, trying to melt time and space and refine years!

That kind of monstrous power belongs to the power of a giant, and can crush everything!
At this moment, Li Yun could already feel that fiery breath approaching him, and each strand contained the supreme order that seemed to be able to burn everything.

Even he felt an uncomfortable burning sensation.


"Dominate time and space!"

Li Yun's body also suddenly shook a wave, which spread in an instant, covering the boundless world, sealing the space, and locking the years!

His way of "suppressing space" is related to space, and now he is also good at the way of space, and has the ability to suppress time.

He also expanded a field of space, suppressing heaven, earth, time and space.

Immediately cut off the red glow of King Su.

The collision and friction between the two caused the world to tremble, and there was an astonishing vision of eternal collapse.


King Su snorted angrily, extracted endless orders, symbols, and laws from the vast eternal world, and gathered them into an incomparable force of heaven and earth!

Although she is an original creature, she is also born as an innate holy spirit, and has raised her own innate essence to the extreme, detached from eternity, and finally stepped into the fairy king realm.


In the end, the nine heavens split open, revealing the chaotic realm sea, and streams of chaotic energy entered from the realm sea, providing power to King Su!

The ring in her hand suddenly flew out, and then it became larger in an instant, stretching across the sky, merging the power of all directions.

A piece of fire was scattered, with an indescribably hot breath, and even time and space were burned down, and the years were distorted.

Li Yun's expression was also slightly dignified.


Not only King Su was attacking.

King Equator, King Lan Zun and King Qi also attacked Li Yun.

After all, these three people are also god kings, and they belong to the same level of existence, which is enough to pose a threat to Li Yun.

And, in fact, more than that.

Li Yun has already felt that there is an air machine locking him far away from the sky and the earth, and there is a supreme being rushing here.

The situation is somewhat critical for him now.

Therefore, the elephant king has already displayed the power of the fairy king and sent a message to him through endless time and space.

I want him to quickly return to the eternal soil.

Just return to the eternal soil.

Even if the Origin Protoss still wants to fight, it is absolutely impossible to fight to the end.

The so-called shopping to the end means fighting until one side is extinct.

in fact.

The overall strength of the Eternal Earth side has long been weaker than that of the Origin Protoss.

If both sides fight to the end.

I'm afraid that it is the eternal soil that will be defeated in the end.

But even if the Eternal Land is to be defeated, a large number of god kings and even giants will inevitably fall on the side of the Protoss.

No god king or giant is willing to fight to the death like this, and existences like them will spare their lives.

Therefore, the Origin Protoss also avoided shopping to the end.

The strategy they adopt is to grind slowly, weaken the Eternal Soil little by little, and completely occupy the Eternal Soil at the least cost.

As far as the Eternal Earth side is concerned, they are weak now, and they will not take the initiative to fight to the death with the Protoss of Origin.

So the two sides are basically exhausted like this, competing with each other, and it has been maintained for an unknown number of epochs.

and so.

As long as Li Yun returns to the base camp of Eternal Earth, there will be three powerful city gates supporting him, and there will be a large number of fairy king companions.

No matter how the Protoss originated, bloody battles would not break out because of this.


Li Yun did not respond to King Elephant's message, and he did not return directly to Eternal Land.

If he wanted to, with his current strength, he could easily return to the Eternal Land, and King Su couldn't stop him.

But he still didn't leave.

He looked at King Su in front of him, and felt his surging power.

He wants to try it!
If you try to shoot with all your strength, can you kill the giant!

By the way, let's see how many catties I have now!

Li Yun immediately unleashed all his strength!
A pocket door was swirling in his palm, stirring up endless orders, rules and symbols.

That is the essence of his Taoism in this life, his supreme heritage!

A force of space-time confinement is concentrated in one point, like a coordinate of endless space-time, shaking out circles of space-time ripples, spreading and pervading towards the past and future, just like a certain coordinate!

If someone stood on the peak of time and space and looked down on the long river of time, it would be easy to find this battle that broke out at this node of time and space.

A ray of light blooms on the point of time and space, which contains the artistic conception of 'cut' and 'destroy', which can cut through eternity, cut off eternity, and annihilate all existence!

Two flames ignited on the 'point', transpiring the essence of all spirits, like the fire of all living beings, supporting all kinds of Taoism!
Finally, a real dragon emerges, with this 'point' in its mouth, leaps over the gate of origin, swims in the sea of ​​origin, and controls the source of all laws!

Li Yun's punch covered everything in his life and exploded with his strongest power!
In an instant!
Time and space seemed to be at a standstill, only this punch was moving, surpassing time and cause and effect.

As if it no longer belongs to any period of time and space, it can run amok through the years!

If it stands on the 'source', it can naturally look down on everything.

Because both time and space come from the 'source'.

Li Yun's punch also made him suddenly grasp a bit of the wonderful touch of detachment from the origin!

King Su's blaze gathered infinite power from the eternal world and even the chaos, overwhelming everything, with the power of a giant that overwhelms all kinds.

But at this moment, it completely collapsed under this punch.

The extremely hot breath was cut off, as if it had touched the eternal water and was restrained.

King Su's expression changed in an instant.

Because this punch was too fast, as if it came from a certain source, beyond the cause and effect of time and space.

Lost the concept of time and space, naturally there is no concept of speed.

No speed, is the fastest speed!

King Su's beautiful divine body, from his left shoulder to his waist, was directly shattered by this punch.

Blood spewed out, pieces of flesh flew across the sky, and the red light soared into the sky, bringing out an incomparable blazing air, pressing across the world and shaking all beings!


King Su yelled angrily, and an inextinguishable fire suddenly appeared on his body, as if he was in Nirvana.

The flesh and blood scattered on the world also retreated more than half, allowing her divine body to recover quickly, with unabated power, still transcending eternity, and extremely powerful!
But in fact, she has already suffered serious injuries.

The punch just now was too powerful and contained unpredictable power.

Not only blasting away her divine body, but also annihilating her life order and damaging her life source, it also cut off part of her immortal king foundation.

If it were an ordinary god king, I am afraid that he has already suffered irreversible damage, and his weakness may be on the verge of falling!
She was strong enough, even though the punch was so fast, she still avoided part of the core power ahead of time.

So it's okay to be injured, and it won't be directly injured.

King Su frowned deeply at this moment, with a serious expression on his face, he no longer looked at Li Yun lightly.

At the same time, she immediately changed her style of play, switching from offense to defense.

The main thing is to stabilize the ground, because there are already other origin giants coming here.

The other party has already locked her, so it is very difficult to turn around and escape.

It is possible to fight and retreat.

King Equator, King Lan Zun and King Qi also looked shocked, it was hard to imagine that even King Su seemed to be losing to Li Yun.

But at the same time, they also felt a strong threat from Li Yun.

They also retreated step by step, with King Su leading the formation, while the three of them assisted in the attack.

"It's a little bit worse, then adjust it again..."

Li Yun is still comprehending the wonderful feeling of standing at the 'source' and looking down at time and space.

With his current state, an instant can be eternal.

What time, time and space, for the Immortal King, sometimes this concept does not even exist.

He only realized it for a moment, and it seemed that he had spent endless years, and he had already understood something, and he had gained a lot.


The door panel in Li Yun's palm rotated at a high speed, and then gradually enlarged, like a rotating blade, stirring up layers of indescribable power of order!

He slashed across the sky, and a slash of light struck out, as if it came from the "source", transcending everything, without the concept of time and space.

This attack was even faster and more detached than the last one!

King Su's expression changed drastically again.

A monstrous divine power erupted from her body, overwhelming everything!

In the vast and eternal world, amidst the chaos, there are infinite orders, principles, and symbols rushing towards her, converging into an incomparable force of heaven and earth.


Her ring also flew in front of her, relying on the boundless power of heaven and earth, bursting out pieces of flames like stormy waves.

The fiery breath pervades and rises, burning everything!
King Su's Nirvana Ring, the Supreme Immortal King Tool, touched the cut light head-on, and when it was cut through a hole, it flew out.

The power of Zhanguang was still left, and finally it fell on King Su.

A string of blood splashed high, containing an incomparably hot aura, dyeing the sky red.

King Su's expression was very gloomy at the moment.

At that moment just now, she suddenly felt a peerless crisis.

That slashing light was so fast that she had to use the Nirvana circle to resist, otherwise she was afraid that she would suffer serious injuries.

Now she wants to retreat.

But in the current situation, how could the other party easily let her retreat?
Li Yun is becoming more and more familiar with the kind of power that stands at the "source" and transcends everything.

He also did not give King Su a chance to retreat.

Still broke out with all his strength, desperately trying to bombard King Su.

A door panel was smashed down, smashing King Su's pretty face to pieces.

The terrifying 'source' is pouring out mighty power, trying to wipe out everything about King Su.

King Su suffered continuous bombardment and heavy injuries, so it was difficult for him to last for too long.

Although she already felt that the origin giant was coming.

But she also seems to be about to fall!
"Nirvana returns together!"

As soon as King Su gritted his teeth, he had no choice but to use his ultimate life-saving technique.

This is the art of lore, to die with the enemy.

But at the same time, she has to pay a huge price for this!

this moment!
The sky-filled flames overflowed from King Su's body, spread, filled the world, and penetrated into the endless time and space.

A horrifying aura that contained boundless terror surged out.

It made Li Yundu's heart tense for no reason, and he felt a great crisis!
But at this moment, he is in charge of the 'source', mighty and mighty, extremely strong, fearless of everything!

He slashed out another slashing light, which was almost at the peak, surpassing time and space, as if it fell directly on King Su as soon as he slashed out.


This slaying light actually fell through...

King Su suddenly turned into an indescribable flame, as if everything about her erupted in an instant, and there was a great terror rising and falling!

King Su used himself as fuel to turn into an incomparable peerless fire that melted time, space and time, making it impossible for Li Yun's cutting light to reach it.

Su Wang's fire light hit Li Yun's body directly, and a terrifying and monstrous flame burst out in an instant.


Li Yun also felt the pain at this moment, and couldn't help roaring.

Because King Su is a flame fueled by a giant immortal king, which contains boundless horror, can melt time and space, and crush the eternal era!
Even Li Yun couldn't completely resist this desperate attack, and his soul and body suffered unimaginable pain.

King Su made a desperate blow at the end, although it seemed that they were going to die together.

But Li Yun's current state, he can see everything immediately.

He could see that King Su was not dead, he should have been reborn in Nirvana somewhere through some supreme secret method.

But it must have paid a huge price, and it may even fall into the Immortal King Realm.

At last.

Li Yun still wiped out King Su's fire by virtue of his own supreme power in charge of the 'source'.

But he still suffered a great deal of damage, the source of life was partially burned, and the foundation of the Immortal King also appeared scorched black, with hot aura still emitting from it.

Now he should go back to Eternal Land or Beidou Realm and slowly recover from his injuries.

But he still didn't retreat.

Instead, they set their sights on the core area of ​​the origin protoss... the origin lair!

But this time.

Two monstrous dharma statues crushed the ancient road, their power was boundless, peerless and terrifying!
"King Luolong! King Yuan!"

Li Yun looked at the two statues and immediately recognized their identities.

King Luo Long is a supreme giant, stronger than ordinary giants, basically reaching the ceiling of the realm of the Immortal King.

As for King Yuan, he is also an extremely ancient giant, even older and more powerful than King Su!
"It's amazing, are you going to show up an invincible ancient king again!"

King Luo Long looked down at Li Yun and said indifferently.

Li Yun didn't reply.

He knew what King Luo Long meant.

The ancient kings were a long time ago, almost the supreme existence of the 'first' era.

It is also recognized as the strongest fairy king so far.

Including the origin protoss also think that the ancient king is the strongest among the immortal kings.


The ancient king is no longer here.


The legend of the ancient king has never faded.

He is the one who 'initially' broke through to the Immortal King, and he named this realm 'Immortal King Realm'.


Some people doubt whether the ancient king has reached the realm above the fairy king.

Even the realm above the Immortal King is called the 'Ancient Realm'.

But the ancient king said that he did not reach the realm above the fairy king.

I also disagree with calling the realm above the Immortal King the 'Original Realm'.

Only those who have truly reached the level of the Immortal King are qualified to name those realms.

He is not qualified because he has not yet arrived.

At first.

The Origin Protoss was born, and the "Origin Calamity" came. They embezzled a large number of lower realms, built secret places, and secretly cultivated God Kings.

Dozens of epochs passed, and then suddenly launched an offensive against the eternal soil.

The Protoss of Origin is very powerful, and there are extremely giants in the formation, and the Eternal Earth was defeated steadily in the early stage.

Later, it was the ancient king who shot and killed all the strong men of the original gods.

In the end, all the secret lands of the Origin Protoss were destroyed.

But oddly enough.

After that battle, the ancient king also disappeared strangely and never appeared again.

However, dozens of epochs passed.

The Origin Protoss has made a comeback again, and this time there is no King Shigu.

At that time, the Eternal Earth was not united, nor did it fight to the end with the Origin Protoss, and no Immortal King was willing to risk his life at will.

Then he missed the best opportunity to destroy the Origin Protoss.

And then until now.

As for where the ancient king went.

There are many guesses, no one can say for sure.

But no matter how you guess, it must be related to the origin of the Protoss.

"Two, I will not accompany you!"

Li Yun glanced at King Luo Long and King Yuan.

Not planning to fight them.

King Su's last blow caused him a serious injury.

Although it wouldn't make him lose his peak combat power, he didn't intend to fight King Luo Long and King Yuan either.

Because that doesn't make sense.

He is no longer able to kill the giant.

While he still has some spare energy, he is going to take a look at the origin lair.

He has not forgotten his eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law, Li Guan and Sang Linying are still in the origin lair.

I only hope that they have not been assimilated and still exist in the world...

Li Yun took a step forward, time and space around him went backwards, and time turned back!
At this moment, he seems to be standing at the 'source', detached from everything, no matter space or time has meaning to him, he can do whatever he wants!

He almost disappeared in the blink of an eye, turned into a 'point', and shuttled towards the lair of origin!

"So fast!"

King Luo Long and King Yuan felt a little startled when they felt Li Yun's incomparable speed at the moment!
Because it was too fast, they all felt a little inferior.

"Hmph! Want to go to our final sacred land?"

King Luo Long and King Yuan also immediately judged where Li Yun wanted to go.

They also didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately shot to intercept!

King Luo Long is a one-armed man, without the Immortal King Weapon, his arm is the strongest weapon.

He raised his arm and slapped it down!
In an instant!
The astonishing power exploded, causing the nine heavens to collapse, time and space to burst, and strands of time and rivers trembled, opening up cosmic phantoms one by one.

The scene is terrifying and shocking!

King Yuan also took out an abyss halberd, stabbed in the air, and immediately penetrated endless time and space, reaching Li Yun's back!

The Equator King, Lan Zun King, and Qi King also have the same meaning of making a move.

The three of them escaped faster because King Su blocked them.

Otherwise, if they slowed down, they would not be able to bear a few attacks from Li Yun.


Feeling the attack of the two giants and the three kings, Li Yun couldn't help but snorted coldly.

There is a pocket door in his palm that spins, evolving the mystery of the 'source'.

He waved casually.

Immediately, a curtain of sky descended, exuding an eternal and immortal aura, suppressing time and time, as if it was unshakable, and no existence could surpass it!

The attacks of King Luo Long and King Yuan still broke through the sky, but they also paused, and their power was greatly reduced.

A little power from Li Yun's shock is enough to wipe out this kind of attack.

As for the attacks of the Equator King, Lan Zun King and Qi King, it is even less worth mentioning, not to mention that they are so far away.

Li Yun unleashes the supreme speed that transcends time, space and time, and goes straight to the lair of origin.

On the way, the king of gods shot to stop him.

King Luo Long and King Yuan also tried their best to catch up and intercept them.

Even a giant appeared again, and King Zuo Chui also retreated from the front line.

But still unable to stop Li Yun.

Because Li Yun didn't get entangled with them, he used his speed to fight hard, and went straight to the origin lair.

"Where is my son?"

Li Yun finally came to the origin lair, and seeing the endless unrivaled mountain here, even he felt a little shocked.


As soon as he raised his hand, he directly crushed a large area of ​​the sacred mountain, and echoed through his blood to find Li Guan.

In the end, he also saw the origin channel, where a steady stream of origin creatures were stepping towards the channel, and then instantly turned into some kind of essence and fell into it.

"This is……"

Looking at the origin channel, Li Yun realized something in an instant, and at the same time had many guesses.

And this time.

Several giants also arrived at the origin lair.

Although they couldn't catch up with Li Yun, Li Yun had stopped now.

"Want to find your son? It's too late!"

"Your son has become a part of the origin and has entered the ambition!"

King Luo Long looked indifferently, looked at Li Yun, and said coldly.

He is a tycoon who has dominated countless epochs.

Naturally, one can see all kinds of causes and effects at a glance.

He could see that Li Yun came here to find his son.

He also traced the cause and effect a little bit, and then found that Li Yun's son had already become a part of the original ambition.

Now their assimilation efficiency for true immortals has increased.

Why 10 years?If the physique is excellent, 5 to [-] years are enough to complete the assimilation!

Li Yun's expression sank slightly when he heard King Luo Long's words.

in fact.

Don't need King Luolong to say.

He has also learned the ending of Li Guan and Sang Linying.

With his current state, it is enough to reverse the time and space and pursue the truth.

After coming here, he gradually knew everything.


Li Yun was indifferent, and his eyes became calm again.

He looked at the origin passage, and watched the origin creatures step into it, turning into a group of indescribable strange essence.

"There is still a chance to save it..."

He murmured.

At this moment, he even wanted to step into the origin channel to pursue the two of them.

But he can also feel that this origin channel contains great horror, and it should not be easily stepped into.

He also suddenly thought of the inexplicable disappearance of King Shigu after he suppressed the first 'Calamity of Origin'.

Perhaps it is related to this origin channel?

(End of this chapter)

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