Chapter 126 Killing the 'God'!
The sea of ​​chaos is boundless.

Even the giant Immortal King doesn't know where the end of the sea is.

From ancient times to the present, there are many fairy kings who want to go against the chaotic light to find the origin of everything.

But they have crossed countless epochs in the boundary sea, and it is almost impossible to return to their homeland, but they still have not reached the origin of everything.

On the way, they will occasionally find individual small universes and stop for a while.


They found that the further they went, the weaker the chaotic light was, and the lower the probability of discovering the small universe.

But this is very unreasonable.

Since it is the origin of everything, when it gets closer, there should be an unimaginable mass of light gushing out, and there should be a powerful and dense chaotic airflow.

But this is not the case.

They seem to have gone in the wrong direction, and instead of approaching the origin of everything, they are constantly moving away.

However, the Chaos Tribulation Light flowed from the direction they were heading in, and the direction should be correct.

After discovering this unreasonable situation.

These fairy kings who wanted to trace the origin of everything also fell into confusion.

Some people returned directly, but more people were still stubborn.

Anyway, their lifespan is eternal, as long as they don't encounter enemies, they won't fall.

Going on like this, if they don't believe it, they can't go to the end!

"There is no end to this..."

A figure above the endless time and space appeared on the sea of ​​chaos, and whispered to himself.

He is Li Yun.

After leaving Beidou Immortal Realm, he also surveyed the vastness of Chaos Realm Sea.

Then I found no less than the Immortal King crossing the Chaos Realm Sea.

They want to find the source of everything, but if they go on like this, they will never get there.

Because there is a time gap between them!

The time and space of the land of origin and the time and space of the chaotic sea are not in the same dimension at all.

If you have the ability to reach the place of origin, you can reach anywhere in an instant.

If there is no way to trace the time and space of the place of origin, it will be impossible to reach it anyway.

real time and space.

There are no boundaries.

The sea of ​​chaotic realms is naturally truly boundless, and indeed there is no boundary.

"However, if we go on like this, it is possible to walk out of this chaotic time and space, isolate all causes and effects, and form a time and space of our own..."

Li Yun looked at the void depths of the Chaos Realm Sea, and had faintly seen several fledgling unique time and space dimensions.

Because that place is too far away!
It is far enough to isolate all causality, but it can be another time and space, and no longer has any causal entanglement with the time and space here.

Everything that happens there cannot be affected here, so it can naturally be counted as an independent time and space.

If Li Yun went to the dimension of time and space, forcibly retrograde the years, and changed the past indiscriminately, the cause and effect would not even be enough to cause him serious damage.

Unless there are a large number of fairy kings who can create terrifying karma or even exist like him.

However, this independent time and space is also relative.

In this entire infinite chaotic space-time, it is normal to have several free space-time compartments.

But even in the space-time space, all matter there flows from the place of origin.

In a broad sense, it still belongs to this piece of chaotic space-time.

But in a narrow sense, that kind of time-space barrier has cut off the entanglement of cause and effect, and it also belongs to independent time-space.

But if there is causal entanglement with each other, and it accumulates to a certain extent, it will return from the independent time and space to the big chaotic time and space.

Li Yun simply looked at the Chaos Realm Sea once.

He didn't do anything, and he didn't say hello to those fairy kings who crossed the boundary sea.

He also didn't bother to pay attention to those several hour-space dimensions that were already independent.

At last.

There was a flash of brilliance on his body, and a transcendent power was revealed.

He took a step forward, his figure was hazy and illusory, and he left this time and space in an instant, and entered the original time and space!

The time and space of origin is the place of origin.

This place transcends any time and space, and is the origin of everything.

After Li Yun entered here, he instantly felt the majestic and vast chaotic airflow.

Any chaotic airflow is extremely thick, and the power contained in it is enough to crush the fairyland or the eternal soil.

There is no starry sky continent here, only endless chaos!

It stands to reason that there shouldn't be life here.

But here is life!

Far away, a pair of ancient eyes opened, and two bronze flames shot out from their pupils, spreading with indescribable power, instantly destroying the surrounding chaotic air.

The surging chaotic energy sprinkled down, intertwined with a terrifying and extraordinary robbery light, and then continuously gushed out from the gap in time and space.

It was a living creature, sitting cross-legged on a finger, wearing a dark blue robe, with a stern face and no gender.

A layer of divine light emerged from his body, the luster was condensed and transcendent, above the endless time and space, unshakable by all causes and effects.

"Are you here? It saves me a trip myself."

The ancient creature looked at Li Yun with an indifferent expression and cold eyes, as if it were the supreme master who had wiped out all emotions.

Li Yun stood in the chaos.

He heard the words of the ancient creatures, but he ignored them for now.

Instead, he looked at the moldy palm behind the ancient creature.

That palm was filled with a dead air that even made him feel terrified.

And it's the real death energy of death, so strong that even a single ray is enough to destroy a giant of the Immortal King.


On the palm, there are a lot of mildew spots, which are colorful and brilliant, and it looks quite illusory when viewed alone.

But looking at it as a whole, combined with the strong extinction and death energy, it seems a bit permeable.

Because those mildew spots exude a very strong vitality, like fresh and pure life.

Look at this palm.

Li Yun also basically confirmed his guess.

"You want to use up this place of origin, so as to bring back a certain lost existence?"

He said in a deep voice, his body naturally exudes a power no less than that of ancient creatures, standing on the peak of time and space, he can also look down on all kinds of causes and effects.

That palm is devouring massive amounts of chaotic airflow all the time.

Over the long years, it has consumed an unknown amount of chaotic energy in the Land of Origin.

It is also because this is the place of origin, there is almost endless chaos, which has not been swallowed up so far.

And those mildew spots are formed after the immeasurable chaotic energy is transformed through a certain order, and they contain incredible life force.

If this kind of life force accumulates, some kind of qualitative change will inevitably occur, and perhaps any lost existence can really be found again.

But that comes at a price.

This place of origin may dry up, this piece of chaotic time and space will be destroyed, and everything will cease to exist!
"Do you see it?"

The ancient creatures were not surprised when they heard Li Yun's words.

The other party has reached the level of a quasi-true god, and has the ability to see some truths.

"Although those original creatures can't be used much for the time being, they will be necessary in the future."

"You reversed and wiped them out, which has already affected the 'Wanting Plan'!"

The ancient creature spoke indifferently, and a withered, icy air flowed out, with a kind of indifference overlooking everything.

Li Yun didn't seem to care too much about the extermination of the origin protoss.


Li Yun frowned slightly upon hearing this.

There was light in his eyes, and a supreme and transcendent aura permeated the air, wanting to gain insight into everything here and see through the other party's essence!

There are still many mysteries here for him.

"'Vision' cannot be stopped, anyone who intends to stop 'Vision' will be defeated!"

"For example, that ancient king of yours..."

As the ancient creature said, a figure suddenly appeared on a mold spot on the huge palm.

It was a burly and majestic man, with a layer of hazy and illusory light permeating his body, very solid and detached, not far from the real realm of 'Emperor'.

But at this time, his face was painful, his expression was ferocious, and he was being washed and oppressed by endless origin substances.

He is desperately resisting the origin matter, even if he dies, he is unwilling to turn into an origin creature.

Because he has already seen some of the essence of the original creatures.

If he becomes an original creature, he will cease to exist, which is tantamount to death!

"He was obsessed with obsession and made resistance."

"However, I think that his talent is good, and he is expected to reach that level, so I spare his life and give him the opportunity to contribute everything to the 'wild ambition'."

The ancient creature smiled coldly.

Afterwards, he looked at Li Yun and continued, "As for you!"

"Since you have reached this level, you are naturally qualified to stand in the 'great wish'."

"If you join, I will allow you to surpass all opportunities."

"Besides, you can also reunite with your relatives. You are here because of these ordinary creatures."

Said the ancient creature.

Then, with a wave of his hand, four beams of light flew out from a certain patch of mildew.

Then it turned into four people, namely Li Guan, Sang Linying, Li You and Li Menggu.

Seeing this, Li Yun was slightly moved.

But soon, he frowned, because he felt strange from these four people...

"Father, are you here to join 'Vision'? Or are you an enemy, trying to stop us?"

Li Guan looked at Li Yun, his face was cold, and there was even vigilance and a bit of hostility in his eyes.

The same is true for Sang Linying, Li You and Li Menggu.

Now they have gained "faith", have their own life value, and live to realize their "wishes".

Whatever exists, nothing can stop them.

If you come to stop it, you are the enemy!

Li Yun looked at Li Guan and the other four with a gloomy expression.

However, the original creature is like this...

"How, do you want to join? Realize the 'Vision', you and I can transcend everything and live forever with the 'Vision'!"

The ancient creature asked again.

A quasi-true god-level creature is also extremely rare.

If it can be assimilated, it will also greatly help to realize the 'ambition'.

However, if the other party disagrees, it's useless to keep it, you can only kill it so as not to get in the way.

"If it's like you, is it still alive?"

Li Yun looked at the ancient creature at this time and asked plainly.

"What do you mean by that?"

The ancient creature frowned slightly, not understanding Li Yun's words.

"You exist like this, for the so-called 'faith', for the so-called 'ambition', without self-will, without personal wishes."

"In the end, it is estimated that it will only be reduced to the nutrient when the dead existence returns!"

"Living like this, like a slave without self-thought, is it considered alive?"

Li Yun replied, as if asking a question, with hints of sarcasm.

He has probably seen it.

Even this ancient creature has the supernatural power beyond all causes and effects, and its realm is no less than him.

But it is also the original creature with 'faith', and it is a person who is willing to give everything for 'faith'.

Although it seems normal on the surface, it has actually lost itself.

If Li Yun joins, in the end, I'm afraid it will be like this.

Will become without self-thought, and become a slave to the realization of that 'vision'!

"If the 'Vision' is achieved, I will be completely detached and live with the 'Vision' forever. That is the highest state, is it as you said!"

The ancient creature was angry when he heard the words, and said in a cold voice.

But when Li Yun heard the other party's words, it also confirmed his guess.

"So, are you refusing to join?"

The ancient creature looked at Li Yun with extremely cold eyes, and even more murderous intent emerged.

"What if you refuse?"

Li Yun looked calm and asked indifferently.

The so-called 'great ambition', only the creatures trapped in 'faith' will regard it as the highest, and they are willing to give everything for it.

But from the eyes of normal people, it is a kind of slave mark!
A monstrous power that covered all time and space suddenly erupted from the ancient creature. It was extremely terrifying, and it crushed the chaotic airflow in all directions in an instant.

The entanglement of the transcendent air machine and the chaotic air flow rubbed off a brilliant brilliance, reflecting the magnificent and vast time and space.


He stood up slowly, and when he raised his hand, an astonishing light came out with this roar!

That is a knife!Coiled with chaos, it reflects the supreme divine light, illuminating the origin of everything!
"If you refuse, you will perish here!"

"I am a God. Anyone who dares to block the 'great wish', no matter what time and space, what cause and effect, will be killed!"

Yaoshen said coldly, the voice has supreme divine power, like the ruler of endless time and space, overwhelming all existences!
He held the magic knife in his hand, and suddenly slashed out!

In an instant!
The light of the knife tears apart the chaos, splits the origin, like a star river, shimmering with cold light, radiating thousands of destructive energy, each strand of energy seems to be able to crush the chaotic time and space!

Seeing this, Li Yun's expression was calm, and there was no wave in the ancient well.

When he arrived here, he was ready for a big battle.

Regardless of the past or the future.

He stands now, straddling this chaotic time and space, and he cannot avoid this battle.

Unless, he is willing to accept the so-called 'great ambition' and plant a slave mark.

But he is unwilling, and can only passively fight.

As for the result.

He can only say, try his best...

The brilliance erupted from Li Yun's body in an instant.

The chaotic air flow surges in all directions, and the origin space-time has light flashing, which seems to echo him...

He realized something again.

It seems that coming here is the right time!
He slapped out with a bang, and a purple magic seal appeared in the palm of his hand, and the light of Taoism burst out, reflecting thousands of mysteries, and pouring out endless power!

Two unbelievable supreme beings collide!
The scene is terrifying and boundless, the chaos is melting and disappearing.

One after another, illusory time and space are born and then shattered. At the flick of an era, civilizations rise for a moment, and then collapse.

It was just a collision, but it shook countless unknown time and space.

Some are just illusory time and space involved in the cause and effect of the two supreme figures, some are past time and space, and some are future time and space.

Either real, or unreal.

But they stood in the original time and space, vibrated the original place, and naturally radiated infinite cause and effect, affecting all time and space.

But suddenly!
A touch of bright red emerged from the chaos, very strange, very bright, exuding a transcendent and peerless aura, and the chaotic air from all directions could not get close.

It was a streak of blood.

It is the blood of an incredible existence.

Yaoshen's face was full of frost at this moment, with a murderous aura, and his power was astonishing.

With the realm of a quasi-true god, he suppressed the origin and looked down on all time and space.

For many years, I have never met an opponent.

Even if an opponent does appear, he is fearless, and if he dares to stop the "great wish", he will kill him.

But at this moment...he was hurt!

A wisp of blood floated out from the back of his hand, bright red and eerie, it was his supreme divine blood.

He was actually injured!

"You are weaker than I imagined...a lot!"

Standing in the chaos, Li Yun looked at Yaoshen as if he was looking down on a weak person, and said in a slow voice.

It was the first time to collide, and it was the first time to fight against an existence of such a realm.

But the result made him a little bit disappointed.

I don't know whether he is too strong or the opponent is too weak.

At least, the combat power displayed by this Yaoshen at the moment is indeed worse than he imagined.

Boundless arrogance emerged from Yaoshen's body, seething in the sky, pieces of law and order containing supreme mighty power emerged, emitting divine light, pressing out a terrifying power!

"You say I'm weak?"

Yaoshen roared in a low voice as if suppressing his anger.

He doesn't know how many years he has existed, since he reached this state with the help of the power of "great wish", no creature has dared to say that he is weak!

What's more, he is still an enemy who dares to block the 'Vision'!

"Refining Life Knife!"

The flames all over Yaoshen's body flickered instantly, and all laws and orders were fused on the divine sword, and the world-shocking mighty power permeated the sky, and it was cut out in an instant!

A river of knives burning with endless flames splits out continuously, opening up time and space, and melting the common people. The power of that level is terrifying and indescribable!

Li Yun also frowned slightly.

But he frowned not because this move was too powerful.

But... still very weak!

One of the Supreme Great Seals appeared, and bright purple light sprinkled from it, dazzling, and the phantoms of eight seals emerged, exuding the power of the most powerful Taoism!

"Purple Cloud Emperor Seal, collapse!"

Li Yun held the Purple Cloud Emperor Seal, brilliance emerged from his body, and his power rose infinitely, like a giant reaching the sky, stepping on the origin of time and space, looking down on any existence.

That side of the big seal suppressed Yaoshen from top to bottom, and the eight rounds of the seal exuded the light of Taoism, pouring out the supreme and transcendent power!
It was another huge collision, the original time and space were shaken, and the endless chaotic air flow fell and collapsed.

That kind of pure chaotic energy merges into that momentary supreme energy, and evolves into thousands of substances.

Yaoshen's whole body trembled violently, his whole body split open, blood spurted out, and his bones cracked!
He also finally changed his face!
"How can it be so strong?"

He was shocked and didn't understand!
It is also the realm of a quasi-true god, why does he have a feeling that he cannot resist the opponent?

Yaoshen is retreating and falling.

He couldn't stop the power of Taoism of this great seal.

Every time he takes a step back, Yaoshen has a large amount of blood spilled, and the origin of chaos is shaken once.

After taking nine steps back.

In fact, Yaoshen's whole body suddenly weakened a lot, and the quasi-true god's light was suppressed to a small extent, and his soul was also severely injured and damaged.


Yaoshen roared furiously, exerting all his strength, and the light of the quasi-true god became bright and flawless again, releasing endless power!
That side's great Indian power was at an end, and he also took advantage of the situation to regain his momentum.

"With someone like you, how do you realize the so-called 'Vision'?"

Li Yun frowned slightly, and said slowly.

He wasn't really mocking, but rather puzzled.

How can such a weak existence of the 'Emperor' realm realize the so-called 'ambition'.

Doesn't seem to match what he was bragging about before.

"I kill you!"

Yaoshen roared angrily. Hearing what Li Yun said, he felt it was a mockery!
But at the same time.

He didn't hold back anymore, and immediately sent out a wave, ready to wake up another existence!
"Nameless, help me!"

This wave was introduced into the moldy palm.

Then, the fourth finger of the moldy palm suddenly moved, and a very sharp and terrifying edge was revealed.


Seeing this, Li Yun instantly realized something.

He didn't hesitate for a moment.

The door frame above the head emerges, gathering energy from all directions, and shedding thousands of brilliance.

He waved his hand!
A transcendent and peerless brilliance of time and space appeared, containing a condensed and thick time and air machine, which seemed to be unable to overwhelm even this original space.

"Prison of time and space!"

This light of time and space took shape in an instant, pressing towards Yaoshenfu.

"This is……"

Yaoshen felt the light of time and space, and his expression changed instantly.

Although he looked very weak, he was also a quasi-true god, and he instantly understood some of the mysteries of this light of time and space.

The power of time and space made him feel exquisite, almost no less than any chaotic time and space.

The boundless sense of time and space is contained, which is unpredictable and mysterious!

He instantly saw several loopholes in the light of time and space, and then cut out with a single knife, intending to directly break through the blockade of time and space.


The river of knives practiced cutting down, but it caused a wave of ripples and stirred up some waves, but it couldn't break through the light of time and space.

At last.

He was still trapped in this prison of time and space!
The prison of time and space, independent time and space, thousands of years in an instant!

This is Li Yun's unique skill. In the beginning, he suppressed and killed such giants as King Taikun.

Now that he is in the 'Emperor' realm, this move is even more detached. Even an existence of the same level, if trapped in it, cannot easily escape the blockade of time, space and time!

Li Yun immediately made a violent attack, and one side of the Purple Cloud Emperor Seal pressed down horizontally, and the eight supreme Dharma seals swirled around, stirring up endless light of Dao Dharma, which was extremely powerful!
Yaoshen was blasted back and sprayed with blood.

He was shocked!With his strength, he really can't match the quasi-true god in front of him!


But Yaoshen was still resisting Li Yun's attack, while quickly analyzing the prison of time and space, trying to find the core flaw.


Li Yun exploded with all his strength at this moment, bombarding Yaoshen, constantly suppressing the light of his quasi-true god, making his momentum continue to decline, making it even more difficult to sustain.

There is no immortality.

The reason why it can survive for a long time is that it has not encountered an existence that can kill it!

I don't know how long has passed.

Yaoshen's quasi-true god's light was completely extinguished, his body collapsed, and his soul was wiped out by the seal of Emperor Ziyun!

Yao God, fall!
Li Yun destroyed everything about Yaoshen. With his supreme power, he was sure that Yaoshen was indeed dead.

The other party doesn't have any energy to survive, so it has truly fallen!

Even such an existence can be suppressed and killed!
But the same.

He also has some doubts.

Why is he so strong?Even an existence of the same level as Yaoshen is not his opponent at all?

Or is he actually not strong at all, but Yaoshen is too weak?

He thought about it, wanting to trace and analyze Yaoshen's power.

He did not withdraw from the Prison of Time and Space.

But hundreds of years later.

The Prison of Time and Space was still broken from the outside.

That's a sword!
Very sharp, very pure, the sharpness is condensed to a terrifying level, enough to cut through anything!

The sword energy swept across, and the prison of time and space was completely broken.

When Li Yun returned to the time and space of origin, he saw a man with empty eyes.

But this man has an edge that frightens him all over his body, it is extremely sharp and unstoppable!
"I am the nameless god, you...killed Yaoshen?"

Wumingshen looked at Li Yun, his empty pupils still dull.

But in the words, the sharpness was condensed, like countless sharp swords, piercing Li Yun!
(End of this chapter)

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