Chapter 128 The Ancient Emperor

An abnormal vibration suddenly came from the origin time and space, every inch of space, every strand of chaotic air.

At this moment, a faint light suddenly radiates, flickering on and off, like a life breathing.

Especially the "source of everything" in the deepest layer of origin space, there is a "point" of extremely bright brilliance beginning to flicker.

this moment.

The original time and space seemed to be activated, and began to release some kind of power.

That kind of power is very detached and pure.

Similar to the transcendent brilliance displayed by the quasi-true gods or quasi-immortal emperors of the few big figures present.

But there are also essential differences. The power of origin time and space is more natural and pure, without any modification, as if it is the power of the most primitive state.

"Huh? Is this the source light of chaos at the place of origin?"

The three of Yashen, Shushen and Wumingshen sensed the changes in the place of origin, and their expressions changed instantly.

"The chaotic source light here was actually activated by someone?"

They were sort of shocked.

The land of origin is special, it contains endless chaotic energy and has the most primitive order.

Theoretically speaking, the level of Land of Origin will not be much worse than their 'Vision'.

Otherwise, they wouldn't come here to devour the energy of the land of origin to restore the 'Vision'.

It is precisely because the level of the place of origin is high enough that everything can be conceived, and there is infinite good fortune, it is possible to use it to achieve the "wisdom".

As for this chaotic source light, it is the power of the deepest order in the land of origin.

If the Land of Origin is compared to a true god-level existence, then this chaotic source light is its order of power.

But the Land of Origin has no consciousness, it is actually a mess.

It's just that the energy is too huge, so that kind of true god-level order power is naturally produced.

Generally speaking, only when there are some special changes in the chaotic space-time can it be possible to touch this chaotic source light.

But as it is now, it is really unbelievable that the chaotic source light in the place of origin is actively activated by people.

Because the place of origin is no less than that of a true god, how could the power of a true god level be within the reach of ordinary people?
This is not much different from a gnat shaking a tree.

But the fact is that the source light of chaos has indeed been activated.

And the person who activates the source light of chaos is also the enemy in front of them.

At this moment, Li Yun's power suddenly rose a bit!
Fiery brilliance emerged around him, shining brightly, faintly echoing the chaotic source light of the place of origin.

And every time he echoed, there were hundreds of millions and countless strands of chaotic source light rushing towards him.

However, the source light of chaos is not directly beneficial to him.

The light from the source of chaos washed over the brilliance of his body. It was violent and primitive, and it almost wiped out his quasi-immortal emperor's light.

However, Li Yun's light of the quasi-immortal emperor and the light of the source of chaos have a somewhat homologous nature.

It allows him to forcibly draw power from the source of chaos to make up for himself.

At the same time, the constant scour of the chaotic source light on him is like countless whetstones, constantly sharpening his realm of Taoism.

Li Yun also got countless inspirations from the deep contact with Chaos Source Light.

In addition, he has fought fiercely with the three quasi-true gods for tens of thousands of years, and he has accumulated countless insights.

Now that he has been confirmed and inspired one by one from the source of chaos, it has also deepened his realm of Taoism.

The quasi-immortal emperor's light on his body became more and more condensed, pure, and detached, and the aura that transcended everything became more and more profound!

Li Yun's body suddenly erupted with a vast momentum, surging and astonishing, containing terrifying mighty power.

Even if the Yashen, Shushen and Wumingshen were all shocked back!

His current injury is recovering rapidly, his realm of Taoism is becoming more and more concise, and his power is gradually rising!

Yashen, Shushen and Wumingshen were all shocked at this moment!
They also never expected that Li Yun would have such means to forcibly extract the power of Chaos Source Light from the Land of Origin.

This is unbelievable, almost tantamount to committing the following crimes.

But the other party has done it at this moment, and they have nothing to do.

Uncle God and Nameless God were just shocked.

But in fact.

Yashen was the one who was most shocked.

Because the uncle god and the nameless god have never seen the mother god since their birth.

But Yashen has seen the power of the Mother God.

The mother goddess has been in a deep sleep, because there has not been any situation that needs to wake up the mother god.

But at this moment, Yashen faintly felt the feeling of mother god from Li Yun.

Because, the Mother Goddess can also take the initiative to obtain power from the 'Vision'.

It is similar to Li Yun's forceful extraction of power from the place of origin at this moment.

"help me!"

Suddenly, Wumingshen felt an extremely strong sense of crisis. He realized something instantly, and immediately backed away, asking for help from Yashen and Uncleshen at the same time.

A pair of door frames pressed across time and space, layers of sky curtains spread out, and the tripod fixed space and suppressed everything!
Wumingshen bumped into several layers of sky, unable to retreat at all, but was hit by the impact, causing him more injuries.

Li Yun was condescending, his body overwhelmed everything, and suddenly he took the Ziyun emperor seal, and the blazing light of Taoism pressed down, like a vast sea covering him, it was extremely terrifying!
The Nameless God was smashed to pieces by the Purple Cloud Emperor Seal in an instant, and the Quasi-True God's light also collapsed in an instant, with only a few afterglows flickering.

At this moment, Li Yun was extremely powerful, with inexhaustible power on his body, and the blazing brilliance covered his whole body, radiating aura like flames, which was so terrifying that even Yashen felt a little terrified.


Seeing that the Nameless God was about to fall, Yashen and Shushen couldn't help him.

Losing a quasi-true god is also an unacceptable loss for them.

Quasi-true gods, even if they are accompanied by quasi-true gods, it is extremely difficult for a quasi-true god to appear.

They don't know how many years they have gone through, and they have exhausted several places of origin.

Up to now, there are only five quasi-true gods in their "great wish".


Yashen also knew that the person in front of them was no longer something they could deal with.

I'm afraid...the mother god must be awakened!

Yashenguang shuddered involuntarily at the thought of waking up the mother god.

Because...the Mother Goddess is too scary!

The Mother Goddess is not simply powerful, but if the Mother Goddess is born, maybe the enemy will be destroyed!

But at the same time, they may not be without the possibility of perishing...

If it is possible, Yashen is really not willing to wake up the mother god, who knows if the mother god will destroy them all in a fit of anger?

Yashen stepped forward with one step, and the power of the extremely powerful physical body spread out, shaking the entire origin time and space.

A bright golden light lit up, illuminating endless time and space, and a fist crushed Li Yun with surging physical might!
Uncle God held the wave spear in his hand, stabbed in the air, and the domineering power erupted, breaking through endless time and space in an instant, and pressing out layers of terrifying mighty power like stormy waves!
The two quasi-true gods attacked, trying to prevent Li Yun from killing the nameless god.

But Li Yun just glanced at Yashen and Shushen, and waved his hand!
In an instant.

Layer after layer of the sky burst out, exuding an immortal and majestic momentum, as if it was unshakable.


Yashen and Shushen broke through layer after layer of sky, shaking out waves of terror.

But they still couldn't break through all the sky curtains, because there were too many, and each layer of the sky curtain was strong enough to be broken easily.

At last.

A light of time and space engulfed the nameless god.

The prison of time and space reopens!

In order to be safe, Li Yun still used this trick.

Even Yashen and Shushen will soon break through the sky, and will soon break through the prison of time and space.

But there is absolutely enough time.

In the prison of time and space.

Li Yun smashed half of the Wuming God's body with one punch, and the majestic and majestic power raged, almost killing the Wuming God!

But Wumingshen let out an angry roar, slashing out the sky-shattering sword energy with his sword, and temporarily cut off Li Yun's power.

He retreated crazily, trying his best to squeeze out his inner strength to recover from his injuries, and the light of the quasi-true god gradually shone again.

But he is just dying like this!
Li Yun unfolded layers of sky curtains, suppressed time and space, blocked the actions of the Nameless God, and finally smashed down the Purple Cloud Emperor Seal.

Wumingshen's whole body exploded again, and this time, although he recovered by force, he also became weaker.

One move after another, Li Yun finally completely crushed everything about the Nameless God and obliterated his soul.

The blazing brilliance on his body erupted, shining brightly, as terrifying as a raging flame, burning everything in the nameless god.

So far, the Nameless God has fallen!
And not long.

The prison of time and space was broken.

But as soon as Li Yun came out, he punched Yashen directly with a punch, extremely violent, arrogance, and terrifying power, which shocked both Yashen and Shushen instantly!

Both Yashen and Shushen were sent back, and their injuries were actually very serious.

At this moment, Li Yun had almost returned to his peak, and he was still drawing strength from the place of origin to make up for himself.

It has almost become his home field.

It seems that here, he is already invincible!
In the current situation, even if Yashen and Shushen teamed up, it would be difficult to match Li Yun.


at this time.

A terrifying and unspeakable aura emanated from the moldy palm, and a faint brilliance that seemed to transcend everything lit up on the moldy palm.

That kind of brilliance, condensed to the extreme, is transcendent and supreme, as if it has transcended everything and surpassed any time and space.


Li Yun felt this aura, and his face changed suddenly, "There is more?"

This kind of aura is undoubtedly a quasi-true god, and I am afraid that it is stronger than God and Uncle God!

"Mother God?"

Uncle God was also slightly startled at this moment, he guessed that it must be Yashen who woke up Mother God.

On the moldy palm, a figure appeared, shrouded in a layer of colorful brilliance, exuding an extremely terrifying and overpowering aura.

Finally, the brilliance receded, revealing a woman.

He was dressed in black, with a graceful and flawless figure, and a strange crown on his head, naturally exuding a supreme majesty.

Her expression was indifferent, her eyes were cold, and her whole body was filled with a cold luster. When she breathed, she swallowed chaotic airflow from all directions, and filled with a surge of power, which gave any living being an infinite sense of oppression.

"I don't know how many years have passed in a flash, is it the third place of origin now?"

The indifferent words of the mother goddess came out, and she was sensing and tracing some things, and learned something that happened since she fell asleep.

She has been sleeping since she dried up from the first place of origin.

Now that the third place of origin has only just started, it has encountered a crisis?
"Is that so? I cultivated the nature of the same origin as this place of origin, so they can echo each other..."

Mother God looked at Yashen, Shushen and Li Yun who were fighting fiercely, but she didn't join directly.

She has some insight.

Then, she made a move!
A violent, berserk, and supreme power emanated from the mother goddess.

That kind of power, that kind of terror, is enough to crush everything!
The place of origin shook violently, everything seemed to be suppressed, the chaotic airflow gradually froze, and time and space seemed to stand still.

The vast and endless source of chaotic light was also instantly extinguished, and it was no longer possible to echo with Li Yun.

Just for a moment!

The mother goddess forcibly interrupted Li Yun's echo with the place of origin, preventing him from drawing power from the place of origin.

Li Yun's power at this moment also dropped instantly.

Perceiving all this, he couldn't help but change his face, he was shocked!

These methods are too powerful.

"For disturbing my slumber, I deserve to be killed!"

The Mother Goddess looked at Li Yun at this moment, with murderous intent in her eyes, and the condensed and bright brilliance leaked from the inside out, exuding a transcendent and shocking power, as if she transcended everything and could overwhelm everything!
She didn't have a weapon, she just slapped it with a simple palm!
The entire place of origin was shaken, and the moldy palm that had been standing still was overflowing with colorful brilliance at this moment, and merged into the body of the mother goddess.

She had been sleeping for countless years, and a strong decaying air of time had naturally accumulated on her body, but it was gradually washed away at this moment, and her power continued to rise.

Li Yun's expression was solemn. He never expected that after killing the Nameless God, a stronger Quasi-True God would appear.

Now the situation is still three against one, and he is temporarily unable to echo the place of origin.

The mother goddess shattered all of Li Yun's sky defenses, and the endless mighty force finally fell on him, causing countless cracks to appear in his body, and his whole body almost collapsed!
Blood was falling from his body all over the sky, and the light of blood dyed all directions of time and space red, exuding an astonishing aura.


Li Yun roared angrily, and the blazing brilliance shone like a raging flame, releasing endless power, and quickly restored his body.

He patted a big seal with his backhand, and the eight rounds of supreme seals condensed, pressing out a piece of powerful and unparalleled light of Taoism.

Even the Mother Goddess was slightly shaken away!

"Huh? It's pretty strong!"

Feeling Li Yun's strength, the mother goddess was also a little surprised.

How many years have passed, and it has been a long time since I have encountered such an opponent.

However, although it is quite strong, it is still not enough to watch!
At this moment, the power of the mother goddess has once again climbed a lot, her whole body is full of brilliance, and the mottled brilliance is constantly overflowing from the moldy palm, blending into her body, allowing her to increase her strength infinitely!

She still slapped out with one palm, and the terrifying power as vast as the abyss poured out. It was extremely terrifying and surging, and instantly sent Li Yun flying, causing his whole body to shatter, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere!
Naturally, Yashen and Shushen didn't sit idle for a moment, and they also attacked, piercing Li Yun's body with punches and spears, causing him to suffer heavy injuries continuously!

It is still the battle of the four supreme figures.

And the degree of horror is even more exaggerated than the existence of the nameless god before.

Li Yun was suppressed by the mother god.

Moreover, he still can't echo with the place of origin, and can't draw strength from it to make up for himself.

This situation is even worse than before!

The Great War lasted for 3 years.

Li Yun was extremely miserable at this moment, the light of the quasi-immortal emperor was getting dimmer, and his whole body was broken, as if he might fall in the next moment.

He's gone mad and tried his best.

But at this time, he is also in a desperate situation!

He still kept trying to echo the place of origin, and almost echoed every time, but was interrupted by the mother goddess.

But he is also constantly improving, constantly bypassing the control of the mother god.

Occasionally, I can instantly get a trace of the power of the land of origin, but that trace does not quench my thirst at all!

Li Yun was slapped flying by the mother god's palm, and his body was broken again, flesh and blood flew all over his body, and his power declined.

Although he finally held on, he was almost unable to hold on.

And right now!
A variable that Li Yun didn't expect appeared!
A brand-new transcendent air machine radiated from the moldy palm, very magnificent, very majestic, with the kind of power that surpassed everything, almost no less than anyone present.

"Huh? That is?"

Both Yashen and Shushen's expressions changed, and they suddenly looked at the moldy palm.

On a certain spot of mildew, there is an existence with a burly body, a calm and mighty face, exuding a vast and majestic majesty!

"Breakthrough to the quasi-true god?"

Uncle God said in surprise, he could see that this person had begun to step into that realm.

but!There is a problem, this person is still not the original creature!

"The ancient king?"

Li Yun also discovered this situation.

This person is the ancient king, and he actually wants to break through to the realm of quasi-immortal emperor.

Brilliant rays of light shot out from the body of the ancient king, cracking his body, and pieces of flesh and blood spilled from his body.

But this is a process of his breakthrough.

He has been trapped here all these years, and he has already begun to conceive a new body inside him.

As for the original body, it is kept to resist the scour of the source material.

By the way, to confuse Yaoshen, so that Yaoshen cannot easily discover his secret.

"Hmph! That god is really useless, and he didn't even notice that someone was tampering with him under his nose!"

Uncle God also quickly judged the general situation of the ancient king, and couldn't help scolding Yaoshen angrily.


In fact, you can't blame Yashen too much.

If there is no Li Yun, even if the ancient king really broke through the quasi-immortal emperor, so what?Still can't turn the sky!

Because Yaoshen was confident, he didn't bother to pay too much attention, anyway, they would never be defeated!

"It's interesting, but who allowed the breakthrough to the quasi-true god?"

The Mother Goddess said indifferently with a cold face.

Then, with a bang, she still slapped out with one palm, the divine light shone brightly, illuminating endless time and space, and a shocking and terrifying power burst out, crushing everything!
King Shigu's face changed drastically immediately, and he felt a strong crisis in this palm.

And he hasn't completely broken through yet, I'm afraid it will be difficult to parry!

A person appeared, standing between him and the Mother Goddess.

A pair of door frames stand in time and space, suppressing all kinds of existence, releasing a majestic momentum that is endless!
The Mother Goddess' palm failed to land on the ancient king, and was finally blocked by Li Yun!
But Li Yun was also hit hard again, and cracks appeared on the door frame.

Yashen and Shushen wanted to take action against the ancient king, but they were also blocked by Li Yun.

And the ancient king also took the last step!
A transcendent power that surpassed all causes and effects emanated from him, and a world-shocking brilliance emerged from him, exuding a majestic and powerful supreme aura.

"Finally reached this realm..."

The ancient king was filled with emotion.

However, he didn't waste a moment.

He also acted quickly and joined the battle to assist Li Yun in resisting the mother god, sub god and uncle god.

The ancient king pinched it with his bare hands, and the surrounding chaotic air condensed, turning into a huge chaotic ax in his hand.

Holding a huge ax in his hand, he slammed down towards Yashen!
The majestic and domineering power pouring out was extremely terrifying, making Yashen and Shushen frown!
The ancient king joined.

Li Yun's pressure was instantly relieved!
Even if the ancient king had just broken through, he was not much weaker than Bishen and Shushen, at least stronger than Wumingshen and Yaoshen!
"Don't know what to call your friend?"

The ancient king asked Li Yun, he had no hesitation in this battle, he had to help Li Yun, otherwise he would die too.

"Ziyun!" Li Yun replied.

"What is the name of this realm?" Shi Gu Wang asked again.

Li Yun also replied again, only one word!


"Emperor?" Upon hearing the words, the ancient king immediately felt a kind of endless cause and effect in the dark.

That kind of cause and effect only exists in them, and it is impossible for those quasi-true gods to trace back such cause and effect.

"Okay! From today, I will become Emperor Shigu!"

The ancient emperor said in a deep voice, the power on his body rose slightly!
at this time.

There is the ancient emperor to share the pressure.

Li Yun also finally found a gap to echo with the place of origin.

Although the mother goddess continued to interfere.

But he occasionally responds for a moment, and he can also draw a wave of power from it to quickly make up for himself, so that he is not in danger of falling for at least a short time.


Li Yun's realm of Taoism is also deepening, and he can echo the place of origin more and more easily. In the end, even the mother god cannot stop it at will.

that's it.

The battle of the five lasted for 20 years.

But this time.

But it was the turn of the ancient emperor who was in danger of falling.

Because the mother god, sub god and uncle god all began to take the ancient emperor as the main target.

They were going to kill the ancient emperor with all their strength first, and then kill Li Yun.

Li Yun is in a good state at the moment, constantly drawing strength from the place of origin, making up for himself, and at the same time speeding up the improvement of the realm of Taoism.

But even if he blocked many attacks for the ancient emperor.

The ancient emperor inevitably suffered heavy losses one after another, and gradually he was on the verge of falling.

But this time.

Li Yun's body suddenly erupted with an illusory light, containing the supreme and exquisite order of time and space.

"follow me!"

He shouted to the ancient emperor, and then directly dragged the ancient emperor into an illusory time and space.

At the same time, he echoed with the place of origin, with hazy brilliance flickering in all directions.

One by one, illusory time and space emerge from the chaos, and at the same time absorb the energy of chaos to maintain the order of time and space.

And Li Yun took the ancient kings to travel through countless illusory time and space, making it difficult for people to capture their existence.

"Huh? Want to hide?"

Seeing this, the mother goddess instantly saw what Li Yun was thinking.

She suddenly slapped out a palm, and the terrifying power poured out, instantly destroying the boundless and endless illusory time and space.

However, the place of origin is infinite, and the illusory space-time keeps emerging, and it seems that it is difficult to shatter everything in an instant.

It made her unable to force Li Yun and Emperor Shigu out for a while!

After the Mother God cooperated with Yashen and Uncle God, Li Yun and Emperor Shigu were forced out, and the battle continued.

But as soon as Li Yun found an opportunity, he immediately dragged Emperor Shi Gu to hide in the illusory time and space.

that's it.

Li Yun and the ancient emperor hid and hid, and they fought for another million years.

The ancient emperor had almost lost his breath, and the light of the quasi-immortal emperor was extremely dim, and he was almost about to fall.

And this time.

Li Yun also finally felt a sense of breakthrough.

The quasi-immortal emperor's light on his body became more and more condensed, and at the same time became weaker, as if it wanted to completely integrate into his body and turn into his purest part of power.

at some point.

He also exuded an extraordinary aura, which shocked Emperor Shigu greatly.

Even the mother god, sub god and uncle god felt it.

"It's come this far?"

The mother goddess frowned, feeling a little bad for the first time.

Then, she finally stopped hesitating.

She knew that if they didn't break out again, they might really be defeated!

At this moment, the mother goddess did not bombard the illusory time and space, but erupted with a bloody power, and turned to look at Yashen and Shushen.

She was going to swallow the Yashen and Shushen...

(End of this chapter)

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